I pagi roxm Results of a Special Purchase of British Made Tennis and Running Shoes With real crepe rubber sole. Special treated waterproof uppers. This kind of footwear is new for Prince Rupert. The Cut Kale Shoe Store are sole as cuts. Here arc a few lines and prices mentioned. You are invrted to inspect these new lines. Give us a calL Women's and Children's One-Strap Running Men's Special built White Canvas Oxfords, cu- Shoes, waterproof uppers; colors, blue and shion insoles and heels, heavy crepe rubber pink; genuine crepe rubber soles which will non-slip soles. The shoe that will stand rough outwear any other rubber on the market wear and give comfort Q-f iQ Sim CQp Stees Q0 Sises nsn All sizes 01 '51 5tol0''1' Uto!Wl 3to7 Men's Black and Tan Dress Shoes, medium and wide toes, solid leather, all sues Special prices Women's White Canvas Oxfords and Straps, CO DC GO fit? heavy non-slip crepe rubber soles, specially t)yT.Oy &iUOy t?O0 built to fit Instep to insure comfort. Prices CQp to Q-f Or Men s Work Boots, flexible leather uppers. Panco Otli, Ql.lO Mies and heels, all sises rn ftp To clear O&&0 ANOTHER WEEK-END SELLING ' EVENT Men ., chrome Upper Work Of Ladles' Fine Dress Shoes. Pumps. Etc. all leather throughout, sewn and standard screw styles and colore grouped together, good range soles, rubber or leather heels CO fC of sizes; regular $3.95 Our price OwUO 8pc 8pecial V (Leckie name stamped on soles CUT RATE SHOE STORE Why? Spend the Money For a good suit or a beautiful dress and fail to have it appear at its very best? Phone 649 And have your rlothes restored to original sparkUj and loveliness; fcbar modern process, . '(..'..v.,' Ourspecial price still on LAI) I LS' and ; G ENTS txi??? $1-00 Plato Di Fancy $1.00 $1.25, $1.50 LING - Tailor The High Class Tailor and Ileliable Cleaner RENT A Radio, Sewing Machine, Typewriter McltAE BROS., LTD. Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,010 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 60-ton Derrick for Heavy LltU Sawmill and MiningMachinery Repaired and Overhauled SOFTBALL POSTPONED Thursday night s City League Softball fixture between Kaiens anc Grotto was further postponed from Friday evening but will be piayea some evening this week when weather permits. See the New Enterprise Monarch Coal Range J The piuriir.i' raiiK' for our climate when- heat is needed all year Easy Terms Kaien Hardware Smith Block Phone 3 Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone G57 WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Capt v. P. Amour of the Armour Salvage Co. was back la port tMs morning after having been put over Friday. Saturday and torioay to Porpoise Harbor with the work boat Wlnneras in con-nWettorr with the brtnginf here o. l a ds)nkey boiler ana other gaachl-Inery jkrmerly belonging to thi I NaUoiWl Atrplane . Lumber Cr' ; which has been resold to Frana DockrQl lor us at the Telkwa coal rAme. The boiler is to be re-I tubed by the Atlas Boiler Works I here and the outfit will then be I shipped by rail to Telkwa. The local power boat Rhona, on : ooardi which a party of two local I men add three Vancouver commercial travelers were stranded for two or three days last wee on account of engine trouble which developed twenty miles south of Anyox which port they left for Prl-ce Rupert last Wednesday af-:noon. arrived safely In port thi-n i urning at 7 o'clock with the party on board. Following he breakdown, food supplies on the Rhona became rather short for a day or so but were eked out by! clams and mussels and. eventually, temporary repairs were made wnicn permitted the vessel to get back to Anyox Ba unlay afternoon. After permanent repairs were made at the smelter town, the Rhona came on here under her own power. NOW OPEN! Ideal Cleaners Very latest methods In Dry Cleaning and Dying Second St., Phone 858 WTII f fr VllfP TAII rnif HUuLL inc. lUlLLK iMtrMftSK. Of THE riDt Lr. . - y i. i. I 1.1 a. Uki r m own'rniwf To m daily mnn Monday HIGH SCHOOL TENNIS TEA Very Successful Affair Held Saturday Afternoon in I. O. D. E. Hall A very succesful tea and sale of home cooking was held on Saturday afternoon by the CJlrls' Club of the High School. The tea was held in the I. O. V Hall which was prettily deconiu d with the school colon, green and uuld. and tennis rackets. It was in ud uf the High School teunis conn fund to which the Ro tary and Oyru Clubs have already made goiuiuus contributions. Although the day was rainy and dismal mam friends attended and there wa a quick sale of the home cooking made by the home economics girl.- and of the candy, some of which was made by the boys in the school The executive of the Olrls' Club the Ml site Jean Ritchie. Lucille BriKiksbank. Maxine Heil-broner. Put McAllister. Kay Watson and Credwin Morgan, organised and manned the tea in a very capable manner. Miss Je.m Ritchie, president of the club, and Miss Dlmock. honorary president, received the guests. Dr E. Lura. principal, and Miss E. White, teacher of home economics. presided over the tea table. Miss Kay Watson acted as cashier. The serviteur each assisted by three junior girl- were the Misses Beatrice Beroer. Joyce ColUson. Noreen Oibson. Elsie Davis, Helen McCaf- fery. Connie Morgan. Kva Morris, Ruthanna Wood. Audrey Partem. Peggy Anderson. Betty Parlow, Theata Fulton. Veuna Walters and Edith Connery. The home cooking table was un der the management of the Misses Mary Sargent. Tons Bourgon, Mar-; garet McLeod and Mary Kate Sands. The candy stall was managed by the Misses C red win Morgan and Pat McAllister There was a mttsical program during the afternoon. Miss Ruth Nelson contributed a piano solo. Miss Betty Cameron, accompanied by Miss Audrey Parkin, sang two songs. Miss Betty RUlaon. aecom-paafcd by Miss Marybelle Btlles. gave two vocal solos Mias With Johnstone and Miss Elsie Franks, accompanied by Miss Kay Watson, played a violin duet Successful Card Party is Held by Legion Auxiliary A very success! ul bridge and whist party wat held last Friday night by .he Women's Auxiliary to the Ca nadian Legion there being 23 tables of cards in play. Prise winners were Bridge Ladies' first. Mrs. O J Dawes, second. Mrs. Norton: men's I first. H. Ornasson; second. Robert Murray. Whist. Ladies' first. Mrs H. M Hale: second. Mrs. D. McCulknigh: men's first, Oeorge Orosvenor: se cond. W H. Ooodsell. Robert Murray and Mrs. 8. O Ayres won lucky chair prises and Henry Lrtourneau the door prise. Mrs. Nesbltt was In charge of the raffle of a box of chocolates, the winner being Mrs. N. Musallem. Mrs R T. Anderson and Mrs. M M. Lamb were In charge of the card tables. After cards, refreshments were served and a couple of hours oi dancin? i nfoyed with music by Mrs A H. Kiel back and James Watt The committee in charge for th evening consisted of Mrs. Jtu Preece. Mrs. Hugh Kill In. Mrs. C L Toungmun. Mrs. A. Frebourg and Mrs. Henry Bmlth. TWO FINE PICTURES "Vampire Hat" and "Uockabye" lie. ing Presented at Capitol Theatre Here "The Vampire Bat," a horror story featuring Lionel Atwill, Fay Wray. Melvyn Douglas and Oeorge E. Stone, and "Rockabyc," a drama of mother love, with Constance Bennett. Paul Lukas and Jon MacCrea in the leading roles, are comprised in an excellent double picture bill at the Capitol Theatre here the first of this week. The age-old belief in the vampire, the horrible undead human bloodsucker, which lives and seeks Its prey by night and retires to the grave by day. Is the background of the vampire bat. Interwoven with the scientific murder mystery is a love story which finally has a happy ending. The story of "Rockabye" shows how a noted actress, frustrated by scandal in her desire to adopt a child, finds at last a great love and then Is driven, by her very love for children, to make the supreme sacrifice Miss Bennett Is more gor-aeouslv Kowned than ever against s b ctyrround of smartness and BUY AT HOME Take the Commissioner's Advice ahd help yourself. For tour ton- tanienee we make our prices to suit our pocket. Our store has bargains galore. Down go the prices! MILK Ail Brands tails, per case . .. Tails perdu. Tails Pr tip Babystee per dot S4.50 S1.15 10c 57c KAGLK BRAND MtUC- OHn per tin NWTLrS CONDCN88D 1Qn MILK, per tin AU-' TOMA1tMBB--49tHker. '3 Q7n This Is a good buy. 3 tin v FBA8 Aybner Fancy. No. 3 27(J CXN Royal City 97 3 tins WHITE BtVtNm Bmall f lbs. SPLIT PSAS 4 lbs TAPIOCA 4 lbs LIMA BKANB 3 lbs. BROWN 3 lbs. per carton SHOE POU8H 3 In 1 per tin 4 One Place is as Good as Another (OKAV. CRAAJB . f P li it 1 '- ' -' I I Ml U 23c 25c 25c 25c 25c BUTTBR economy Brand rKLB NAPHTHA BOAF Qn 9c Out of town customer are Invited to bur from us. We have good priees. nualitv and servlee. Special price on large quantities. Wrilr for priees. We appreciate your patronage. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store 317-19 Third Avenue W P.O. Ilox 575 ri.one 13 j )ut of town orders receive prompt 1 ttention. Send us a trial order TAfciH A. VAa.TlflM VA.IITH .CA now ABOUT it, IT. MAc; mac in ,' tlUOUBN Mt til. - CVIISR. AKlD you h-hoVaj i i AT. r MONDAY & TUESDAY TWO SHOWS 7 Si 9 10 Admission 15c & 50c ' m j rz STUNNING, FASCINATING Constance Bennett In "K0CKAHYE" With Joel MacCrea & Paul Lukas meal -""-v.1- 111 starts at S 1 And the Dramatic Thrill 1 he Vampire Bat" Starring LIONEL atwiu . iKiili liegal rirturm WEDNESDAY and THUItSHAY "CABIN IN THE COTTON HOLIDAY RESORTS When Coming lo Terrace Make Arrangements With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, I5.C. To Greet You. We meet all trains. Freight St passenger service anywhrre. Lakeke Lake and Lodge, new boat iH. A. 8.) now in service on the lake Fare anywhere on the lake, one adult. M.00: Sl-Sfl per head additional. No eruwd too big. No Job too smalL PICNIC PARTIES EVERY Sl'NDAY a'juuuiiii: niijauia Summer Boarding Home TlelL Q. C Mands Hatpins, Hm - FiHhinj: No Fltes N v Modern C Home Cooking Par t'x:d!tt $11.00 Pit U'c The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famoni "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK 0 Prepared Daily Hj Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I'HINCE KUPEKT. H.C BMBJBBSaBSBBSSSnsaWBMBBBSaSaBSXeSBSSSSBBflSESmBSBi Summer Price on STOV CQAL $11.00 a ton HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE A DOLLAR'S WORTH CH tak sessM sad bmU N ls Si for s is wmI' TUB CHRISTIAN SCIDNCG MONITOR hi nrm MtMStUiiirtHHii a rt fcf s m nu tmt M M w-MV MM Mk SMt tuum. MMi. t 4 ( ,! 4 ' fr (mm, tMM m4 : -: - ikss By Westover. l-vounaa. iKnn Lit. TAKIf OVJBw TMSV i,H l, mm- iw- l w 1 1 a. i r 7" Ak,-r L. ,1T. UaWUl Ut-vrr T