1 ftuii iwo THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, July 15. im f hE 6AiLY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA pnDllshed fcverj Afternoon, glcept Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue ( yr H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor StjhsrrtipTihv ratf City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly F.br leaser periods, paid in advance, per B 01 &T :u paA? cru.S? "SW"' We Bnusn I w . r rr. a? " K By mail to all other countries, per year . , AfaVfeRTlSlSfa RAT& transient display advertising, per incn; pr insertion classified Advertising, per word, per Insertion '. Legal notices, each Insertion, per,agate line Local readers, per Insertion, per line Contract rates on application. Editor arid Reporters' Telephone . 86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone ,98 Member of Audit Biireati of Circulations DAILY EDITION CASt OFF THE PARTY m 4 oa..j: vt- I., -jri. l oroiuo oaiuruay iMignt eunor remarKS mat wmie some ood had chosen a fa mlly to demon-people think Ontario deserves a belter premier than Mr.istrate hu wal ami carry out his Henry, he inclines to the view that'Mr. Henry deserves ajp- Tie head of this famiiy had better party than the Conservatives of that province in been Abraham i. the father of Isaac, their present state of mind, And then we feel inclined to;00 'f51 sbeak similarly of British Columbia. It is possible that many nations apd many kbg. Premier Tolmie is deserving tif a better party than the Had bome the House of israU bne that put him in power, so he is casting them off and whose tribe and peoples had even-forming a new party bf his own that will be more pat- tuay S""1 "p0" IsJ" ient, mote diplomatic, more willing to "let nature take its-" Stm'-course than has been the Conservative party. Imonwealth of Nations of today 1 which was stin no leas the House CURRENCY IDOLIZED of aQd "chosen" people. What was at one time intended to be nothing more than ,Mr; ai if the peo- a token of change is how being idolized to an extent never before knowh. Money or currency has little value in : ted. as God had laid down, men who itself, only in what it represents; Yet we deal in it. We bor row and lend it. We set up factories to manufacture it, banks to deal in it, churches in which to worship it and safes in which to store it. Money is the idol which we wor , . . , , . ship in our homes, our places offices. During the past few dig abneared so we were noor. cbuntry jitt the same. We had the raJ wealth but there were no tokens with which to pay. NEW BOOKLET A new booklet for tourists the Bureau of Information Of It if an excellent publication, well prepared arid well printed and reflects credit on the men who are responsible for Ihe work. It is well illustrated, dealing with the history pf the province and ihe present industries and designed to Interest the home-seeker, investor, sportsman and traveller. TJie map showing the provincial highways unwittingly draws altrttibn to a provincial neglect It was impossible for the compiler to include the highway to Prihce Rupert because it had not been built. The north ha? been heglec-ted and had to be left out of the map, west of Hazetton. One of these days the pedrlle of the north will insist that they get their highway or else be excluded from the province as well as the map of British Columbia and be allowed to build their own highway with their own money. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Monday a. Pr. Oeorge .... 4 Jim. j Tiday Oaiata 1:30 pin. Friday-a. Prlri. Adelaide 10 n.n, Bs. Cardena midnight j Saturday m. Prin Leulte 5 pit. S. Prince Rupert .... 7 p-rru: rroirt viit'ciiifii- ; Sunday a, cauia pm. Mavtey-s. PHh. Charlotte am. Vfir-u. Pr. O'ewge 11:30 am.1 Fridayas Pr Riipert il:3() ain.; Sk. PHmeM AdeUrtfle .... r.m. j S caVderta .T pjn 1 For Stewart and Ariox4- j Sunday-M. c)alata .... .. rxra, . Friday ss. Prlnoe Rupet 3 p.m. From slewa'rt arid Arlyoi- . Tujsday-a. ciuk .! ii :30 a.m.' Stwr. as. Pr. Rujyrt pjn tor IllVrr ttrit fori &im(rni Sunday as. Catala 8 pjn From Nasi River & fori Slrriftfth Tuday-a. Cataht . 11:30 ajl ror Off r Falls ' Menday as. Pr. Oeorge ..t p rrT Friday s. Prtn. Adeklde lb pir Siturday ta. Pt. RupeH t p ro From Orran Fall Wed.-ss. Pr Oeorge 11:30 ajn Fyiday-, Pr. Ruptrt 11 Jib ai; 8s. Prln. Adelaide p.rh. 8. Carderu .. . p.m. ...v... f or Queen Cnirlotte jtiahdi My 14. 24 as. Pr. John 10 p.m. L From Oueen Charlotte Islands . 3,uW 12 and 2 ss. Pr. john a.rrt M Aliska- Mfenllay as, Prln. Charlotte ajn. Jjpd.M. Prince Oeorge 3 pjm. From Ajaita jCToiid'ay is. Prihce Oeorgjj 7 ftrtl m Saturday as. Prln. Louise pjn. From Rkfrna lUvrr Friday si. Caidena pjri. period jerlod paid paid In In advance advance .... $5 00 wee XreeK . .1U - xr 0.00 :g v, . .25 ' Saturday, July 15, 1933 j I ,...1.1.:1 3t i! BOTcrnaienw wnoce mission . , . of business and professional lihourd be not to make laws but t years money seemed to have j administer the law as set down m vet we had the noods m the i has just -been published bjjflk."0''- 0od wa" ttm moldln the' PrbVinadl Gbtfeft'fflehtJ? bf to P"'e m.ust elP Mail Schedule For the Fast Mondays, Wednesdays ini Frt days i:30 pjn From the Kat Mondays and Saturdays 2:15 p.m. Thutttayt 10:20 pjn. For Vancouver- Mondays, 3 p.m. Tuesday. 12:30 p'jri Friday 11 pTr Saturday 4 pm. .QftttnMy ,.:..... pjn. Monday, Wrdneday -and Friday ,by train). 8:30 pjtt Trim VancouTfr A . Sunday . .. ,. , , pjij , Monday ,r ajn. Wednesday .11 JO ajn. Thursday by train .10220 pl.m. FfWay . 11:30 djn. Saturday tby train) 2:16 p.m. For SiewaVt and Anjox ttmify - 7pm Prlday . .. 2 p.m foom )?Wart ahd Ahjok Tiiesdiyf 11:30 a m SStutday 8 pjn. fjjr Nass flftr and Fort Simpson Sunday ji pjn i'rpm Naa RWer and Por Slmpxon TbHiSir. litSo kjn For Queen Charlotte IMand July 14 and 28 9 pjn. From QU'ren thirlotte Islands Jujy 12 ind 28 ajn. l or Alstki ohdays ajn. From Alaska ' Salurdays p.m. Ao-UrtUt in the Dklly'lUl DOCTRINE OF ISRAEL ttftntlhueil from paite one) deiibe'tlons. Before anything jbmild be accomplished. It whs essential that God's kingdom on earth should 1e accepted ax a practical reality. What World Has to Do The world had to art awnv from thinkine Uiat boo4 was far removed and anA lived Hvnri nnlti only In In Heaven, Uiov. declareo the speaker. People were Inclined w worry roo mucn about the hert! 4nd Hbfc work was killing people I was rieceasary that people get back into contact with Ood and make iiis rungaom a practically reality .God's kingdom on earth and by trsk means alone would come the hew perfect order and system. Ood s Odfls will would hate to Be doiu arid the affairs of the world gov- 'orned by the rules He had set down "We must be workers together iwlth Ood." Delving deep into Biblical his- mjtjt, Air. apnngeu aescriDea now feared God. foved truth and hated ovetousness. Did it not appear that such men were a necessary factor in forming the parliaments the Book? The baste laws, the Toaker averted, had been largely lost sight of today. Depression and debt, taxation and poverty had arisen from the practice of usury as t)e essentials had been lost sight thexruelre by accepting in their 'tves and in the. conduct of their affairs the rules as set down in the Book. "Ood still rules his people." de-lared the speaker in closing, "but his kingdom must be established and upon you people raU the responsibility of re-establUhlng that ftlngrlom." At the conclusion of his address. a vote of thanks wax tendered Mr. Snrlnnett by Very Rev. Jame B. Olbson. dean of St. Andrew's Cathedral. Rev. F. W. bafoe. pastor of nrst Baptist Church, presided and offered the opening prayer. The benediction was pronounced by Rt R'ev. O. A. Rix. Bishop of Caledonia. W. Vaughan Da vies presided at the organ. P. II. Llnzey. Robert Gordon ahd Samuel Massty acted as ushers. Afternoon Meeting Close to one hundred women attended an afternoon meeting in St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral at which Mr. Sprlngett a Mo spoke. Very Rev. James B. aibson. dean of the Cathedral, presided. There was a vbcal solo by Mrs. J. II. Mc-Leed. Mr. Sprlnsjett. who Is making a tour of the west, arrived n the city yesterday morning from Vancouver and proceeded east fcy last night's train. C. N. R. Trains nr the East Mondays. Wednesdays. Fridays and Saturdays 9:30 pjn. "rm the East-Tuesdays A Thursdays 10:20 pjn. Mondays & Saturdays 2: IS pin. lor v Tfteniholafum 7h Italinftfaun keep a jaral the Galhdusefr- Partis'. SprdinzVmtees, 'MADClH CAHACA III 1 Baer Punishes Schmelling gfBfBfBfBfgfBtW a3stV svsssssssssssssEsa saaaSBaaaBaaas Max Baer. sturdy Calif omian left , comes up with a danger oft right as Max Schmlii.K German champ ton. seeks to cotbr up from Baefs terrific rights .mo i-fus in the seventh round of their tight at Madison Square oarden. New Yotk city. June 8 Baer won when he unloosed a tmifir attack In the ninth and tenth rounds. When Robins ,dltttBttBBEB?$J&'SB&i staaaaaf bHsIsIspIb 3HKsLsR From robins to lii.mt.s 1- a in.'ifi- -t.utiiiijj nn 'amniphn.M. but it was gracefully an ompliiOied by these two major league diamond notables. They are 'Lefty O'Doul ilefti and Lefty Clark, both of whom went from the Brooklyn team to the New York Oianta In exchange for Sam Leslie The lads appear to be pleased with the change. District News I TERRACE The Terrace Board ot Trace held its quarterly meeting on Tuesday. After hearing the report for the past three months by the secretary, the meeting was thrown open to free discussion by members, and a Smoker replaced the businesslike j air which generally prevails. It was decided to put on something I in the way of a straw4erry social fn the near future. J. McLean has been arojnd the district looking over the roads, trails, and fridges. He is assistant district engineer with headquarters at Smithers. The Matiern rescue plane "Kings Brewary". ha been the centre of cariosity during the week. Moat of the younger set have inserlbeti their names on it, as It rests in II. L. Frank's hay field. There was a jolly dance at La-kelte Lake Hotel on Wednesday given by guests staying there. Recent arrivals at Laksise are I Norman Watt and Rat. W. W Grant HoUlngworth. of Prtnee Ro-' pert, both being followed by their wives after they had got their, camps set up. I Rev. W R. Welsh the new in-j cumbent of Knox United Ohurch I arrived last week with his son and daughter. Mrs Walsh and another! daughter are experto i in about a month i I J. N. Taylor and W Motson. Bank of Montreal inipectors. have been' Became Giants recent visitors o she local branch. The weather has bean pool land showery. Hay and dovsr look well. Some garden vegotablu are s failure through lack of heat, but there Is a fine show of flowers ot numerous kinds, strawberries are showing In the stores, and raspberries are likely to be sea pee SKIDEGATE Miss May Schubert of Prince ftu-j pert arrived recently to vtett with Mrs. Fred Atkins of Qaeen Cnar- lotte city during the summer hwl-days. Mrs. g. Palmer and Mrs. A. P timer of Crescent lolet. who are spending the summer at the Willows, at TM1, motored down a few days ago to Queen Charlotte City for a brief visit. Mr. and Mrs. M. Johnson will shortly visrt for several pays at Skldegate as the gttaatt of mV. and Mrs. E. C Stevens. Mr. Johnson, who Is one of the beat known financiers kn the west, while here, will look over several of the gold mining properties of the Queen Charlotte Islands He and his wife have made nine trips around the world but this will be their first visit to the Queen Charlotte Islands TENNIS IS INJINALS Honors in C. N. It. A. Tounianirht to lie Drclilrd Tomorrow Results of semi-finals in the Canadian National Recreation As-, rtiSHl8n tlnHB t'dormment last nlgU were as follows: 1 Meui, Singles P. Mcintosh de-fedd R. Johnson 8-2, 6-i. MlieJ! rkflibles Mr. id Mrs. iioruln defeated Miss E. Davis and jF. ?i. Davl8-3. 6-3. Mlw B. Berher and R. Johnson I defeated Mr. and Mrs. Barry 6-4, 7-5. 6-3. Fihals ToWorr'dw 1 wtfbe played tomorrow as LadleV SlHirs i Mrs llettan vs. Mrs. Montgomery ill ajn.). ! Men' S in n P. Mcintosh vs. winner of F. M DavUand J. 11. Morton 12 noon Latllr' Double Ml mm and Mbu E Davis viL'MrL mma &hd ilrs Mont- mmtm- Mrhl Dbublri i. ji. hoHo anrj P Mctntsh v.t A. Baby ahd O Laldter 3 p m .MlU'J Boubtes Mi and Mrs llorton vs Miss B bfrtlrf and It Johnson '4 30 v m ' $mM Scok-es V4IUU41 lx.i.U. pant 8: Cincinnati 0 5: CrJcMo 3. m w k 12: Si. Lbuls 7 American i?ague us .8: New York 11. 8: Boston 3. C4 rate fed 2: prniMklphla 3. Chirac 4: Wahietn a. International League Taeaata S. Albany t 1 caned end of eleventh, darkness). Newark 11. Montreal 0. Rochester It, BalUaaot X. Jersey City 11. Buflate p. AmrricaK Asoiatlon 8f Paul 5-7. IndlanapolU 3-14. MlrmeapoH 8-4, Louisville 2-4. Kknsaa CltV b Toledo 2 Columbus-Milwaukee rain Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Pet. New York 48 31 m Chicago 4i 39 m St. Louts 43 M ill PsUaburg 41 38 426 Boston fi i m Brooklyn A 41 ,4 Philadelphia CtFKtiHMtt 48 .4X1 AlfchlOAN LKAhuK VVathinglori 31 3 New York 11 38 Chicago 42 41 Philadelphia 41 41 Detroit p H Cleveland M Boston 34 4T St. Lbuls 3S 96 SOFTBALL SCHEDULE July 18 Or otto vs Empress: Kaiens vs. C N. R. A July 18-Blks vs. Navy. July 20 Orotto vs. Kaiens. July 38 Empress vs. Elks; Navy va a N. R. A. July 28 Orotto vs. Navy. July 27 Elks vs. C. N. R. A. July 30 Kaiens vs. Empress; Rlks vs. Orotto. August J Navy vs. Empress. August 3 p. N. JL A. vs. Kaiens. August 8-C. N. ft. A. rt. Navy; vElks vs. Kal.ehj. Attgust 8 Eniprcas V. Orotto. August 10 QmprtM vs. Kaiens August 13 Hks vs. Empress; Navv Vs. Orotlb. AGgiist 15-b N. R. A. vs. Elks. August 1 7 Kaiens vs. Orotto. August 20 Orotto vs. C. N. R. A.; Navy vs. Elks. August 2J Empress vs. C. N. R. A. August 24-Kalens vs. Navy. The ilnndlng to date: Mrs. L. V. Waugh and daughter. Oenevltve. left on lost night's train for a trip to smithers and Lake Kathlyn. Mrs. M. A. Dupuia of Haysport irrlved in the city on this afternoon's train frbm the Skeena River 1 for a brief visit here on business j Sht will mum homr' tonight. Basketball EXHIBITION HALL Tonight, 8:30 Squahiish vs. Aiyansh j For All H.C. I Native ('huhipioHshlr) Admlsnloij 5c m SUI'KRIOK RADIO SKKVICE Can only be obtained throuffh Use ase of ao Sjoate eejaiptnent. Hsrft as service tfsat art now and Jof the maxt-hraan outpvt of yotor receiver by ptordng itlue 248. Odnvtrters rented Hvb us wM give you dayllgtit reception. Superior Radio Service 334 Keeond Atenue a Phone Blue 320 r o. hoi lit A O HARTT.ETT C. II INSULANDER FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Jdly 13 Canadian lesion vs. reSgjsassit. Jay It Canadian Labor Lvfenre League vs. Canadian Legion July Canadian Labor Defence League vs. Regiment. Jttry Regiment vs Canadian Legion. July Canadian Legion v Canadian Labor Defence League Oet aulck resrnu with a want ad "61" Quick Drying VARNISH I'or rloon. Purniiure, Itrnrws Linoleum 61 Marine Spar Varnish l or floats and all outside work "61" Q. D. Enamels Free flowing for furniture, etc I'se "61,"Ji rovers more ssusrs fret and lasts longer Kaien Hardware Smith Itlork I'hon 1