fhtit TWO .gg. J-.." l j- ggn awoggnBnBnBnBnnnnVv' wL- t FRESH- KEEPS YOU FRESH THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Bundaj, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall ur carrier, yearly period, paid in .Advance . r- i i i cur icascr pmoas, paia in aavance By mall to all partf oi British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year .-y mall to all other countries, per year Editor and Reporters' Telephone Advertising and Circulation DAILY EDITION Member oi Audit Bureau of Circulations GENERAL AVERAGE ,It must not be thought that because there was strong movement in stocks at the week-end that there will be a steady uninterrupted forward movement. There will be setbacks but the general average of advance over a reasonable period is the guage of new values being set. As we have said before, the stock exchange is a good "barometer of what is about to happen. Before there was any depression, the stock exchange prices broke .and it vasome time before conditions became really bad. So the rise in price of stocks is preceding a general improvement in conditions that is coming a& surely asthe sun rises after it sets. BIG JOB AHEAD If the Wheat Pool decides to abandon the Prince Rupert elevator there will be a big job ahead of the city in trying to interest some new concern "to take it over. No stone must be left unturned as soon as it is definitely ascertained what the Pool is about to do. . As a last resort it is possible thaf a co-operative movement to handle grain here may have to be resorted to. Advances can usually be secured on wJieat so that the sum required in handling is not as great as it might seem. There is great opportunity for some new concern to establish an export business here that will develop with the years. TITI.ES once more There are in Canada a lot of people who would like to have titles which distinguish them as being differentf rom the common herd. Canadian people have declared against the curtom but majorities are often easily handled. They cannot be depended upon to stay with any decision. That is one of the difficulties of democratic administration. Masse? of people are unstable. Today they want one thing and tomorrow something else. It is to he hoped that the people of the west at any rate vritt set themselves against any revival of a custom which is a survival of the feudal days. WEDDING IS INTERESTING per wee 10. 3.00 9.00 Telephone -98 Monday, May 29, 1933 gems -from life's scrap-book SOFTBALL May 3.0 Tmpress vs. CNJl. June l- Elks vs. Grotto. June 4 CNJI.A vs Kacni. June 4- -Orotto vs. Empress June 8- Navy vs. Elks. , 1 FRIENDS ... t r? 1 ' WP htring tree." Norwar. Bride ui r John I times i wsersasje. rMrrikmt At Pietty Ceremony A pretty we4dmgof much Inter . Zt tJSS -dvefctty."- act. particular to the locej Nor- wegtan cmm-lty, took ptore at 6 e'ateck Saturday evening In St ' ... , . . , Part's ivtixrn. Church, which UlJt ,u,U,e had been beautifully decorated for """l1 ,Uutu,Ul found the occasion wHh spring flowers f J found a treasure."- oad -foliage. we Miss Edna Dp- acc4MtlC11 in, recently aorlaed from Norway, , " . , , became the bride of John Pea-, raarveU Uut a lrfnd can new. well kmrnn member of toe 2r tf ?,n beautlfol."-sta'r of Uk Imperial OU Co. here., Pki?T The marriage eerstnonjr was per- . formed by Bee. P. M. Fane a-rf A tro friend M A Is forever a friend." the couple were attended by Mr. aeore MacDonald. and Mrs. Ilanald Holkeitad. The bride won a charming wedding "The ,Wy way to have a friend Is eoatume of white with oenra- loiie tl-"F'mtrun-UonaJ veil and carried a lovely bouquet Peter Lien presided at the "An Hoi made for the happiness qw and played the Wedding -the Jlfts us above ourselves." March. Mr. John Murvold sang a Mr- K- M- Ohlld. ' solo and the Varden choir was ako In ittendnn. Many o( the noblest characters in Following the ceremony, a wed- h0 through their lives have de-dl t breakfast was tarred to twtn- ,nd friendship as affection for all ty guests at the home of the mankind. groam at 533 Seventh Avenue Et Il?v P. M. Fosse wad toastmaater and, durlna the evening, all those present were nearrt l:i ippropriftte tpeeehen Mr. and Mr. Fennels, who vrlll reekle in the city, will have the hnrty congr.ituliitlons and best wishes of many friends. LABORITES win soccer C.L.I)iL. DiL. Scored Scored 5 5 to to 1 1 Victory Victory'vr 'Over Canadian Legion Yesterday Afternoon in I Lain In a game which was marred by heavy showers which soaked the players as well as the spectators. Canadian Labor Defence League scored their initial football victory of the season yesterday afternoon by defeating Canadian Legion 5 to 1 in the dllhifly Cup competition. J3y agreement of the loams, (he game was called twelve minutes be-fore full time because of the wot weather. The.CLD.L. showed up to much better advantage than in previous gamf and the team has been considerably strengthened A number of the Legion l-egulars were not cut. Half time score was 4 to 1 fee Wis Canadian Labor Defence League. Goal scorers were: Canadian Labor Defence League McKay, 2; Rate! life. Zaretli, Ma-guire. Canadian Legden-J. Currte. J. A. Johnstone was referee and Wtllkm Clapperton and Tern Elliott acted as linesmen. READY FOR BIG FIGHT Young Corbett Given Odds in Betting .to Win Over Jimmy McLarnln LOS ANGELES, May 29: Canadian ,Pras'-Jlmmjr McLarnln of Vancouver completed training on Saturday and will roeot Young Cor-bett here tonight in a ten-round bout for the world's welterweight title. The young Irish-Canadian, reported to be In excellent condition for the fight, which is the most important of his colorful pugilistic eareer. is placed on the short end of betting ranging from 10 to 8 jjp to 2 to 1. ARMS FOR CITIZENS Criminlotlst Gives His Ideas of Flshting Crime CHICAGO. May (Canadian Press) Lieut. -Col. Calvin Ood-danTs Idea of fighting crime Is to am every law-abiding cituten with a pistol he knows how to use. Fingerprints of all weapon carriers would help bar pistol sales to criminals. Arms and munitions expert, professor of political science at Northwestern University, director of the school's sdaetifte crime detection laboratory and a crack marksman. Col. Ooddard bases Ms theory on the assumption: "Every hooohim and pmman Is afraid of warning into the wrong erd of a piatol. Arm the reputable clttien and yau disarm the criminal. He still has the weapon, out hell think Wiee about palling the trtaaer." One of the famees of a bill peftcMnf in the Illinois general assembly dtoigned to give reeeecUble cttteesu Hfonses to carry piKIs for oroUcUen purposes and at the same time making it dilfleult for known criminal to own locn. Col. Ooddard is actively suppo ' 'tg passage of the measure. So many firearm laws in -fetce throughout she United States, he declared, are based on the promise that every elttwo who carries a revolver Is a potential criminal Just as every motorist might be a rocklesa driver. It Is not tr Instrument, but the person who fcs dangerous, he said. Col. Ooddard expressed his vlevr that the bill would be model for other states. Chief feeture of the bill Is Uv rigid qualifications all applicants for weapon privileges must furnish. And will be required to submit to fingerprinting, copies of which shall be sent to the Illinois State Bureau of Criminal Identl-fissUlon and the U. 8. Bureau of Investigation. Reputable citizens won't obleet to this, Col. Ooddard sala, but hoodlums will. Another provision of the bill excludes posseaslon of pistols from persons who have been convicted for crime of f thk oAn.T news Monday. March 29. ifiM News JL JL I w ill w (1 'JTi'MTITi in Mimi m CARDINALS MOVING UP St, Xcuis Looks Like National League Pennant Contender Yanks Had Good Wrek-nd ST. LOUIS, May 29: Canadian Pret -St. Lou'iinliftateilnereas-ed their threat is serious Rational League pennant contenders by w4mtag a 4eu0te-heer from lowly Phillies here tnimi.i : ei having also w on &-iuni.; . 'sm brought the Cards up imm to second piaoe in tlx- uiain ut one game behind she Pttuburg Pirates who split1 honors in a double-header with the Reds at CtneinAAtl The New York Giants, being turned baek by the Dodgers in a elewfme at Broekcyn. dropped from seeond into third place. In the American League, the New York Yankee, who had been assisted by three home runs by Babe Ruth to win a heavy-hitting game from the Chicago While Sex at the Yankee -Stadium on Saturday, continued their defence of the pennant by winning twice again ever the White Sox yesterday, thus increasing their leadership over the Washington Senators to two full games In their only week-end game, the Senators set down the Philadelphia Athleeiea at Waehington yesterday. The Cleveland Indians moved from fourth Into third place ahead f the Whfce Sex by splitting a double-header with the Boston Red Sox yesterday after having won on Saturday. The at. Louis Browns displaced Detroit tat sixth place by defeating the Titers at Detroit yesterday. Big League week-end scores were as follow: SUNDAY SCOIU4S National. League New York 4. Brct&hm 3. Boston 1-2. Chicago l-l. Pittsburg 4-0. Ctncianatl 2-4. Philadelphia 7-3. St. Levi ft-A. American League Chicago 1-7. New York 29. Cleveland l-ll Boaten a-1 84. Louis ft. Detroit 3. Philadelphia 4. Wauhtasgton 7. SATURDAY SCOURS National League Brooklyn 3. Ctoctanntl 4 Philadelphia 1. St. Louts It. American-League Detroit 2. PhiUphe ft. Cleveland 6. Boston . Chicago 11. New York 18. Hoop Champions Owe Success to Unknown Writer VICTORIA May 39: iCP How Victoria Blue Ribbons, crowned champions of Canadian senior basketball with their recent victory over Wlndaor-Watkcrvllle Alumni, solved the Alumni's famous "screening play." chief factor in the JUb-bons' win. now ha been tout. An anonymous letter-witter, a "well-wlahcr." explained the play to "Chuck" Chapman, captain of the Victoria team, and gave an Idea of how to combat It. The letter advised the leant not to be drawn out from under tft bukot. ArcorfHngly. the Ribbons' plan were changed and Chapmsri was appointed to remain under the hoop. "Chuck" credits the Ribbons' uc-cm in tiie title series to the writer of the Iel4r. who signed rnerely "a well-wisher." The letter wo receiver! after the first game, which the Ribbon lost to the Alumni. COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edaon. Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try ton of No. 1 Bulkjey Valley. We also sell Timothy llay, Wheat Oats and Barley-Prince Rupert Fred Co. M Phones SIM an(j Views of . . - irntTiriniT - 'r TT'r'i The Strangler Gsts a Hand-Out .. ,i T ., 'ggggfggHvagaggaH "Jumping Joe Savoldl, former Notre Dame loot ball star a:.d pow a luminary of the ! :in k i:m i juu:''(1 as he repulsed the Qot-so-tender mina"' i ."Tsriglrr Uv during their recent bout at Masntoa aHu ' -.-.: . n- Vi.ru Savoldl won the bout for the "Strangler" when he dived through the ropes of the rtng. in good old Notre Dame tackle sty. and knockoo rdmeelt unconscious on the uusvmpathir Oarden nmcrrte floor. SPORTS AT KITWANGA Two-Day VlrtorU Day Ceteb-artton tc Siaged In Interior Ullage Many Visitors Iiaseball, TootMU snd, Field $pit last Uoilnemlay and TtiHrWlay'"' fluunvftie Chuned up on IWtbsIl, - ... j nMtaM and Softball KTEMfAJrOA, Asay l two-dvyij Victoria Day celebration held herv o- W drteaoay and Thnrsdaf oM AIY ANU. Mf 2 to aonrwe-iast weok jsnyed to tvs.sao uc-i tson wsth Uie eeicbratkso of snapwe cessful. larg crtnwd of psopajnd Victoria Day here there wa a being attracted to the vUlsafronvjaig uro-day program of field and various points in Use sytC4 ln-iaouatic aportt which attracted 400 dudtnc Klsptox and Conarvtle, Anlpeoplr to this vtiiage frosn Kknco- preasnt 01a ana younganwjea a-:i)tb orornviUt, Lunyon Clt and big Drogram of v and $Mv,t poinu tn the NaaaJBiar val-1 ports as well a other forms 01 fB- j tPy number of cup and other In the snorts bald on Wednesday. Kttwnnva defeated Cedarvale In a nine-inntne baseball game by a score of 12 to 7. Tfcen a game wis played between KUplox and K'lwarfga th firmer winning 10 to 6 f " a ImVefnll eime Klspiox defeated Cedsrv-ilc 54 to M The d-'n notram wa brought to a dose with a very srewfu! and eaavHMc dance In the Kit-wanga Hall. VMtorta I)v Prectam The nroenm on Wednesday opened with n4d snort v the reditu of which were as follwv Apple Eating contft 1 Leonard Wlev iKtcpioxi. 2. Ar-hle Wells KitwarHrai Men's foot rce. 109 Same Tuner (Klroroca , 2 Leonard Wealsgr (Klaotoxi Man' sank nt. 100 varda I. Leonard Wesley liaiox; 2. nam Turner Klt.waneai. t Ladies' foot rare. 7S vsrtf 1 Mlas Rosje Miflevsln tCedirvalei-2 Mum Alice Derrick (Kltwaniai Boys' foot race 12 years and under. 50 yards 1. Rov mulls (P?- dsrvale); 2 Bohby Paulis (Cedir vale). Men's News oaper rar. TSvarrls 1. Percv Mulevaln rCedamle1: 2. Johnthsn Jot-ntrm (Klsploxi ' Tn foofnlj. Kleplnx df cited Kltwnn 3 coals to nil whl'e h bisehall Klsplox won over Crdar-vale 10 tn 7 t Another bit farewell ton- was hefcd In the eeeptnw in th Kltwan-tn Community H,tl. Musk fcr the dancing on both oreaeions- wajs' furnleherl by the Kltwanga Or-chtra. Kltwanga'c next celebration will tnke plaoe on Labor Day Baseball Scores PACinr rnT MMnift; ' Aneeles 4-4 Seattle 3-8. flarramentn 4-S Hnllvwood 1-4 S in Francisco irj-3. p(lrtljuid 2-1. Missions 10 OnitMnd 6. . . - - - "' - - - - "' Tff'wifr NAAS RIVER CELEBRATES sad. fstahe ran out u kkk n-Kmpite and AVteria Day Observed from VcMcr. Ortsabte shot ov w Hn Tumaor and tVednelay 'Cameroa was nearly Uuwk t.' Of Last Week full tune enrne with n tur.tv Many Visitors trnph'es weu-. up for competition. Oreenville won both the football 1 rid Kvseball trophies It was one of the most successful celebration pro- 2 ram ever hdd on the Use River. On Tuesaay Aryanah defeated Klneoilth tn ftotbaU 2 10 nil while in bnrbal! AlV'nsh was also suc - -esful winning tf to 10 uver Kin- eolith In ihf girls' softb.sll thr' hir -Iris defeated OltVikdamlk 20 to 10. On Wedneeday, Oreenville won the baseball final, defeating Aly-an.sh 17 to 4 In a aunt" which -r.illed off the end of the fifth inninv ; hield goinw ti- th- winner O-'env'llr nn eve- Alv insh 1 to nil In thi football flnn! to rantutr the Mlnesque Trnphv i In the .nftball final the White O'rl? defptM Oreprtvllle girls 22 to j to ennture a silver ctm ! Held and Water Snorts In the field sjorta. Atyansh won the medley relay race Leonard Mercer won the 100-yn-d dash aime 102 seconds). Ouno Oiu wno the one-mile race and John Morvenj was winner of the five-mile Tare ( "Mitt Orosnvllk" won the speed-, .boat race, 'Stcelheud Canoe" won) the caooe race and "Lucky Strike" of Cassiar Cannery the gasboat race. It is expected that a similar Em- j plre and Victoria Dav celebration , will be held somewhere In the Naa Valley next year Nollre. Rupture Sufferers! 1 AH Ruptures Yield To the Inflatable Air Pressure Treatment by Bcatley, the Famous British Knpert Complete Comfortable Control Guaranteed Tin- :n.it British invention hits the approval of the medic. il pio(r.sNiiin everywhere, It is ,0 cepted lift standard by leading hospital. Once 1,'sed Always Approved Wrlle "ncaslevs" (Canada) i44 Burrard 8t Vancouver Il.C 1 Sport 3 9 at 9 - ' - - mTaTinitlWf. BOOTH IS VICTORIOUS IMealcd Borden Strert Si,M) hv Score of 3 to 1 B i tn Rtrwt and Booth ... m in,.) s-ho'ti teams met in :ir-tt u Jim,r Football Lcagu' fixiur.-on 8.i'iii(ly hict ar.d BoUi I). .n!v ,.f',-r nvcrrominK ' : hi!' ' i't of i me Koal. T:,' '., ! is 1,1. to ont' for BimI: BiQ i h..d the better u: t I ' hulf O-Ncll. Hoan:i :, .: M'i.kKy playt: v. well at ha ! b.r w:th Viteh slwnvs a thr-.f , p!itri- forwaMl Ftoan a crov, :.-,.Tl Jen ,. Veltxh gave Borden ;, ; , ' with a 'hot ir.it went In .:; .. awight. Mah and Dybhsvn eo Booth attack and. at halt Ume. Borden was up one v-'o! nil 1 Bth put on pteojure nght fn I the ktokotf and Bhy scorn: v.-lowing a earner from MrM" ( ' T I va fmm at nnt Ka ni. . . mm iivhi 1 iw 1 a 1 1.11 in .i by the same player that firi.r.rr not Deoth attead MeOreist. ;. pod Dove Houston and Jon tree UMkln a good op. :.uu and. from the tatter's -'.re .OrJMbte added a third &Vrr!" it Itacttcd and Nelson manaxi 1 stop Yetkfa after Jones stw. v-;o had Bde bsadway Postuk je.i trow Jsknteafcln and. at th- . trn r TeanH Borden Postuk : Dyfehavr Vi' tie OllcBl. Mah Vettch ai r- ley: Jonas, Daw Houston f Currte. Irvine. BoottVMIatw: Bob Mtrlir St ton: Koltey. My. MeOrei Hi Ortrabtt. Cntneron. M'-Lk! m Meektn. Bofaree Jack Campbell Borden was well served b- t tie onMU Mah. Veltrh x.s. HouatM koalhars Booth w.i served by Be. Nelson. Men : MMekhi and on mole mob' and Horoen meet iv Wednsawaf evenlna while M - a d Booth tangle in a . ri meeting next Saturday. The league slandhitl so far follows D F A 1800th 0 H,n 0 Bord"n 0 SHORTWAVE HKCKPTION For information on this Phone Blue 320 or visit our shop and let us demonstrate the possibilities of shortwave reeeotlon alt day long. Investigate thto fully and get the most out of your radio Oil summer. LOOK FOR THE TOWER Superior Radio Service 536 Second Avenue 1 Phone Blue 3ZU P, O. Box 133 A O. BARTLETT m C II. INSULANDER