. .i I. Vv "... "IT SI 'X., v, 1' i 'Hi 1 1 i, ' , V Si-. HP" t nat two EH H, r. PULLEN 11 r m PUTS BEEF INTO YOU THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA IMhllsned Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.00 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation DAILY EDITION Thursday, Nov. 16, 1933 NEW PREMIER AND HIS JOB So much was said of T. D. Pattullo and his capabilities during: the election campaign that there is little left to say now. He has been consistent in his general policy since he assumed the position of leader of the opposition. He refused to be swayed from his course by the various influences that were at work to try to induce him to take a line of action which would have made yesterday's appointment impossible. He stood by the Liberal platform as set out at! the Vancouver convention and was elected on it. Now he realizes that he has a big task ahead and will need the help-1 ful sympathy of everyone. We suggest that any criticism be withheld until he has had every possible opportunity of making good. MISSION TO OTTAWA In regard to the new premier's mission to Ottawa, it is known that the Bennett administration was not Very sympathetic to the Tolmie government. Time after time there were clashes between them which tended to bring about strained relationships. Premier Pattullo will go to the nation's capital without this handicap. He will go as one who received a large measure of support from Conservatives and who triumphed over the new Focialism to which both he and Mr. Bennett are opposed. There is no reason whv he should not receive a sympathetic. heating and there is no. reason why he should not give Mr. Bennett some good advice that may stand him in1 good stead when he again asks for endorsement of his policies. After all, the good' of the nation is the first consideration and political victories are only THE NEW CABINET While there are some surprises in the new cabinet, it must be acknowledged that the choice of ministers is an excellent one. It was hardly expected that so many of the minigters in the Oliver and McLean cabinets would have been left out but of those taken in there can be little criticism. All are representative men. It was thought that possibly two northern men might have been given seats in the executive but the premier knows the territory well and can advise on the problems of the north as well as any man. We do not think the north will suffer from the lack of greater representation. We must congratulate the new premier on the good start he has made. We shall expect to hear very soon that he is actively at work on the uroblems that confront him. ALWAYS CONSTRUCTIVE Evenlnce tha firttyeariof confederation, Tha Royal Bank hoi been a constructive factor In the development of Canadlarfin-rJuitry and trade. Today, in iti ttabliihed itrtngih and exparience, tha Bank It a tabitizing force InCanada'i national lif. (To Y A L BANK OF CANADA BAZAAR IS SUCCESSFUL Four Hundred Persons at Sons of Norway Affair Irhes Are Raffled There were no less than four hundred persons present In the Moose Hall last night at the annual bazaar, social and dance of the Sons and Daughters of Norway Lodges, the affair being highly successful and enjoyable. Dancing wtu the order of the evening with splendid music being furnished by Mrs. J. S. Black's Orchestra and there was also ta program of vocaf music arid readings to which memoers of the lodge contributed. Oscar Haveroy was master of ceremonies and Tony Martlnusen and John Wick presided at the door. The raffle winners were as fol lows: Library table, Jack Selvig. Electric clock. D. McCorktndale. Blankets. Mrs. P. Llland. Ham, donated by P. Burns &t3o., Ltd., Mrs. Anna Johnsen. Five pounds of coffee, donated by W. H. Malkln Co.. won by Claus Alne. Two chickens, donated by Bulk-ley Market, won by Mrs. Laura Wick. Box of apple, donated by Oscar Haveroy, won by J. Fredhelm. Fourteen pounds of butter, do nated by Anton Martinson, won by Mrs. Selvig. $3 worth of meat, donated by Selvlg's Market, won bjj Mr. Martin son. One box of f rait, dofteted by Tom Lee. won by Olof Jensen. Sugar, donated by Sunrise Gro cery, won by Miss Zarelll. Box of candy, donated by Phil lips' Grocery, won by Mrs. John Murvold. Duck shooting is reported to be excellent around Skidegate Inlet this fall. Good shooting is also reported in the vicinity of Tlell. FOR SALE BLACKSMITH'S Leg Vise, 70 lbs. or over. F. Crookall, Osland. 265 FOR SALE good at flee safe. Car! be seen at Dally News. tl FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE for Rent. nishec. Apply Regal Shop. FOR RENT 5-room modern house. like new, harbor view. McCly- moot. tf FURNISHED Houskeeplng Rooms for rent. Will move ywi in free Phone 290. im WANTED WOMAN want general house work or cooking. Apply Box 191. Dally News. 268 PAINTERS PAINTINO and Paperhangtag Moller. Phone Red 802, TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Dry birch, cedar, Jackplne. Furniture moving, tf HAIRDRESSER HERMAN KNT WAVING I Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FU1 I nave a big order for raw furs and am prepared to buy at top prices. Before selling elsewhere let mi see what you have. I am In a position to pay as much or more than others and you get your cash at once, either by return mall or by wire. G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable Tire DAILY NEWS HOW TO FIND OUT Further Billiard i NEW BRANCH IF YOU HAVE Games Are Played QF AMATEUR ACID STOMACH i HERE ARE THE SIGNS: ( N6utn Fr4i)nt HrtdMh ! NturalgU Ftcllng of WnkntM ! InJIftrttlon SlttpltMHtM Lom of Appttlo Mouth Aridity Niium Sour Stomach Auto-lntotlctlon WHAT TO DO FOR IT I till TAKE 2 trnpoonfVllof Phillips' Milk of Mil-nnit in i lu of 't every jnormni hrn you grL.up. TE nohff trVounful iftfr rttirif. And intrr brfort you go to rd-OR-Tilf thr ntw Phttfip' Milk Of MlMW TWftl w lifrl fOf nch ttupoontul d. rtctrj tbsvl. If you have Acid Stomach, dan't worry about it. Follow tbe simple directions Riven above. This small dosage of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia acts at met to neutralize the acids that cause headache, stomach paias and other -istrm. Try it. VouH feel like a new person. Hut be careful you get ItEAL milk of magnesia v.Vn you buy genuine PHILLIPS' Milk or Mag-neat. See that the name "PHILLIPS'" is on the label. also in taiut roiM Ech tiny tMt K th rquivalrnt of a tntpoonful of Gmiiiiiw Ptiillipt' Milk of MignnU. Pliilllpa Milk of Magnesia LEGION IS IN SESSION Protesting Again! Personnel of Pensions CottfmWiion and Sending .Men to Camp The regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Branch of the Canadian Legion, British Empire Service League, tmk place last evening with PreaWenCf Preece in the chair. 4 "I In addition to routine bwineea. Wl O ynv V H O matters dlscuased inchtded the an- T V fJtXlt. XXUiJ I nual Christmas Tree. This will be held on December 31. To replace D, C Schubert, who finds it Impoasioie to attend the Trades and Labor Council meetings. George Murray was appointed delegate. Very strong exception Is being taken to the personnel of the new federal pensions commission and the agitation for reconsideration of the appointments will be continued. A Communication from Vhe Stewart branch an the same point received consideration. New appllcatiom for membership were received from J. E. Col-lart. P. M. Rajmer. R. H. HlH. A. E. Parlow, Frank Bray and J. Magulre and were approved Protest Is also being jnade against the sending of returned men to unemployment ramps, The Right Lenses For Your Eyes Correct diagnosis is essential in the correction of visual defects. In determining the condition of your eyes we make a series of related tests hy modern scientific methods. The result is a positive diagnosis which indicates the exact type of lens you tytvELLEKp THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies mounted by an expert. Bear rugs mounted In any style. Game heads a specialty. All work guaranteed first claa. runs MADE UP Write For Prleeg E. Dit, Taxidermist Terrace, B.C. Grotto Now Leading i:iks liy Score of 93 to 891 J. Sutherland Emp 1 C. Baptle CLi 1 W Stuart iHks 2 J Bulger ' Elks 2 J Saunders iKIkai 2 C P. Balagno iBksi 2 O. P. Tinker CL 1 D. Brown 0 2 J. May Gi 2 A. Donald Emp. 1 F. A id ridge tap.t 1 P. Prttehard (Bttp.i 1 SD.Maedor.ald 0 I 0. Howe 0 1 A. Murray CL 1 W. E. Huston 0 2 W. rtance (CD . 1 V. Memie HkH 1 L. Raabe (BMp.) 1 A. Bele CL . 1 W. LamMe (Elks) 2 E Batt (Oi 2 B. Morgan Gi 1 C. yonngman CL 1 M. E Youn 'Emp 1 TU. 200 200 400 '174 490 m 200 New FLAT Book In,. Mm rer a la 1 the Autmaliit Bouk i IM Superior aw loo 200 itt m 30 172 1 106 lOt 207 240 ISO 122 104 Ave. 200 200 200 ir 300 141 171 200! 240 200 200 117 IM1 its; 172 m its 144 170 130 122 104 ZIG- ZAG CIGARETTE PAPERS Inrtudint ItrlM Tit Rf IM SutxtllMtM ill EFFICIENT AND REMAHLE SERVICE Phone Rluc 320 The most efficient service Is the more economical, our new equipment is the latest in servicing, assuring you the best work. Why not have a proper aerial. Estimates on antenna Installations cheerfully given. Radio Service 3Jfl Second Avenne Phone Blue 320 r. O. Box 132 A. O. BAKTLETT C. II. INSULA NUETt A. A. V. Kserullve. Meeting at Winnipeg, Approves Southwestern Ontario Section Two more games wre jHyed WTNNlPfiO. Not. 16:-The exe-last night In the Billiard League cutjye 0f the Amataur Athletic Un-rtxture from TWMdy night be-Sjo,, of Canada voted last night In twew) Elks and Grotto In which fyor 0f a new branch being for-the Grotto is flow leading On an mad in soulhmatern Ontario, aggregate of 5W to 894 with onejy tne exaet boundaries were remaining match between Vie ! ta-fitlH. the new branch will Mentles. Elks, and Qofge Howe. J inciude within Its Jurisdiction such; O rot to. to be piayeo voaay. ,tKteB M Dwn Sound. We I land The individual scores last night: ; N,agara TM Hamilton. London , C. P. Batefne. EHcs 17; Dn:0ttrtph. iarnta md 8tratford. iBrawm droHo. aw. - 'JSST-s D """(Eskimo Arrested ! Tonleht's Games ' Ptnw and Canadian Leiton iwUl play taolgbt with llne-ut .follows. M. E. Ywnt. Mpreaa, a. aw Murray. Canadian Legion. I A. IXftiaM v. 0. P. Tin. : w. tie. Billiard Averages In Chicago For Steling of Pens riHirAno Nov l - An Eskimo E-. WHttWwit y Olwrl nap-' (rom rort Yukon Alaaka. was ar Frtnk AMrtdte vs A. Hamjr. I ! J Sutherlartl va. C. L. Yg man. Hoy Font vs Arthur Beate. Spares Pete Prttehard vs. W- Ihtm Ranee. rested herr veterduv churned with the theft of ;v.n f inlaln ixns from a local store "NOT CONSTIPATED FOR SEVEN WEEKS" Write Mrs. Johnson After Uainw Helloes ALL-BKAN Sttffems frwn eanUBtsa win fce IntMtetad la this anaolkelud letter: Year AuIu saithr imkitt MttaaMon. I an aa gUd'ovar IM ft baa done w that I few I write and tell yoa af It Tor lunch I take a haasaa, a Urge aw. Sit tallisfjiitai of Atfc-Bjun la a um Jiak. and dip hanaaa at aach kite aatil all is KfesuBwd. 1 havtnt beta constl-Mtaj mvw for seven wteks." Mrs. LottlJahnn. (A4dmafaealhd upon reqvvai.) Caltloa often eaa haait-aaa. laaa of apatit aad ilplasan. Thta aandKioa li Mttatty due to lack of "balk" to et-eeta Ike inteatinaa, and vitamin B to farnVtr ar-at rtruUr haMts. Kellefg'a AtX-HaAN has hath, at vraU as Iroa for Um hkjod. 1U "kBrk" In A U-Be. an k hmmH Hk that la laafr vegetabtaa. Within tn Sodjr, it forms a aofl mm. Gently, it clears out tha waalea. Try AtXrPaiN trt plaee af ptat mediritiea often barmfal. Two Ublrapoonfula daily will oveeeosM moat types of eonatipatien. Chronic ease. v1U each meal. If Mot relieved this way, yoar dorter. Use at a cereal, or In cooking. Reiipes on tha rd-aad-rreen ate. Sold by all grocers. Made ky Kellogg la London, OaUrio, Jegaawaa)e,eaa" A com or wo C4?ll It's sure to nliitu vrrtll Radio Ow ners Do You Know? Poor Radio Reception yay be Due to Defective Tubes .. Hnnu f tiku Kama m fc more in:m one working part. One of th. se parta may have worn out A tube may tight up and s ui oe defective. Our New Tester Will check the different working parts separately Brim; your tubes in .it '! thew irin made at no i to ynu Kaien Hardware PHONE: 3 aassaanasapaa mmm i TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, inroal( a- M ta'n Cowan & rhone I Latla Prince Rupert DRY DOCK SHIPYARD Operatioc thrre Dry Decks ToUl caaaeliy ZI.IM Uas Shipbuilders and Ship Repairer for Steel and Weed Ventli Iron and flrass Castlei fleetrle and Acetjlene WtUlai ll-toa Ierr1ck far Heavy Ufa Rawmlll and MlnlnfMachlnfrj Repaired and Otrrbsalr' BUYERS OF RAW FURS Itemember lhee advantage In shipping to us: Ahaalatc sr. ui ity and relUMIItv. All furn are sold at our own auctten. t""' you tli the hl(hett current market price Over 44 HT experience behind us etMurlnt. you eipert trading and valu.tttoit. I'urs held separate on rcqurtt. A trial shipment is xti it J lloxSII Prince Rupert WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS REPLENISHING PHONE US -1T I no -1- ... .. ,(. verywpui vc nave eoais muui for all your requir menta and at prices to suit nil purses. PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone G 18 . . , . .aaal TOOMBS' RADIO SERVICE Reliable and economical repairing of nil makes of radio "giMrnnteed" Phone: Blue 301