FADE TWO mews' CORDIAL Sustains "StrentJtens THE DAILY NEWS. I'KINCt: RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Publlsned Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by ' Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue .. 'H. F. POLLEN - - - Managing-Editor 1 - : SUBSCRIPTION HATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly-period, paid In advance For Jerjjsrtods. paid In advance per week f : . . By taaU "tn3if parts of British OoluoibJa, the BrltlsH Emplre'.and DAILX EDITION BUYS A NEWSPAPER The Vancouver morning newspaper has been purchased by H. B. Thompson, R. Howe Holland and others and it is ""-V...iVH'jll be opposed in policy to the present Tol-mie government and will favor the return of the Bowser faction of that party with such Liberal following as it can induce. SOU io. Taeadhy, ' Marjih 14. 1923 Tolmieites and keep out the head of the Liquor Board. He1 will continue to" resfde ( there t uncidgc null ill VJClUllil. According to the Victoria Times the paper will work in close co-bperalion with the Conservative party at Ottawa, which is also said to have given its blessing to the Bowser- ues m their effort to oust the Liberals. w" aw"iwuji i d meiuug conserv ative, tie was years ago a member of the wholesale firm of Turrier-Beeton of VictoriaLater he was closely associated With" the Con- sen-Wive government of Sir "Richard McBride as mem- be L f far .yictpria. During the war he was food controller ana .until recently wjas at the lives in Victoria and says he ana nirect tne policy of the newspaper from the capital. Hif nnp onhniu n fk k.U, i itrl - - .. , . W4IIH.HVU niiiia ui ' INFLATION OF DOLLAR It'iVfibmetimes denied that there has been 'inflation of currency in Canada, yet "Canadian Business," the official org;an of the Canadian Chamber of ;Commerce;-objects to any further inflation. It savs that the discouritirirr hf sarr. 000,000-ih treasury bills last November Aras antidtlif in-flation. Gbvernment budgets riot being rjaiaitced h Equivalent tp inflation. Heavy government borrowing is also a tytiS of inflation. Evidently Canada has already inflated its currency to somd extent, thus accounting for the discount against this country in the United States. This makes it diff fcult for Canadian municipalities to pay their debts in New York. It is not the fault of the municipalities but of the .govern-ment of Canada that' there' in a heavy discount on the Canadian dollar," therefore the government should protect the municipalities when they have to pay. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ijUfUnb? When it -wag announced that Dugald Donaghy was pre-j pareti to desert tne L-inerai party ana throw in his lot with his old friend, W. J. Bowser, many people wondered what was wrong with him. They knew he had been On Mr;'BoV-ser's patronage list year? ago, the. only Liberal on the list, but they could not quite understand his latest move. Then they heard he was to be married and that settled it. He hatMost his mind. Champion Texas Long tibfii You'll parlon Bl Bill If he blows a bit you see he's the champion ion t orn Mnnte Brye 1 sa.vs Bill enmes from the wlde-oj)en spaces of Texas where a big horn mran.s more than a little toot THE DAtliT NEWS '-"Titesdayr-Mareh u 133 Sia Oswald Mosley Is penter 1111 WV II I II II 'III II 'UssinHak.il ! Sir Oswald M.mu. i- ..a . . C.-i' .in "Fa:lst Black Shuts" 'In white), tooic part curing a fencing tournament at Paris, recently. He Is shown here with Luuien Oaodm the famous French fencing maur . " i i cT cnPl''fi LAo 1 Or HULu fT rvr Itiri TXTT T Ur UK. WKlINLn Member tor skeena win Not Again Take Part in Debate on Address in ugistatwe-Eaiogium . puameniary correspondent tne Victoria Tiine& hln,y ig'V, 7i In thai UI- vvnncn. in an arucie in mat .. it. . . Dr. Wrinch of Skeena used the first full hour in one of those thoughtful, unpretentious speeches which he has been making here for the last nine years, but will make no more. lie has. (fee Wed to go baclc to private ufe, even, though he could be elected In hU riding without raising a finger The House, which has perhaps aiven him more general respect than tt has accorded any member of late years will h unrrv ti. sit iiim cci He will he , ... ,K ,. who will go of their own accord, without regret The missionary doctor of old Haaelton, the man who has cared for the bodies and spirits of the pioneers and the Indians since the early days, in no practical politician, willing to trade and bargain for success. He take party doctrine arid principles seriously Standing thus firm on his Liberal principles, he Is opposed to any union with Oonwrvatlsm. Quite honestly and without any hope of personal ad vantage, he believes In the party system, sees no tape of welding together the irreconcilable element Of Conservatism' an4 Liberalism. . - , Economics - With p)enty of time to think ant' Md rfeeph-'in his hill at Haaelton. Dr.V VmAHM pondered the gn ejftl air twwldiraV situation and come hc eltrtlh. aMhcltwlofm Very fairly to blame any govern ment' for oftl- troubles. For the de- presMojl he eiouaed the Tolmle government altogether, and the federal government also. But he could not excuse them If they ddn't do some- j thing about curing It. for the cure obviously must come from govern-Iments. It wouldn't come from any- The remedy, as Dr. Wrlnch conceived' It. was not to take money away from peopte who had plenty and to distribute among the rest of the population It would only accumulate m clever hands agnln j Work must be provided. Instead, for Idle hands, and. secondly, agriculture, the foundation of every nation, must be restored. Bu long n a man could take twnntv sheep to town nd get nnlv one suit of clothes In return ilrt Dr Wrlnch. the country eould never nrnsner. He promised and nnpnrontly spoke for the Mbernl nrtv -a rrn-vlnelal board. reprcscntlnE produc ers, consumers hnd middlemen to fix prices of Mfileiiltunil produrts. SO u to vmir.mtee the farmer .1 re turn for hi labor Ho udmlttcd when (lue&tioned by Mr Bruhh Chat this w.is a difficult matter, since MJ ... .a ouwiae kuoo cuh wmr lino, tnis was "toU a rth government cotild work out. To start works for the unemployed Dr. Wrlnch bbif propoftW Inflation of Canadian currency ptthc-lent to provide the ncaarTy tthda. This he did not tOruiWef daoivrofes tnriatioh. slAee there'wasfiMfy in circulation In (raS' nWllhah twinty years ago. 'wtten 'bwnea was a rracUon ofiuirtitt MfiWie , SLmLl. avti wiuy aucn national schod, iwr vrr Ilcved- Hild gol the wheeU'of Jh- uu" l"VTp rSTVJ: Inhuman Agato speakinf filr khe'Ufofti party. Dr. WrlneQ eat denee of one per cent and toLuHMinM as pwn Wwmi wage eqtoegs, tlite onifMWa6i. wno MrtiaiW a mmnjKpmiLa family of 11 and pays 86 cents to the treasury. Deputy Speaker Twigg ruled that it was out of order, to. ...II ..... this la" "w of Legislature cruel and Inhuman and said It had nothing to do With the debase an the Speech front 'thf' TlvrVme my way a remarkable ruling since 10 one hastatked ori the speeeTi ' from the Throne for fwo "wrecks. If t were necessary to eowflrfe oneself-o it. Indeed." there could Be no delate whatever. Mr. PattttUo said ai nucb, buw Mr. T-lgg reJiwed to ar-rue and the debate went on as .us-al, having no relation to tbji ub ect being debated. fTdok Dig at ity Louncil Alderman Ca$cy . Inquired WliTpot Keiluctlon fn Uwesmenl at Court of llevision . ' r. , - ATMrma n Casey a t the tUfurt' oil meetlrrg la4t night cotlfdnbt-piM up an opportunity to trtk'e a dig at; members of the council at' getting' their assessments reduced Jt 'tl ' , feeent court of revision, Jt'cqnje'up In connection with appilcUdrT ot water prlVfleges Mr Wortfoklo rtled for a reduction In rafe'o'n'nfit piece at Seal Cove He was not'Si owed to address the council but'.was 'old to first take the matter. up with he chairman of the commlUee. Then came a recommendatprtfoV a minimum charge for watc uHTie . 'Canadian Steam Laundry during the time It was closed. . 1 Aldermfii CaMy at ohls Jfiggcsfc ted that here was a won'ofrful parallel and what would they dqj The m 'llfference was pointed out-but Mc Oaey Insisted thnt art'ldfrrriari could get consideration' ahd tllke'd who on the council tfot the rWiic-'Ion In their sasessmenul? '' ; " The laundry was Riven the.mlnl . ma ma s 1 tn -1- -eJ muni in jjmu n monin nd the Maybr said he ohjectfd to throwinn personalities for thfrbe- neflt of the crowd. Aldermen VliiH"J. bury. Black uflrj nuqjjpihum all said they thought the ptopojed wuter harge a fair one ;Newnharrfat ' -Gampbell River T6Tter'rnriah' Constable at Naas ltHr'N"oVat Afert Bay Had War Hecord 'CAMPBELL- RIVER, "Mareh 14?-A recent vUltor to Campbell River, "who was ifie guest of 'f. McCSartfly. ' 'ptvsidrnt of Ihe Campbell River 'Board 6t Trafle. w E. O. Newii- 'jiam, aitfVg Indian Agent at Alertj 'Bay, .licensor to W. M. IlalllcLny "wWllis retired dYld is' now resld-! loejn Victoria. . j Mr. Newnham, whose appoint ment 15 not yet confirmed, lookup hUfdudes Alert Bay Tst fall, af- tk lerffethv fvlce with ihe neoart meat of ttiiffari Affairs th the north. Ie flxii gained hl experience ot Indiana, wnlTe" xervlhg In the Royal Northwest Mounted Police In 8.".-i katchewan and Alberta and left hi 1 pbt in Northern. Alberta to rejoin I the Imperial Army, in which he hnd I previously senred 'In different partvraaars whtte he was active In ad oi tne afEmrtlre bifpre ocn(fif t Thanks 1 .gflflflflflflflflflflflflflgejalllllllllllllVAI mgflsu. gflgsiggGgagV a' gam V.llks fefcs 'V aaVajaaaaaBLaKsavTsBBBBBn Blaaaaam " waaaBBBBBBBBBr . aBnaBBBBBBB vaaaaaaSMBV Br isaaaaaaaaaajjjgi sasaaaa aaaaaBBasws" .asaa9 -They Swe of Money d Tvketi tit HK can depend on having a dcfiniie income for life, dlicn the 'time coiiips for him to rciirc from Imsinc. SHB i Miro of an income MilTificiu for her nwI,"f the It ever obliged to carry 011 iingleOiamled. THEY BOTH have the comfnrlalile assurance that their uy. ings are safely invcMcd that lliere will always he Vnoticy for emergencies money for the eilticallon of their rhihlreii.' Siich financial inIeieii(lcncc i made piilile In the average' . family only through Life Insurance. It is llie only av1ngi.; plan which provides adequately for every future contingency. YOU caii he sure "oTinoncy tvlien you nerd it most if'ypu inycn in 1.11c liiMifanco and ailopt Ihe iirngram lcM.J!ulcd to your iie,c(i. Wl Intive today? CANADIANS HAVt DOUBLED THEIR LIFC INtURArJCE IN THE PAST 10 YEARS In 1 J-t2 CansilUn lK,lir)liol,lrr. nwnnl Jfe Intunnrr lolalflnc IM0O,OO0,OOO, vl,lrh I. duuUe ike ..! ,.f 7B.7Te la K I en ymr ago, ' Life Insurance w y. w , . n 0 m,,M' 'Poniore. by , nyiranr. Camwit, Tiki g:uari)ian of FaN,AI)IAN nTfJM r Let the Daily Child are- rens BOYS' & GIRLS' PULLOVER SWEATERS i ': 'II-' ' 'ji' .! I. l-i i " veenecK or poio coiiar 1 .i i . ment of shades Exceptional values WALLACE'S rhfinr 9 Canada, on the outbreak of wur. HU war service was long and he was wounded and decorated for bravery , " in the field. After the war he returned to Canada rejoining the Royal North- west Mounted Police, and sustain ed injuries during the riots at Win I nioeti In 1019 Subsequently ex- changing to the Indian DeparUaent he terved aa Dominion cotuUbW in the Naas River area for over ten taming land tfOuWei.petort( vtyte to Life Insurance ey iieed it mdst iy not consult a Life Iiiimruhce rciireicii. oweat ers siyics in a pieasmg assort- T'v'. Third and Tulfan su. etUer and Indian. Since unnn to tne south he has created f ,v(),. able Irapreaaton and the nUi,y frleWdsTof holh Mr.' and Mr N wn- hairt throughout tfle hoping that the appointinrii win be made permanent Superintendent Male's rrpor ofc fte letephooe depaxtm. ) at the city1 -council mcetir Ust nifK WM a vurplui or ri43 m pm)plk rabriiarj 'J News Classified Ails, work for you.