PAGH FOUH CUT RATE SHOE STORE Remarkably Low Prices Offering Today Our Selection of Tennis and Outing Shoes is the largest in town, prices to meet your purse. Also many other bargains. Give us a visit and compare prices. For the Ladies Miss Irene Mitchell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mitchell of V J. 4 "I C. N. R. Trains For the East-Mondays' Wednesday! and Fri .days 9:30 pan From the East-Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays 10:15 p.m. COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Dulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, wheat Oats and Barley. i Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Fhones S58 Here's a treat for you thrifty buy- ers. Women's and Growing Girls'S uQ SI QIZ Shoes grouped together in Pumps, I Ut7 I ) Ties, Straps & Oxfords; medium, I tO I - high and spike heels; our price Most Remarkable Value in Men's Lec- A Great Assortment of Boys' School kies' Dress Boots and J. HEZ Boots with panco soles & C-j Qff Oxfords, reg. $6.85; now 1 leather heels ; price .... VAw Men's Solid Leather Leckie Work Boots, the shoe that can stand the , n EXTRA P SI'ECIAI . 1 , . . , , ,r 0 T comfort all Me" s Pa"cofSolf: & Rubber Hed Light I test of hard weai-and ; r4-85 $3,65 32,25 Leckies' Boys' School Boots, solid lea- Very low prices on Men's Fisherman ther and panco soles CO ntZ Boots of the best makes, Goodrich All sizes A.AO an(1 Biack Diamond. GRADUATING AT COLLEGE Miss Irene Mitchell and Jas. Stewart Kecelvinc Degrees From U. B. C. Today this city, and James Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Stewart, are receiving degrees as Bachelors of Arts at the annual convocation of the University of British Columbia In Vancouver today. Miss Mitchell graduated with second class honors and James Stewart has also graduated with good standing. Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Stewart are both in Vancouver to attend the convocation. A total of m students in aU will ; receive .their degrees in Arts, Com merce, Applied Science and Agriculture. Miss Grace Parkinson of Vancouver, aged 19, ranlcs first in the graduating class In Arts winning the Oovernor General's Gold Medal. TESTED RECIPES OF TEMPTING INTEREST HAM IN WAD t s S uck a 'tctstu Flavour Him In Hades, it truly- appetizing. Easy (o prepare loo and to very economical, if you follow this simple recipe. Take 6 slices of cooked ham, 1 teaspoon of Colman's Mustard, 1 tablespoon each of vin3r, salt and paprika, 1 teaspoon Worcester sauce, 2 tablespoons of fat. Mix the mustard, vinegar, salt and seasonings, Coat each slice of ham with mixture. Place fat in frying pan and when smoking hot put in the ham slices. Brown quickly to a ojclicalc shade on cither side. A lot depends on that teaspoon of mustard. Be sure to include it and be equally sure the mustard is Colman's. Then your "Ham in Hades" will have a tasty flavour and the savoury, appetizing appeal that rightly belongs to it. man's D.S.F. A 1 AIDS DIGESTION WTILUE THE TOILER" .... jr ' T"r ' ' TIf LI.' tivrn QOOO 637 ervt: Y-Z nil V . 'VW . . . 1 A I I it J I HIM IF VOWI.L. VJAIT V I'LL, TAKB OU MOMS M My CAC i TlLUlH m daily nun Thursday, iUy , 13) TRIAL IS NEAR CNI) (Continued from Page Two) and a lull s duration with the submission on behalf of his client, the accused, that "all the evidence adduced, except that-of John DeVoln and Mis Lewis, is consistent wjth the entirr Innocence of accused) that DeVoln's evidence, as a result of dscrt'iifiicles between his state ments at tin' preliminary hearing and the trial has been discredited from st. at to finish, that Mrs. Lewis I was obUously actuated by malice and spite, that the prosecution was started by un officer in the pay of 'the underwriters, was fanned by 'gossipy evidence from Smtthers, .strengthened by the evidence of 'Inlaws' which was not reliable and actuated by spite and malice." He asked Ute Jury, under all the circumstances, to acquit the accused and rested his case with confidence that It would so do. In hi argument Mr Harvey contended that the "various fires" seen by crown witnesses had one origin which might easily have been accidental The evidence was two and t half years old and it was quite possible that the recollections of some of the witnesses might have become dimmed. There was no sign that such agencies as gasoline or coal oil had been used. The actions of accused were as consistent with Innocence as with guilt. Anyone who j was having business troubles might casually remark that "a fire would 'be a break" for him. Remarks along this line which accused may or may not have made. Mr. Harvey con ten - ided, were merely casual and incon sequential and possibly made In Jest as any one might do. Certainly, a person .actually intending to commit such a crime as arson would not go about telling casual acquaintances of his Intentions. After all. accused, having not actually paid the premium and being In possession of no policy, had no definite know- ledge that the second $5500 lot of ' tnAurajwe was In force and. being doubtful of this, would hardly bum down the place. Mr. Harvey questioned K vouna DeVoln was telling the truth in hU evidence FOOTBALL! TONIGHT Regiment vs. Canadian Legion ArropolU Hill 6:30 p.m. AdmlMon 25c Gardening Needs Black Leaf 10 How? Tree Spray 35c Sprayorf, up from 20c Trowels 15c Fancy Bonier Fence, 18 inches high, foot . . 13c Lawn Mowers $9.75 up Grass Shears, 50c up Kaien Hardware BOOTH WON OVER HIGH Only One Goal Scored In Thrilling Junior League Soccer .Match The Junior League football game between King Edward High School and Booth Memorial School last night was a thrilling match all; through. Booth winning out with the only goal of a vell contested match. Booth had the hlU in Its favor and had the better of the opening' exchanges, Eby shooting past and I MeMeekln hitting the upright. Then I High forwards made nice comblna-I tkm plays. Colussl finishing with a I shot that was too high. Annesley saved a high dropping shot from MacDonald McOrekli and Matsu-imoto were playing a rare spoiling' game with Nelson turning in a strong game at back. Lindsay had a try after High forwards made ground but a fine centre from Cameron was cleverly converted with a shot by McLeod that was placed just inside the upright. 1 On resuming, the game was fought out at a fast pace. High did the greater part of the pressing for a time but Booth defence was sound Shrubsall Just missed with a Week- End Specials Oranulated 8ugar 79 P Alberta Creamery Butter HZr IO 3 lbs brick Fine Ontario Cheese 20 C Royal City Sweet Corn - 25 C , Malkin s Best Tea 1-lb pkg King Oscar Sardines , per tin Alberta Fresh Bggs-- per ri.ii 3v.ij! Baron Sliced per lb 38c Utna-Mite Health Food 1 Qo XOO wr nkr Purr Maple 8rup pint bottle 23c ! Keller's Rice Krlsates inn ' XLi, -r nip. M.ilkin Bent COFFEE 1-lb. Un 38c mm 13c 14c 18c Malkin's Best PRUNES 2-lb pkg. 19c Hwansdown t'AKE FLOUR ler pkg- 29c Nabob Baking Powder OQp 12-oi. tin Shelled Walnut -'Vi O?o per lb . Seedless Raisin v- 25C Empress Vanilla Extract-- nn per bottle UU Alberta Market Fifth Street f'hnne 20 A Disguise, But Without Change Wednesday and Thursday TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 p.m. Feature starts 7 SO & 9:30 Admission t- 15c & SOc FRIDAY & SATURDAY THE MATCH KING" ma l sm ii lmt gwwm m m J l sot s.eb i j i )on unt't obtain in ordinary torn jlaktt r4ovAJ vc t-'ovAi vmo I AM- CAM TAKR Vfll TD DltJUSfft "ccp in me Heart of rr ... - MIC rAa. iwui annus lo MaU .. " k "v a nil I BSSSSl msm Ul With U'altrr II fine cross and Campbell tried a long' one that went too high. Johnson shot past and Lindsay went close.! Oay fisted away a wefl taken cor ner of Lindsay's and then Booth forwards made heaaway. Alf Ritchie defended well when Cameron and MacDonald attacked and when McLeod and MeMeekln also put In some neat combined movements. High tried hard but Booth retained the lead and won, one goal to nil. Both teams played well and the football was of a good class and fast For High. Hitchie. Fulton. Johnson. Lindsay. Colussl were the best while Booth was well served by ungo tomedy- 'SunkiMfd s, Nelson. MaUsunm'.., McLeod, Bob Rm i, , aid. J. Kelly rcirn wi Veltch were High School a,m,,;( Ritchie: Fulton. v,; Lindsay Johiiww. ( bell. Shrubsall Booth -Oay it. , M.V.MilnOU). tie. M i , eron Orlmble m... i MeMeekln 8. J. Jabmr ,. . ternoon on thr v.. . a busttteu trip ''' I ... i ' 'Jit ' Ctf You pay no more for "Quaker" YVQUAKERGrn Hakes gin )ou four EXTRA FEATURES u tKi Attention Mothers! CSjSSrMi mm Uk milk Flakrt AS M MW NR. mi lhf U tH IS IMS own ( mi . . & wmiMkai ml MSt . . . im Vm IS) Mja 1. Moneybick guarantee printed oa evtrr package. 2, FrMhness and aispfleti smred bj wax wrapping and triple sealing. 3. Enrichment vith Sunshine Vitamin "D" sn esclusivc health feature. 4, Coupons exchangeable for valuable mtr ciwndiic in every package. MADE IN CANADA Quaker Corn Flakes Regal Shop Orticri taken for Knitted Ooods. Needlework, Btc. Place your order for Tennis Sweaters and Sockettes now. Your candy iti:nuiitaAit-vrs made fresh to order. See Our Wtactow RENT A Radio, Sewing Machine, Typewriter Melt A K MHOS., LTD By Westover. Iceniaesov JTiJl J Jfj'J i - ROT VtS' ' 't.TIS.I- v" , "61 CMSVJfV"