I i WO eoell 11 tor r Less Special 3.49 Black Snappy Styles for the Snappy Miss Special CI Q Up from RUBBERS For the entire Family Lcckles Solid Leather Work Boots; Special Local Lamb Sh'Jder Lamb Rst, lb. 14c (trimmed) Loin Lamb Roast, lb. 18c Leg Lamb, lb 22c Lamb Stew, lb 10c Steer Beef Pot Roast Beef, lb. . .10c Rib Roast Beef, lb. . .lie (Rolled i Stew Beef, lb 8c Brisket Beef, lb. 8c Quality Service i r 1 iaavt xi m a ch&raxter W9 cell It's sure to C. N: R. Trains For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 5:30 pjn. From the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10 pjn. TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 231 1 jl w $3.95 I -IT I very wgjtj s H Local Veal Leg Roast Veal, lb. ..20c Loin Roast Veal, lb. 18c Shld. Roast Veal, lb. 12c trimmed i Veal Stew, lb 8c Extra Specials Boston Pork Butts, lb. 11c Pork Tenderloins, lb. 22c Sweet Pi'kl'd Back Bacon lb. 25c Pickled Pigs Feet, lb 15c Dill Pickles, doz 50c , Cambridge Sausage, lb. lZ'jc Garlic Sausage, lb 20c Liver Sausage, lb 25c Phone Phone yP Pioneer Butchers Est. 1910 WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS j CO&J. or REPLENISHING PHONE US We have coals suitable for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 618 Smart, Serviceable Oxfords for Women, Brown SHOES Men's High Grade Oxfords, up from $3.95 RUBBERS CUT BELOW COST $2.95 CUT RATE SHOE STORE - - 3rd Avenue F M I irB li I IAMOND Saturday's T SPECIALS! The Letter Box ECONOMIC RECONSTRUCTION ; Editor, Dally News:' We have natural resources and abundant labor, capital, maehiaes, i agricultural 'fields all inoperative jfor lack of markets, for lack of purchasing power. We are face to face with a vicious circle common to the rest of the world. All we lack Is a co-ordinating power to set the parts In motion. Thanks to the wisdom and fore-sJghtednes of true democratic minds whose vision has been fruitful In providing for the establishment of an industrial council, after so many years of gloom and groping in the dark, we at last breathe an atmosphere of action. Man has not exhausted his organising capacity. After having crea-9d these wonderful plants, shops, nines, mills, etc., which are today only partially operated, and this for exclusively selfish motives, with utter disregard to social welfare, is it impossible for man's orgsnizing -opacity and administrative power to operate them for social needs? Man must first of all havethe courage to face his conscience and overcome his hypocrisy and greed. Industrial feudalism must cease In order to save society. Wealth is a social product like the cultural heritage. Society must organize industry on a basis of social function In other wprds industry must be operated on behalf of national welfare, though allowing a legitl-rnate remuneration to capital. It Is inconceivable that the present state of affairs should last any 'onger. Some one may think that, ifter electing a new government, 'here remains nothing else to be 'one. Let ro one dewrve himself We are turning one of the corners f history and only the mobilisation of the best there is in the nation an overcome this oppressive situation. There is a whole education to be made on the new principles of ruling modern society. Rugged ln- "TILLIE THE TOILER" mac i is ' I r. I MAC AMD HB'3 HOT m .i . . . ' I l C L J R ft CS ft rrn i AP Cam i hhuP IT IP hc ONH CPfcCStE': r-iejHllWjll w out rvk1 .OA, f it NEURITIS Oh ckiaf ikM WIm fa M ari a dub, m m Mm- rdV TW ik Ik I ml? U. Pain miu off I TWO FILMS BOTH GOOD YVstrrn Thriller anil .Mystery Comedy Being Shown at Capitol , This Wcew-Kud "Sunset Psvss." a fast-moving Zane Orey story starring Randolph Scott. Tom Keene. Kathleen Burke Harry Carey and Kent Taylor, and "The Crooked Circle.- a lively comedy mystery with Ben Lyon Zasu Pitta, James Oleason and Irene Purcell In the leading roles, are the principal features of a double bill picture program being presented this week-end at the Capitol Theatre here. 'Sunset Pass" is the story of a aHiemen's association deputy who discovers that the men he is supposed to track down and apprehend is the brother of the girl he loves. The fifan. which follows the original story closely, is replete with thrilling incidents Including a raging' prairie fire, a mad stampede of an enormous herd of cattle and plenty of hard rding and breathless gun fighting. The story ot "The Chooked Cir cle" deals with the conflict of a club of amateur criminologists when they cross an organization of crooks. The crooks take possession of a haunted house and many wlerd events take place, all the apparently supernatural doings eventually turning out to have perfectly natural otitis. U Is an elaborately mounted picture. Mrs. James Denholme. who recently under ant a major operation in the Prime Rupert General Hospital, as Us tonight by the ss Prince John on her return to her home at Tlell, Qeeen Charlotte dividual Ism in the economic field must give way to co-operation. Conscious or not we must be the instruments to bring about a new social order. Liberal democracy has a duty, namely, to re-educate Itself to cope with the new historical hour, or perish V. BASSO-BERT. GOLDBLOOM'S FUR SALE All Furs Selling at 20 Percent Less Than Cost Mutt be sold because cash is needed to buy raw furs. (let some of these real fur HAT'S THG OE or -ruewiKia- th mcAI WlM(J"CAM I'M GONNA CHAKKTC THg STEfJOCJCAPKEq IMTO A PERTta LOCAL MAN VISITS CAST (Continued from Page I) time of his first visit the town had from 2,500 to 3.000 Inhabitant!. The father of the present Mayo Bro thers was a good country doctor. His sons worked hard and obtained good results and soon attracted attention. Their offices were downtown over some stores. Then they built a quarter of a million dollar clinic and In ten years had outgrown It and a three million dollar building was erected. Large hotels also went up In the city. ' In telling of the visit to the World s Fair at Chicago, Dr. Ker- gln described the big tiresome crowd and the buildings which were ! almost ugly by daylight although' rather startling at night. The cost of getting the grounds under way was said to be $30,000,000 and it was carried out by private initiative without help from the city or suv 1 It was expected that, by the time if closed, it would have paid its The city had benefitted temporarily not only through the ordu. uy visitors but through the numerous conventions held there. One of the exhibits that nucleated Dr. Kergln was the Man from Germany" in the science ex hiblt. This was an effort to educate the public in regard to Itself by building a man. covering it with a transparent skin and illuminating the interior so that the details of the anatomy might be studied The whole of the science exhibit was intensely Interesting and a great deal of time could have been spent there had It not been for the crowds. At Cleveland the doctor attended a convention of 5.000 members of his profession but. Just at that time, one of the big football mat- I ches was being played and he found that their convention was wholly eclipsed by the interest taken in !the football players It was a leaon In humility WEEK-END i SPECIALS ! Free Delivery Orders $2 or Over j HIESH COMB HONEY ONTARIO HONEY n Q p S-lto. tin UtfU , QUfcEN CHARLOTTE 18LAND6 ; POTATOES Prom reputed growers; guaranteed quality S2.09 CUT GREEN BEANS 3 tins i ECONOMY BUTTER 3 lbs I vasuu, amo T lTHBM VMM AT J I 38c ECONOMY BRAND COFFEE S)Hn Freshly Ground, per lb. 3 lbs. 80c 1 BLUE RIBBON TEA- Q7 1 per lb. " 'Stock up at this price' I ORATED PINEAPPLB-rs OQn ' 2 tins GRANULATED SUGAR i 10 lbs. . I 74c 74c 'Friday and ' I Saturday only) MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents M719 Third Avenue West P.O. Hoi 575 Phone IB Rosie Goes in Training Friday and Saturday TWO SHOWS 7 Si 8:15 Admission I5c Si 50c AMO I (JOA Cvcre -com Out awo nu COAL PAQE FOOT -.THE DAILY NEWS Friday. Nwttfr, n Prices Cut To Rock Bottom MAN" lilt Monday & Tucsday ""OLD YOrn (HUM) DOUBLE IJILL THE COMKDY-MYSTLKY DllU "THE CROOKED (7:109:50) CIRCLE" Willi HEX LYON, ZASl PITTS. JAMES OLEASON and llirvi- Nt , .. An Empire Release riRCtI4, Glorious Fun In a Miraculous Frolic of Mirth and Mystrrj IWSMSr "SUNSET PASS" Willi a (Srrat Cast A Paramount Picture "Clancy of the Mounted" cirn v iF GZEMA RASHES & OTHER SKIN TROUBLES Soothed & Healed by Zam-Buk. BUY- Bulkley Valley Keep Your Cash at Home Part or Kvcry Dollar Spent For Hulklcy Valley C o Returns to Prince Rupert Your Dealer Can Supply You TOOMBS' RADIO SERVICE Reliable and economical repairing of all makes of radio "guaranteed" For Your Health Chlroprsttle Cllra Violet Hays Intra Ited Itays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Oreen III Thones Green 5(1 Eichante Block Phone: Blue 901 Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 If your paper does not arrive, telephone the office If you lose anything, try a classified ad. By Westover.