PKQt TWO THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Advertising, and Circulation Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau or Circulations . . . )'. 1 for themselves in every other sphere of life are not willing to think for themselves when It comes to rell- gion The result Is that those who do attempt to think for themselves are labelled heretics and unorthodox. The opposition to Pearl Buck. lice .AI;v Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert DalJy News. Limited, Third Avenue . H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance ... For lesser periods, paid In advance per week by mal to all parts ol British Columbia, the British Empire and United Stales, paid In advance, per year , My mail to. all other countries, per year , , , , .98 S.On 10. 3.00 9.00 Saturday, April 20, 1033 A SATURDAY SERMOti i Rev. W. D. awnt Holliufworth, BA Pastor, Fiwt Prespytjeffcn &uro)i In the gospel story we read of only one man who he? i-tatfcd wh,fen invited to become a follower of Jesus Christ. He wa Nathaniel. He hesitated because of his prejudice towards, the city of Nazareth. "Can any good thing come ittf at Monro vnfh ?" lm oelrorl cAtnairUnf vrrwv f sU We only see Jesus, that is, come Into contact with him. as we are Hem upon the truth of. G.od . . . but the promise remains still . . . "Seek and ye ?hall find." Let us beware Q nreiHdlce as something whjah if kept and cultivated, will hinder us well known missionary and author j from the true service of Ond. CHURCH NOTICES FIRST UNITED CHURCH Kev. C. D, Clarke, Pastor 11 A.M.. Morning Worship 7:30 PAL. Special Musical The Choir will render the CaritaU THE THQRJi-CRQWKP) KING" Jti4)4itfc R. O. Uige. Mrt. P. C. MWer, J, S. Wilson. Dr. R. O Large The Choir will be robed In the new gowns Just received from Toronto ClfAD TIPWGS FULL GOSPEL MISSION II. W. Johnson In charge ,. Opening date. April 30 at 3 pjn. (ewbody welcome, come and hear the Old Time Oospel at the New Mission Regular Service. SunJajr. ll a.m., Prayer . ( . 9Mndy, 2:30 pjn.. Sunday School Song SrrVyWi starts Sunday. 7:30 pm. Oospel Message. 8 pm, Wednesday nig hi. 8 o'clock, Gospel Message 111 Third Avenue West. Mclntyre Building PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister. Rev. W. I), qrant HoUlngworth, Bj. OrganUt. Jhn K. Davey 11 AM., Sermon Subject: 'TiJIE PROPHET OF PAITU" 12:15, Sunday SchooJ, )'5:30. Sunday School in Wetvlew School 7:30 PM Sermon Subject: tTHE CHALLENGE OF LIFE" 1 wfiat Is jour philosophy of llfef (2) dhristlanUy and beftHli V.AiFlyzing the Influence o The Lady of the Lamp-Members of the 1D33 graduating class of the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital wji altwd In a body. EVBNINO MUSIC Soprano Solo: "Not Ashamed- Danks). Mrs. J. IL Carson Tenor SoJo: "Nearer Mv Ood" Lwift Oarey), J. E Davey Male Quar,Utt: "J, Cannot Alwaw Trace the Way" We Invite YOli to worship with us -a irmi r .j STOPS a Ueadacie There seems to be no safer way to end a headache and there certainly is no safer way than to take two tablets of Aspirin. You've beard doctors say that Aspirin is qfr. If you've triedit, you &ww it's rfftdipe. You couW take these tablets even- day in the year without any ill effect. And every time you take them, you get the kaird rteief. Stick to Atfirln. It's safe. It gets results. Quick relief from headaches, colds, or other discomfort History and literature abound in illustrations of the M S P I R I M B 1 force and power of prejudice. m m was Uiere a new invention or dts-1 of popular novel, is an Indication covery, never was there an original of this. Th,is opposition on the part effort for social and religious pro-; of Presbyterian Church councils In gress which did not encounter the the United States because of her opposition of prejudice. Let a man ; religious thinking reminds one all change or attempt some change In too forcefully of the many perse-social life, let him preach the cuUona of so called heretics In the blessings of fresh air and freah wa-, past a record of which the Chrts-ter, for example, and he will beitian church can never be.proud. called anything from a faddist to a n was only as Nathaniel came ! fac to faee with Jesus that his pre-Brownlng indicate the force of ludlee changed to faith. Jt was prejudice In religious thought when then he declared "Thou art the Son he tUls of a cultured poet Cleon of God." who ventured tp remonstrate with if we are to know and to serve his king when the latter proposed God we must overcome our prefr-to study, the teaching of the apostle dices as well as our passions. For Paul. Cleon is prejudiced and. what we see In anyone depends very therefore, scornful He asks: . largely upon what we are ourselves "Thou canst not think a mere bar-! and upon what we desire. If we do barlan Jew s not care for music we will see little "Has access to a secret shut from us? or nothing in a great music km. "Thou wrongest our philosophy. O That Is why so many opinions are Km" 'held about Jesus. He Is seen, and In the realm of religious thought some see eveothlng in Him. some prejudice Is especially evident ' nothing In Him and others very Many who are desirous of thinking : little. Tradnnork LOCAL NEWS WMard L. Phelps. Nwell known wytn Whltehorse lawyer, and Mrs. Phelps were here yesterday afternoon on board the steamer Princess Woxah through for a l rip to Vancouver. Q. W. Dunn. In charge of the Consolidated Mining ii SnteMtng Co s assay plant here, is being. forced an account of Ill-health to rest for a few wee, havtng bA- ! readf been off for a forUUsjht. ' 4 While una Me to be at work, he U able to be up and around. Tt brother qf Clyde Spenoe. at w1th"1ilffl' tSralin SfvaUoni Army. Mr. Spence is 35 years of i age. six feet tall and of dark com-1 plexkm. Anyone .knowing of his whereabouts would confer a favor by communicating with the local army officials. The Salvation Army is commencing Its annual self-denial campaign on Tuesday. Mar 2, Owing to the dtfftmH times through which the eounttjr has been passing the Attn suppWt bas been meagre and friends a, the organ tea thin are being asked to do their utmost to help them carry oft. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert A. Sutherland. C. F Haslam and A. O. HookitM, Vancouver. Central C. E, Bletsoe, Vancouver. Royal Mrs. James FVewin. Jr.. Port Es-stngton: Miss Beatrice Webb. Os-land; S. Warren, city WATERED STOCKS Yes, There Are Watered Paints, Too ItKMBMBEItt Paint quality becomes evident oftly after It Is applied and subjected to years of exposure. Let ( Pratt & Lambert Commander Paints be your assurance that you will receive the maximum beauty and protection at the minimum ultimate cost. Atk for color simejtlon chart and price on Job'loU Kaieri Hardware THE DAILY NEWS Saturday. a: ORGANIZE FOOTBALL Jack. Greece Elected President of Canadian Legion Club and lfu"sh KUlin, Secretary At a U attended meeting held ill to? elubrpons lust night, the Oa-U4tt Jwigjori.. Football Club elected officers as follows for the 1933 season;. . President, J. Preeee. VlcfetPresident, A. Rsrvey. Sectary; IJugh KUUn, ExecuAJvej-C.L. Barker, H. nich.-mond. James Watt and William Sullivan. Trainer" and manager. J. Mc-Qrelsh,. v Thp leaitf Jp oppose Regiment in a. gajn tolb played tomorrow af tfncVnfjyill be selected fro among the following: Spiro Gurvich. Stiles Hatg Elliot. Watson Sam Currle Hartden. Bussnnlcl) Ollker Orerr Pintle. J. Murray MorrUon. Home and Dlrkens. Old Country Soccer , CNT.LISII llAQVr. rt 'lUvUiou Atlianal J, tfudderaflcld Town 2. Rirotfn3m, , uiCtsr city i Blackburn Rovers 0, Aston YUla 5. RfcekpAal 2. Wolverhampton Wanderers J. ! Derhj County 3 Newcastle UW United a MUUlth l Sheffield Wednesday 1 Bolion SunderHod q, Portawwuth 3, West Brotnwkh Albion 3, Liverpool l. sornliii iuacU'i: tirst'nivUlati Alrdrieoks 1. 3t. Mtrrtn. 3. aqwdenbmtfb I. Motlwrwfg) 4. Bail StlrUnflshire 3. Dundee I Hamilton Academicals 2. Rangers Hearts 3. at. Johnstone 1. Kihnaroock l, Falkirk 1 Morton a. Clyde 0. Paittck Thistle 2. Third UusTk 2 Qoen's Park 4, Aberdeen 0. Baseball Scores (Canadian Press! AraerkanLeatue Washington 4. New York 3. " Chicago I. Cleveland 5. Bosto i. PhlladetptOa 0. Detroit 5. St. Louts 3. National !eague CUKlAMU 6, CoACAgQ. I . UuisQ.pitUbjllgi. Philadelphia 3. Boston 5. New York-Broolclyn, not aeha. doled. Keiiimcnt iJiiivLTp The Regiment win field the fnl-Ijwing tea against Canadian Le-&m In the (eotbfj game to be pitted tOWHtow afternoon: 8mlth Pake and Ritchie; Gdgcumbe D Jng and Eby: Oomer Redputh Wlntham. Coluasi and Wlckx Today's Weather Prince Rupert -Clear, light south east wind; barometer. 20.80. temperature. 50; sea smooth, Dead Tree Point- Clear, light i j northwest wind; barometer. 29.72 temperature. 48; sea choppy. Triple Island Hasy. light northwest wind; sea moderate. Langara Island Clear, westerly wind; sea smooth. Terrace Clear, calm. 42. Alyansh Clear, calm. 38. Anyox Clear, cairn. $8. Stewart CUar, calm. 38. Hazel um -Clear; gajm, 5D-Smlthsrs- clear, calm,, So. Burns Lake Clear, calm. 30 light f .11 .'."V ,k'..4(4 , Judge Lousineau Named to Board WI1J Prvld Over fjfpncllUUon Itody In Regard to Shipping Wage Dlipute OTTAWA, April J; Mr. Justice Qpustnegu has been appointed third hijemljgr and chairman. Of, the board of conciliation and InveailgatlOD to ra) V.HU the wage ciUe btweeji Pvurtoug shtnpltiR cbmffaSneg and their members. , j Om Display Today Tct, "jacK. wake vooat in the bedrooai "I can bear aid fearfully. THE NEW FORD V-8 Third Ave. Kant Mn in the Moon Doctor: ito yar hustjaud n Mia sletjL does he1 oh' tallti will soft retaedy that." sfts. Jones: 1 .lupponr. doc-.or. that you couldn't do a y thing o snake him speak mere div arctly?" It squeaking." she "Well d"you want me to get out and oil it. or something9" he MonniN RADIO SKTS Examine a ni-w model radio and then look at your old m. i Yours can have all these new Improvements also. Modernising, with the new type tubes, speakers, tone or volume controls will give you these. We hate tfte equipment, material and exoerlence to do this at reasonable rates. For information phone Blue 320 LOOK FOR TIIK Superior ,1- Radio Service J3C .Second Avenue Phone Blue 320 P. O. IJox 132 A..O. DARTLBTT C. II. 1N8ULANDER 1 " iyi r The rtMtmi'st aiul nit piiwerful Ford car ever Imilt 112-inch vhtelbase I todies are wider and nearly 12 inches longer 75 horjHiwer enjiim over bit miieei an hour new all-alnminuni cylinder head, t-ivinvr inuresuwd power, amoothnens and econ.tmy. i . Cotuplrtr dttallt now available at our showroom S. E. Parker Ltd., Ford Deale Gave Cigarette to Girl; Goes to Jail llawy McKtmie to Ten Days, Reing Unable to Pay SI line REQINA. April - Harry Mc-Kensic. aged 30. was sotUenccd to spend ten days in Jail here because be gave a is-year old gtxl a etgar- Shji woke up In the early bout It to smoke and was unable to pay j tpe mornUig and nudged. her a fine of g. 3eptru husoai.d "Ji up Un'paid Teacher in Hubby r willingly eat up. "Well, what about II?" he groaned Chicago Suicides Paul Stlinelder. lt'erried Over lln-anelal Position, Shoot lllimelf CMICAOO, April 2fl Paul Schneider, aged 44. an unpaid school teacher of the Chicago schools, ended his life at his1 home here by shooting himself He Is believed to nave become despondent over his financial position. TRAIN LATi: AGAIN Ton Writ 'a train from the east, regularly due at 10; 1ft pm.. was re- i.u'(: this afternoon to be 11 hours :" which will bring it In at V 15 ' ' 1 "' morning. A late connection Hi d Piim Junction la the cause t tin- dflay. Port Essington Man Passes Away John II. Pollard Dies In Local llo. piial This .Morning at Ace f llfly-Onc Years " John ll Pollard, sawmUl sawyer, who came here from Port Rasing, ton passed away at 1 1 30 thU moTRr ng in the Prince Rupert Oeneral The foltewtng It the of charges made for rending 4 notices. Marrlate and Engagement announcement $2. BUtb Notices Me. 4- Puneml Notices $l. Cards of Thank. . Funeral Flowers lOo, per 4- name. rs I'Ihjih tt PASSES IN VICTORIA Mrs StarjcMttitie. Moihrr i I.otij Men, lUd LiMd in t apiui I ur titer I'ectjr Yrar After having br. r ' health for the ptut m Mary Mensie. moth, t Victor Menxir of ih.' away at 11 IS ystni i St. Josephs Huspit.i. She took a turn fi Wednesday morninic time she had been n. Bern In Oueiph. .' years ago. the late Mr been a resident of Virion? years In addin loseJ sons, she is muvu aged husband Oeorxi Mensie of Victoria .c son. Oeorge Mensir Harry Menric sailr.i ' the Princess Adelaid. attend the funeral ) place In Victoria n I two local sons will h . pathy of many f rirmt bereavement Kor Hi ISiM Mondays, Wednrwi Hospital. Dora In Ontario m imut rom the I5at Rngllsh descent, he had resided ! Tuesday, Thursday here for three years and had been dajt . for 43 years in the province. He was I'0' Vancouver single man. Funeral arrangements are In the hands of the D. c. Undertaken. dajrs Tuesday Thumgajp Ffdiy Monday. Wednesd.w ! (hu.igettl) - aedleitl1iun,lVincoiivcrr- Bynday WMneaday PUu . Tuesday, Thursday - lby,raJ ror Stewart and Anyos Sunday Wednesday From Stewart and Anyei Tuesday i! '.I Eight Year Old Girl Licensed Yvutfcful Prodliy f IUII mnrc Md Is dlven Wlrelems li "'ii Ticket BALTIMORE, Mil A; Hudson of Laurel. I having obtained a i a the examinations, h.i-u a wireless operntt MailSchedule ll 30 r-: 11.1 ll' I'll, pjo HI ilU 7 p it "i m-