Tomorrow's Tides NaUonal Sir had Henry ...ver. according to an ln-'Cwten i-ion madr by Mayor Ste-nruUy tor the benefit of lei rommlltee at Victoria 'Kjiiiry wa baaed on the coat M wd articles of diet. i vt.yor reported this to the mi it la. nlihl and ate took ' i no tion of the amount of f In this eegatd 4te mm toM iv- uovetiiment dM not know 'hr next relief payment wu i from. .ner to Alderman Casey the (In huI the payment for clothes, seen much In the publle eye ana reeentiv waa aent for bv President Roosevelt with whom he talked over railroad problems of the Untied 8 tale, particularly labor questions Sir Henry Ulnesa ramc Just a the leaden of tt Atsttiean Pedeea-Uon of Labor were Joining wHh New York, a unique honor. He bad Hwt returned from Cuba when hr found the operation necessary. Major-Ocneral 8lr Henry Worth t v ihf city last SetHennxr Thornton. KjC.BX. waa a pi kmc uw t Keen settled. The in- head of the Dominion Oovemmenr.' hud not been completed, system of raft way early In October 1 i : the matter had been IMS. The announcement of his ap- r. it Victoria The amount polntment .1 chief cxeeuUve of Uv for which the city had various unlta comprising the gov-''' 'he money and eon Id not ernment - owned .railway the :( Orand TTunk. Orand Trunk Pacific 1 Pattullo Backs Up Conservative Member in Legislature and Says If Elected He Will Reduce Interest YI TORIA. March 11: T. D. Pattullo, in the ' n yesterday, declared that British Columbia was :';ng into default or greatly curtailed public service t ans. All governments were in the wtinc position in ' 1 Mu tt. Hut there was one alternative, Mr. Pattullo Ormes Drug Store '"me of the d6nor should be wrltu-n plainly or! the parcel nd they will be acknowledged throuah UiU par. tleal interference Canadian Northern. Transconunr: Ul and Intercolonial waa madr t Premier Mackensie King at Otuw on October 4. 1922. "Thla country 1 exceedingly f r lunate to get a man whose ctr. ployees have worked for him v,nk good will and affielertcy." said pre raler King on lufteeaaitorL "a tnj.Ti OuMdtanfcbQf tteade m the casjjhetsatajgr a Hon of a testimonial dinner ill a life eamttf be wnsagklt who . joy the eonfMenee of the labor fctseeft In England, and who d a. In the open with his cards on UMe." At the time of his sppotnUnf 11 .. (he Important position In Camuu Sir Henry Thornton was genera. manager of the Oreat Baatern Rail way In England, which position tv had occupied with distinguished mooes for more than eight year Sir Henrys first experience at railroading was gained on the Pennsylvania Railway. In addressing the Canada Club of London at the elub's farewell dinner In his honor Sir Henry aald such an adventure as government ownership of railways, as a rule, had not been successful In other countries, but there was no reason why gov- . ernment ownership of railways LeglS-! should successful if the ad- mmtstratlon of the railways were handled on a businesslike basis and kept free from political interference, tile Intimated that In-the ease of the Canadian National Railways 1 that was revision of the interest rate. If the fed-jawr was not going to be any pott PLEADS FOR UNION GOVT. ...... K?ri government woum noi taac ine W Alaard of Prince (Seoric Sue-1 t This Is Time of Crisis tniA. March 14:-It. W. Al-t'onsorvatlvr ninnhor for ' "uruc. ended Uw drbittc on In reply to Ue Speech in- Throne, In an appeal for "viMiiment. Tl Fort George M Mild that union govern-u.,s urcessary at the time of "', lon and during the T W ir. but never before had 1 " ( unomlc emergency arisen A ol Uic time had come for 1 united effort ou the part "Hit to overcome the do- InitiaUve In thU connection the province must, and If elected he pledged hla government to do so. The Liberal leader was speaking on the motion of Mr. Carson. Con- . . . m aSS a la i servnuve memoer ror uuiwc ctiii- Ing for a scaling down of rata on government borrowings. Japan Will Not Give Up Islands TOKYO. March 14:-Japan has no intention of giving up control of the mnndalcd Pacific Islands it la announced Her only duty is to submit an annual report on the wuy in which her duUea have been carried out to the League of NaUoita, from which she Is resigning. BOOKS WANTED V('iic having books, old or new. that they wish to n;,l' to the Library, should leave them at once at Sir Henry Thornton married in 1901. Jtlss Virginia Dike Dlalr. of NetycasUc. Pa. daughter of Oeorge Hiatr. There arc one son and one daughter. A few years ago he was divorced from his first wife and APPEAL MADE IN COUNTY COURT AssrMinenl of Power Company lie-Ing Argued llefnre J mice I'islier This Afternoon The case for the apeai of Ue Nerttwrn U. C. IVwer Owiiwny Rftlijst Ute asKesNncut or the city on their plant, came up this limn ing hi county court before Judge r'lelicr. L. VV. Putmorc for the cotu-ttaiqr aiMl It P. Jmies for the city. I Ttie company put In Its evklence , to allow II tat Uie transformers were , hot city Improvements according to ' His meaning of the Act and llicre-! fort emild not be assessed. Argument Is taking place Utls afternoon. PurUier MpiwaLs will be up tomorrow on behalf of Max Hell-brorier and the Capitol Theatre unlets settled out of court prevkms to trial WASH1NOTON. March 14 The tax on beer as provided in Hit bill passed by Congress at the request of the president tor a tax of $ 00 a barrel on beer and $1,000 licenses fee on breweries. This. It t-expected. will amount to 1125.000.-MO In the year. Under the Volstead Act It Is possible to sen beer containing 3 3-10 per cent, alcohol. i ECONOMY HILL WASHIMOTON. March 14: The opposition of the "veterans to the admnlstratlon'.s economy bill was overcome yesterday and the measure passed. The Cane Scale with 43.000 pounds of halibut and the Capella I., with 14.000. arrived In port thU morning and are holding until to morrow. THIS WEEK The New Chevrolet I. i .Vu am. 52 J it. b on Display at V 56 ft. Kaicn Motors Show Room NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER AJl Cordially Invited Phone 53 -J- V I JCIV . No. 61. Q r PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS RE A T RAILROAD MAN DIED TOD A Y BRITISH SUBJECTS ARRESTED BY RUSSIAN SECRET POLICE Sir Henry Thornton Died in New York This Afternoon Too Late to Receive Labor Leaders' Honors IIVINH rOsT ;Kuremic Poisoning Followed Abdominal Operation of LIT All U WUl Last Week Recently Whs Called on For Advirr hv IN RUPERT President of U. S. in Regard to Railways ; NEW YORK, March 14: Sir Henry Thornton, former president and general of the Canadian National cheaper to Uvr tirrr nun in vie- managor ton, Atctirdint to inrut. j Railways, died here early this afternoon following an ab-tion Mdf by Major Nominal operation, which was iwrformed last Wednesday I lf . ". : e.... i i t f i .V il living la ITtnee liii- . .. Hun In the rttv of Vlr- iie was uiicoiuhmous tor several noun prior 10 ins ucain. suffering with pneumonia and curemic poisoning. 8lncc Since hli retirement retirement from the? , iDhi nrirfiu hiahrr than Died at New York Today ggggggggggnrei'' t 'W 'mEM ggggggllgSW SsbbBK gsBggsgsgssl gsgsgsgsgslgsKKg slsgsgsgsgsM ggggggg gHggg gggggggggggggggggggggggggsPBg ggggggggggggggggggggggggggsgaggc 'TBP',Sfla. vlggflgsnHlgsY 'flggggggggggggaVggggggggggggggggsa gggggggggggggggggggggggg agsgsgsgsgsgsgsRgsttgHB Slit HENRY WORTH THORNTON Furiiu t pr-M.i' stl .i. : . :.. :n : "1 t;.. Rail v.i . ! National BEER BILL COMMITTED . TAX HIGH: FOR MURDER VICTORIA. March 14 -Mr. and! Mt.v Qcorce Lovatt have been committed for trial on the charge of murdering Charles C'oul.son. Five Boats Will Make Alaska Run During Summer VICTORIA. March It -Five Canadian ships will operate to Alaska, but will sail dlmti. from Vancouver Tor the north. They will be Ute Princess Noralt. the Princess Alice nd the Princess Louise on the Ca nadian Pac-llk- fleet and the Prince Rupert and the Prince Oeorge of the Canadian National fleet. The ss. Prince Robert will remain tied up in Vancouver this season. Canadian Pacific Railway Decides To Omit Dividends For Last Period 1932 Owing to Decreased Earnings ! MONTR KAL, March 14: Directors of the Canadian l Pacific Railway yeterdav approved u preliminary finan- 'cial statement for 10112 showing a surplus of $1,007,887 af-' tor fixed eharges had been paid hut without providing for pension fund withdrawals and preferred dividend, i It was announced that the result of the year's operations "preclude any further dividend distribution for tho year 1932 to eitlM-r preferred or ordinary stockholders." Six British Subjects Arrested in , Russia by Secret Police Liberated Today But Cannot Leave Moscow MOSCOW, March 14:Six British subjects and 25 other employees of the British Metropolitan Vickers Electric Company, w ho were arrested by secret police, were-released today but forbidden to leave Moscow. The Tclcjrrafcn Union News Agency said there was an investigation into charges that the Englishmen were participating in sabotage damaging to the interests of the state. EDMONTON WINS FROM VANCOUVER Mrst of Two-Game Series Plajed Last Nlfht For Ri(ht to Meet CsJrary VANCOUVER. March It: Ed-monton Eskimo defeated Van couver Maroons foar to two last MAYOR TOLD OF WORK AT CONVENTION Recommendation .Made .to tipv-ernment Biit Ns .bttorrnaiinn As to Wnat Waf LlfcefyV To lie Pone At the meeting of the city council last night Mayor Stephens outlined the work that had been done by the Union of B.C. Municipali ties at their convention but he did not know what reception the oete gallon had been given by the Gov ernment Li presenting the report to It. The mayor had been a member of the resolutions comtmttee of the convention and he explained tltat the resolutions sent In from vart- ius centres had In many cases combined. In many cases their desires were the same. They had asked for relief from social service and other taxation Including twl- pital upkeep. The proposal for a referendum In renrd to a one or two year term for aldermen was adopted week in December so Utat Ute new! councils eoukl take charge at the beginning of the year. It was also aakVd Utat a Domin ion pJrbiftctte be taken In regard, to hospital sweeiwtake.s. il wan asea inai uie ruie oi the road be chaned to provide that where thre Is no sidewalk, 1 - - 1 - cftaaMalet teetallr eawv I BsSaa lawM ' Asked Mayor to Be Intermediary In Anyox Strike At the meelng of the city coun cil last night Alderman Casey ask ed the Mayor if he would under- 'ake to approach the management at Anyox with a view to getting a Mttlemcnt of Uie strike, not tak ing either side but htsi for the sake nljhl lit tbe-first gameof a htine-4t PfeVfntlijjtsJrtenai 'g4vig and home two-game series, the total number of goals to roant. The winner of this series will play Calffarv for the hockey championship of Western Canada. other local men an opportunity to go to work at the mining camp. At present they eouM not do so at Ute risk of being branded by all workmen. The Mayor promised to Investigate the conditions unoer which the strike was called and he would iase his decision, on the report he received from both parties to the dbpute. The nutter came vp when Mr. Lindsay of Anjrox reported that there was rtethln? to arbitrate as 4lie siiaes were tov woffcing and ho men who Had left had been feWtflfeed, : t Titf local strikers repartee that they were always: willing to discuss the situation. Killed When Auto Skidded John J. Wilson and Alex Yeats Roth Met Death in Areidcnt CALGARY, March 14 -John J, Wilson, 66 years of age, president of the Arctic Brotherhood, and AleX Yeats, a building contractor, 47 years of age. were both killed when Uie auto In which they were driving skidded on the bridge over the Arrow River, near High River, and dropped 15 feet to a froaen creek bod. J. Wilson was the sergeant in t. .J ,.v-i ,h.i .....i,..i .wJrtwrge of the first R N. W. M. P. tions take place around the first l""1 when Uie post was first established In the early nineties. He served with this police force for twenty years. CONFIDENCE j IN BAMS g.verev va tgsf v owisi wwsw wr. a v aide Instead of lit- right. ! For U.U year it was Baked that.. More Deposits Than Withdrawals the Government rut In halt the At San Frantisco Yesterday on penalUcs on oHInquent t ajttij Reopening Day where property nre about to gol on the sale list. I SAN FRANCISCO, March 14 - Appnval was given a request , There were more deposits than that sohn,j rxpeiMlltures sltould withdrawals of money from the come under control of city eoun- National bank.', which reorjened ctK VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVBR, March 14: Wheat was quoted here today at 49tc a bushel. yesterday morning. A large volume q( business wu transacted and a new fpirlt of' confidence seems to have been inspired by the fact that the frueral government la backing the banks. A great deal of gold was deposited.