Adopting Seat Bill MAHATMA GANDHI FINISHES FAST POONA. IndU, May Sur- prising his physicians at his survival )a aptU of emaciation and even further convincing h tnlWohs of daUve followers that none but a "holy man" eeW oome through such an ordeal. Ma ha Una OsndhL Hin- du nationalist leader, this morning completed his latest three weeks' last The Mahat- ma was in excellent spirits and his physical condition seemed to be lltUe more Impaired, phy- sicians being confident that he would recover strength when be resumes eating. The fast was as a protest against un- teachability." Today's Stocks Supplied by 8. D. Johnston Oo. Ltd Toronto Int. Nickel. I7J5. Noranda, 32.3ft. Sherrttt Gordon. 111. Vancouver Hl Missouri JS. Ooorgia Kim, m. Bridie Rrver Cons, 11. National Silver. Mk-Noble Five. .1. Fend Oreille, IJ0. Porter Idaho, .11 Premier. JS. Silver Crest. MM. Whitewater. .17. Reward. lOifc. Meridian. 74 Nloola. .70. Farmers Evolve "Barbed Wire" 'Phone Service CONSUL, Sask.. May 39: (CP) A "barbed-wire" telephone servico which functions without power or other overhead expenses has served people of this district In a fairly satisfactory manner for some time. The plenUful barbed-wire fences which stretch across the countryside are used for trunk tines. A lead Z- . . . ... i The only disadvantBRC is that on. Imust br expecting or listening for n : 'H It is customary to make a p- ,noiinipm during onversatlons as I. ...a.. ivSWiIA tirlll fa "nil 1 11 A It) Wll(tl Hlliv lwp wis -.asu fence again." 4 Tomorrow's Tides THIS WEEK THE High 4 20 a.m. 17.7 ft. mmln Pontiac Straight 8 17:51 p4n. 16.0 ft. Is on Display at Low 11:19 a-fif. Ml ft,. 23:35 pjn. 9.5 ft. Kaicn Motors Snow Room NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER All Cordially Invited Phone 52 Vol XXIV, No 124. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, MAY 29, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS SHIPPING PIASTER IN LAKE SUPERIOR CANADIAN PARLIAMENT ENDS WORK; WHIRLWIND FINISH Ottawa House Closes Lengthy Session By Liberals Oppose Redistribution to End But Arc Outvoted 15 to 15 Another Sitting in Fall is in Prospect As Members Ieavc For Homes OTTAWA, May 29: (Canadian Press) With prospects of another session in the full, members of Parliament are now homeward bound after a session lasting nearly seven .ukI a half months. With a whirlwind finish. Parliament yased the contentious Redistribution'Rill late Saturday ittu-rnoon and was prorogued in the evening by the Gov ".or uenerai uoerau maimaineo-- i he end their opposition to the hi., which remap 245 coruUtuencie iu: were outvoted by the govern-nt 45 to IS The Liberals baaed i.'ir opposition lo the bill chiefly "i the ground that many seata. i..!urularly on the prairies, had id their boandertea chained, in a miner prejudicial is Um Mmrti ! UPTV XirtfWth basts of r-miih of the last general election. RANSOM IS PAID OVER Dautliler of lily Msnsier of Kan-Ma City ntturnrd Safely to Home KANSAS CITY. May 3 -After miir been heW by kidnappers for wm. Mary MrElroy. K-year old uhter of the city manager, was luned to her parents yesterday : ' $30,000 had been paid over, 'i i (i rat demand of the abductors t been for tOO.OOO but comprom-wa made at half that amount. Nrws of the kidnapping had been u 'hhcid from the pubUe pending ! return of the young woman. ! l believed that the polite are m to rounding up Use ktfnap- MILLS ARE REOPENING Hour Hants in I'ariric Northet Running to Full Capacity With More Men at Work SEATTUS. May -Flour mill iroughout the Pacific Northwest rr all reported to be running at ' ill rapacity, several having added their staffs ourlng the past few ks. giving employment to tun-!"xia of additional men. Flour ex- i"its are being resumed to the '.intern markets. Body of Prince George Man is Found in Lake Divisional headquarters of the tvin-ial poller l.ere have been "Wis of the finding In CM I'! ' r"! "ST" . I'whrrmrmei. mum Ion, ...... . ... , .... i lnrr i.i no cut oil. minhh urnn nan hun miNi"i; " " i u. i beiievri ; T1 ,. .) lAke hU death belna dm- t ;rownln An lnn.iirw Jmrn i eld ui " ' "c coroner at Prince Oeorge. n inquest being deemed necessary SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Freight Cars Wrecked in Terrific Storm Freight car- on the L-u;-vul- .md Nashville RaiU..v at Ui-kna. Ala w n- a s ul a d smashed by a -.waado Wl.u-Ji -wep: th: jimh the mining toi. May i kil imp 13 ia.,u.ii. more than 100 uu uciiwuMunii iwo-inircs 01 big fair- - IC nDCMlVn Century of Progress Lxposition Gets Under Way in Chicago CHICAGO, May 39: Canadian Press) After four years of pre - l ration, the Century of Procressi fixposltton was officlaUy opened j here Saturday and will continue in i urocreae throuahout the summer I it represents an investment of $37,-' uwjbOo on ute part of the World s rair uorporauon, ine exnioiwrs and concessionaires. It U a vmuli, wvnwmunniumMiuiuiuiiwi,A tt miles of free exhibits valued at Toe H Members Assist Salvation ArmV Keliet' ! tAH old 8alvatkm Army building. WW) nas aaieiy oeen uaea as a Isfft room tor second-hand tood but wbteh was too small snd In very bsdstyape. has been pulled down b members of the Toe H and rebuil' 1Ui It donation of lumber from thi U Uay Lumber Company. The building is much larger now and in first class condition but the supply of clothes on hand Is low and the Salvation Army would appreciate it very much If this supply could be replenished. On Thursday, June 1, the Army will hoM a "Clothes Day" and any one having old clothes they wish to give away could phone IIlacK 369 or write Box 337 and the articles will be called for. Portland May Buy Power of Tacoma Alternative of ErcrllnR New and Costly Plant at Oregon City Help Cousliletril PORTLAND, Oregon, May 39 A Ueheme l being considered by thh city whereby additional powei be brought here at low cost from TaiwstMA , ln.lul l tMM avuillM litViCWU Ul CirVUIIS A IITW plant At great expense locally. me towns ounoings At right la all water tank :'bombster IS IN TODAY FltOAI ORIENT Coming here from Shanghai, the Steamer rived in port at 1 :45 this f afternoon to load a full cargo of grain from the f Alberta Wheat Pool's lo- pal .... fIvatnr fnr ffolivorv . j. it is understood, to the United Kingdom or the ( ontinpnt Thp vpmkpI ,.. ;uk-M , . . i T Ti till, by ?apt. J. R. Llfert, who picked her up at Triple Isand where she arrived at 11 a.m. It ia understood a pilot is to be sent here from Van- couver to tnke her out. Th Supra rmintn Vnllpv will dean up what groin remains in the local ele- vator, the Alberta Wheat i ool lease on u .. hich ...... xiire ahni'tlv. - i e e SIMON IS SKEPTICAL Disarmament Agrcrmert Has Not Been Kearhrd by Any Means Yel, Says Foreign Secretary LONDON. May J While not! Seventeen Canadians Drew Horses denying that the disarmament! With Chances of Cleaning con fere, ee at Oeneva was maklin! Up Fortune much real piognaa, Sir John St-1 mon, British rurtam secretary, de-' DUBLIN? May 3: (Canadian dared before Um House of Com- Press (Seventeen Canadians drew mons at the end of the week that horses In the Irish Hospital Sweep-It was folly lor the world to be- itake today A. Candlch of Montreal Metre that the great nations wot. drew Manitoba, the favorite, while actually on the eve of a perman- Calgary. Reglna, and Wetland. Ont., ( ert disarmament agreement. There i purchasers also drew horses with vould be no such agreement until j all the ma i or nations were pre- narec to .uijt such a plan fori annrmameni us iruu prop.Med o i President r ntnklln D Roosevelt former Premier of Alberta, drew many kind friends for the expres-of the U.ilted stntca, Sir John de- 'Raymond snd William Tweedle of sion of sympatr.y shown them In c la red that 1- kit ol a 30.000-gallon ARRESTED!: j Nuisance Epidemic in Los Angles ' Theatres Believed Solved I LOS ANOBLBB, May 3:-A recent epidemic of stench bombings In theatres of this city was believed solved yesterday afternoon with the arrest of Leo StoekwtU In whose ear three such bombs w re found. Just pi evtous to Stock will's arrest, a f ully equipped laboratory for manuiac-i ure of stench bombs was dlaeover-d. StoccwUl waa lodged In the anility Jail. WILL NOT OPERATE Ujbhavn Deckles Not to Itun Mas-, sett Cannery nk f rom Trip lo Vanrouvcr 1 " ruuuwuis m Business mp w van- eonver. from which he returned to ' ihax nil U nn lha rataala leas - John Dybhavn announced this morning that the Maaaeit Canrnrs salmon cannery at Old Maesett ralrrori brusn and comb arr hun, would not be operated this season. on waUa. m another an en-It is understood there will be noll4rRf, stands portrait against a salmon canneries In operation on , trunk fUled with garments and the Queen Charlotte Island this year DRAWING IN SWEEPSTAKE chances of the major prises of 130. 000 for first place and 10,000 for second place horsea. Herbert M ureenileld or Calgary. Vancouver drew Frans Hols. Steamer George Cox Is Wrecked; All On Board Reported Safe Ashore Was First Disaster of Season on Great Lakes Four Injured Persons Taken to Port Arthur 118 Persons Spent Night on Barren Rock 1 HOUGHTON, Mich., May 29: (Canadian Press) The first shipping disaster of the season, the passenger steamer George M. Cox grounded and wrecked Saturday and i U persons of 126 who were on board spent the night on , barren Rock of Ages reef in Lake Superior until they were i brought here on Sunday. Six others, four of whom were in-jured, were taken to Port Arthur. No lives were lost ; The vessel was enroute from Chicago to Port Arthur ! when she stranded. e VENUE FOR ECONOMIC CONFERENCE SELECTED LONDON: llay 29:-Owteg to its capacity and general suitability for such a gather- 4 ing. the Museum of Geology In Kensington has been chosen for the holding of the world economic conference to be heW here next month. It was officially announced at the week-end. Officials, Including delegates and staff, will, ft Is 4 r estimated, number some 2000 persons. The conference will be ' formally opened by King George. Paganism Still Grips Indians Antient Customs Still Adheied to In Haxellon Graveyard IIAZB,TON, May 3: (CP)-Un- der the towvrinv nesk of "Pf!in Rocks" mountain range, the native graveyard to a blend of Paganism ;nd the New Faith Though many of the Indians have been Chrlstlan- bwd. comnlete minUture houses have been built over many of toe graves. Clothes and belongings of the departed are placed Inside. Tn one skirt. ahna rant atui toilet articles. Over chiefs' graves stone poems symbolical of their clan are carved. Pood la placed In the houses almost dally. It Is Invariably carried away by wild animals such as squirrel and rabblta. but the Indians explain the sou-its get the food t'trough the wild life. Today's Weather Terrace Part cloudy, calm, 50. Alyansh Clear, calm, 43. Anyox Part cloudy, calm. SO. Stewart Cloudy, calm, SO. Haeltaon Cloudy, calm, 58. Smlthers Clear, calm. 48. Card of Thanks Mrs. A. C. Aldout and J. W Morrison desire to thank theii 'their recent bereavement. PASSES IN MONTREAL Word Received Here of Death in East of Norwegian Consul-Geenral to Canada John Dybhavn, Norwegian vice- consul here, was advised this morn ing of the sudden death last night In Montreal from a stroke of Hel-mer Bryn, Norwegian consul-general to Canada. Mr. Dybhavn knew the late Mr. Bryn personally and was deeply shocked to hear of htj sudden pa ssing. Bom in Norway 66 years ago, the Ute Mr. Bryn had a long and varied diplomatic career. After having served in various parts of the world. he was Norwegian minister to the United States durtag the Great War and fo some time titer that con flict, lie Is survived by a widow In i Montreal and a giown-up family. IN FAVOR OF REPEAL Nevada and Delaware Are Latest States to Repudiate National Prohibition Law WASHINGTON, DC, May 30- Nevada and Delaware on Saturday were the latest states to express their approval of ratification of the repeal of the natio.ial prohibition law. both electing delegates pledged to such action. The neeeea-sary applications will be made on behalf of the two states to tt United States Supreme Court. Halibut Arrivals American Northern. 35,800; Gold Storage. 6.1c and 3c Frisco. 5,000, Pcl fie. 6.4c and 3c. Oarland. 1460, AtUn. 6.6c and 3e. Charlotte, ijm Attln and 3e. Visitor. 4XW0, Oc4d Storage, 6.4c tnd 3e. Fremont. 11,000. and Onab, 10,-00, Royal Jc and 3c. Oceanic. 17.000, Pacific, 6.4c and 3c. Canadian Iugrid II.. IOjOO, and Bayvlew, 6,-000. Cold Storage, 9c and 3c. Relief. 18.000, Cold Storage, &4 and 3c. Capella, 10,300. Odd Storage, Sc and 3c. I