, i barge ol operating a rno-ir without a driver's J-W Stone mi fined 4 by :aie MeOtytmmt in city no . irt tfeto morning. .mobtles driven by A. W. jikI W F. Stone were in eol- ,t 10 u ffatuntejr night t .r it of Tlitrd Arenue and s ri't-t AbovC S3) damaff in- both 4nitvtna pillar monthly iterating of. nr Rtmert Mtalafaetnl A. w held yaattrdaf at First Prubylwtan Bviatne was largely of a atuce. Bee. Dr. r. W. 0a- pnoWenl. was In the eJtatf, wm a full ailrocUnoe n it waa aaeided to r?ular monthly 'uiy and Augaat. t to gamta. Ontario, of. te of Mm Mutates wto diMI reei-BMy ta that seeking tnfonsaMon the city police a to .the ' whereabouts of Reginald - .r. Yotmar. son of the dels ho u a limbennAn And iri of recently as tearing - Prince Rupert or neifh. ' Yiung ta been left ecr-oiM under hk mother! BACKACff$.m Lim and Kidneys Drvciusrs In ml I 'I Ml III! mkT Forester A E Pajlo interwtirg speaker today it-gular weekly htnoliesMssI ' :.nrw ReifMCt OyiW Ottrh tfl i ston Cafe dlscuiaiog MtW work and problems of nr-nt t. W. Brown. prwl-r the clgfb. wsu Is the rhfU nlojraoie whiat drfre Mic a held by the Sons b. Lodge last Friday rflst In uellewo' tall, there bemt c iitendonoe at the s flair. nra in cards were, la MIm II. Orotiar, Meood. '"i' Jensen: men's first, W 'U. ssosnd, A. O Mom Til, iefa1tretsta wr. md dan etna followed to " ii of accoroiaa moaic 1 by Julius Welle. Tfwtghrs tralB. due tssm Khi XaK at 1011 pm wau reported tuts moraiitt w oe oa Roger Powell. Ifsdtats, apoaed beforr laclstrate MclymorU in E DUkaon. retttmed to port at; 10 IS this morning from Anyox Moose Dance June 9. Canadian Legion Picnic. tuuL Juce 18 Bailes' pUtrle Julr 30 Digb) SPECIAL! Cliltir Toolli Brush and Sponge Ball BoUj for First Prize 250 Second Prize 100 Can you name Mrs. Garry the talk of the Dominion. Be sure to take part in these exciting contests WOULDXT you like to find a cfrwjue for $IS0 in your mait box? Then name this Mafjc Mystery Cake. The name yu hjuecm rtat just as good a chane tu win first pr rre m any other. Mrs. Garry Hunt created this Mystery Cake. It's unusual, attractive and practical . . . the kind of cake that wit! suggest dozen r.f suitable names to you. Read the rorinc. TWfi call the family together tu chuose the one name to send in as Mrs. J T. Hmmy kft on lasti nigtit's train for trip to Brntthen ad frinee Oaorge. Vtr and Mrs. W. E. Yard of An-yox were paiarrtfira aboard the city police oou'-t this morning oqlOarala today going through to i charge of hiring liquor in bJs(V -spuW wHiT the mteottdn of posatsaton and was retna ded for'tokina; up tatore reddee In Che .'Ight days. ! south Mr Yard has been for rouef . In the serriee of the Oraan Co. u ion steianer Catala, Oapt. A. at Anyox. ?m sr. a Stewart and other rsorttorn potfstsif lnnrtAr flf IVhlP and aailed at I SO this aiternoan' Viuai lcl UA for Vancouver and wayporta. T.vp ftr deirtnent had a call if S e:loek I art evening to the iddence of D Lund, 1141 Baaeh iac-. wrtere the roof nod caught te as a result of a defeeilse tinv ey Slight damtge was don. Announcements Of Butze Rapids Trail is Cleared i Led by T Ho MoeKay. a vl-junteer crew of six local cltlaen put ir a good afternoon's work jcTsiuftiay starting osoaring of tigh ; of way lor a proposed trail froar :iie Kalcn Islsnd Highway to- wasda the sosnle Buiae Rapids. i The total distance Is about one- hi if a m. a wide swathe having been tut out on Saturday for 'about half that distance. Another rrew of volunteers will continue the work on Saturday next. Fol- ftsvwinai the eotttnc out of the Moose Picnic. Dftlby Island. Ji', right of way. the plan is to build a. a good trail. Qet Quick result with a want ad 19c ' FREE! FREE! A parkaRC of 10 Faccllc Tissue Ilantlkcrcliicfs with a M-cfiit Bottle Vopure Result of Our Spool Guessing Contest ' ' V ; :" first Pri-Mrs. J. N. Saldon. 2043 ', Second Prl--C. Jloldsworth. Premier. 2732 ' , ' correct number of spools. 2950 OrmesLtd. The Reisll Pire Jfjfi Pioneer Druogrtet r hones: 11 Jc 12 your suggestion. It onsts nothing to enter. If you bake at home, follow Mrs. Hunt's advice use Magic Ha king Powder. Magic it always dependable. That s Vrjiy the majority of Canadian cookery experts use and recommend it fxtlujively . . . wiry it outsells all other baking powders combined. Remember there are 63 cash prizes in this big content. Dtx-ide to enter rijrht now! Hotel Arrivals ' r.- T O Prinre Kupert A. E. Lawson, BeJmorai Oanoory Mr. and Mrs. Jaaaes A. Beowrt. Port Kssington; xilss Aoa Brown Port Eaatng um. SlTO, C. Kiraiis. Msvsastl Itoyal Matnt Wikan. Agnes Hammer. PsHesaourg; H. Ketotrnanaon. Os- Central J. Dul ton. Oceanic Carwery. OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the rfeherman, Lofgrr, Miner KOOMS 510 per month, $3 per week, 50e pe-r nisht siioivnt BATHS Third Avenue Phone 944 IIM.MIE CICCOXE Ready For That NEXT PARTY? Yf.u will enjoy ymiraerf all the more if you let us give your Party Dresses Flyerunjr Gowjm, Tyxcdos that giasun of frtneas and chic wtihsh OOOD Dry-Clean- ing Our special prire will be off Katurdaj'i Art new and cave. Parly Ureases or tjentng nouns, dry clean and prrs 11,00 to $10 Tuxedo- mil Drew Suit or Topcoat 0 o o I rhone 619 .r. S1.00 . 5145 v 11.03 LING - tailor Third Prize 50 60 Prizes of 10 each Hunt's MAGIC MYSTERY CAKE? MR. rXAKtV ItUXT. chief iWtllUn tnt HUUet Presort., Toronti), la on t4 Canada' heat known Guokery Authorities. Her rmirm ia tlx Mettle (uk pll ar want in rhauaeikis at Canadian homn. Mri. Hunt aay.: "Manyyearsof daily teat-In of th pmdct ha. ronelnced mi that Masjc la the brut baking powder for all home-baking purpuaea." HERE'S MRS. HUNT'S RECIPE. CAN YOU NAME IT? Mcasurr 3 cup sifted pastry flour tor 2 ' , cup Iff 'ad flour . add 3 tcatpouo Magic Baking I' iwdcr and ;4 teaspoon aalt and :f togr'her 3 time. Cream J3 cup but-tri. jiaduaHy add l'-j cup fctve tugar, beat un.J tight; add 2 egg yolk one at a ?ime and beat ; then add lifted dry ingredient alternately with 1 cup milk. Add teaspoon vanilla and 1 teaspoon almond extract. Mis well. Fold in stiffly beaten white of 4 eggs. Bale in well-(rased f Uyer-cake past ia moderate jvert . 3S0" T.) 20- rain. FILLING AND ICING Crearn, well 4 tablpoon butter. Crad-uaily add 2 cvp nfted ceaCectionert' ucar. When tmooth, put 4 tablecpoon of mixture in another bowl and tm it add I ru yolk atighUy beaten and 1 tabte- loMe W HOUSES F W Hart poon cream alternately with Hi cup confectioner.' sugar and 'A teatpoori vaottla. Beat until light and smooth. To the let mixture add 1 ! . cup cenfe-rtoorrr' augar with 3 tablespoons crcanj. Beat until Kght and smooth. Add Vj teaspoon vantlla and 1 teaspoon almond extract. To Hcf this mixture add a drop or two of pink fruit coloring or cochjaeal. This give a white, pink and pale yellow which make this dehcious cake very attractive. Put aetnc of the yefiow mixture between the layer. Cover side with yea-law rairtwe puttsig tlvedded axxonut over thia. On top of cake, put thick dabs of the 3 colors, and run a four-pronged fork through in circle so that the color arc prettily mixed. tjuUetaine buitule Matte la n 'ssssssaa'-ur 40DBRN HOUSE, five rooms and Bath, with Range. MM Phon S8. tl FOR REaNT FtaralslMd apart. meeVU. Phone Bed 134 WESTHOLME Rooms under nessi LLI ... , , I'TjU- L rMrvagrViient. Roonta bf day, week ONTSIN NO AH M Thl.ttale-meait an mry tin I- "i tuaranta that MasJc Bak-InarWderlafree from alum or any harmful In&redi- rjf ft J the new, FREE Msfic Cook Book eoauint tasted rea- W lieu you bake at home ' ptiag di.hes. seojwrii. Addr... GiHetl f rodaets. Eraser Avenue, Toroato 2. WANTED WANTBD--Oood strong stUlboat. schooner or sloop, about 40 fact Ocean going. State full partic lars and price H. a Beyer, Port AUeml. 133 PAINTERS AJNTINO and Paperhaagte ; , Moller. Phone Red &9Z PIANO TUNING Tuesdaya, Thursaaya and satur juctottaMOweutor. Tbaoeva otriaan day 10:15 p.rn TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 TJie AUCTIONEER Packing CraUng Wrapping at Oeneral Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES rhone Black ISO lwckot rrstnaar tmstosi QM UlnlngOo Umiseel. on the lath ay of 0ex6e. AD. 1S9S. for tne Jay. J"ne fl- 1W3 Tu- TfiflQI DAILY WMV ('AOS TKR23 LOCAL NEWS Win PW?e Month $ 1 0 0 0 F0R NAMES Tlf lor 'hne day 32. and night Tail srr tf a ms idc Bros, tor Wallpaper, i ' faint ami Muresco. u-n Earth. Manure, phone iscy Cartage, Prompt fr. tfj i.vterlan W.Mft, ten. Tr.urs-' , e 8. 3 to fl, at home of Mrs. 1 uasey, 4th Avenue, i '! ombs has been appointed .me radio Inspector here in . n u Felix Bait. o Lamb, who is to loin ..ub wim left the city some ,.:u fur Ontario, left on but train for tfec But Contest Rules Read Carefully 1 Contest is for resident of Caa4a aJ" NrsiwaisWIai . ' ' 2 B yau do is sav the wry sect. cite. nry or name imx each peraon. 3 I'RINT at if tnf of your ffrt m ink (or typewrite; " Mrs. Hunt' MjNtery Cake." Under this, Btint yrnn snsj i stissl t'.r a name. 1 Km, in the luicrr rikt-kanJ rorntr, pom your own nasne and ad-dsys, cieanV aad acartr. IM 9C$ tir ffcj. 4 Do aot scad tk caie icsajf jst the napse and yatir own name ant) address. Ir is aot caacsuiai to bake the cake to tnicr the contest. 5 Members of our own nrgiaiiatiwi or heir mill we. art om sligitsV to tak part m thia coat est. 6 Cttit tlmn JUNE JO, 1933. N w tries reidereii if pnansiiirkad later dtM June 30 msdnight. Nocnrrie cassidi ltd if rarwarikd with inmScient 7 Jmifej: Winning names wiB be selected by . cummntet ihccr impartial judges. The ilroaioa of these judges wat be fcttat 8 i'nxc wianen will he annouafed t al entrants withia one monrh after eett teat Hum, 4 In case of a tic, the fuH amouwr of the pnxe money wig be paul to racn tying ciinteatant. It Wer s send mint i Addrcat your en tnrs to Contest Editor. GtBett Products, rraser Avenue, Toronto 2. NOTE. Other MasJe Miatery Cakes comma '. Wasrfj far the ant oaattrU aa t to a liatimbTlaaaeof lata CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS For rent, for sale and all ether small adTertisements In this section charted at the rate of 2 cents a word per insertion with six insertions far the price of four. By the month the charge Is 25c a word. No advertisement taken for less than 50c. FOR SaLE FOR SALS food offloe safe. Can be seen at Dally News. U FOR RENT CLEANING & PRESSING 'RICES reasoname Benkendorf, Third Ave., next door to Dally News. HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! Oil" .5C. "Rlnglette" 5.0, Nelon' Beauty Shoppe TRANSFERS ' CAMERON S Transfer. Phone 1TZ. flANOa Tuned $3.00 Walkers Mi ! animn movtog. Bottles bought an. usuic, votk r or tu: nv mikkiit. m b- or otonth Reanonaba "gsuaaHStssaa rates. sssasm. (iSlt " . r VT T T: .tTt rT". FOR RBffT- 8tore on Third Avenue ' in centre of business aeetlon. WU! ' renovate v salt tenant. Thomas VWJlynwnt. (U No. c un-se the sanrmie CsMtrt CvlMnTM Iwlttob TtOSOeOrVE CAt50s psalanfT. JwesBssamJ Crvtirsor) and FUONIfipP OA HNS on Utolse i muit iKTOor boid srrmwo Uke Shore, close to Mtoerall -c- Baths. For particulars apolf V . rvtissssw to the csr or tn Mon- Rnuete Tarns BC im ; tfee Mat SUjr ot the Bu- - - - hseftn on the Snd day o( Hay .A D isss .r wsu sefev sar ana proceati to ai- C?i.tV I K M 5 tmtm W auUi. auoMm M th nnaMfra ror the East omee in the Court Hous. fYtnaa Ru- Mondays' Wednesday, and Frl 1?" Z Z days .9:30 pjn 'howr of eleven o'esork In the fcrsnoor. I " hwwtssSsr asBKrtsasd eoerty to Kmm rynm the ine s-asi East Hilary lbs iiidainwii obtained by Uvt FOUND FOUND Twa keys on chain. Finder may have ta$ne bjr ealltng at Daily News and pitftrtr 1st this ad ,i TiHnK Nile xiaeai avilM t ncl-r. will ot rseietvoj the MlnHur of Lands at Victoria, BL net ssur tban ' JOO an OM 5 ls of July. 1BSS. tor the pOfan i1 IV oeao XlSStVI. to etst IJaaOflO fret at Spruce. Csau. H.mkck axd BaUaw ot aa area satuaad on Stes tateS. IUn 3. Ccaat tAnd Dlstrtct. Two yaats wul he aMowed for n oioval ot Umber Further partlcultnt ot tha CttleC fW rater victoria. c. ar tev PrTw Rstprrt BsC. utxu act Notle of brt.tati ta apply ta tjm Land , c.. mi,. . l .m4 na.n.aiiin ni. i '.'iT !TJrr", - n CharlotV 1,. sa " ""- - , attuax. rnieatijasi La. Baa. UBI. saa.OC and tnterast trsswn at S' per eaususn man the data of asUe) Judmnant Take untie that J. " ' ""--" "" l e. f nrrr..rtlrv. th. ..1,1 . '? ', Irn- V'tuTcS! nnT-7?U saUd at the lumbla rei tha Slat aav at Deyember. A .. "7 7".. .L. , iw, sr iw. aM. v - - -- ae. usrru t Description ot proper v All mlnrl. ,w ,. , ,w. nas... . .n.i precious and base my roa P't'fum sdcmT hlfh warn mark d point ot ,aod natural as under trvoe vm BnmnUaaapi,avt. and eonUtoaZO sc. of UikI in the Cv rue mora or lean ; air uwstKt m me mn-v Ktipen i ana JMW ELLIS ItOHHlS. gyyy? rXf i" xnt 01 ttn A-m mn. im rUtttah OafssssrilS brtmt more partiru- , i . i tbllow - i., . i . r laeey dawssfhad a I Let 4ltT kwn as "X Fra-tton-, utMi AOT I Mineral OMss: lot 4119 known aa Notice ol Intention to Apply t i "Rwby Silver No 1" Mlneraj Claim. Lot Purchase Land i 41N known as "Buoy sum No 2" !a Prince Bupart Land Reeordlnr Dtl MUarCnl Claim LottltS known as "Ruby . trlct of Rente four Ooaat Dlatrlot, snit Silver" Mineral Claim: lot 4124 known Uituau about nv aaJM rirool Inarauuyi ua Vananuvrr No J" Mn.eral riaim; uf th Khuta River o stk Beat rork. Uat 4 1 St known aa "VaiK-ouver No X" Take notu-e that 1. WMirt LacrsD nfj piarm: um aim Kitown aa as aunrrt uf Vancouver. BO, Oeavpat tlprt Feaetsna" Mineral Claim Mine Onerator uvtenda So anelT tor Tstca on ld MlnerHi Clalma ar i pertniral in u purrltaa the (JatsOWUlg rl eacept ion taara whk h ammint I dearrtlMd lands -I4S US. i cofiuneuuina at a post planted oti Tha eharaea appaajtn on the Baghv , toot dtstaut from tha Wttsjeaa post ct tr afainst the lands: tfone the Weat .Wt of UM ITS; tha or Tetms of aale Cash I weeMrly SO chains: Uvrrase soulhetlr fl DATED st Prince Rupert. British Co-'rhairv: thenre aaatarty SO ehstn Itunbis. thia li'h d.v rf May A D 1033 trveti.- ixhrrly 10 chalnt. and aot)-H A NICKRKKON 'niii:n,: IK' re mo or lea Blierlft ol Hie i'.miv ..( IMmr W1IIIAU 1 AORANOR QUJirXT, Rvilrt Jcl Ai-n I71&. tJJ. n Mi' I' r iHl 0