: Ft FISHERIES INSPECTOR PAYS VISIT TO RUPERT Chief Inspector Cunningham Pays First Official Visit on the Little Cruiser Restless—Had [a Busy Day’s Work Today Chief Inspector Cunningham of the Fisheries Department, ar- rived in the city yesterday on board the protection cruiser Rest- less on a tour of the canneries. “Our special duties are to do everything possible,”’ says Inspector Cunningham, “‘to pre- serve the fisheries of the Pacific Coast, and especially the salmon fisheries of the northern coast of the province, as it is recognised that great development of the northern fisheries is possible. These fisheries are today, and will continue to be if properly con- served, one of the greatest assets in the keeping of the Dominion. To this end efforts are being made to remove obstructions to the ascent of the fish to their breeding grounds. Both natural and artificial obstructions will be removed, and at the moment favorable considerations is being giving to the improving of the ascent for the fish into Meziadena Lake. This while a difficult op- eration will open up a_ large swapning areas for the Naas River fish. Work in Hatcheries Operations at the fish hatch- eries in this part of the province during the past season were very successful, and operations for the generally in good shape irom the protection standpoint. There were few if any violatiohs of the regu- lations, and Inspector Williams who has been in charge had affairs well in hand. Mr. Cunningham returns direct to the Fraser River in the fisheries protection cruiser, Restless in char- ge of Captain Moere, stariing without delay as by the time he reaches there the sockeye run on the Fraser River will be at its height. Familiar With B. C. Inspector Cunningham is no ttranger to British Columbia shough he is the first Chief In- spector of Fisheries appointed. During the past ten or twelve years he has made several lengthy | visits of inspection for the Depart- | ment of Fisheries with which he | has been associated for twenty-| eight years. He is thus familiar) with the fisheries of the province, as well as with the policy of the} | THIRTEEN SALM ON FISHERS DIED WITHIN ONE WEEK Alarming Death-Rate at One Alaska Canning Station @d the Goverment hopes and —The Run of Salmon is Very Late This Year Up North, and the Catch Will be Light Seward, Alaska, July 18.—The steamship Dora, form Nushagak and way ports, brings news that thirteen deaths occurred from var- jous causes in one week of June on Chignik Bay, the great salmon- packing centre on the Alaska coast. Gus Norton, boss _fisher- man of the Columbia River Pack, ers’ Association, was killed at Chignik on June 14 by taking Owing to the late arrival of red salmon the pack will be greatly No running at Bristol Bay, Chignik| or Carluk when the Dora passed, a: d only king salmon were beirg cought. The reds appeared at Cook Inlet several days ago. At Bristol Bay ii was said that the placer ground at Good News Bay was paying more than $20. reduced. red salmon were | carbolic acid by mistake. a day per man. FILING CABINETS POSCSHHOHOCOOEHOOOOOOD ms mt rs es es coming season are now under) way. Inspector Cunningham found that this district was ttrmirmermermsrmsrmarmesrmes ee (CODD, came inio port and is re- THE DAILY NEWS “The News” Classified Ads. | 1 One Cent A Word For Each Insertion== —THEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL LOOKING OVER— he ss es S| _—— =a — The Insurance People EVERY CLASS OF INSURANCE, GET OUR RATES The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. Phone 150 Third Avenue and Fulton St Con sed Pouna | igs LOST— Bye Glasses, in case, Finder please ap- ply Morte H. Craig, Arctic Studio. 157-wi FOUND—Eureka Cleaning and Pressing Com- ny. Men's suits cleaned and pressed $1.00 ies’ suits pressed and cleaned, Dry clean- ing a specialty, Room 13 Westenhaver Block, phone red 69. 121-147 oo eT For Rent eee nail Canoe for sale—20 ft. Peterborough in splendid | condition, 3 new paddies. Apply Box M.,Daily News before July 22nd. 159-165 3-roomed furnished house; sink and water. Also a two-roomed house. Call at Fulton St. and 7th Ave., Mrs, Dixon. 158-159 McIntyre Hall, for concerts, entertainments, dances, ete. Apply J, H. Rogers, phone 116 Only Reliable Patent Medicines } ( Do away with this. Patronize a white laundry. White iabor only at Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 are sold by us. We don’t carry ‘‘fake’’ goods : . Furnished Cottage, modern conveniences, for a ad ok sf summer months. Apply Mrs. Alder, 3rd Ave., opposite News Office. 5 147-150 Six-roomed House to rent; modern conveniences, Fraser St., Apply Director, Cohen & Co, 143-tf Wanted—Small house, furnished or partly furn- ished. State terms te Box R, Daily News.140-tf Commodious house, corner 6th Ave. and Thomp- son St., furnished or unfurnished. Phone 206 | | or P.O. Box 588. | Toilet Articles and Preparations, Per- OMe sk New Solid Ladies LEATHER BAGS in Crocodile, Morocco, Etc. When you're in our i store drink at the Fountain. : : : : Stores and offices for rent. A pply Dr, McIntyre, Third Ave., phone green 59. 125-tf Neatly Furnished Rooms ; tlemen preferred. | oe Apply Mrs. Mullin, over ajestic Theatre. } ° or C. H. O a LES e e rme Phone 2% if you want to rent a house, furnished THE CORRECT STY ‘THE PIONEER DRUGGIST”’ ¥ Sr haere 6th a and Thompson | er \. Second Ave. Phone No. 82 ee | Watches Souvenirs Jewelry : eee rooms. Mrs. Bower, Somerast | | s, ird A . bet Seventh an venue, ween vaiTete oo * Eighth. tee ne Help Wanted a 0 D * S n y " 3 0 0 0 " 0 " " S . es = OFFICIAL WATCH INSPECTOR FOR G.T.P. R. W. Cameron & Co. Cor, 6th St. and Second Avenue. PHONE 82 A BARGAIN Department at Ottawa. During | Inspector Cunningham's experien- Good waser, 161-165 , A First Class Housekeeper at once. ce with the Fisheries Department,| Apply Pioneer Laundry. he has been the settlement of many very impor- | Teacher wanted for the Port Simpson Public School. Salary $8) per month. Apply to John Deane, School Trustee, stating attainments and concerned with enclose testimonials. 154-160 tant questions connected with the | Wanted 20 Laborers. Apply Pacific Coast Con- struction Company, Digby Island. 158-156 fisheries of the whole Dominio ' he 1€ f the wh ile I mint * | Girl wanted, immediately, for light housework. Apply Mrs. D. Cohen, phone 32 180-tf ei deet ad : : 5 4 | Miners $3.50, Muckers $3.00, wanted at Hidden a —--- expects that the policy pursued | "Creek Copper Co., Goose Bay. Take 8.8. Vadso in creating this new office will| Venture. 148-tf 2 cleared and level lots, with house, on Porter Wanted Apply Talbot Rooms, 2nd Ave. | 144-tf : : | ing the city. nection with the administration | geicnsmcrmsrensmsrsrmermermeres of the fisheries in this province, | DF. Boarders Wanted concerned will con- and that all | Gpomesce-eengemastommntoesipmntonanerSnsotarhetnsrmne 1 tinue to give Inspector Cunning- 9th Ave., for sale as cwner is leav- remove many objections i con- Good terms. JOHN DYBHAVN | P.O. Box 757 Pattullo Block | A few cosy homelike rooms cheap to steady | roomers. King George Hotel. 2nd Avenue. 131-13* Coal Tenders , Tenders will be received by the undersigned up | to5 p.m. July 24th, for the delivery in the bunk- ers ‘ej the Electric Light Plent of 225 long tons of coal. Tender must be on form to be obtained from ham every support and assistance. Ins. Williams Commended In his inspection tour of Dis- trict Number Two, the northern | coasts end Prince Rupert district, the Chief Inspector was accom- pavied by Inspector Williams of Ps eres eres For Sale aah & bal } | obtained. The lowest or any tender not neces- Before buying your Stove or Range see A. J. sarily accepted. Galland, i , re. ) in sir ’ Giccdlitees deo .Geind 40: bie! Samat, eee and Fifth Ave Cook eeoren Ss ERNEST A. Sy Check. thorough knowledge of the district | ye ie RP tirwleieewly farniehed: Price | Peg ge rendered invaluable assistance, re-"| rexel Rooming House, 2nd Ave. att” | DELIGHTFUL. AFTERNOON marked Chief Irspector Cunning-| 4 ham this morrisg. Last night the ss fisheries cruiser Falcon, Captain | } Business Chances ee Hospital Ladies’ Auxiliary Will Serve Tea and Cakes Tomor- row to All Comers. iurning to the Skeena today with | Good money in Moving Pictures. Wanted—A party to start moving picture show in Prince Systematize your office filing, thereby saving time, space and increasing its efficiency a hundred fold. If you are a live wire put your filing prob- lem up to us—that’s our business. ; ? : Brits ss ts es ts Ps OOOO O4O9OOO4OC OOOO es es Ps rs es MCRAE BROS., Limited — EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE | SIXTH STREET SECOND AVE. 4 © No Man Need Use Poor Printing Unless He is Willing The man who is able to buy any kind of printing is able to buy re print- ing. f he uses anything else it in- Daily News Building and Satisfied | | to Do So... dicates to people | Oe so it’s disastrous who see it that he QB tH policy not to care doesn’t care espec- & ve about your printing 1 FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING OF ALL KINDS SEE THE ‘‘NEWS Jop”’ PHONE 98 ially about the matter. And most praple would infer is general charac- ter and personality to be in keeping— Third Avenue a o LLL The Continental Trust Co., Ltd. | AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $500 ,000 | WM. T. KERGIN, M.D., President JAY KUGLER, Secretary- Treasurer OFFICERS: J. HOBIN, 2nd Vice-Pres, and Manager SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, 4 per cent, on Deposits We will be pleased to ane ery ipasdrtes | Faserding investments in Prince Rupert * The Continental Trust Company, Limited, DAVID H. HAYS, | st Vice-Pres. C. B. PETE: IN, Ass't.-Manager | Executor and Administrator Receiver or Assignee Farm Lands and Mines | Real Estate Insurance _ Agent For Care of Real Estate Escrow Agents | Fiscal Agents Trustees istrar and Transfer Agent } Trustee Under Mortgage Deeds of Trust i Safe Deposit Vault and Boxes Collections | | SEOOND AVENUE PRINCE RUPERT, Mussallem & Company To residents of sections 5, 6, 7, and 8—| Ideal Provision House Third Ave., near 6th St. lk spector Williams. | Rupert. Write me for particulars. H. Davis, Particularly pleasing sounds the Watertown. Wis. 137-wi 4 : plan just announced by the Hos- rantenaenenemcer neon ont rer? 1 titel 1 adies’ Ausiliaty;. to. have @ pretty service of afternoon tea in the Knights of Pychias Ha,ll Fire Insurance I { Good Fresh Groceries at City Prices. Oe tk i % | »loersc Zloc Ly ay Ws awe Beech Diottase) Uwawberried, a feel te ps Helgerson f lock, on Thursday 6 nion anc ationa! ire Insurance 2 > 6 ; ¢ i eo > _ Cakes, Peaches, Plums, —=—| “Gom.pany of London, England, with capital | fter;oon (20th inst.) between the Apricots, Tomatoes and Green Onions! of $2,500,000.00. See us for rates. The Mack | hours of three aud six p.m. The - | Realty and Insurance Company. 70-tf . ey SIX p.m. ’ merely nomial charge of 25 cents We deliver promptly; our goods are) fresh, at prices not to beaten in the city cakes, will be made, end the tea, Be ce a eee Real Estate Sot ce rs ms sr sm PP Ps Mussallem & Company and cool refreshments will certainly be mosi appetising. The ladies are all promising to look especially : You can save We aday. We can sell you good I ene k “ae lly Phone 228 Black Sth Ave., East of McBride| lots for Hcaday. Phone 206 and let us join} summery 2d sweet for the oc- forces. H. F. McRae & Co, 150-152 | ‘ d q . ta . casio: c.d ic is 2 foregone con- clusion thet a very bright and please... compery will atterd. Good Things to Eat Notice | ky. lerybody ir toresied is cordially i Take notice that the partnership consisting of vited vo be chere. John Legget and Berryman Batt Williams, car- rying on a grocery and general merchar dise busi- ness in the city of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, under the name of “Leggett & Williams’’ was dissolved on the 18th day of | The gentlemen are especially iivited to drop in énd take tea. That the table monotony at your will break house can be found at July, 191}, Allaccounts owing to the partner- - ship are to be paid tothe said Alfred Berryman our store. Every boat Batt Williams, who also assumes all liabilities of A WISE MAYOR the partnership. J, LEGGETT, A. B. WILLIA from the south brings us Dated at Prince Rupert this 13 day of July,1911. r 158-164 us Fresh Fruits, Fresh Vegetables and New Groceries. 3 : ; | 'Ketchikan's Bachelor Mayor Welcomed Delegation of Fifty three School Mar'ms. Mayor Tom Torrey of Ketchi- | kan, Alaska, is being congratulated \for his cleverness es a tactician | . |these days, Ledies are none tco | . . | plentiful in that burg. Last week, Phone 190 SEATTLE MAN DROWNED Louis Hanson was Seeking Re- lief from the Heat—Third Similar Case. Sealed tenders addressed to the undersigned | the Mayor appointed himself as and endorsed ‘Tender for Publie Building, Revel | . ‘. ‘ stoke, B. C.,” will be received until 4.00 p.m. | ©!) €7 tertainmert committee to on Monday, July 24, 1911, for the construction |. le ena g * om of a Public Building at Revelstoke, B, C. welcome a “delegation from Ta- Plans, specifications and form of contraet can! . ae AG Le : he seen’ and forms of tender obtained on appli- COMA. ater on it turned out eation at the office of Mr. Wm. Henderson, | ha he Jelevati resident architect, Victoria, B. C., at the Post) Nat che delegation was composed Office, Revelstoke, B. C., and at this Department. | f fit hree «cl ij Persons tendering ure notified that tenders |O! filty-three sc 1001 mar ms, who will not be considered unless made on the printed |... o: } seeing alo; forms supplied, and signed with their actual | @'C Sig it seeing along the coast, signatures, stating their occupations and places | of residence. In the ease of flems, the actual | signature, the nature of the occupation and place | o! (Canadian Press Despatch) Seattle, July 19.—-While seek ng | #yen. Each tender must be accompanied by an ac- lake two large apples ard grate be not accepted the cheque will be returned. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest «: any tender li > -scive ” , | cepted cheque on a chartered bank, made payable Ty ba : : aa from i ee heat by tor the order of the, Honourable the Min : of | them. The grate the rind of one a ny . - renis 1e@ uy orks, equal to ten per eent .) of | ¢ s¢ > Vai 5 ir, raat the Taiwenish R ver, the amount of the tender, ‘whieh will be forfeived |lemon ard use the juice. Add one Ouls ans » | u in ten ng decline to enter int anson, got beyond his contract when called upon to do so, or fail. to | tablespoonful of butter, and one depth and was drowned yesterday. complete the work contracted for. if the tender | teblespoor ful of flour on ecup £ ‘ 2 v This is the third similar death of sugar, one egg. Mix all to- here, since the comi >» hes By orde : \eindech he coming of the heat » eG. DESROCHERS, gether in a saucepan and cook for | } Pe Secretary. ‘ Department of Public Works, ry) few minutes. Use any good) an —eaememed Ottawa, June 29, 1931, : Newspapers will not be paid for this advertine- a layer cake and this for the filling ment if they insert it without authority from the mi Department. . . 2 li is called Gentleman's Favorite, | ad The Daily News . | Commenei | the City Hall where full particulars may also be residence of each member of the firm must be | Cake Filling | ~—— ASE NOTICE ea LAND PU keen. d District-—Distriet of Coast Range - : Take Bie that Alexander Melntosh of Van couver, B OC occupation real estate broker intends to apply for permission to purchase the jescri bed lands: | ee at a post planted 40 chains south southwest corner of Lot 995, thence 60 pa By "sath, thence 40 chains west, thence 80 chains north, thence 40 chains east to point of commencement containing 320 acres more or less, Dated April 17, 191)" ex ANDER MoINTOSH | Pub. May 6 RCH | Skee: d District —Distriet of Cassiar | Take een 1, Perey Francis Godenrath of Stewart, B. C,, occupation journalist intend to | apply for permission to purehase the following described lands: at a post planted on the right bank of the Naas river about seven miles above the forks of the Naas river, thence south 80 chains, | thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to oS commencement, 640 acres more or s pgp PERCY FRANCIS GODENRATH Dated Mare 26, 1911, Frank Sidney Wright, Agt Pub, May 17. na Land District-—Distriet of Cassiar irene pathos that I, John Unwin of Prince Rupert B. C., occupation laborer, intend to apply for mission to purchase the following fans Commen: at a post planted about (2) two miles south of the forks of the White and Flat rivera, thence south 60 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 60 Dated April 18, 1911. JOHN UNWIN LAND PURCHASE Nome Skeena Land District —y Take notice that Pe, pert, B.C., occupation ( apply for permission ¢ described lands Commencing at « pos: of McNeil River at + »V., thence east 20 ; erly boundary of tim. 40616) thence norther boundary of timber |\; te north west corner westerly 20 chains mo MeNeil River, ther left bank of McNei! River ; to point of commencemens thore or leas PERC M W MM. MILLER Date June 19, 1911 Pub. July 19, i911 Land notice that occupation broker, inte to purchase the follow Comm x ata in a northerly direc marked L. F.'s § north, thenee 20 co} south to shore ling paint of commencen or lew. Dated June 10, 191) Pub. July & Skeena Land District { ( Pub. May 13, Francis 8. Preston, Agent Skeena Land District—Distriet of Coast ake notice that Hume Babington of & Rupert, B. C., cecupation master mariner, intends to ply for permission to lease the following Geseribed lands: Commencing at a post planted about 100 chains south of the indian Keserve on the east side of Goose Bay on the east side of the 'eninsula thence north 100 chains along shore to the Reserve line, thence west 60 chains more or less to Goose Bay, thence 100 chains along shore, thence cast chains more or less to post, containing 640 acres more or less. | Dated March 8, 1911. HUME BABINGTON Pub. April 25. Take notce that | yeast Range § Rupert. B. C., ocx ell of Pring intends to apply ve engivew, following described Purchase thy |}. Commencing at a ed bank of the Zimog bout ‘en miles distant (upet ‘ we are from the junetion e Little Zines tinct }and the main Zimog thee wane | chains, thence west ence north @ | chaina, thenre mence south @ Teened Suns econtair mor ot te ated June 7,511. LINFORD sewulre | Pub. July 8 j00. R Peat = utham, Ager Skeena Land District wtrict Take notice that 1, Charles Predeene ol Stewart, B. C., occu; freighter os apply for permission ¢ "the ce rohase the folowag described lands; Commenein bank of the at at Sas river aly forks of the Naas rive anted on the fight mix miles above the Skeena Land District-——District of Cassiar thence west 80 chair ns coat e Tako notice that I, Charles M. Knouse © | thence cast 80 chains t bel coms Prince Rupert, &. C., occupation farmer, intend | containing 640 seres more or om encement, to apply for mission to purchase the following | Dated March 25, 1911, CHARLES P METC desert! 2 Pub. May 17.’ Frank Sidney Wright, Apo Commencing at a post planted about (5) three » Agent miles south and (2) two miles west of the forks of | White river and Fiat river, thence south 50 chains, Sisaee Land Distriet—Dietre of 0 thene et 80 chains, thence north $0 chains, Take notice that 1, “William Jota scm | thence east 80 chains. . » ° rep | Prince Rupert, B. C., occupatior Dated April 20, 1911. CHARLES M. KNOUSE | to apply for permimion « ne Pub. May 15, Francis 8. Preston, Agent | deserihed lands h to purchase the follovigg Skeena Land District —District of Coast Benge 6 Take not ce that I, John Ivan Peters of Prince Rupert, B. C., ocecupaton clerk, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following descr,bed ands: Commencing at a post planted about three an one-half miles distant » @ south westerly d reset on from @ blind slough from Observatory tn Dated April 14, 1911. Pub. May 15. Coast Land District-District of Skeena Take notice that I, Paul Brendler, of Porcher Island, occupation farmer, in- tend to apply for permission to lease the following foreshore: Commencing at a post planted about 12 feet from the location post of lot 1301 on Porcher Is- land, thence in a southerly direction following high water mark 1200 feet; | thence west to low water mark; thence northerly following low water mark 1200 feet; thence east to point of com- mencement, PAUL BRENDLER. Dated March 7, 1911. First insertion March 11 Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range & ‘Take notice that Grace McTavish, of Vancouver, B. C., cecupation married woman, intends to apply sel oi in to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southwest corner 100 chains east and 20 chains north of the northeast corner of Lot 1116, Harvey's Survey Coast District, Range 5, thence 40 chains east thence 80 chains north, thence 40 chains west, thence 80 chains south to post of commencement containing 320 acres more or lens. Dated May 2, 1911 GRACE MeTAVISH | Pub. May 6. Fred W. Bohler, Ageat Skeena Land District — District of Cassiar Take notice that 1, James Dunlop of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation teamster, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about two miles south cf the forks of the White and Flat rivers thenee north 80 chains, thence west 80 chaina, thence south 80 chains, thende east 40 chains. Dated April 18, 1911. JAMES DUNLOP Pub. May 15. Francis 5. Preston, Agent Skeena Land District District of Cansiar Take notice that Il, Mary Carin of Stewart, B. C., copupetion married woman, intend to apply po to purchase the following described Commencing at a post plarted two (2) miles south and (2) two miles west of the forks of the White and Flat rivers, thence 80 chains north, thence 60 chains west, thence 80 chains south thence 50 chains east. MARY CAKIN Dated April 20, 1911. Pub. May 13, Franels 5. Preston, Agent Skeena Land District-—-District of Const Take notice that |, William Melville Corley of Toronto, Ontario, oeceupation clerk, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following deseribed lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 3056 KRaog 6, Coast District, thence east 60 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence west £0 chains to Hell's Gate slough, thence along slough southerly to point of commencement, con- taining 160 acres more or jess. Dated April 6, 1911. WILLIAM MELVILLE CORLEY Pub. April 29. Skeena Land District-—Distriet of Coast Range: Take notice that I, Charlee A. Vaughan oi Prince Rupert, B. C., oceupation merehant, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing nt a post planted on the south bank of Exchumsiks River and about four miles from its confluence with the Skeena Kiver, thence 80 chains east, thence 50 chains north, thence 50 chains west; thence 80 chains south to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or lews Dated April 21,1911 CHARLES A. VAUGHAN Pub. April 29, Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 Take notice that I, Lionel Kingsley of Vanecou- ver, B. C., oceupation miney, intend to apply i percatesion to purchase the following doserihed nda; Commencing at a post planted near the south- west corner Lot 992, Range 6, Coast District thence west 40 chains, thence south 60 chains, thence east 40 chains, thence north 60 chains to pent of commencement, Jated March 24, 1911. LIONEL KINGSLEY Pub, April 22, Stikine Land District — District of Cassiar Take notice that Christian A. Tervo of Stikine, B. C., oeemvation customs officer, intends to apply ioe parmiaston to purchase the foliowing described nd: a Commencing at a post planted about three quarters of a mile north east from Glacier Riffle | and on the east bank of Stikine River and on the south side of the mouth of a little creek, thence east 40 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence south 40 chains to point of commencement and containing 160 acres more or less. Dated Feb. 10, 1911, Pub. April 7. Skeena Land District—Distriet of Coast Kange 6— Take notice that I, Lauchlan John Shanahan of Victoria, B. C., occupation teacher, intend to | apply for permiasi mn to pureh t ’ | apply fo 0) purchase the following lands: | Commencing at a post planted 65 chains south | from the southeast corner of Lot 4060, thence 40 | chains south, thence 40 chains west, thence 40 chains north, thence 40 chains east to point of | commencement, containing 160 acres more or leas: LAUCHLAN JOHN Dated April 17, 1911. Fenner Pub. May 6 Skeena Land District—District of C Take notice that I, John L, Mitchell ot Prince Rupert, B. C,, oceupation bookkeeper, intend to apply for perroission to purehase the following Gengribed lancet voramencing at @ post planted ab miles south and (1) one mile went of the oie the White and Fiat rivers, thence north 80 chains | east 80 chains, thenee south 80 chains, thence thence west 80 chains. AL. JOHN L. MITCHELL t ted April 18, 19 Pub. May 13 Francia 8. Preston, Agent | let where | the same touches the Indian HKevserve, thence | west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence | east 80 chains, thence south 30 chains to point o . containing 640 acres more or lew} JOHN IVAN PETERS CHRISTIAN A, TERVO | } Commencing at a post corner of Lot 3068, Range south 20 chains, thence east sorth 20 chains, thence west of commencement, containing 8 planted at the southeu cme. Dated April 8, 1911 WILLIAM JOHN CORL | Pub, April 29 -_ Skeena Land District — District of Casiar Take notice that William Frederick Conem of Prince Rupert, B occupation carpeste, atends to apply for permission wo purcham th following described \ar Commencing at & post planted about thw miles south of the forks e White and Pe rivers, thence south 80 chains, thence wat # chains, thence north chains. chains, (heacee ag &@ WILLIAM FREDERI Dated April 18, 1911 Pub, Mey 13, K CAMERGS Francis Preston, Agat Skeena Land District t of Take notice that br Prince Bupert, B. ( cupa to apply tor perm las. puret described lands Commencing at 4 {| miles south and (2 of White and Fiat r the:.ce 80 chains w thence 80 chains east BI asa d Moore d Dated April 20, 191t. Franc Pub. May 15 Skeena Land District rake notice that 1, Alfre: pert, B. C., occupation elect apply for permiasion to pureh described lands Commenecin, miles south o rivers, thence 50 chain east, thence 50 chains nor ther weet. Dated April 18, 1911 Pub. May 15 Francis § Skeena Land District—-D Take notice that |, sington, occupatio me for permission. © pur lands: Commencing at @ & bank of the Exchumsks miles from its cor thence 580 chains wer thence 80 chains o@ to point of comme more or less Dated April 21, 1911 Pub. April 29 Skeena Land | ‘Take notice that \ ver, B. C. oecupat for permission to purchase lands Commencing st 4 | corner, 40 chains © northeast corner of | Coast District, Range thence 60 chains t b thence 60 chains sou containing 360 acres ' Dated May 2, 191) Pub. May 6 Skeena Land District Take notice t! Prince Rupert, b.¢ intends to apply f following described Commencing at 4 and 80 chains & lot 1783, vicinity of La L. MacLaren’s nort chains, thence © chains, thence! mencement, conta Date May 31, 191! Pub, June 16, 19 Skeena Land District Take notice that Rupert, B. C., 0 for permission to » lands: Commencing at 4 | side of Exchumsiks Kiv« its confluence with | 1-2 miles west from 's chains north, thene chains south, then commencement, containing O° less, Post marked “Hi.M. » f Dated April 22, 191! HENK Pub. April 29. Skeena Land Mistrict : ‘Take notice that \« RB, C., occupation rmission to purchs ands: Commencing at & miles west and of of Stanly Creek, Ne chains, thence west + chains, thence Dated Mareh Pub, April 22. Skeena Land District Take notice that Rupert, B. C., oceups or t ly for permission | deseribed lands: oj at 0p Commencng at & | pan? ‘res } bee | southwest corner, 60 chains Cont OO of Lot 1116, Harve Sarna chance Range 5, thence : ene i ebaina, thence west ¢ ary thenee wily chains, thence eas! ins ¢, oouaiel | Zhaing to point of con a acres more or les ANNIE MUS | Dated May 8, 191! Pub, May 15 lt ict of ( ‘ Skeena Land ! iat Pa Menor ’ Take notice that | in clerks Frinee Rupert, Bo» | cowmarehas? the ase apply for permission a i pout 1? cere at a post WW an nd ma SS f the forks © , ee q ee arth 7 cha ert ‘aun thence south 80 chaos, nro gas | Deted Apri! m 392) Franc 5: presto® (Cast Skeena Land District District oe Take notice that |, Chaspectol inl w . C., occupation pre low for : LF to purchase th? " ee tande: t planted abo ae Commencing at & 22%! Fhe forks OO yall south and one mile weet © oy 50 chai tt and Flat rivera, thence re) chains # east 80 chains, thence 0° : nail 80 chains. he, HARLES, vd Dated April 20, 19 Franc 5 eta Pub, May 14.