PAGE TOUB HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Incorporated 2nd May, 1670 Ship all your furs to us. You can be assured of high prices, quick returns and cash by return mail. BEAVER, FISHER, FOXES, MARTEN, MINK and MUSQUASH are in good demand. Our prices on these articles cannot be beaten. Hudson's Bay Company PRINCE UL'PEUT, B.C. C. N. R. Trains r'or the East Mondays' Wednesdays and Fri days 9:30 pm From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10:15 pjn MUSSALLEM'S Always Have Lowest Prices Quality Goods And Our Stock is Guaranteed to be FRESH Readycut Macaroni flp per lb 1 3 lbs , ....... Pure Lard Slrrerleaf balk, per lb. Pure Lard Shamrock 3 -lb. tin Finest Creamery Butter Our own brand, "Economy" 3 lbs ' I - - BllBSSBSBBBBBBBBIBaSBSBBI , MACKENZIE FURNITURE 37 Third Ave. Phone 77J BED LOUNGES- -Couch in daytime, and makes a full size bed CI CI Special, with pillow Q-0 ' Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,00 tons Shipbuilder and Ship Repairers for Sleel and Wood Vessels Iroa and Itras Castlog Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts Sawmill and MlnlngMsehlaery Kepnlred and .Overhauled Says That They Heard Aurora OTTAWA, March 14 The question as to whether or not sound accompanies the aurora has been in dispute among scientists tor many years and the Dominion As-trophyslcal Observatory ol the Department of the Interior, at Victoria, British Columbia, has recently carried out an extended analysis of observations made by persons resident in Northern Canada, for the purpose or definitely ascertaining whether the sound has a real existence. Reports oj auroral observations have been obtained from many officials in Government departments, including the Royal Canadian Mounted PoHc the Department of the Interior, and the Department of National Defence, as well as from numerous other persons who have had unusual opportunities Of witnessing auroral displays. In all 141 communications have 20C'heen recelwdand 144 persons have reported as hearing auroral sounds. XlCiMtst ' lh account8 are from - 'persons whose intelligence and re-Qq I liability are beyond question and i wime i ne evuiniTC wiuin nicy p. ' sent indicates the sounds ne heard QCp rarely in comparison with the fre- quency of the displays themselves Tea Broken 'Orange Pekoe, our the actual existence of a sound ac own brand, T Economy" Ofjp , c,,mpanytng displays of unusual per lb. , .intensity seems to be placed be- Btiy now aa tea U ad vane- C Ap lyond reasonable dpubt. The major- t lng In price, 3 lbs OUU ily 0j observers describe the sounds Old English Meal A cereal and as of a swishing, rustling or good for baking. per pkg . v Rolocream Health 0t-- per pkg. ... . . Fairy Soap 5 cakes in box per box Ayimer plum Jam 4's per tin. 23c 27c 25c 37c . Gold Dust Scouring Powder QCn 3 tins . MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store I We deliver all orders, $2 or over 317-19 Third Avenue West P.O. Box 575 Phone IX crackling nature In addition to reports on audi bllity a number of reliable otwer vers report that m rare occasions they have seen auroral curtains ori streamers close" to the earth's surface. In a number of such cases the auroral light wa seen against some background object, such as a tree, cliff or building, which would make possible an estimate of minimum height. American Paper Tells About Mill At Powell River The Minneapolis Tribune recent ly published a feature story about Powell River, a town that is owned very largely by Minneapolis interests. Jt tells of the activities of the late Dr. D. F. Brookes, of the Brooks Scanlon Company who took a leading part in forming the com pany, ur. urooKS was ine owner o: the Gates Mansion on Lake of the Islert Boulevard In Minneapolis, which has recently been demolished to make way for a number of new residences. Three members of the family are still among the owners and! directors of the company which kwns the townslte and the big Powell River paper mill from which the Prince Rupert Dally News buys Its paper. TUX DAILY REITS JsmaTiBimBTOBTiBW I News of The Sport World ubxs ci i.i iMKuzmiMimmsMTmmmsM-sMiM i mm MMMMtatmasmxmsMtmxmxmm inxmsm'xmxMxmznxmzmmTM tmxmxmxmmem WINNERS IN I BADMINTON The following are the winners In i the first games of the city open badminton tournament. The first I mentioned are the winners in each case: Ladies' Singles Miss McKay, Miss Palmer, 11-14, 11-3, 11-2. Miss Cross, Mtas Thompson, 11-3, 11- 6. Men's Singles N. Allen. R. Franks, 15-9. 17-14. R. Moxley. J. Olbson. 15-6. 15-11. Darton, Murray. 6-15. 15-10. 15-12 B. Tobey, Lyons, 15-4, 15-2. Men's Doubles Horton-Davlt, Stamford-Oreggor. 12- 15, 15-6, 15-4. Bryant-Lamble, Norrlngton-Dar-ton, 15-6. 15-7. Bartlett-Cornish, Murdock-Bunn. 15-4. 15-9. 12-15. N. Allen-R. Tobey. Linzey-Lyons. 15- 5, 15-5. Ladies' Doubles Miss E. Davis, Miss T. Davis-Mi Bdfecumb, Miss Crass, 15:9. 16- 4. ' Miss Tetrien-Mlss McKay; Miss Orieve-Miss Moffatt, 8-15, 15-12. 19-16. . Miss 'Mltchell-Mlas Cross, Mrs. NorringtonMrs. Parlow, ft-9. 15-12. Miss Thompson-Airs. Hortori, Mrs. Olfason-Mlss Rogers. 15-2, 15- I 10. Miss E. Davis-Miss T. Davis. Miss Palmer-Miss Lawrence. 15-11. 15-12. I Mixed Doubles , Miss Tvrrlen-Murdock. MisslS. Boddie-Darton. 15-11. 15-5. : . Id the men's singles C. J. Nor-i rlngten defaulted to R. Allen owing to a sprained ankle. All the games tonight played on the United Church court. Giant's Shortstop UTILL!E THE TOILER'' Lls ffeU. MAC l OveieHetWiO vihat THA.T MAM AD VAJMBM t CAME IMTO TMB QFFlCB VAJHAT D'O MU MBAN OV a wee. tiiArS IV' d ! t 1 J . I Just as ()od as fvci Travis Jackson, iki.ihy shortstop for the New York Giants, hao both knees operated on this winter to remove Injured cartilages now he spears 'em as well as ever Close Shave for Max Bf 1 1 Mw,M'1MtflgnaRsaMsaisai iLbbbbbbbbI , Thtey took Max Baer like a sheep to a shearing recently in Ban Fmncisco. when the Uvermoie heavyweight was led into a room, blindfolded strapped to a chair and his mustacht rwnovstt My a barber, none other than Jack Danpsey. foimer bMvrweight champion SPORT CHAT Babe Ruth, who ut as left-handed as any baseball player can be, writes chiefly with his right hand. But he does Just as well writing with his left. mm a them pretty good fighters, who httve failed to scale t2ie hetghU are Vlttorlo Cam polo. Pat Lester. Carl Morris, Oeorge Oodfrey and Prtmo Camera. For 13 years Oeorge Blake has been manager of the scrappy boxer, Fidel La Barba. but in all that lime Fidel has never addressed Blake as other than "Mr. Blake." Hockey seems to be a left-handed name -that Is. more than half of the 131 players on the rosters of ihe National Hockey League clubs ure southpaw shots. In tact. W of ihim shoot left-handed. Only one noalle- "Chuck" Oardlner. of the Hawks a right-handed player. From baseball to billiards, according to season, seems to be a hobby with many of the noted ball play-itm. Max Carey. Tria Bpeaker, Watte Hoyt. Frank Hogan. Herb Pen nock. Andy Cohen -and not forgetting Babe Ruth are all keen billiard enthusiasts. Maybe It helps their eyes. Given a fair amount of natural A Return' Engagement 13 ET XX - yOU'vA 1AMN our IM5URANCB OM CXn BUOAfiBMBMr " THAT'S VWWy yK ARBM'r VAI3Bli- "NIP I BlifiAK IT orr tuuw fOLLCCT I I .f?f-ili JBtrr L SOME SOME HQMBV) HQMBV) J VANCOUVER TEAM . LIKELY TO COME ! MIDDLE NKXT WEEK , It la expected that Use Van- ; coaver C N R. A baakaiball team wlU play the ioeai team : in the Exhibition Hall on t March 23 and 23 The CIJt sufftclent to reach top heavyweight u word (rom Vancouver to boxing honors, as witness the case . rmf.rmln. .hu of Ed Dunkhorst, the "Human 1 Freight Car." Bd Weight 35 pounds, lf4 4, 4,t but he was flattened by Bob nu- simmons In two rounds. Other men of great site and weight, some of : 1 i 4 BASKETBALL March 14 Kalens vs. Orotto; Warriors vs Merchants: Cardinals vs. Comets. Rovers vs. Meteors. ability, the quality moat essential for success in competitive sport is stick-to-ttiveness. Mm V eV ?TAs VV 4 rmz r-p Ihe healing Cream Jf 7lenihokiutn Faf SPRAWSakdBWISES BITES or QUTS. M ADC IM CANADA , British Games In England Are Planned In 1934 LONDON, March 14: The second , British Empire Oames, originally awarded to South Africa will be hrld here In 1934 It was announced b" Sir James Leigh Wood, chairman j of the games committee. The first games wtre held In Hamilton in. 1930. I Both South Adieu and Australia J England's wish to have them here. ! Steamship Sailings Far Vanrouvei Tuosday Cntala 1:30 p.m. I Thurs as Prince Rupert. 10 pm Thursday, m. Venture midnight.1 Friday-as Prln. Adelaide 10 p n. From Vanrouvei I 8unday n. Calala b m Wed -as. Prince Rupert 9:30 mi Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup MON. Si TUES. TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 15 Adm.-ISc Si 50c A II... I .1 CI , "rl:U Aft., v. . nignittuenw With George Itaft. Canst..!?.. mlngs, Wynne Gibson. M,. V A I aramount Picture 'count niEocri,- i a r.iss "ll.tflt CTIirr. A Severe Cold Turned To Bronchitis Ur. 0. U. Kaapr, R-B Kt. (, XCr f, Mi; writit "l-t wlir I ti sk't' wui i Mini et) wkles tsrsed brot'k t A Bflgkbar, ko k4 u -.Ktt 'k braifliltli, 4vte4 mIiim Dr. Wti 'i rifi P.Tmp. ti4 I ltd l7 ukun bf 1 f4 ny trU kt4 lft Nw wks say of tit fmilj t t K4 , Jut UV Dt. Weed's' n4 hrOr ImWs." Prk JSe. a VettU Urg Hwttj We; it il Ant "4 grl itr; Mt P saiy r Tm I UllUrm Co, U4, Tewtuj Ott DEPRESSION PRICES Kbr Coals, per ton SH.OQ & $11.30 (Not Nut Coal) Lump C0.1l, per ton JUJO Atoe Coal, $l.(M) per ton fens All Coals are In n tlrv slied. Don't buy water, buy roil HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE "roll ;;v own" with 3 MADf INrNANi'.C J LEAVES PURE RICE CIGARETTE PAPERS These Uolutly p nrt pseked In s"mV'l hnoklett, doiblt ii '"1 thst the psr ttnH X fHit either to the Uft "w hsnd side. Resdy-g" " vrryitreng. et tht.i " - 2 the hit end inot 4-nnie you cn buy. Teets hive reived uprrfine prr ,n ,,f,v ; By Westover. Vu (VxD poa t CUMts.Hat- iJWM V A Ml kxS OM MU - , V i lcAi&i yoo nyoHT r kbj I ., v TtttHaA-c vou. 1 KW jL oor mm- Jjsw ifZir U ' - I mm And Beautiful ELISSALWDlJ The Tleaslng Romanl!, iL 1 The Woman in Room ir With lUlph lie Ham?. Nu ii.J Mght After Night starts MJtl J RtrJimi, .,,1 ,,n,IIN a "firsaw.tii .! hcid wi'i. 'hi- nrK itiUtatlon of the i vf nt in i':4 .Hid though Canadian officials t...t offered to stage the; iw.ime agaiii, they had acceded to' (COAL! COAli , .......w. iNfi lU'Wt 4 Ml ; Bulkley Valley f,au are, teed to give satuu.uon Tn.l tOO Of NO 1 Bulkley VaJL y t, also sell Timothy Hay wJ uau and Barlfy I'rincc Kupcrt Feed Co, 5 rhonei U