T l Tomorrow's Tides IIIh Low . 3:50 ajn. 18.4 ft. 17:23 pm. 15.6 It. 11:00 a.m. 5.6 ft. 22:51 p.m. 10.4 ft. April 30: (Canadian Vu! XXIV.. No. A, V, - r Oold. $7. 'I'irnr. $4.75. tl 10. River ConsolkUted. 13V,. t Oreille. 96c. "' Five. tSc. ' ! t. 70c. , ''' 'al BilvtT. 4C. '"r Idaho. IBM. it ia River, 3 tie. No Halihut In txuu being in wtth oatches. 1 wus no sale of halibut on Um 1 i Mi exchange thU morning. loan accord between RltlTAIN AND FRANCE , PMU8. ftV.."' iCCrd,bclWC!a.l!l!!" international monetary Und-of Engid and tl I" rpgtoreo. improvement of T ' ' i fh treasury treasury by by which which a a l ....-. i. mww umier ouimu- "u of between a billion and 'ud a half billion fMnet 11 be made available to the t I in ch treaaury wi ilgned MTday. iivci urlces u aiso eratton. VANCOUVKK yiIEAT VAVCOUVSIi. April SO (Cana. nn Praas) Wlicat waa quoted at e MUc in the louul exdutnge today. She tu4 by lapiaimaaUvm pUfteww that. In order that it should enjoy equal insurance and freight rates, It waa necessary to have two light Installed -one at Bonilla Island and another at Butterworth Rocks It waa taken up with the depart ment and I think looked into wonder if. now that the minister la ending experts to look into the situation at New Westminster and other places, he would have them at the same time see what could be done in regard to these two tights. I know the minister has fall par Oculars and I would be glad if he would give me some Information.1' BENNETT PLEASED Canadian Premier Satisfied Willi H'athintlnn Convenallors Urges ( urrrnry Stabilisation Joint Statement I.Mtli litdrralandlifg for Etoromlc Improvement To Eii-liange Commodities WA8H1NOTON. D. C . April 20 (Canadian Press)- An appeal tor stabilisation of world currencies waa made last night by Premiei R. H. Hernelt of Canada as he wound up three days of discussion on world economic problems with President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Mr. Bennett declared that the conversations had been of the greatest possible value and expresses warm appreciation of the initiative taken by President Roos evelt. Prime Minister Dennett and President Roosevelt today announced that an understanding had been reached on the purpose of economic improvement. They also announced that they have agreed to basin a sea roll "for mean to I . .wahanM nf awimmrvHt t Ias They declared that it was Imperative that, aa anon aa practicable, I 4 Hf izinp Themselves With ll. C. Coasjlinc OTTAWA, April 21): (Canadian Press) Charges that Japanese naval officers in the guise of fishermen obtained ompjoyment on fishing vessels hi British Columbia had actually been devoting their activities to familiarizing themselves with Canada's Pacific coast were made in the House of Commons last night by Thomas Ueid, I. literal member for New Westminster. dur- log dtscu anion of estimates of the rnTrinn i nri NORTHERN AND CENTRAL ijRITISII COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1933 France s uJrigib'e a., tt.e twelve pern- j aatc? E " 110? 030 CiUlTiUKlC Ol is u wreck. Serious Charges Made by Tom Reid in House in Connection With Activities of Orientals Asserts That Naval Officers Obtained Employment as Fishermen and Devoted Their Kfforts to Familiar- Department of Fisheries. Protesting against Increasing the number of fishing licences to the Japan- Mr- ft1 declared that an uch increase would result merely In the building up of a piece of Japan In Canada Many officers of the Japanese naval service made it a practice to secure employment as fishermen on Japanese -owned vessels. "They HOLDINGS Pacific Amrri(.n I'Uheries Takes Over Klrni Caniteriea, giviitg II Twenty-Hie In All BUXINUIIAM. Wash.. AprU 29 (Canadian Prr.sa) -Adding eleven were apy'nR and I'm not fniM to canneries to lu holdings and giving any bo," declared Mr. Reid. BIG GAIN IN WHEAT Another Hull Drive l one tip Nearly l'our Cents on Winnipeg Market Today WINNIPEO, April 39 -Smashing golns of nearly four cents ware police Court Fines marked up at Uie clow of another m . ATC rc "mn 1,1,8 , Y lcar bull dHve'on Uie Winnipeg wiieat! market today. It a total of twenty-five canneries in Alaska and on Puget Sound, the Pacific AmrrtiMn FtohetiM Co. has leased, with the privilege of purchase, the properties of the NorUi-western rtslirriia in Alaska. Archie C. Shicla, president of the Pacific American Fisheries, waa here yesterday afternoon aboard the steamer Prlntwai Nerah returning to Helllnghiua after a business trip to Juneau. EVERT0N WON CUP Defeated AUnrheslrr Cily Z to Ml In Knglish lliial Immense Crowd Prrsent LONDON. April 20: (Canadian rieM)-.lrore a rrowd of ZOO.OOO fan at Wembley rark, Kverton defeated Manrheler City by a store uf tluee to nil today lu win the ftiglkh Poolball Cup final A crowd estimated at 109,000 Mueetrd into the Stadium while as many more rlamorrd outside the stadium, viewing the ma ten from any vantage point. Kvrrton's attack had the Man-cheater learn up against the wall for the most of the game. Brilliant sallies of combination kept them well on top and. at times, they displayed brilliant football. Kverton's goal were tallied by J. Stein. nuUide left, in the first half while Dean, one of the greatest ,of Kntlislt goal scorers, and J. Dunn tallied in the second half. I Prince Rupert for the month of tlon of Labor, told the Houee of Uno Dan left on last night's j April this yea. amounted to only Representatives labor commit- train for Montreal wtoere he will $108 as compared with $180 In the tee that the five-day week plan Cjrtrk May 5 aboard the steamer same month l ist year. So far this would make serfs of AniMhxui Duchcea of Bedford for a trip to year fines have totalled $3M as Industrial workers. hU native home In Helslngtors 1 against $980 in the first four Finland. i months of 1931'. e LAUOIl IIKAD OITOSKD TO IIVIM)AV WEKK WASHINGTON, DC, April 89:- Matthew WoU, vice-prat- Pol ice court fines for the cltv of dent of the American Federa- CAME NEAR TO TRAGEDY Former Mayor Harry Gale of Van couver and Family Almost Asphyxiated Yesterday Maniac Feared cben Range and Six Lives En dangercd as Result VANCOUVER, AprU 29: (Cana dian Press) a as, released by an unknown hand, almost snuffed out the lives of R. Harry Oale, former mayor of Vancouver and financial agent, and his entire family in their home on Hudson Avenue early yes tcrday. In addition to the former mayor, others who escaped death were Mrs. Harry Oale, his wife; Harry Gate Jr.; the tetters bride of a week, the former Margaret Mc-Fariane; Bobby Oale. a younger son. and May Hughes, a maid. Mrs. Oale sr. was the most ser iously affected by the gas. which was flowing from six Jets in the kitchen range, but she has recov ered. Entry was made to the house through the back door apparently between 1:30 and 3 o'clock In the morning. Nothing in the house was disturbed and the police arc inves tigating on the theory that a wanton murder maniac, seeking ven geance for some fancied Injury, was abroad in the Shaughnessy Heights district. The lives of the family were saved when Harry Oale Jr. amelled gas and awoke, dashed downstairs and turned the Jets off The key to the kitchen door had. apparently, been pushed out and the door opened by the Intruder by means of a skeleton key. The awing door from the kitchen to the hall leading upstairs was open. The oven door of the stove was also open. THIS WEEK The New Chevrolet I on Display at Kaien Motors Show Room All Cordially Invited Phone 52 , I. - ; rniws: rive utMm JAPANESE CHARGED WITH ESPIONAGE OLOF HANSON TAKES UP NAVIGATION AIDS IN COMMONS Lights on Butterworth Rocks and Bonilla are Again Being Asked For Strong Pica on Behalf of Prince Rupert Harbor Made by Local Member Asks Minister to Send Departmental Experts North OTTAWA, April 29: Olof Hanson, M. P. for Skeena, rui'lr a strong plea in the House of Common last night fi n -in)? dhicuNsion of marine estimates to the Minister of Marine, Hon. Alfred Duranlenu, to provide the two lights r. -ai ded by Lloyds as necessary to give Prince Rupert Harinir equal insurance and freight rates with other Pa- iflc Coast porta The minister pro- 4 I MTKO STATUS HACKS IT Alt-MS CONVKNTIOX oENgVA. April iCana- n.,.i. Pre' United Stales .idi otically allied herself ; (i Ureal Britain yesterday at ih worM aitavi rmameai cam : -nee when Norman II. Davis .Manured that the Aatersnn 't pulton would oppose any ' mpt to weaken the draft hi. convention prepared by Rtttwh. Stock Market Fairly Steady Ainrruan Dollar Reform Further Rut Commodity Trading in New York it Weak i w YORK. April : The stock t presented a moderately one despite further reeov-n the American dollar and In commodity markeU and niu.il Inum. Some c '"ere as follows, s steel. 43. Mean Can. 73 V Chemical. 95 V n an Telephone. M! inghouae. 33. rancouver Stocks 1 by 8 O. Johnston Co. Ltd. mlaad to give the matter considera tion. Mr. Hanaon mid: 1 would like to call the attention of the minister to a matter brought baton htm from boards of trade aad shipping interests regarding tfce harbor of Prince Rupert. It was aon ilmlm lew years ago and it was' France Loses Dirigible In Crash Four Members of Crew and Two Passengers in Narrow Escape as Motorship Burns KETCHIKAN, April 29: (Canadian Press)-A coastguard cutter reached here yesterday with passengers, crew and mail from the Noyes Boat Co.'s passenger and freight motorship City of Anacortes which burned to the water's edge when a backfiring motor set the vessel afire in Pearce Channel off Halibut Pay near Hidden Inlet while enroute Thursday morning from Hyder to Ketchikan. The crew of four men and two women passengers had a narrow escape. The captain beached the craft after it had taken fire but those on board had to swim ten yards to shore when the only lifeboat sank. The mail on board was saved but everything else, including five barrels of Canadian beer, was lost. APPROVED BY SENATE r Farm' Relief and Inflation Program Passes Upper House of United Stales CengTess Wide Powers Oas Had Been Released From Kit-J Given President and Secretary of Home of Union Head Blown Up Two Trrrillc Bomb Explosions Destroy House and Garage at Taylorvillc, Illinois TAYLORVIIXB. 111.. AprO 3(9:-Two terrific bomb explosions, the home and garage of President Jaek Stanley of the Miner' Union here. Agriculture to Assist Com merce and Farming WASinNGTO.V, D.C, April 29: Canadian Press! The Roosevelt administrations momentous farm relief and inflation nrocram was passed by the United States Senate last night by a vote of 03 to 21 and was sent to the House of Reore- I tentative where it is believed to be assured of passage. The measure emDOwers the n re sident to increase from $100,000,000 to $300,000,000 the amount he may, accept In silver at fifty cents per ounce In the next six months on war debts payments. This, it is es timated, will reduce the actual payments for debtor nations by thlrtjf percent while not affecting the amount United States will receive under inflation. The president la also empowered o reduce the gold content of the American dollar by fifty percent. The measure also vesta extensive permissive powers In the president w ezpana America s credit and currency by at least $8,000,000,000. The farm relief section authorizes Secretary of Agriculture Wallace to oan up to $3X00.000.000 In aiding farmers at a low rate of Interest He is also empowered to set minimum orlces for certain farm products as well as to offer certain subsidies. HIS BODY IS FOUND Remains of Bert llinkler and His Wrecked Plane Are Located In Italy Yesterday CASTLE SAN NICOTO, Italy. April JS Bert Hlnkler. noted Au stralian aviator, apparently crashed head-on Into a mountainside on Jnuay 17 in tfce course of hto attempted record-breaking non-stop flight from England to Australia. His b'Kly and the wreeked rrta- ehlne were found here yesterday.