Tomorrow's Tides THIS WEEK THE High mm s Pontiac Straight 8 u 12:56 pjn. 105 ft. Is on Display at Low 8:40 am. 1.4 It. 4 foo v 18 38 p,n' 70 ft Kaicn Motors Show Room NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISn COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER All Cordially Invited Phone 52 Vol XXIV., No i PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS MM MA VANCOUVER HEARS STEVENS MAY BECOME B. C. Federal Minister Is Being Asked to Take Political Moses Role Government Members Would Welcome Him as Successor to Tolinic in leading Administration Out of Wilder iicss, Province Newspaper Hears VANCOUVER, June 6: (Canadian Press) The Van-t uuver Province says that leading politicians are pressing Hon. H. H. Stevens, minister of trade and commerce, who i at present on the coast, to leave the federal field and en- r provincial politic succeeding Hon. Dr. S. F. Tolmie as 1'ivmier of British Columbia. Word from Victoria, the New B.C. Premier? gsm Bgfl if .! m' Vk hem ill - publLshed MURDER VERDICT Coroner's Jury llrturns Its Finding In Gae of .Kilting Chinese ' Housebey in Victoria VICTORIA. June 6 iCaradUn r..-v.A ooroner's jury yesterday urned a verdict finding that Sue, Mm Jim. Chinese hmiheboy sm : I'l 'ved at the home of II. M. Mc Mivrrln In the Uplands residential turn, had been wilfully mur-w n d by a person or persons unknown." The baiterec. body of thr Orien-'l servant was found on the m iming of May IS In the basement of the MoOlvertn home. It i believed that he had been dour ' deuUi during the night. NEWSPAPER IS BARRED BERLIN. June 0: (Canadian Press) - The London Dally Herald whs tod;iy barred from Germany It ii believed this action was taken lecusfof the paper's general antl-Oerrnan tendencies. General Motors Company Boosts Wages 5 Percent NEW YORK. June 0: -The Oen-'"iil Motors Corporation announces ii five percent siilnry and wnae in-'T' 111 all bi'OieheN of it.s service Province says. Indicates that mem bers of thr Kovi-rntnent would welcome Mr. Stevens and that Or. Toi-mic I wlllinR U retire if the party so desires. It is stated that Mr. Ste--ns will attend a meeting in Vle- 'tia on Saturday o( the executive of the British Colombia Ooaserva ve Asmclatton. , vr TOR I A J. 'lie 6 .Canadian '! . -Oivrrnmetit circlet do not I -ri'-nt mi t hp report published in v uirouver efforts are being i -r to i!"iu . Hud h H Stevens (titer th' provincial political !ft in u i rs'ion i;j Hon Dr. 8. F. T ilmie as Premier of Britlah Co- . imbia Tt is ai1 m well-informed circles ;t rr that Mi Stevens' private buat- ' ha suffrred during hit att-M iH'p in Ottawa and it would not be surprising if he abandoned the fed ral field to return to private life. Premier Tolmie. according to the Victoria Tlmea. sUted today that no appeal has been made to me. either directly or indirectly, on the matter of Mr. Stevens entering provincial politics" The Premier added that he had considered no chang In his plans since he announced his intention of appealing to the country under the government onion banner The Times aim stated that it was reported that W. J Bowser, former Premier, would not consider drop-Ding his bid for office Daylight Saving May be Repealed In Seattle City SEATTLE. June 6: Dairy and theatre Interests of this city have Instituted proceedings with a view to repeal of daylight saving which was put Into force again this year hv thr Seattle city council. ROYALTY WERE "IN" Further Particulars in Itegard to Morgan Preferred List Are Itrvealed WA8HINOTON. D.C.. June 0: There were several royal clients In Europe Included In the "preferred list" of the J. P. Morgan Co.. it was revealed at thr Senate Investigation into thr company's affairs nt the end of thr week by Oeorgc Whitney, one of the partners. No members or the British royalty or French politicians were included in the list TTERN ARRIVES IN FAVOR FOR ITALY Premier Mmvnlini Delays His Signature to Four-Power Peace -Pact ROME, Junet3 Tht four power pact by whleh Britain. Fraw- Ornnany and liiy would agree on a common line of action in problems facing Uiem and to refrain from warfare for a period of ten years, was to have been signed at, the week-end by Premier BenU : on behalf of Italy. How ever, owing to certain differences having arisen, the signing has ben , deferred for the meantime although 11 Duee Is still strongly In favor of the pact as it now stands. I Opening a meeting of the Senate today. Premier Mussolini said, re-1 gardlng the proposed agreement that negotiations on the four-power pact had reached such a stage that 1 In one sense or another, they will arrive at a conclusion. Seattle'Firemen Get Jobs Back Employees of City Numbering 150 Agree to to Rack to Work at Lower Wages SEATTLE. June 6: One hundred and fifty Seattle flremerr resumed work at the end of the week at a wage of $153 per month. They had been discharged by Mayor John F. Dore after they had successfully appealed to the courts against their wages being cut from $180 per month. Now. in order to get their lobs bark, they have compromised on the lower salary. BIG BLAZE AT QUEENS Metrical Engineering Building of Ontario University Destroyed By Fire KINGSTON. OnU June 6: (Cana dian typu -Fleming Hall, electrt-flal engineering building of Queen's University, was destroyed by fire early today. The loss Is estimated at between $150,000 and $300,000. Bodies of Two Boys Recovered Remains of Sons of Interior Alaska School Teacher Found Following Drowning ANCHORAGE, Alaska. June 6: (Canadian Press) Pilot Nlemlnen has arrived here, reporting that the bodies of Harris BchulU. aged 10. and Kernel SchulU. aged IS. sons of T. J. SchulU. teacher for the Bureau of Indian Affairs at lllamnla. have been recovered from Tulare Creek where ihey were drowned on May 8. PIONEER HOLD HAD HEAVY MAY PROFIT VANCOUVER, June 8 (CP) Pioneer Gold Mines Ltd. production for the month of May was valued at $203,000 with gross net profits of $152,000. Envoy To England Sets Sail J - SBBBBaBBgggL4. IRji VKr'PIigggggSg? 8 IbAI " ggggggggggggggggigggggggggggggggggggggggggggMr KggggggggggggggggmSBBBBBBBBBSSBBBHIH . 'Qggggggkjll ' tBBBBBBBWKBLBVslgggggL'-' B BgggggWWJ BBHsVlBi gggggggglgggglU W l SBggglStflBSlfflgci Hggggggggggggggga ' .j'mamamKsrafl?V ggggggggggggggiB tsHs9ggggggg mim I KgggggggggggggggggB HHV: m?1 Rggggggggggggggggggsn isgsAggggl W gSi gggggggggggggggggggS-Mggggggga" I? flb Judge Robert Woiui B.nghani. of Louisvilic, Ky . new U. 8. Ambassador to the court of g- ; . ; s -xr w j.jf, uing. ham and !ui: i . . M: ;: :-.;r;:u u- '. ney a:ied on the new liner Waalungwi. fur LLiri . a ... . - . Oi:i,.uai is well known In the British capital, as he and his family lived m London for several months each year before his appointment by President Roosevelt. Town of Terrace is Looking Good Today; Gardeners and Farmers Busy; Mills Running (By II. P. Pullen) TERItACE, June G: Terrace never looked so well as it does today. Practically all the gardens and small ranches are cultivated and the fruit trees are in full bloom. Places that have been out of cultivation for years are once more producing. Men on relief have been making good use of their spare time in planting berry patches and preparing DELAY FOR M0LLIS0NS Unable to Oct Off Again Today on Atlantic llifitt Owing io Bad Weather LONDON. June 6: i Canadian Press) Bad weather again caused postponement today of the take-off of Capt. and Mis. J. A. Mollison on their proposed t rans-AUantlc night to New York whence they intend to fly non-stop to Bagdad and back to England. They now plan to take off on Wednesday tor New York, weather permitting Details of Morgan Partnership Made Public by Probe WASHINGTON, D.C., June 8: -By a vote of 11 to 3 Uie Senate finance committee decided at Uie end of the "for the future. Most of the fruit trees have reached the producing stage and the bloom Is one of the best ever known. Scarcely a tree but Is white and fragrant. It Is an enthusing sight for those who ltkt to see production leading to prosperity. There is a splendid bloom on the strawberries and no frost so far. The two local mills are operating Little's and Olggey's, and theb whistles waken the InhabltanU early In the morning and tell them that prosperity is a little closer than iround the corner. Talks with merchants and others Indicate that the Activity is only temporary and. II more orders are not received anon, the whistles will again cease to blow but present activity Is better than no activity and everyone Is hopeful for the future. During the early spring men were getting out ties and money began to flow more freely but, that fln- i Uhed. thry went back to relief and the number receiving government aid Is still large In the district But the InhabltanU are reading of ad ,vances In the prlre of wheat and "th" rommodltles and of the rise ,n ,nr lrloe of stocks and hopes are i for " oar,y recovery. week to make pubnc full details In ! Thrio are some fine homes In and regard to Uie partnership of thr J i imunrl Trrrarc The view of these P. Morgan Co banking concern Tt ' :md Burdens and farms and or-wns revealed that J. rierpont Mor-' .-hards from thr bench hili is a sight gan was in absolute control of thr j to be remembered. There probably company although other partners Is no finer looklnii settlement in the had extensive powers. province. AT American Aviator Is Still Making Rapid Time on World Trip Makes Long Dash of 1400 Miles Across Russia in Twelve Hours and Half Now Taking Rest Until Wednesday j OMSK, Russia, June 6: (Canadian Press) Still well ahead of the time of Harold Gatty and Wiley Post in their record-breaking flight of a year or so ago, James J. Mat-tern, young Texas aviator, landed here this afternoon (2:35 a.m., Pacific Standard Time) from Moscow in con- , tinuation of his globe-encircling flight He had made the 1400-mile hop from the Russian capital in twelve hours and twenty-one minutes. He plans to rest here until YOUNG FOLK LOSE LIVES Two Young Men and Boy Victims of Accidents In West Kootenay NELSON. June 6 (Canadian Press! Robert Reeves, aged 25. was killed on Sunday when a truck In which he was ridlnz plunged oft the highway south of Salmo. John BHneo, aeec 21 wa. drowned while fishing at Creston Willie Htatwayte, thirteen, was drowned while swimming near rratt. I Today's Stocks Supplied by S. O. Johnston Cc. Ltd Toronto Int. NkkeL 1740. Neranda. 3SJ. Sherritt Gordon, Ul. Vancouver Big Missouri. JO. Bridge River Cons.. .48. B. R. X. Oold. M. Bluebird, .06. Cork Province. OS. Georgia River. .08 tfc. Lucky Jim. 06 Vi National Silver. .0T4. Noble Five. .17 H. Native Son. task). Meridian. .8ft. Pend Oreille. 1.53. Premier, 1.03. Porter-Idaho. .144. Reno. 3.1. Reeves McDonald. .34. Reward. .18H. Ruth Hope. .06. Sliver Crest JTt Wayside. .4M4 Whitewater, is. Cariboo Oold Quarts. 3.M. Oils A. P. Cons.. .10. CalntemL .10. C. i E. Corp. .76. ttobyan. .00. Freehold. .03. Mereury. .ununited. .11 (ask). SILVER AND COPPER ON NEW YORK MART NEW YORK, June 6 (Canadian Press) tHIver elesed at 3i4c. per ounce on the local Exchange yesterday. Copper closed at 8c. Today's OMSK PRE MIER i Minister of Mines sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVBbbbbbbbH bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW' bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH HON. S. L HOWE VICTORIA June 6 'Canadian Press" Hon 8. L Howe, provincial secretary, was yesterday sworn in as minister of mines in addition to his other cabinet duties following the resignation of Hon. W. A. MeKensie as minister ef mines. FINANCING OF WORKS Senator Pat Harrison Would Tas Stork Turnover ard Increase Gasoline Impost WASHINGTON, DjC. Jane 8 Senator Pat Harrison of Mississippi, chairman of the Senate finance awmantttee, at tie end of the week made ptkUc details of a plan by which he would fl-ance the proposed 469,000 national PjMk works pftgfam by imposing a one-tenth of one percent tax on atoek aates according to par value and Increasing the gasoline tax tuj c per gaiion. i w n natea 4 that, as a result, )rT,000.000 an- S . . A . . . nwauy woura oe nnea wruor. wwiM be adequate to finance the program. The plan eliminates necessity of Increasing the income tax. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, Jane 0 (Canadian - , . . . . , i irasr tviirat was quoiea ai closing prices were: silver. 35"c; 61 V on the local Exchange yr-copper. 8r terdy Today's prlre was 60 V-