THE DAILY NEWS — — ~~ reer Loe ees i ie ee ey || | Pr rime a“ +++ x | en eee | st —_ a n— } te oe ee For most delicious Bread, ITEMS OF | LYNCH BROS. ! { General Machadak - - ‘daiean Stock as ! Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. ose as et ee TT? 4 ts Ot nrc sett is cat ae ! { | il | (0 subjects of special interest to women. Any and all of the ladies of Prince Rupert 1 {| ! x jueviaiia pms me me es ee mt lp op ms rs os tes ee ~~ = THE COS Y CORNER = Pe i DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN + oot A ee ~—-dpe - This is a little section of the paper, which from day to day will be devoted are invited to contribute to its columns, and to take part in its discussions, Sug- | | Bestions and criticisms are invited by the editer. The hope is expressed that “The Cosy Cerner” will fill a social need. ¢AMURL HARRISON Vv. F. G. GAMBLE NOTARY PUBLIC) Samuel Harrison & Co. Real Estate and Stock Brokers .PPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED and - Stewart Prince Rupert st LINEN AND SATIN lduring the winte: Indeed various versions of the | pointed collar may already be}| seen on smart cosiumes, the most |modest having the appearance ot la sailor collar of moderate di- jmensiors that hus been cut away to a sharp point at the back. Then there is the long, narrow | shaw] collar, very much wider than |formerly~at the it had dimensions of the popular sailor }collar model. This shoulders, as if borrowed some of the | collar, made of satin or silk and bound either | with braid or a band of cretonne THE OF COMMERCE . siR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., eo D.C.L., Presivent ALEXANDER LAIRD, Ger GENERAL MANAGER APITAL, - $10,000,000 REST, - $7,000,000 DRAFTS ON FOREIGN COUNTRIES very branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce is ri eg to issue drafts on cipal cities in the foilowing countries without delay : Prine ” Crete * Greece New Zealand Siberia Arabia Cuba Holland Norway Soudan Argentine Republic me Iceland Panama South Africa Australia India Persia Spain Austria-Hungary Foxe Islands Ireland Peru : : Straits Settlements Belgium Finland Italy Philippine Islands Sweden Brazil Formosa ava Sysheo co Pen France ava oumania urkey he Rg Fr'ch Cochin China Malta . Russia United States Qui Germany Manchuria Servia Uruguay < China Great Britain Mexico Siam West Indies, etc. ¢ amount of these drafts is stated in the money of the country where they are pay- ble; that is they are drawn in sterling, francs, marks, lire, kronen, florins, yen, , roubles, etc., as the case may be. This ensures that the payee abroad will ceive the actual amount intended. 233 M. Christie Manager CANADIAN BANK Prince Rupert Branch eae el FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE For all kinds of help, cooks, Cor. First Ave. Hotel Centra and 7th Street European and American plan, steam heated, modern conveniences. Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. waiters, dishwashers, hotel por- Peter Black Proprietor ters, all kinds of laborers or me- chanics, call up Phone No. 178 priate he es ei eGiaud Hotel.. or call at the Grand Hotel Free Employment Office Headquarters for cooks & waiters WORKINGMAN’S HOME At ts or Ye Oe sik Rooms 50c | BEST IN TOWN FOR THE MONEY J. GOODMAN, Proprietor basoline Launches, ReyrcBests ¢ |. For Hire by Hour or Day BOATS BUILT AND REPAIRED- ; 7 PVP ALLO LN LAL AS H. Johnston Cow Creek P.O. Box 187 PHONE 259 GREEN nk VICTORIA CAF E Lunch and Meals at all hours; Lunch lic Meals 2h up—Come and See YOU CAN GET A SQUARE MEAL ANY TIME —ow ~ or Sale rt Block Section Price ; : J , 34 8 $325.00 | Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers d4 14 8 650.00| CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS d 8 36 7 2,000 | G.T.P. WHARF , me in and see our list of buys in % oth er parts of the city R.NADEN coMPaNy $ SAVOY HOTEL Limited | Zxneee * d with hot pnd Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. er in rooms nished house north o Vancouver. Rooms 50c | up. Phone 87. P.O. | Box 129 | Prudhomme & Fisher eee eee ee oo Proprietors Windsor Hotel |) T AVENUE AT EIGHTH STREET . Newly Furnished and BP BABEL errno" | Spring Beds, clean White Sheets 25c¢ Little’s NEWS Agency ~ | Styles from New York Designs (ot butter, Steam Heated Rooms | Price of Local Stocks |is splendid for wear with serges, Dainty Biscuits, Ete., use Robin Hood Flour Your Desler Hes It JSPORT Builders’ Hardware Valves & Pipes Graniteware —o—#—-9 9» — oak | FRED. STORK } - = Hardware— Oxford Stoves SECOND - AVENUE oo a a | Tinware rs |tweeds, cashmeres and other fab- rics which are developed into| smart tailored suits. Silk and satin tailor mades usually have collars of finer fabrics, though as the summer gets nearer upon us the cretonne bindings are seen in greater number and'more charm- | ing variety than ever. After all, the fashionable dress- | |makers are not getting very igs jaway from the idea of banded | |trimmings. Frocks of all mater- | | jials and for all occasions show this form of decoration, only in many | of the latest tub designs, the bands | are of the same material instead of a contrasting fabric being used. If further embellishment is desired, }one can always resort to the little | loops of soutache with handsome the desired finish to the fashionable | forms of trimming. Oat Meal Cookies One cup of sugar, half cup lard | or butter, half cup of sweet milk, | one third teasoponful of cream of | aie, A French gown of white linen | broderie anglaise forming tunic | and bodice ober deep hem of blue satin. Stock and yoke are tucked white net. These may be omitted, however, and the finely tartar, two cupfuls of flour, three cupfuls of oat meal. Season to | Put cat meal through | meat grinder and add an egg. finish made with a band of blue leitetecetin satin at oe of embroidered bodice. MUSLIN AND. LACE ae Ladies’ and Children’s WHITEWEAR Special lines just received Hints for Laundering Fragile “Frillies”’ For stiffening embroidered mus- lin collars, blouses trimmed with fine lace, and the like, is to be preferred to starch, as it fibres of th: gum water NEW DRESSES FOR PARTIES does not give the material the same harsh appear- anct lo pre pare the gum water, Everything for Ladies & Children put an ounce of the best gum ere i : a Sa ae yer: broken in small bits, into “The Ladies” Store” MRS. S. FRIZZELL . pi Sixth Street Phone Black 184 contents frequently with a piece | of smooth stick until the gun} | | arabic, a pitcher and pour over it a cup- ful of boiling water. Set the pitch- er in a warm place and stir the Strain through | >>> Chicken and Corn Soup Take two quarts of the liquor | entirely dissolved. : . | | fine muslin and bottle for use. If | | a quantity is made to last for some |weeks, it will keep. better if|in which a chicken has been boiled, prepared with cold water, but it}add one pint of corn scraped from takes rather a long time to dis- | the cob, chopped, one tablespoon- solve. An average proportion to j ful of finely chopped onion and one | use for stiffening is a tablespoonful Iscant tes aspoonful of salt and sim-|H. H. Morton - of the solution to a cupful of water.| mer, closely covered, for an hour. | }Rub through a fine sieve and| jreturn to the fire. In a small | tablespoonful COLLAR FASHIONS saucepan melt one ers’ Recent Records of flour and when mixed, one } jeupful of rich milk or cream, W. L. BARKER Architect Second avenue and Third street Over Westenhaver Bros.’ Office. MUNRO & LAILEY Architects, Stork Building, Second Avenue. STUART & STEWART ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS Law-Butler Building Prince Rupert P.O, Box 351 Phone No. 286 ALFRED CARSS, of British Columbia ind Manitoba Bars. C. V. BENNETT, B.A. xth street. Prince Ruvert. of B.C., Ontario, Sas- katchewar ana Al- berta Bars. CARSS & BENNETT > BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Etc. of the new satin frocks and several | | Office—Exchange block, corner Third avenue and Si S. HALL, L.D.S., D. D.S. DENTIST. ows and Bridge Work a peteley. ll dental operations skilfully treated. Gas and hed anasthetics administered for the painless ex- traction of teeth. Con: sultation free. Offices: buttons of braid or metal to give | Helzerson Block. Prince Rupert. fi-12 | Alex.M.Manson B.A., WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. W.E. Williams,B.A., L.L.D Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.C had retrograded. | P.O. BOX 23 JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING | PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQq., A.R.A.M.,"LON., ENG PRINCE RUPERT Joe Jackson continues to play oe ball, ard with Lajoie back in the game the Cleveland Naps will | be able to start something. eo Alexerder the Great put a crimp in every team he met until he| struck Brooklyn. The Superbas hung a wee-wah on the Quaker Sier. eo ¢ ‘“Doc’’ Nowton, Jesse Tannehill and Bill Bailey, former American League pitchers, are all doing slab duty in the Southern League this season. ee Owen Moran will never again be the sturdy fighter that he was when he knocked out Battling Nelson. Now that Champion Wol- gast has disposed of the little Briton so easily, sports are recal- ling the words of Charley Harvey, Moran's manager, who said a month ago that all he expected out of Moran was two or thre more good fights. eye wo Moran, according to those clo- sest to him, tried to keep in con- spicuous form and travel the booze route too. His decline dates from the time he whipped Nelson, since which time he has gone a pace that would have made the wildest excesses of Young Corbett seem like a period of abstinence. & 's & Harvey knew Moran had played havoc with his inside workings and that is why he put Moran through such a long training siege up in the mountains. Harvey actually thought Moran was in his old- time form, but it didn’t take more than a round to show that Moran Right now. Mo- ran's friends think he could make the hit of his life as a temperance lecturer, citing himself as the greatest living example of what the cup that cheers will do to one. oS & g This has been a record-breaking season Of injuries to balldom stars. At one time or another almost SS | Twelve Tables add two tablespoonfuls | Phone No. 200 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. GEORGE LEEK MERCANTILE AGENCY COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS SIXTH STREET LINDSAY'S © G. T. P. Transfer Agents STORAGE Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable, POOL English and American Billiards SECOND AVE. : Produce : Feed WHOLESALE 3rd Ave. FRANK D. KEELEY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST P. O. Box 580 ./of Cubs, sickness; F ants, finger broken; CARTAGE and |(; | ¢ “ubs, |Cubs, injured ankle; |St. Louis, broken hand; Rucker OFFICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone 68, | Of Brooklyn, sprained ankle; Bar- _|ger of Brooklyn, |Ciarke of Pittsburg, injured leg, THE IR OQUOIS | |and Kaiser of (Cubs, ‘broken finger. the September boxing permit for San Francisco, has negotiations to match Matt Wells and Packey McFarland for a bout in San Francisco on Admis- sion Day, September 9. already has been signed by Tim O'Day, York, and it McFarland's signature will be se- cured immediately. |every crack in the circuit has been |retired with the list of broken | bones and cracked digits topping | ‘all past performances. Those injured, struck down with sickness or otherwise unhorsed | in the National include a“ of | ‘NEW WELLINGTON COAL PRINCE RUPERT | Philadlephia, broken leg Ev ers | Wiltse of Gi-| Meyers of} Hofman of Chance of Evans of xiants, finger split; injured leg; broken finger, Milton T. C Cia ibe will have twenty-round Wells acting for Clark in New is expected that J. G. McNab - Double Weekly Service .S. Prince Rupert, 8.8, Prince George For Vancouver Victoria AND Seattle Mondays and Fridays, 8 a.m. For Stewart, arr. and Sundays at8a.m. Special on Sunda boat, $9.50 return including meals and berth. | 8 Prince Albert sails for Port Simp- son, Naas River, Masset, Naden Harbor, Wednesdays, 1. p.m. and for: Queen Charlotte Island points, Sat- urdays 1 p.m. Railway Service to Copper River Mixed trains from Prince Rupert Wed- nesdays and Saturdays, 1 p.m., re- bpm Thursdays and Sundays 5.20 p.m. The Grand Trunk Railway System connecting with trains frou the Pacific coast operates a frequent and conven- ient service of luxu trains over its double track route between Chicago, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Halifax, Portland, Boston, New York and Phila- delphia. ' Atlantic Steamship bookings arranged via all lines. Full informa- tion ard tickets obtained from the office of A. E. MCMASTER FREIGHT AND PASSENGER AGENT Canadian Pacific Railway Femous Princess Line Pret PACIFIC Cree ai S.S. PRINCESS MARY Tuesday, July 18th, 8 a.m. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE General Agent §.$. INLANDER --- FOR... HAZELTON Take the fast light-draught steam- er Inlander for Hazelton, H. B. Rochester - Agent BoBindin dn do dindindndn dnd de dp hp hh hn POSS SSS SSeS eT eee eee = ? + W..J. McCUTCHEON $+ > ¢ eo. e > z Carries complete stock of Drugs. Specia 3 @ attention paid to filling prescriptions. 4 4 > } Theatre Block Puonx No. 79 Second Ave. $ > > LIME BRICK PLASTER CEMENT SHINGLES, LATH, BLACKSMITH COAL ROGERS & BLACK Phone 116 SAM GOWER, Proprietor Office, 5th St. - Palace Ice Cream Parlor 2nd Ave., next to old office of Optimist, sell only STOKES’ ICE CREAM Bost made in Seattle, Fruit and Candy, whole- sale and Retai Look for flash ax at night Phone 350 City Scavenging Mr. J. G. Weston announces that he has commenced work for the city. All orders received at the Phone 42 Ginger Snap One and a half cupfuls of brown sugar, one egg, one cupful molasses, ED Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. NO. 63 Meets in the Helgerson Block | FIRST CLASS BAR AND DINING There are some indications just|Add gradually a portion of the two taespoonfuls ginger, two table- Every Tuesday Evening KOOM IN CONNECTION dasconesiad be Si Bantecn Cad a that the next.collar to win|soup and when smooth turn into spoonfuls vinegar, one teaspoon- All members of the order in the city RATES 50 CENTS AND UP Am ASKIN, | Beneri il acceptance will be one|the large kettle. Season to taste, F. W. HART ful soda. Let stand overnight are requested to visit the lodge. ~~ ee partons Cath “em 1,00| that runs to a deep point at the|sprinkle in one tablespoonful of _CHDERTORER @ BURALATER and in Mpa: eee ORT, ASHLAND P.O. BOX 37 Red Cliff....... hi 1.15 1.16) back, a style probably Reniened far? finely chopped parsley and , Inte ene — MEO “CRERS ANC J.P.C CADE.» ye yas ae Sain Hest. ’ ts ‘10|from the long pointed hood worn | serve. waAKe IT , H. H. MORT' 0. een ER EE DEDEDE RE I HECHNNDIDIODIONONOHOOH He sells Buildings — JEREMIAH H. INVESTMENTS . KUGLER He sells Contracts Special Bargains in He buys Leases REAL ESTATE He loans Money Kitselas Lands Francois Lake Lands Lakelse Lands Hazelton District Lands Bulkley Valley Lands Kispiox Valley Lands Porcher Island Lands He has Houses to Rent He buys Lots He builds Homes Kitsumkalum Lauds, Sand, Gravel and Marble Deposits SF hs eaKs * 16 880 08.0 O80 099 090 090 090 080 200 080 080 050 OF: 580240 050 099 080080 050 S50 O80 ese esveseeseass cso asoese ase? z , SUNOS ataeeaarseseneeneeneenaenaenarnsensenneestenHEDHES ESERIES ease sees ssestessessesesessessesessuastasesessesseestascescotettcas costa cot cat cottotcoteotcateereates List Your Properties with Jeremiah H, Kugler . He has Farms For Sale He sells Houses Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. BIO DAIMAP guy rig He rents Stores