W.T3B 7WO THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Ruper Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. T. PULLEN Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lncht per Insertion Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Local readers, per insertion, per line ... Editor and Reporters' Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealer 88 Phone 83 1.40 .25 Saturday. Nov. 18, 193? the display of intolerance shown by the Russian admin istration. CHURCH NOTICES F!RST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH .Minister, Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingworth. H.A. Orcaniit: Mrs. E. J. Smith 11 Ali., Sermon Subject: .THE CHRISTIAN ATTITUDE TOWARDS LIFE" J. ' 12:15. Sunday School " . 12:30. Wartvlew Sunday School ''I 7l3Q PM Sermon Subject: "REMEMBER LOTS WIFE," A Krjr-ieh hag puezled many people. Has it any mesage for us today? yMtasJeV Motning Cho.us. "Ear y in the Morning" Klrkparlck) Evening Anthem. "Oh for a Closer Walk With God" '.Poster; Soloist. J A Teng BE PREPARED FOR WINTER DRIVING No one wants to tinker around with a stalled car on a cold winter , morning. Quick starting, easy riding smd freedom from annoying . little troubles are desired more than ever. And here's where we 'have aane food news for you. Ask for our special price good till Nov. 15th) on the following group of operations: 1 Grind valves. 2-rt'lran carbon. 3 Clean fuel lines and clean - and adjust carburetor. ? 1-rClean piurs. and adjust spark 5 l'orus bejullitlits. C fill and adjust shock absorbers. 7 Check and adjust steering. 8 Adjust brakes. 0 Adjust generator charging rate. 10 Drain crankcase aud JuLrl cate tjussli. 11 Chrrk and fill baUery. TEACHERS' MEETING Northern High School Teachers' Association Elects Officers For Year At a meeting of the Northern Hlgh School Teachers' Association held in the King Edwnrd High School the following execute was elected for the ensuing year: i President. Harold Johns. I Vice-President. Arthur Sutton. Secretary, Miss Mary Delany. It was decided that the program 1 rmiMIQQlriYFn'Q ; for the year would take the form LU.M.lliaaiUiM'iKa Khl nwmtT UKi of a discussion of educational mat- Much interest seems to have been taken in the rejwrt of ters. Monthly meetings win be held the city commissioner published in the Daily News yester- at whJch each member win give a day. It was an encouraging report in that it indicates we paper I are on the way toward again becoming solvent within a ' reasonable time. Given a few years of careful adminntra- j tion, the credit of the city will be restored. j The commissioner will need the support of the citizens j, " if he is to continue to make a success of his work. He seems LOCAL NEWS to have had that support pretty well since he came here. vi secretary Taxes have been paid better than was expected although, pltal retUmed tothe on me" naturally, there was a falling off just as was the case in cardena this momin from vic- Other cities. torta where he attended the recent Of course there had to be criticism and that came chiefly annual convention of the British in regard to the commissioner's high school policy. Many ColumWa Hospital Assodattoa. disagreed with him there and the criticism was voiced Lino coiui of thk ciiy. who -plainly. It must be that the action remembered, however, tained two broken toes and paia-of the late government in withdrawing support from the fully lacerated fee three wee ago municipalities had made necessary economies which to on being caught in a shaft at the many Seemed oppressive. Georgetown Lumber & Box Co. Ud. Now we are glad to know that the city is in such condi- vh?lJZ ' ... . t ployed, has been making good pro- nun ujav it vail wcuwici inc Jiui in dim, '"i a vujjic gress at Simpson Hospital more years of management such as we are getting now, and is expected to be awe to leave we shall be pretty well re-established as a flourishing com- that institution tomorrow either for muilitv. Georgetown or his home here. It j will be necessary, however, for him RECOGNIZING RUSSIA ! fX The United States has recognized Russia. It isthe con- summation of a movement that has been discussed and pressed for some time. It is possible that the strained relations between Japan and Russia may be improved by this act of President Roosevelt. I The delay in extending recognition seems to have been caused hv the dislike of thp npfmle of the United States for 1J J- Soutbcott Passes Away In the Soviet form of government and more particularly to the intense propaganda which has been carried on from Moscow to try to convert the rest of the world to their j Vancouver. November is j. viewpoint It is possible also that the refusal of Russia to'J- souuicott. who came to British recognize the debts incurred prior to the revolution may1p0,umba " a yuth Eng- i i p l mi .. i? j? i ' land, where he was born anrf harf nave oeenaiacior. ine religious quesuon aisoprejuuiceu rMlded m VancouVM. ,; " the people of most nations against the Soviet Lven people years, is cead here at the ate of and nations who were not themselves religious objected to eighty years. oneer of Vancouver Dies Southern City At Aie of Eighty Years SILVER AND COPPER ON NEW YORK MART NEW YORK. Nov. 18: CP Bar silver closed at 44Hc per ounce on the local metal market yesterday while the price of copper was un-chaneed at from 8c to 8'4c per pound. Today's silver price was 43c with no change In copper. I District News SKIDEGATE Now that a stable government has been elected to power in British Columbia. It is reported hen that one of the largest fishery projects ever launched on the Ouee Charlotte Islands will go ahr" shortly In Skldeyate Inlet. It i-said that 1215 000 will be soen! the most of which is British capi tal. TIIE DAILY NEWS wir j ir Tlleniholaium Ihf Healing Cream & courts, CATARRH. SORE THROAT, ETC. m CITY GETS Old Country Soccer SCOTTISH LKAGt'tt First Division Ayr 3. Celtic 1. Clyde 2. Aberdeen 2. Cowdenbeath 3, Third Lanark? 1.' Falkirk 2. HanjCuMi 0. Hearts 1. Que!! of South 3. Motherwell 3. AlrdrieeHtenc 1. ParUck3. Hlbkias2. Queen's Park 3, Klhsamock 4. St. Johastoae 3, Rangers 1. St Minen 0, Dundee 3. Second UlrivMMi Brechin 4. Kiag's Park 0. Dusnbarian 2, Arbraalai 0. Dundee Basted 9. Bataburah 3. Dunfermline 2, Leitii 1. Forfar 4. Qttt surttog 1. Morton 3. AJtoa 3. Raith 2. Albion 0. St BeraareTs 2, East 2. Steahousesauir A, MtMtlrQbe 3. ENGLISH LllACl'i: FirU Divitiwa Arsenal 3. Stoke . Binalaahaa 1. Sanaestefid 1. Blackbare 2. Astaa VVsa 1. Derby 3. Liverpool 1. Everton 1. Wo4verhapti 2. Leeds 6. Tottenham 6. Mancheater 2. Uiid4ersi4d 2. MldUes4rouh 1. Sheffield U 3. Newcastle 1. Leicester City 1. SheffleM Wednetday 1. Portsmouth 2. West Brotawkh 3. Chelsea 1. Second Division Blackpool 3. Manchester 1. Bradford City 5. Botyen 1. Bury 1, Orimsby 3. Fuiham 3. West Ham 1. Hull 2. NoUs Forsat 2. Lincoln 2. BratKord 1. v Millwall l.Jreatbn 1. Notts 3. Burnley 1. Portvale 1. Brentford 0. Southampton 0. Plymouth 1. Swansea 2, Oldham 2. KAIEN CHAPTER DANCE ENJOYED lellghtful Affair Held 11 Nit lit In Masonic Temple lVllh About One Hundred Present A very enjoyable Informal dance was held last night in the Masonic Temple by Kaien Chapter. Royal Arch Masons, about one hundred lersons being In attendance at the iffalr. Musk was by Mrs. J. 8. Black's orchestra and dancing was In progress from 0:3Q;p.m. until 2 ajn. At midnight deJiaous refresh nenU were served. O. A. Woodland was roaster of ceremonlea and the 'committee in :harge consisted of Thomas Boulter. John Nelson arid W II: BIG STORM i Little Damage If Any Done My 70- i .Mile an Hour Gale i . Prince Rupert came through the most severe siorui of the year dur- jaiK m ills". vrth HtUe. aaJ' da" mage of cvonsexjuence. Throughout iU! night an east southeast sale raged at an average velocity of 50 miles ir hour with gusts of .0 miles. The wind was accompanied (toy heavy ramtaM. 1.84 tnehea bHng j recorded during the 34 hours end-, ing 4 ajiu the aiost of ttoU hsvlag I r,illn Hnrtnv tiu nWlt. At 2 o'clock this afternoon tlte highest tide of the year was recanted hre33.T feet. Local seeks were almost awash as a result of the high water. Railway truffle on the local line 'of the Canadian National, paralysed 'for the past week owing to high water and floods in toe lower Skeena valley wik damaaed several bridges and caused numerous washouts and slides between Woodcock auxl Kwinetsa. was expected ta be resumed in both dlreocioiui today. Heavy rains are, also reported from aU latcrtor and coast noloU. Today's weather report: Prince Uapert Rahrtnf, easterly squalls: barometer. 39 IT: teopera-ture. 49; sea smooth. Dead Tree PtS atCloudy, tight southeast wind, barometer. 30.lt, tempera ture. 48; heavy swell. Triple Island -Overcast, fresh southwest wind: sea choppy. Laasjam haaad Overcast, atreng southerly wind: westerly swH. Haselton Rata, eatm, temperature 43. Smlthers Rata, calas. mild. Burns Lake Cloudy, eaka, 39. Teeraee Heavy raiu. eaka. 42. Alice Arm Heavy rain. calm. 40 Anyox Heavy rain, eatrn, 40. Empress Wins In Billiards Thursday Sight fixUre Coaduded With 1123-1413 Krrr Agaiast Legion Frank AWrtdge, Era pre, de feated Alex Harvey, Canadian Le gion, bjr a score of 24)0 to 1S3 last evening in a postponed aame ftsosn Thursday night' Billiard League I fixture u.4ilh 3 n riuill th Cn. press woo by an auregate acare of 1177 1 :m. The sixth and final aasae oX Vie MerisSea. Blks, vs. Qeorae Howe. O ratio, from Tuesday algh's fixture wfil be either played or forfeited this week-end. The league standing ta date Is as follows: O. TH. Ave. k 1 1.111 1.111 Empreas 2 2.179 LOW OroUo 1 1JM7 1.047 Can. Legion 2 2,081 FOOTIJAIX POSTPONKl) Owing to Inclement weather, the Junior League football game between Booth Memorial School and King JSdward High School, the final scheduled fixture of the fall season, has been postponed from this afternoon to next Saturday. MON KDUffi $9.55 per month saved from period or increase the pension. age 30 will provide a pension of Pensions caa also start at 50, 55 or 60. $50pcrmonthforlifeatace 65. Yfriu fa details of a simple pUm to Annual dividends be used rfre. . . , . may . 1 . Th The Mutual Life Assurance Co. to reduce the premium-paying of Canada, Waterloo, Ont. (Est. 1869) Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada THEO COLLART - District Agent Ask for information in regard to Tensioning yourself. dii cny YOU'LL LIKE IT! sa Appetizing, ehtfiingf satisfying! ThoiiKind jirefer it in fct, inoi-tj utoyHfi (Iritis Pilsner than any otsW beer Iwitled and uohl in B.C. AND IT'S GOOD FOR YOU! Pure, wholesome, nouriih-ing! "Gool leer taken regularly i fur lusttov limn inetlicines," phypiciann nay . . . Ami I'llnener IS gofxl Select your gift now. We will hql(l theni fur you until the day you want them. Ily so doing yQU may solect from our stock before things it r o picked over. 8 IttC 9I0HC WITH Tilt CU)CI LAGER pit VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED Ala Brewers and Bottlers of: HITCH OIKI. AM) U. It. C. nOIIILMIAN Illil.US AM CHIliM sTturr rhla advertisement Is not pobllaned or displayed by Control Hoard or hv tlie ;nvfnmM .f Hriii-i. i Labor College Holds Meeting KirrulWe Cliown and Arrange-nirnts For Curriculum of Wlnlrr Claes A aitsnc 4 the Prince Rupert Laaar Oaskae was held last niKhf the isranlaal bastaasa of the err olrtf aetni Use election of officers for the eoatlag year and arranstng if the currleBtaai for wtnter elassex D. Macpae. Oscar Lanen. O Lawftaa. R. Ward. Bknar Larsett and T. J. Shea ton wet ejected to the exaotfthre. The ftnaaclac of toe eollaae was dlsrtMMd and it was decided to hold a telephone bridge to aaalai in this. AderUe to tne DallT News Hunters! Sportsmen! Haw your trophies mounted by an expert Hear rus mounted In any style. Oame heads a speetaKy All work tuaran-teed tint class. PURS MADE UP Write For Trices R. I)k, Taxidermist Terrace, U.ft Christmas Lay-Away Plan KFFICIKNT AM) ItKLIAHLK SERVK'K Phone Blue m The most efflrK'iit servtee is the more economical. Our new equipment Is the tat -eat In servkciMj ax-surtstf yaa Use best work. Why not haw a proper aerial. Istl-matea on antenna InsUUaUons cheerfully Riven. Superior Radio Service S16 Second Arcnuc Phone Blue 320 p. o. not ist A. O. HAHTLBTT C. II. INSULA KIJEK 0 i Developing and Printing Send Your Wff,t M WKATHALLf PHOTO FINISHING Rapid Scrvlre Prince ItMpfrt The AUCTIONEER Packlncratlng WrsprJnj & General Furniture JWOT List your goods wltn Phone-Hlsck (1KO. J. HAWKS