Good 0', 4 1933. ietWeddi Chocolat air always JONES' imily Meat Market 25c 25c 50c 4 50c 12c "25c 25c 20c 15c 15c 18c tfOc 10c 10c Phone 9.ri7 . insr Last E - HI I I HT : es resi Chocolates deteriorate with age. That' I wtiyeofjfe' URc to us. We handle the"6est mike lutf sett la rge x s ho we ate continually burning ovH-e-eatck. :. is ran depend on always getting fresh chocolate lore Me Handle Neilson Varidfe' Lines ,!!!) some very nice pit boxes and also Sfeppt .. of chocolates la one of the most acceptable gifts a run receive. Tlvey ean always be given without Ormes Ltd. Jim Pioneer Druggists (iMwaaanrKKmannaBan BYLAW TO REGULATE PARADING Prrmhlon Will Have to be Asked Once the New Regulation it Patted by Council At the meeting of Use city eoun il bylaw wa introduced and j -Ml through IU early sure ptow r. ,rsi Ibr the regulating oi tr,-et tra! flc. particularly dentoiK w:tri ti. regulation of crowds or parade Alderman Casey complained thii' the council wa ever ready to p.iw 'waresslve measurea Ht drew at-! lentton to the fart that the r. ccnt parades bad been quite orderly, tan had led to any dbiturbance. rh men were compelled to brine titration to their grievances In Alderman Ruddarham asked who aa resacaalbtar IliJotdd Dk to know why the Mtew ftad been In troduced Aldnosaa Kocheltr said he was me of those respoiulble for the ueaAure. He admitted that the men istd been orderly so far in thU city but pointed to a case In Vancouver where one ended in a riot. This city should be on the same footing as others In the matter of regulations He could not ate that anybody woald be injured by the bylaw. Alderman Rudderham took It from Alderman Rochester's remarks that naradas would not be (permitted after the bylaw was passed He advised them not to curb I the rights of the people. They were I not Interfering with anyone in ' II W trtrM think tVlV VCllllltJ lnil R00( resulU came from the i last narade. ' '.'j!) Tastur tarried Yes to S .hi I'ranrKco Nurc Alderman PlUsburv said if he thought ft the Intention to prohibit Haradex he would be against the i oleanaed oyiaw. nowever, un wmn auuwu ' ir. h Manse on have to get permission iron uie it it 4 pjn when'ijroper authorities. MMior. Hit., grand-1 In awwer to Alflorman Casey, the J Oaynor. MD.. j Mayor said perWriaatM lor a parade n Oaynor Ph. P.. would have to tM setured from the . was united, Chief of Police. ; F. o Dovey of j Alderman Caiay moved an am-' if Mr and Mrs endment that permlsalon would uuouver. Rev. C.i have to be asked from the city oun-ir the ceremoity.icll but got no seconder to his mo-i.'icom were later jtlon Home of Mr. and I ' Rev Father llammond arrived 1 1' a e v will reside at from Anyox on the ss CaUla this niiii June. 1 afternoon. - . .itf 4iL - I'NION STEAMSHIPS I.IMITKI1 !'mn triT frtnes npm for Tiswuw-Tss l AT.UA i:vi:itY T1IKSIUY. 1:30 P.M. ' i Ms and WayPutiUa Due Vancouver Thursday pin ;s- S VENTtUE KVi:itY FRIDAY MIONIOIIT. ' Monaay n m f rt Slmixoi. AJIC Arm. Aiiyos. nd rtrdlo "kU Mtiints nd MtttU AIIKNC'Y: iidt fiu thonr SM V, I.IJ I !! SFBWSVBWHSBJSBBSBBBJSSBBBa sa. Jirwmiii 1 1 sw v m bwsfwsw r r iwrv m r sat w. m w . bwa. rn IIITI tr 'swswllflf ",,,ff ,'''', ,,'y Nui ECZEMA HASHES j other SKIN TROUBLES 1 , Soothrid & Held fey Zam-Buk. M I For day and vice I'lione 32. Tl.e city council at Its meeting Stewart. lt night passed accounts am- ounting to $10487 04. At the meeting of the city conn. At the city council meeting last night Alderman Cjey drew attention to a dangerous piece of sidewalk on Ninth Avenue. He was as-Mired that it would be attended to. At the meeting of rsaYtftst ntaai 'he u.mal r de of toa coy coan- sHsaesCTSrSSswf tuture be followed by alL Tterc ould be only one speech from each alderman on one subject. At the meeting or the city council last nigh. Alderman Black made a pka tnr the electrical workers in connection with the city utilities claiming that they had been cut In greater proportion than any other department It was reported that a month's trial was to be given the present plan. Frank A. Boyle, manager of "His Master's Voice" for British Columbia, arrived In the city on the Pr'ncen Nora yesterday morning from Vancouver anc after a short business visit with McRae Bros, left on the evening's train for Prince Oeorge. He will be returning to the city Thursday and will go south on the ss. Prince Rupert that evening. Announcements Rebekah Tea March 16. Catholic Ladles' Big Supper und Social March It. Prince Rupert Badminton. Acsn. Dance March IT, Moose Hall. Presbyterian March 17. OddfeUows' March II. Sham roc Tea. Old Tune Dance .Ragles' Dance. March 24. .3. Moose Dance March 31. Presbyterian 8prlng Sale Apr' Catholic Spring Sale and Socla: April 18th. Anglican April 19. Spring Sale and FISH CASH & teal Medium Grabs, 3 for 5Sc Fresh Herring, a lbs 23c Fresh Filleted sole pee lb. 10c Fresh Filleted' ilert Pud. per lb. 10c fYesh Halibut. 2 lbs 25c iLUibut FlUst, per lb .515o Second Sired Phone 831 2 tX ."""f1 " THE 'datlttw LOCAL NEWS NOTES night Taxi Leave your spare books at Orme's Basketball tonight, Auditorium 7 Seasoned Jtox&ndsi " 51.00 ' per load. Albert & McCaffery. tf. Drug Store for the public library. I Do It today, please. ' tf J. D. Sutherland arrived from . i Anyox on the Catala this after- ! " you have not a spare book, -noon. ' buy one and give it to the Library : It is a good investment. MM Isaacson returned to the city on the Catala today from You probably ftfiyAt least onrj book you can spare;. Leave It t, Orme's for the Library, "tf rll Fire Chief Morrison npmm rh-u there w?re only three MkUs Rev. W. B. JenntOva wfes a p?-lurin(? the month of February arid sender on the at. Catala frdkn no fire loss. 8tewart this afternoon. ' ItFIJHK All TFA At the meelng of the atty cot&- St. Patiirh's Tav and Cabarav ell last night water work supplies tomorrow. 3 to c. Oddfellow's were approved to the amount ! Hall. Teacup reading free. 61 , 3M.30 . i 1 l ' 1 FOR HEAD OJ.DS Arzllrin Tea at home- of Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh. 4th Aire. Thuo- I day, March 18. ibody welcome. from 3 ta 6. Bvei The ss Cataia arrived frfn Stewart and Anyox 'at p o'ekk sailing lor Vancouver ana wa points ,it I SO pjn. r Miss S. A MUU. artaclpal 9- The report of the auditor on the finances of the city for the year 1M2 was laid on the table for two weeks. the meeting of the city council last night Borden Street School received word yesterday from nor relatives FINEST FURS On Sale Today At Goldbloohi's This is the time to buy. We have some of the finest obtainable and the prices are low. Why buy poor quality when you ean get -the beet from uc at prices not thought of hitherto? DROP IN AND SEE THEM ers Who have furs to sell ran 'make no in Ls lake In shipping to us G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable awawSnssW ElllTE 'HEAUTY' PARLOR Mrs. Sutherland Operalfng the fat est Shrlton CriMiultnolc Oil Steam PfcrMhbnt Wavii Machine ... &jr,Appoirilment Phone 490 - The collecting ' depot at Ormes (Drug Store has been kept busy re-1 diving books for the library trader Of !ta"iirhMu ttrranafd br the Ovro Cleb. The number contributed yes terday was lei maktog a total now n Ldttg DeWi, 'mum. the tJSatpe' p o noon today they ad come thfoagb tartb- quakK safely although they went through some terrible eapertenee and their homes were all shaken up. Today 's Weatiier Prtnee Rupert Overcast, light south east wind, barometer 29.M. temperature 43. smooth sea. Langara Part cloudy, light sooth east wind, moderate sea. Triple Island Cloudy, fresh, south east wind, light chop. Dead Tree Point Rain, fresh south east wtnd. barometer M.78. temperature 40. rough sea. Terrace Cloudy, ealm, 30. Alyansh Clear, ealm. 3$. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 33. Stewart Snowing, calm, 28. Hazelton- Part cloudy, ealm. it Burns Lake Clear calm, 10 The donation receiving special mention yesterday was made by Mrs. D. O. Stewart, not D. C. Donors 1 ire asked to leave the books at Ormes and not at the library. Fol lowing Is the list from noon yester day until noon today: Maber Bckert Anonymous Mrs. D. McCaUough Miss V. Krhceeaky Anonymous Art Nlekenon W. E. FnnneU J. B MftV Mr. Oooderick Miss .Way A. E. Parlow John Bergman MarceOe ti Loratne Jabour Mrs. C. Brewerton Mrs. Rorie E B. Baker Edith Johnstone J. Unwln . A R. PhOllps Mrs H. T. Cross Mrs. T. Andrews Mr. H. Birch . City Council PETITION TO ,. TUB- HONORARLE THE HOUSE IX 'PARLIAMENT ASSEMBLED: . 3i . 5 11 .14 . 11 . 5 8 8 7 - , ! -10 .. 9 8; 6! .61 Regrets Death Of S.M. Newton Mayor Stephens Attended Funeral and Saw That Flowers Were Sent on Behalf of City At the meettnt of the city coun cil last night a- resolution of regret at, the death of the late S. M. New-, td"n was passed. Mayor Stephens j said he was In Vancouver at the1 time of the funeral and he attend-1 ed and saw that Rowers were sent on behalf of the city. There was a large turnout of Prince Rupert and 'the son and daughter' of Mr. Newton who were present appreciated the interest taken. RENT Sfewing Machine, Typewriter McRAE HROS., LTD. OF COMMONS OF frig range, Ourney heater in per-, feet condition Phone Oreen 712 evenings. 61 FOR RENT HOUSES for rent. - Phone Oreen 68. Bottom price. Fresh Milk and Gream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY . Phone 657 Shoe Repairing Bring your shoes to the ?Shu;Craft We rebuild them Satisfaction Guaranteed M. MacARTHUR Third Ave. Next Federal Blk. For Your Health' Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 241 Phones Green 519 Exchange Block v k X . CANADA WE; THE UNDERSIGNED CITIZENS of the Great Dominion of Canada, being a free and lride pendent people. In whom resides the right of self determination, do hereby vigorously protest against the action ot the Radio Commission of Canada in censoring or: attempting to censor ana exclude from public broadcast radio lectures on matters pertaining to the Bible and of public Interest, and particularly the lectures of J. F. Rutherford, pertaining to divine prophecy. We. have faith in the Bible as the Word of God. and that it was written for the instruction Of man. Many sincere persons claim that the Bible prophecies apply particularly to our day and bear direct relationship to the present World distress, and disclose God's remedy for relief. We are entitled to hear questions pu&liety dtocuased free from all censor, ottterwfM oar freedom Is taken away. Those who object, or who may be offended by such lectures, may turn their radio dials and decline, to hear. ' We. therefore, demand that the Dominion Parliament take Immediate aellon, removing from' the Radio Commission the-p&wr to censor, hinder or prevent such lectures by radio and that the" people be left free to determine what they may or may not bear. Men of :jwftdwlde repute and, eminently qualified to expMtn the Bible, such as -we "believe Rattle rford 1,' &m be Helpful to the people and we demand that Our radio stations be- permitted to publicly broadcast his lectures. The question is: Shall the people continue to enjoy freedom or shall a few men deprive them of their, Ood-givtn rights? Signatures The fire department had a call ; out near 3 E Un win's residence on ' V APTirPP Mon y Avenue last night t 6 45 KKf td Kr ilN whew Mme stumps had caught on 1 VVral.iJUI- fire. . Mmb?rv and prospective mem- Ibers please attend annual general I meeting of Prince Rupert Tennis 'Club Monday. March 30, 8 pjn. tr. 'City JTall 01 OF LIBRARY Street or P. O. Box Number City or Town Sitfrt the dbove Petition and mail to the following: address: WATCH TOWER Iiox 668, Prince Rupert Classified Ads CAMPAIGN1 1 Total New 38 Books Contributed FOR SALE Under Gyro Auspices at Ormes TOR SALE Cheap Imperial cook- PAlNTlNO Collecting Depot PAINTERS and PaperhangJng. Mailer, Phone Red 803. HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING JUS It Up Ladles'. Men's Hair Cutting. Nelson's Beauty Shoppe. .iCHEANING & PRESSING PRICES Third News. reasonable Benkendorf, Ave., next door to Dally TRANSFERS CAXIERON'S Transfer Wood. Coal moving, chairs for rent ,j tt PIANO TUNING PIANOS Tuned $3.00. Walkers Mask Store. tf PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 231 The j ... AUCTIONEER; Packing Crating Wrapping Si Oeneral Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. J.DAWES Phone niack 120 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, RC. tJ .. !! r. . IT 'v-. :)!! "UK sa r. V H .1.. Ki'i I.J ..i I II till i.n ..i . ...1 in' ; .7 )'.