Tomorrow's Tides She Today's Weather nigh . 8:58 a.m. 1U f 20:68 pjn. 17.'' . . 2:35 ajn. . Prince Rupert aear. light Low southeast wind; barometer, 30.10; 14:00 pin. V temperature, 64; sea smooth. V NORTHERN AND CENTRAL HRITISn COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER v, h XXIV. No. 184. PRINCE RUPERT, frC, SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS WHEAT PRICES AT NEW HIGH LEVELS TWO TRANS-ATLANTIC FLIGHTS TODAY FROM NEW YORK DOCTRINE OF ISRAEL' Cmmlonrr of Itrllhh Isrstl Irdrutlon is Impressive Speaker New Order Coming Brlltth Cemmonwesllh at "Chosen f bed" mil Lead World Out taurine thai, the tM mir .-uu was la the as tare of a mony of travail" preceding f i ..tM of a new tad mere petfeat V . rder of thlDfli which utd f,. v. be brought a boat by any f " r govemaatit. conference or ri' tf human device but which only be achieved by the ae-by the people of Ood's Kmii'iom on earth as a practical in til phases of Ufa and aer-. '. Rev E J. Bplratttt of To-r r.b rommUitipir of the BrtUsh-!irr. federation of Canada, de- "fi treraessdosnly taspirtng j r-.u tut night tn Ftret Baptist nrrh here The audience, taxing ''acity of the anarch. w reH : w.uuve of all rtMftaaa dtoo-t 'fKmi in the city ami all wafea y Aprlngett, In an intenaaljr tint manner, unfolded the f the Brltuh-Iarael Federa-' the British tapir as betas: noM-n people eOod " thing i n Biblical references la . i of thia theory and applying ' '"-trine as the ultimate solu ! the present Ills under ' !; world was laboring. De-' 'fuij! that only by British genius ' .e been brought about the 'rful organisation of the Brt-' Commonwealth of NsUon. i was boaad together by no fk i. mm but merely by respect, low '' ' empathy, and predicting the i' i l return of the United " to the British fold at an date. Mr. Sftrtngett assert thu alllanoe of sM.0O0.000 . "the marvel of the age." l ere kmc be Instrumental tn "nc In an era of world peace i -'' perfect social order such as! 1 not been previously known.' V "i thu "thossUtic state" would. ; r mised by Ood. come the re-1 "f Jesus Christ to rttgn over " House of Israel forever. The i at the impasse now and " might be greater aVspresston 1 trester conflict but eventually "i rome the day of repentance 1 ' Ood's Law would be seeep-1 "l the great cry would be 4 Behold the King k Ooui- opening. Mr. Sorlnfett alluded ' e readinem of the people of ' "i y racked by the trials of the "'prewton. to talk In terms of re-liKinn It was also agreed by thlnk-people of today that a trwnen-i"" change must be brought abut in the conduct of govern-Industry, finance, ceonomte n1 religious matters. Out of the y of the old order of thlnae uld come the concept and de- "wpment of tlie new perfeet or-or Tod,y the ruj might be said w' be in ue "agony of trnvair prc-rMing IU rebirth. Boon wwild come demand for aetlon. Baskally P'sklng, there Iwd been no Improvement aa yet In economic mat-''. declared the speaker, In re-inrlng to present world condlUona. League of Nations had been a ''lure as had also been the work fonomtc conference. Nothing eln r"uld have been expected of them 'hey were based on paganism nrt had Pf t out Qod's pUn In their Continued on i'..e ff jagsT flBaV.vgggsHi gsT jaggggr gggvgssT gssv us. 1 rsaaaaW taaT)aarMlaaaaaaaaaaaaw aaW aravi W This ranarkable photo, sent by telephoto from Oslo to London ard by raoW from London to New York was the lirst to be reelv-ed of Ma item's famous "Century of Progress" In which he was atempUng to make his lone rou nd-the-world flight, which he was forced later to abandon In northern Russia, where he was forced down. This picture shows where Mattern was compelled to make sn emergency landing at Kragero Island. Norway, where a team of horses was pressed Into service to drag the plane through the heavy sand. The filer, uto Is seen bending over the engine of she plane maoe repairs and later set off for Oslo. HOPS TO. SIBERIA Soviet lljer OH. from KhabaroTk to Anadyr to Lend Awttstanre to Mattern MOSCOW. Jaly 15 Canadian Prose i The Tass News Agency an-noanced yesterday that PUot Lev anovsky hopped off from Khabar ovsk Thursday morning for Anadyr. Siberia, to neck up James Mattern United States round the world fryet, and lake him to Nome. Prom Nome. It la planned that Mattern shall fly to New York In completion of his globe clrcumnavl-gation by air. School Estimates For Coming Year Pared at Terrace TERRACE. July 15 The annual: meeting of Kltsumkalum school drew a fair number of Interested people from Terrace The meeting1 potsed oft without any great ex-, cltement. The estimates were, pared down from 14.700 to M.000 and it was decided to tax all tax-, able transients there may be, the Idea being to spread the load a i bit 8 N Klrtaldy. the popular post master, was re-elected a trustee. Moose Dance Is Enjoyable Event lair slml Crowd Present at Another nappy .ii'iif N,nt In Lwlie Hall Another enjoyable dance was ..j u ,k. unw Lodie laat night. a falr-slaed crowd being In atten dance. MusU' was oy Mrs. j. a. Illark's Orchr Ira and Joe Slaggard a usual a K'-n'"1 master of ceremonies T o. Morgan was; .1... A.imlMlllASI 11 ' chairman r , charge of D M Simpson presided at the door. Di.n. niK was in progreat until a ajn. and at from 10 pm. midnight delicious reireahmenU , the dlrecUon of. waxe served .undn MhT oi" meimviR When Mattern Landed in Norway Wiley Post HopsiM . -On New World Flight; Two Lithunians Also Onc-Eycd Aviator Hopes to Make Solo Trip Around Earth Europeans Started 5,000-Mile Air Grind From New York to Native Home NEW YORK, July 15: (Canadian Press) Two trans-Atlantic airplane flights started from here today. Wiley Poet of Oklahoma took off this morning headed out over the ocean in the monoplane Winnie Mae, in which he and Harold Gatty set up a world's record two years ago for ffloho circumnavigation, on a solo attempt to fly around the world Aided by an 80-pounc robot In place of a flying compan- Ion. the one-eyed Post plana flying via Alaska and Edmonton and thence back to New York. At 1:10 pjn. Eastern Standard Tune he was reported to have passed Tor bay. Nflrt Also this morning the monoplane Uthuantca. flown by two Lithuanian -Americana, started a five thousand mile non-stop flight to Lithuania The flyers are Stephen Darius and Stanley Olrenas of Chicago. They took olf without permission from Washington. No arrangements have been made for then- flying over intervening countries and. If they land in between, they may be in an embarrassing poslUon. Pushing Tunnel on Island Gold Mine Vein Widening As Drifting Tro. ceeds Into Prince Rupert Group On Moresby SKIDiOATK July 15 The latest report from the Prince Rupert group of gokl claims on the waat coast of Moresby Island, which U under development by the Halda Oold Mines Ltd.. states that Uie main tunnel la now In forty-seven feet and Utat the vein Is widening alt the tone. Mr. and MM. John Dybhavn and family left on last night's trail, for Lake Kathlyn where they will take up residence for the mention at their summer home. BRITAIN IN FINAL To Meet United States For Ri(ht to Compete For Davis Cup WI.Mltl.KDON, lint, July 15: (Canadian Pre) Great Itritain qualified today to meet Unitrd States In the inter-zone Davis Cup final round at Paris nest week when "Runny" Austin defeated Vivian MrOrath of Australia 6-t. 7-3, 6-3 In the deciding singles match of the European tone final. Jack Crawford of Australia defeated II. G. N. Lee of Great Itritain S-6. 7-5. 6-4. With nothing hantlnr on the final match. Lee was substituted for Perry to allow the latter to rest for the series with United Stales. Today's Weather Dlgby Island Clear, calm; barometer. 30.06; temperature, 64; sea smooth. Langara Island Clear, calm; sea smooth. Triple Island Clear, moderate northwest wind; sea smooth. Terrace Clear, calm, temperature. 60 Alyansh dear, calm 59. Anyox -Clear, calm. 60. Stewart Clear, calm. M. Haaelton Calm, clear, 71. Smlthers Clear, calm, 66. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 60. KIDNAPPING ! AT ALBANY ! Relatives of John J. O'Conne II An nounce Negotiations For Ills Return Unsuccessful ALBANY. N.Y, July Rela tives of John J. O Oonnefi, young member of a wealthy Albany lam- By, who was kidnapped a week ago Thursday night, announced last night that negotiations lor the return of the youth had so far failed to meet with success. Former Minister Of Finance Here W. C. Shelly Hying South Today With Major D. R. MacLarcn Having on board W. C. Shelly, former provincial finance minister, who has been on a prospecting trip Into the AUtn district. Major D. R. MacLaren DS.O.. Western Canada manager of the Canadian Airways Limited, put In at 1 o'clock this afternoon from the north with a Fokker seaplane and. after having lunch, planned to take ' advantage of unsurpassed weather conditions and continue his flight non-stop to Vancouver today. The party has been In the north about a week. FISllKltltS Sl'I'LRVlSQR HERE Major J. A. Mother eil, dilcf supervisor of fisheries for the coast. In the course of a tour of the north on inspection duties, arrived here late this morning aboard the departmental steamer Malatplna. He was met tn the lower end of the district by James Doyd, local supervisor, who accompanied him north. NO IIALIDUT SALE No boats being tn with catches. here was no sale of Halibut on the ocsl Fish Exchange today. ' Mrs. J. J. Payne ana family are sailing this evening on the Prince Rupert for a holiday visit to Van-1 1 eouver. Mr. Payne Is already In the ' 1 south. May Futures r ii mm uuuui iuuik luuuy vn Exchange at Winnipeg Chicago Quotations Also Strong, Ranging From $1.12 to $1M Continued IJuymg Pressure Forces Rids w to Spectacular Peak AVheat prices, under pressure of continued strontr buv- ing power, ascended to new high levels for recent years today on both the Chicago and Winnipeg markets, accord ing to telegraphic dispatches. At Chicago May futures went up to $L23, while in Winnipeg May deliveries soared lie to 2Jc and closed at $1,014. Other futures were corres pondingly high as follows: ' Chicago July. $1.12Hs Septem - I ber. $1.15; December. SU8V Winnipeg July. 92 He; Septem ber. 9Stte; December. 96T. Vsneouver Wheat At Vancouver today the price of wheat was 9fc up 3c from yesterday's sac- Vancouver SfdcKs (Courtr 8. D. VBnfto Oa.f Vancouver Reno, 2.47. Pend Oreille. 1.38. Noble Five. .16. Premier. 1.38. National Silver, fftY. Porter Idaho, J 4. Bridge River Console .37. Georgia River, .06 Vv Reeves, -26. Whitewater. .1SH. Cariboo Oold. 2.90. Reward. .1414. Meridian, M. Big Missouri .23. Lucky Jim. .OA. Silver Creet. M. Waverly. 7V. Indian. JtV. B. R. X., .68. Wayside. .. Native Son. .16ft. Brae Bird, JB-t. Cork Provmce. .94. 0 rand view. j6Vt. Ruth Hope. .at. Toronto Noramta. 3S.1. Sberrttt, 1.. Inter. Nickel. M.66. Maeassa, .66. MeWaters. .87. Qranada. U4. KttkUad Lake Gold. JM. San Antonio. 1.10. Oils Sterling Pacific. JM. A. P. Con, 21. Fkbyan. im. lYeehoM. .11. Catmont, It. C. ti IL lM. SILVER AMI) COPPER ON NEW YORK MAR1 NEW YORK. July 16: (Canadian rreasl-Bar silver closed at 39Sc on the local metal market today and copper at 9c PUBLICPICNIC Under suspires of the Moots LodS tomorrow, Sunday, at Dlgby Island. Hosts leave Cow Ray floats 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Cof fee, tea, sugsr, cream supplied. I'rogrsm of sports for all. Adults SOe. Hoys and girls over 16, tSc. i: Pass One i tt i Armrinn n UrrlLLKi OF DRAGON Names of Personnel of Warship Which Will Be In Prince Ru-""- . pert Nextf.Morth The Offker personnel of HMB. Dragon, whkh will pay a week's visit to this port next month, is as follows: Commander, Captain William Frederick Wake-Walker. 03 E. Second in command. Commander tiroy. Paymaster eoramander, W. B. Spry. ' Engineer - eemmander, D. H. Toolemaehe. Lleutenant-eammander, O. F. M. Weshereet. Captain BaU R. Relss-SmHh. LieutenanVemmander M. A. O. West, Lieutenant-commander O. F. A. Ballard. fJurgeon lieutenant-commander F. B. Quran. Sub-lleutenaat W. Mitchell. Sub-lieutenaat M. J. W. Barte- The ship's eomplement consists of 4M of an ratings. The ship Is an of the D" Csaas cruisers, sev oral of wfcich have vtstted Prince Rapert from time to time. She was launched In 1911 She is 472 fr. m length, and Is 'of 4,660 tons registry. The ship Is equipped with she six -Inch guoa. three four-inch gaaa, four throe-pounders, two two-pounder pont-poms. and 12 twenty-one-Inch torpedo tubes. New Gold Find On Islands Is Believed Big SKIDBOATE. July IS It U reported here that a new gold discovery recently made by Messrs. Steven, Heaven and Newman is tOO feet wide. Some splendid specimens from the find are on exhibit at Braven's store. FOUR POWER PEACE TREATY IS SIGNED ROMS, July 15: (CP The four-power European peace pact was signed here today by Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy and representatives of France, Oermanr and Great Britain.