c , Ku.rmber 17. 1033 .THE DAILY NEvTo1 AGS TBMI Xtnas Greeting Cards Malic Your Selection Now Toilet Sets & Perfumes In-YAKpIJJV ' v Iasmine GARDENIA MOM'S- Mint and Fruit Blocks 25c -Pound Your Purchases Are Worth Votes f: ux1 to cast them for some little girl or boy Help a I.lttle Girl or liny to Win a Prize Ormes Ltd. 3ttA Pioneer Druggists ttt Knil !tlrt Phones SI Ac It URS! FURS! FURS! Wanted in Large Quantities tz-: an erdrr for 3.000 .Mink. 2.000 Marten, 500 tlihm, S00 rir$. I.OOO Rrd I'atr, 3.000 Wolve. 10.000 Werl, 1,000 : liir and in order to treure the above article we are p:;"rd to pay you the hlhft rath prlre. Ve alto ran ue all other furs at fall market value. 1 1 i tquare dral, hlthenl market prires and prompt return. ' ) tf trlnr your fur to u. A trial ihlpmrnt will eonvinre you. John Clones Prince Rupert, B.C. Coal Prices A. -ra a Best Lump $12.50 A .Af.as Host Efcg n-30 V: a .s Hest Stove 11.00 iV ..'a Ejtb II-50 fr; lick and Cedar, per load 5.00 I :cal Wood, per cord 6.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J r-irtlli, Proprietor "A IIOMK AWAY HIOM HOME" nui 11.00 up 10 R::: .$. Hot A Cold Water Wnce Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Don l Developing and Printing Send Your Films Direct to WUATIIALIS 1MIOTO FINISHING Rspld Service rrlnce Rupert CANADIAN PACIFIC earners lure I'rlnce Rupert lor Vancouver via Ocean Kail and Way Perts: r. rr ,...prin"" Adelaide. Friday 10:00 pm. VANCOUVER: dlrrrt: r. ..J,inrpss Norah. Nov 17, Dee 1. 15 ,,...... rf SKAMiA. KUTCIIIKAN. WHANGELL, JUNEAU and Princess Norah, Nov 13. 27. Dec 11 1-ow Winter Excursion fare to Vaneoutef and Return Tickets on sale Nov 10. IMS to 1934. Clr.nl r.tilrn limit Mir,)t Si 1934 IVIUIII ...III. .. -- W L COAYKS. General A.ertl. Prlnrc Ituecrt, C. UNION StEAMSMl'S LIMITED ' mi-h leave prthc rtuprrt for Vn"uer TSS CATAI.A EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 I'M. 1 hi KIU slid WuiUU. rrivtyi Viw W TSS. CAHIllcNA liVIttY FRIDAY MII)NI"HT. v" Arriving Vnwivr Mimd.y AM N N u ' to r, ejum-w. wire Arm. ai V'" Fecial winter. EXcuhsioN rate, round T,,r,r 1 Ach "II'fiit TO VANCOUVER, lit (Meal and Berth etm fd r On Bale Nov 10 to Feb. 58, return limit March 31. im. 'HIM '"-"tl itiwiw an phnnf .T'" I LOCAL NEWS NOTES Sllversldes Bros, for Wallpaper. Glass, Paint and Muresco. Mrs. W. T. Kergln satleti last night on the Prince Oerg( (or a trip to Vancouver. I Mrs. A. W Ltpsln sailed last night on the Prince Oeorge (or a I trip to Vancouver. I - SOURED ON THE WORLD? THAT'S LIVER Wake up your Liver Bile No Calomel necessary Wijr panel M uru, atuctiah and fPatrlBr arp)fcd Mil lb aiaXak 4 takaif aalU. w. (Mfavil hut, Uuli eaadr ot mt rm ar rmui Mck oalr a?, la kapM aad itaur Ut br. pk yn m4 a t wfci, p ywf S-rr M. HUn tnr bar niai Ua 4ttf ta pouad ul oM bit iau yowr bnaU. OH jr atamtrk aaJ iwnaai varalk ai l LitU liar PW M if m a l'uc(y HubU. IWi Aw. Uvkk. Aak hr la by a4. HahM MUtifaat. Si, at all druiaU. t ' P R steamer Prinwts Adelaide. Capt 8. K Oray, arrived in port at 2 34 thu afternoon from Vaneou vr and waypointo and win sail at 10 n'etock tooifht on her return south. A C Oardtner, travelling auditor for the Canadian National Ran-ways, following a visit here' on official duties, sailed tr? the Prince George last night on his return to Vancouver. CPS. steamer Princess Norah. Capt Will lain Palmer. Is due in port at 3 o'clock this aiternoo" fmm Skagway and other northern m:s and will sail at 4 o'clock for Vancouver. "allrtl to Everett. Washington where Mrs Posse has been seised with a paralytic stroke while pay- Mm a vtett. Rev. P. M FOeee. pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church. ad i sen kaet night on the Prlnee 1 Ororar for the south. Mrs John R. Morgan ard daugh ter. Mrs JL 11. Palmer, will sail by the Prtnr John tonight on their return to Loekport Queen Charlotte Islands. Mr. Palmer haeeeer reeivinf treatment during the pant werlc at the Prince Rupert Genera! Hospital Good Way To Stop Acid Stomach II Any 4nlftl will 111 jrnu lh kt j Way t tlop acM ainmarh and India- won IP tj in up piiuraira MSA- to alr afitr mala Thla tll , Stop iiur indliPiiiun and in lh i MoaaarM. n rl.l of la and blbl ; J a IkM. A Ik III) Jruff lit Hotel Arrivals Rayal R A. Oould, Va couver Cvntral Cyril D. Morgan. Vancouver. Prince Rupert I Urseth. Delia CooU: A. A. Pare Porcher Island: Harold Lannlng Vancouver: It W Brnoker. Announcements Philharmonic Society eoneert, Novenber 31. Presbyterian Church Play "Con equenceaM Nov. 24. Moose Dance November 34. Ragles' Dance December 1. W. A. Canadian Legie Uaeaar, Katies Hall, Dec. 5. United Church Uasaar Dec. 7. Hogmanhy Dnnce. Queen Mar PhAplef. beeember 29. . WOOD! WOOD! 14-ln. IllorVs, ilrllvrrrd prr enl Spill, Ready tor Move p er cord Kindling per ronl Half Cord IMtone Blue 82.1 $6 $8 $10 $5 Philharmonic Associate member? ship tickets at Drme's j)r at ton-cert Presbyterian GHurelr. NoY.-ST 287 S. D. Johnston sailed last night on the. Prinw Oeore for a two-wee' buslneas trlff to Vancouver aud Vlctorb. St. Ardrewta day Bawuk, Com- mooore care, November 30th; tickets SO cento can be had from mem-tera of soaMy or at Ormes Drug Store. P. Haan, who arrived In the city earlier in Ifee wck from QUfM1 Chariot te CUty. aHl tart nitht on the Prince Jefcn for a trip to I Charles Harrafllne yardmsurter i for th Canadian National Fun- , ways here salted last nitht o? rt Prince Oenrge for a vacation trip to Vancouver. Mum Agnes kteOdltaa satted last r?gH on the Prlnee Oeoree for Vancouver. She expects to seehd the next v mouths In the south for the benefit of her health. A. A. Pare enwieeer fnr th v A Tbnmma rrpratioti. salted on ine mnce oeorge lest night for vancowver whence he will pro--ed by rail to Aiosrtresl "after hav-l-g come west to pay a visit of In- -pectlon to the Surf Point mine on ITjrrher Island which hU comnanv Is operating How To KEEP FIT WW yt atrara) pifalarlt i dvtarM. aad tm ti riuxiuaa aad trmiaff Um Ihiaf tu d.. M I" Ukt Aadrrat Ij.pf M a a-rprat m n t. day aM at koraial rbrlfcai w fall? tr pltMitd. Aadf aiU (it 4iar la ai ah. kpda U da ak fo fan bp Miinaiabat tb iaar riraaau (aa MM. TW. aWa aamal babia ar rw-prad. Mkw Ik Aadr Hpiaa ai Haaldk Eal awdpraWtr HH4"t Mw aadpppia. A4 Uk.iVpt4.ilmimi flaw .4 AaVa Urr Mi ad re n a ark ISwUiaad f 1 kpaftfe di arnarj rap ri Gp Aadrta Ira faar dracfi. la at Ur aad - NMW botti. 7 It. M. AaU; A. UlfWt 0. Ud . Trk. t Delayed by making her monthly call at KlUmaat oa the present voyage north. Union steamer Car-dena. Caot. Ernest Oeorgeson, is reported due in port at 2:30 tomorrow morning from the south t. will sail soon thereafter on her return to Vancouver and way-mints. Three new members were form-illy weHwned into the Rotary Club Thursday. They were Max Heilbroner. V E Drake and R O. Van der 3Vuys. The charee Was delivered by Very Rev Dean oib?on and the members were ln-ruduceu by H. F Pulien. Oeorgt trnnt and A1'X M-Rae ai i sk t mi u sr. btj gaauaisur SUMMIT CASH MEAT MARKET Leg of Pork per K Leg of Veal- pwr lb Leg of Lamb-- per lb ntfe R4b Rott- per lb. . Round Steak per lb. Poek Crpops prr H) Veal (hrOet- por lb Lamb Chops per lb houMer Lamb per lb hamburger 3 lbs Stew Beef ii HI 3 lbs, ... Bologna- pef lb Pot ndait- ' 4 lbs. . Own Beef- 4 lbs Liver. 1 lb. & Bacon. 1 lb. sliced Spare Ribs per lb. Welners Fresh Flounders 15c 15c 18c 12ic 12Ac 18c 15c 15c 10c 25c 25c 15c 35c 25c 25c 10c 15c PROMPT 8ERVICB ASSURED 1 We Deliver Phohe G ! P. IICRTEL i ta3trit-aTm-riTgs:Mrvm Repairing Spans On Railway Line foundations Loosened by High Water Necessitating ReDriV inc of Piles In connectlosi wish the restoring of the looal be of tfce Canadian National hattwtkys faOewtrg high water troubles one of the prtncipa'i Jobs Is to repair bridge found a tions which have become loosener by the raging torents. Piles are being re-driveo in at least three bridges. Sptde atone the line be tween Woodcock and Kwinltsr are aleo being cleared and repair.' made elseWehsu on the track. Accompanied by his wife and two sons, Dr. Neal Carter, new director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental SUUoti. arrived in the city from Nanaimo on the Princess Adelaide this afternoon. He suc-rw ds D. B. Finn, who is being transferred to take charge of the Halifax station Want Ads FOUND FOUND i?alr horn rimmed glasses between Fifth St Sixth Avenue on Young Street. Owner may have same by calling at Daily News Office and paying for this advertisement. roil sale tjr s a LB good otflee safe. Can be seen at Daily News. tt FOU RENT NBWl.Y Renovated modern flat. Rand Block. Max Heilbroner. U; Y OR RENT 3room modern house. like new. harbor view. McCly-rmMst. tf FDRN13H8D Houskeeping Rooms for rent. WW move you la tree. Phone 20. lm WANTED WOMAN wants general house work or eoobing. Apply Box 191, Daily New. 2o3 PRACTICAL Nurse, middle-aged desires maternity nursing. Reasonable rates. Apply apartment 51 over McCutcheon's Drag Btore. 267 PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanglng Moller. Phone Red 802. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Dry bireh, cedar. Jackplne. Furniture moving, tt HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING I Cluiter Curl Latest Styles NELSONS BEAUTY 3H0PPU COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Uulkley Valley Coalt are guaran teed to give satisfaction. Try a ton ot No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. It Phottes 151 y--t Sa t u rd aa Specials Phone 62 lb. LEGS lb. LAMB lb. PORK lb. VEAL Ih. g7TriisM.s-aWTri PORK SHOULDER 19U A W V 18c EASTERN OYSTERS Pint 60c CHOPS 15c 15c 15c lb. BACON DIAMOND A 1 lb. LIVER Both 20c VEAL RUMPS 15c BEEF BRISKETS 3 lbs. POT ROAST lb. Round Steak lb. PRIME RIB lb. Rump Roast lb. a aP 25c 10c 15c 15c 15c pi. J I ' - Ox Hearts Each 25c ml Phone 63 LAMB SIIOILDER lb. LEGS lb. dft 20c FRESH MUSHROOMS 40c lb. FLETCHER'S Smoked Hams 4 or Whole 2c Side Bacon piece 22c Back Bacon piece 22c MINCE MEAT FOR PIES 1 10C Kr lb. A Chance to Cash in on Your Purchase Singer Sewing Machine of Your Whenever you bought your Singer. It was the best machine of its time. But both the times and the Singer have changed. Now we want to help you to know trie ease of modem sewing. To help you have a modern Singer at once while prices are lower than they may be for many years to some. HOW YOU MAY BENEFIT For a limited time to Singer owners only. Your old machine may be 30. 40 even 50 years old, nevertheless we will make you an allowance of 401 of your purchase price tyour machine being In tolerable condition i to apply on a new modern machine. What other article of merchandise automobile, radio, vacuum cleaner other article of merchandise automobile, radio, vacuum sweeper will make you an allowance of 40rr even after one year's use? Singer Sewing Machines are made entirely in Canada -and . Singer factory must be kept going. The advantage is yours. Will , you grasp it? The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Uccause It doesn't pay to advertise poor products. It docs pay to buy those advertised, T J 1