PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, jujy u Man in the Moon FRIDAY and SATURDAY WaHNE9R SATURDAY ' WATERFRONT WHIFFS TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 p.m. saUUE at 2 30 Pe.itiire starts 7:45 & 9:15 0aV7TT7vTTaw Feature .(,... , - - -HUl- '-Ul PAY DAY Aumusion lac a. avo nununion 1J( After a rather long nap I am ( A Pennant Winning Panic of Raw ball and Rlondtt Whaling Comes Back Some Individual Halibut with you again. The arrival of summer ... f ATI 1-1 VV has aroused me and given me The One and Only Records The Salmon Situation Jim i liKi i vv pep enough to continue my column. Funnier Than Ever Is a reminder that bargains in Boots and Shoes and Holiday Footwear can be secured at Cut Kate Shoe Store v Look Over These Prices Men's Dress Boots & Oxfords, good ranee of styles to choose from. Prices 2.45 10 33.95 Men's Black or Brown Calf and Grain Leather Work Boots, Panco soles or leather. Prices $1.95 10 $3.65 Men's Tennis or Running Shoes, Boots or Oxfords, all colors. Prices 1.10 10 $1.45 Boys' and vYouths' Dress Boots and Oxfords, all kinds of leather to meet your requii cments. Price 31.95 10 32.95 Boys' and Youths' Running Shoes, all styles. Prices 89c t0 31.25 Ladies' Fine Dress or Sports Shoes, any color. Prices 31.95 10 32.95 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND ' SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Pocks Total capacity 20,010 ton Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood VtsU Iron and Brass Castlnr Electric and Acetylene Welduit 10. ton Derrick for Heavy Lift Sawmill and MlnlngMacbtoery Repaired asd Overhauled ma 1 Women's Latest Style in Sandals, color to suit your dress C-fl 7ff Price ...... Women's or Growing Girls' Tennis or Running Shoes, any color. Prices 95c t0 31.15 Women's Boudoir Slippers, good selection of colors. lOo Price Xi7 Misses' and Children's Patent Leather Strap Slippers and Oxfords, black or brown calf. Prices 98c t0 31165 Infants' Shoes, Straps, Etc. Prices 49ct0 89c Misses' and Children's Running Shoes, Straps or Oxford's, all cqlors and styles. Prices : 59c t0 85c Gut Rate ShofeStore F.or Your Health Chiropractic "t Ultra Violet IUyi t Intra Red Hays lw Massage ' All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chlropmctor) Green 211 Phones Green 549 Exchange Block Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 "HUM THE T0ILER, Canada has come back into the whaling industry this year with the resumption of operations at Rose Harbor on the Queen Charlotte Islands after two years when the whalers stayed in port because world market conditions made satisfactory returns unlikely. In other whaling tuuuiries wo, mere was curcaument of operations in 1931 and 1932, but with the stocks of oil, etc., now re duced the outlook for the Industry Is believed to be more favorable. Some half dozen different kinds of whales are taken in British Columbia whaling, which Is centred off the Queen Charlotte Islands, and the total catch made in 1930 ! yielded oil, whalebone meal, and : fertilizer having a marketed value of $228,000. Oil is the chief product of the industry and the half million and more gallons which were obtained in' 1930 was worth something more than $1921)00. Most of Canada's whale oil production, by the way, is exported to the United Kingdom and the United States. In 1929 more whales were taken In British Columbia waters than in 1930 407 and the resultant oil and other products had a value of $387,000. The annual catch fluctuates, of course, and in some years it has reached 4(0 or even 900, and In other seasons it has been less than 200. In the five-year period. 1926-1930. It averaged 312. Of the different British Columbia whales, the Pin and the Sperm are the most plentiful. Ordinarily, the Fin comes first, although this was not the case in 1934) When 147 Sperms were captured as agtlinjt only 62 Etna. The other' varieties taken are'the Hump,. Sei an Sulphur and the occasional BotUenote. Up to late in idne the Relief,1 Capt. Merrill SoUowa. was fritting the prince Rupert hattbut jfleor olume.t landings during The 2933 season, rhirlfg brouilit in a frano mal of, fllpOO pourld a r ri$lti f MfifiJ, trips to ttifc bail .The fcrdspernV A, Capt. A. d Chrls- ( Hansen, was second with 1 43000 pounds in tix trips pjid the Cape Beale. 00$. &dgar Arnotft. tMrd with Jop&j. pounds 1 th re trips. The kreatest number of trim for the local fleet had been made br the Unome, Capt. Dave Ritchie, namely ten for a total landing of ' 85.200 pounds. The Capella I, Cap. tain Dan La men Relief, Capt. Mer- , rill Sollows. and Vlklnfc I., Capt. II. lEricksen. had each completed .eight trips for respective totals of 91.500. 141.500 and 89,000 pounds. For the American Heet. the I Oceanic hao made the heaviest landings for the season 111 .500 pounds In seven trips, the Sherman being second wRh 110.000 pounds in six trips and tbe Augusta third with MJOO pounds in six trips. The Tfcor and Viator landed - the greatest number of catches at Prince Rupert for the figures compare with a total 7.305,150 pounds for the 1932 season up to a corresponding date of which 2336 750 pounis was from Canadian vessels and 4,968,400 was arottgnt in oy Canadian ves sels and 195,000 pounds by American. Tfce high price of the week for Caaadlan fish was 8.7e. and 3c. received by the Ingrld II. tor 11.- 009 pouhds and the low 5c. and Sc. which (he Cape Spencer was paid for 17,000 pounds. The top price of Uvi week for American fish was Sc. and 4c, which the Lumen, Wa-basfr and Wave ware paid for catches of 7.000. $,000 and 0,000 Bounds respectively while the low American price was 7c. and 4c. which the Jane Yukon were paid for catches of 9.000 and 21,000 pounds' respectively: wth,ew and sunny weather at arnflag aft a lone Derlod of ooof rlMf tiere is now definite prospecilar immediate improvement by me sockeye run in Prince Rupert I district. The fishermen should how commence to get dally catches up to the usual average and 'the canneries to get into normal production following a very disappointing early season run. Latest reports give the dally aver age of the gUl-netters on the Naas ; River as fifteen fish per boat with that on the-Sleeena fifteen fish per boat. Owing to increased demand in the face of the shortage of flh. ran-ners in the district have made a voluntary increase in the pries of sockeye to 50c per fish, the Increase covering the entire district and be ing retroactive to the commencement of the season It will be remembered that the sockeye price The members of the C. C. P. party are being designed "Cocofeds" by those who wish to ridicule them. Jake says that the local Conservatives are wondering whether to run a straight Conservative candidate against T. D. or a Bowserlte non-partisan Tory or a Tolmie Unionist. While these are all manu American fleet, namely eight for factured In the same factory they total catches of 40.000 and 36.000 Hi rtlt aMm fn Hlra aaitVi nirA. ah. -.- w wwsaft W asihV VCfclt VVllC'i atli poundjwlUle tbe Fremont and too well. Oceanic had each landed seven times for total catches of 97,000 and 111,500 pounds i Halibut Landings Halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for the 1933 sea son up The absence of a city council has proven a sore blow to me. I have nothing to ridicule now. I I notice that the commissioner is getting a few knocks already. He to and including yesterday may thank his lucky stars he Is not totalled 7.845.500 Bounds of which I mayr or an alderman. If he were 3.477.300 pounds had been deuier-lhe'd B,t kick and and cured by Canadian vessels and 4.188.- ' and would be in danger of 200 pounds by American. These ahrivelllng up like the jackdaw of of iRhelma. July 14 seems summer to begin than no summer. rather late for but better then pounds from American. During the week ending yester-1 I read that there was a big day on lay landings totalled 446,000 the New York Stock Exchange when pounds of which 251.000 pounds , many oeonle baueht anri solrf niM. of paper on which they hope to realise profits. What fools these mortals be. I hate to see them foolish when I cant be foolish too. I wish I had a dollar bill With which to speculate I'd .make a mark Iri Wall St. soon Only to lose I'd bite. Some day I plan my dimes Until a score I get. And then 111 storm the stfeck exchange And get rich quick, jou bet las season was 30c per flab while ' the opening priee this year was 48c. There has b$en no change as vet in the nriees at anr other vr. leties. at e js k . . no annual aunouncemem is maoe j as yet as to the sockeye ftshmg season being extended owing to the early season failure of the run. CaMU HI Ml miM I Bi BU Mi SU BUM i IrltOrltliail A Frightful Surprise For the Boss I HEAR POOM HiKr. J 31 1 MlF I Jieterv vou to co-m - In "ELMER THE GREAT" With Patricia Kills, Frank Mcllugh, Claire Dodd. A First National t r,n,.,i Mviiiiwe sivprtin.v" ''srifri.-v cm.,.: imirtv tinl'ct' f Nttirii v'C t.i ill iTnt iim. ' MI1VII1V - TIIICIIIV rlt lll'lt GiVlrr NcooatiD f m iro SEAL OF QUALITY FU Our Guarantee Willi Kvcry Piece r : ii.. tji n i nr..i n.. . uviiuiiii. a villi. AJiciiinuto ui wilt. ?wiii a 4 4 (i all colors and sizes Advancing Secure your requirements now at depression r COPPER PAINT Dn. Made for hulls of wooden vessel, pil. v DajJLU Mib-merged woodwork, absolutely iciy. Price, per gallon jDU Old Glorv An elfacU,t nU-,to p1"1 f i j www uiiaces ) Price, per gallon OjitiJ TUflMDQfirM UADHIUADC P It inetisti which made rrince Runerttanm SMOKED i Kupert Brand LACK CO 1'riparcd Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Slorage Co., Lid. PKINCE RUPERT. I!.a -By Westover. : ' 1 r rfSm aCSel iicfcrntiift Lxl .lCt UBTTBR I ITHAUK I III MONDCS Her Suspicions Are Aroused ITS V. LCTTPii PROM TMI I BOS NB asc BXPCYIM