Phone 77 TAXI (TOMMY'S) RUnd, Capitol Theatre Block Any time, anywhere, 50c la the fare. 7-rawenger Chryilcr Car - was up to 64 Vie. She DanKer is Robbed For ! Fifth Time I VANCOUVER, Nov. 16: (CP) Two armed bandits held up Mana- ger G. E. Devereux and the fel Her Of the branch of the Royal Bank of Canada on Dunbar Street early this afternoon, locked them in a room and escaped in a stolen automobile with $500. This is the fifth time that Dovereux has Wn hoh nn wht man. aping various branches of the bank in the city during the past four years. On two previous occasions he captured the bandits. lomorrows lidei mmm ft High 0:48 ajn. 19.8 ft. 12:34 pm. 223 ft. Low 6:31 am. 12 ft. 19:20 pin. Z ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISn COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V.:: XXIV No. 266. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CBNTB SIMMER AND CREW BELIEVED SECRETARY OF TREASURY WOODIN ON EXTENDED LEAVE Personnel of Twenty-Seven of Freight Ship Perish In Atlantic? British Freighter Saxilby Fcircd to Have Foundered, Officers and Crew loosing hives in N ild Ocean Storm After Taking to Boats VYtrNCIA, Ireland, Nov. 16; (CP) Fears that 27 - . rs of the crew of the British freighter Saxilby had ruwned increased tolay when the last of three -if, : Jng to the aid of the disabled ship wirelessed that 'ru t either of the Saxilby or her crew could be found, f -viKhter in iKflieved to have foundered after the crew I Panhandle To Canada I JI NKAU, Nov. 16: f P -The Alweka Na- !- Ui otherhood, com-i of Indian, asked i r solution imwed at : annual convention e s t e r d a y that I utheattem "Pan- ! ' section of Al-, to soW to Canada, t rrs said that the c' inionUkefcareof k Jians tetter than Sam does." Vancouver Mocks Jotea.wm ') Vancouver uuri. .41. B N kel. .44. B R ( "ns., Jt ' .:.!-. - Gold, l. ( i .i. ... Rim, M. oiv,. Jim. 41.' !!:. ''HI. .M. M Star. .1. S.-.v. Son. " SUnr. jMtfc. two rivt, jilt. P 'i Idaho, .ltg. Pi'inirr. l.U. E'.u1 01. R.n 75. S-v. Crest, JM. , Ki.ilv otls Oils Honv i so, c E 9. Pwi'h id, MyL, A p f'"n.. .18. r'ilmuiit, .10. 8tnin E Paelfle, e. Toronto xamirla. ,om. r"lumnrto. .41 Vi. Central PaUlcla, JSO. Kirkland Ukc Gold, M, ""fanrtu, 33 8v Bherrltt. !.(&. In) i Dranarta. 81o. I 50. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER. Nov. 'l0: (CP)- . W'ilt tt':iv mint .J i Mti .... 'Change yesterday and W.!1;?. had abandoned her In a fuU gale and It la feared that the crew per-iahd in the mountainous teas. Yesterday the Saxilby had aent out "8. O. 8." messages attar ah had become dlaaUed In the wild storm which ha been racing In the Atlantic Ocean off the Irish coast. The Die. Cunard Line steamer Ber-engarta waaoneof theveaaela which responded to the "8. O. 8." calls. The St Quart Un. another British freighter, waa alao reported dis abled and in dlstnea in taw sftme region laat night but It waa be-lleved that her crew would be abk to make repairs which would enable the ship to proceed. TRAINS BY NEXT WEEK Hope Is That Traffic May Be Restored on Railway l ine By Coming .Monday It was announced at railway offices this afternoon that it is not expected that it will be possible to resume train service In either direc tion on the Prince Rupert-Smlthers division of the Canadian National Railways before next Monday at the earnest. The weather Is show-in saiaru of tightening up somewhat now and this is facilitating the task , of making repairs following wasn- outs and slides caused oy me recent excessive rains and high water ' and it is hoped to have traffic moving signs of uitMenlng up somewhat Ins again .irly next weeic. VANDERBILT JRJCILLED RIDO ELAND. South Carolina, i - William K Vanderbllt ttt .Mri 28. one of United li,ki..t bachelors, was killed near here yesterday when an auto- mobile of foreign make which he, rfrivlmt crashed into a truck, the' t i Mnairavi iil i i r- which was oe.ns " , ivcd '"i Ite of a road v""' "' ,ractlcally all hto life in Paris and and, week ago from Eur- arrived only a to! ope. He was cirmng ..ur - his! j New York ano ' V" .u' " the chauffeur at the wheel nen uw aecldent occurred. The chauffeur had hte 1R broken. Pound Sterling and Canadian Dollar on New York Exchange NEW YORK. Nov" 10:-The Drl-tlsh pound sterling closed at $M9 .,t forehrn exchange yes- Uwi V '-m Tuesday nie Canadian dol hr e od at nn 'C . Dill WUJf " a premium of 4'40. LAKES GET BIG STORM': Frigid Gale Brines Zero Temperatures Score of Deaths Ke-ported Shipping Tied Up Season Ending Winter Tie-Up Believed Impending Steamers Ashore and Freight Delayed TORONTO. Not. 16: A frigid 40-mUe gale brought zero temperature to the Oreat Lakes and the upper St. Lawrence River yesterday, snow up to a depth of 18 Inches covering I the entire area. Almost a score of deaths have been reported from United Staterpeint as a result oi' the cold, damage to shipping and j small craft has been widespread 14 - owing to the wind and tt was pre dieted last night that another two1 days of such weather conditions would m$in the closing of the Oreat Lakes to shipping for the season. Two steamers were reported ashore, one In Lake Michigan and the siher to Lake Erie. Two other Hgsels were missing on Lake Superior but K was thought might be In shelter. Thousands of tons ofi freight was held up In vessels by lee conditions and It was feared might not be able to get through. Two men are believed to have been drowned from a coastguard vessel In the gale on Lake Michigan. From Winnipeg two below zero weather ws reported while New York had Its coldest November 15 In SO years. It was 10 above at Chicago. BEING HELD a IN KILLING One Indian Charged With Murder of Another In Cariboo Several Weeks Ago VICTORIA, Nov. IS: (CP) English Decker, an Indian. Is being held by'the provincial police at Williams Lake on a charge of murdering "shorty Charles, another Indian, on his Cariboo ranrh several weeks ago. Jimmie Decker. English's brother, Is being sought by police as an accomplice. Freddie Jack, a third native. Is held as a material witness. "Shorty" Charles was shot in the back and his shack set on fire. I F0G TIES SHIPPING Score of Ve.vels Able to Enler Van- couver Harbor Yesterday After VANCOUVER, Nov. 18: (CP)-Al score of deep sea vessels, which had bfcn hcW rj three days on account of thick weather, were able to enter Vancouver and New Westminster when the fog lifted yesterday. SILVER AND COPPER 1 ON NEW YORK MART NEW YORk7nov. 16: (CP) Silver closed at 44c on the local metal market yesterday. Copper was unchanged nt 8 lie. Today's prices were 45c for sliver and 8 Vic for copper. :;TV:WILLRUN AS TORIES Three Unionist Candldjles Decide To Face Electors in Victoria As Straight Conservatives Now VICTORIA. November 16 tOafva-dia Pressi Brigadier General J. Sutherland Brown. Col. H,T. Good-land F. J. Crowhurst, originally nominated as Unlorists for Victoria in the provincial election, an-ource now that they will ran at straight Conservatives at the deferred election on November 27. Steamer Capilano Refloated Safely Unn Stcnmship Co.'s Passenger l iner Freed in Howe Sound Following Stranding In Fog VANCOUVER. Nov. 18 CP-The Union Steamship Co.'s dy passenger boat Capilano, which grounded in a dense fog neir MeNab Creek. Howe Sound, late Tuesday, was refloated without damage yes terday and has returned here. - . , DOLLAR IS BUFFETED Touched New Low of $3.50 in London Today Worth Only 60c In Europe LONDON. Nov. 16: (CP)-Ohe American dollar was severely buffeted today, closing at $5.46 H to the pound sterling after touching a new low of $6.50. In European money markets yesterday, the United States dollar was valued at only 60c. PLANS ANNOUNCED FOR JOINT TRANSATLANTIC AIR SERVICE BY BRITISH-AMERICAN GOV'TS j Estimated Cost of Undertaking is $ 12,000,000 Would Make Run in Twenty-Four Hours Floating Airdromes Every 500 Miles LONDON, Nov. 16: Announcement was made simul taneously here and in Washington yesterday of plans for I transAtlantic commercial air service to be operated i jointly by the British and United States governments. The! COSt Of the Undertaking is estimated at $42,000,000 and it would provide a twenty-four hour service between Great Britain and the Atlantic Coast of. the United States. The plans call for ultimate regular departures from various points on the American coast and for radiating services on this side to various European centres as well as to Northern Africa. It is estimated that two years will be required to establish the service one of the principal features of which would be the InstaHatkm of floating airdromes In the ocean at Intervals of . about five hundred miles with one larger central floating platform In mid-Atlantic. Eventually the facilities of the service would be made available to commercial air services generally. Mineral Production For Year In British Columbia Will Be Two Million Dollars Ahead VANCOUVER, Nov. 16: (CP) Despite a decline during the first six months of the year, British Columbia mines made such strides since June that the total production for 1933 will top that of 1932 by almost $2,000,000 in value, it was predicted yesterday by J. D. Galloway, provincial mineralogist, in speaking before the western meeting of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Mining Association of British Columbia. . The increase is being accounted for largely by gold production which is expected to be fifteen percent ahead of 1932 in value. There will be a slight decrease in silver and zinc production while the lead output shows a slight improvement. LOST Inflationists Taking Control of Finances In American Capital Henry Morgenthau Jr., as New Under Secretary and Acting Secretary, Now in Charge Will Fall More in Line With Fiscal Plans of President f WASHINGTON, D.C., Nov. 16: Commencement of a move for the retirement from administration quarters of the "sound money" or "stabilization" exponents and their replacement by successors of inflation tendencies more in sympathy with the policies of President Franklin D. Ko.osevelt was seen yesterday ..... PERRY AS SPEAKER Fort George Member Recommended to rreside Over Nex 1 Legislature ! ; ! VICTORIA. Nov. 16: (CP) IL i G. Perry, M.LA. for Fort George, will be recommended to the Legislature for the Speakership, It was announced yesterday. The Speaker is formally chosen by ... n i r IL. if - Lt-l. u t. Of the eight members of the cabinet announced yesterday by Premier Pattullo, only three have held cabinet rank previously and only two of these for any length of time the Premier himself and Hon. John Hart, minister of finance. Hon. Dr. K. C. MacDonald, minister of agriculture, before the downfall of the former Liberal .nministraiinn was elevated to : the Provincial Secretaryship but 1 i defeated at the by-eiection ' which followed his appointment ' 1 CAR SMASH ON BRIDGE Sunrise Grocery Van Badly Damaged This .Morning Driver Has Miraculous Escape Proceeding In a westerly direction across Section Two bridge, a de- Hvery van of the Sunrise Grocery got out ot control ot its driver. Man """"" " m; , , and was extensively damaged on . , side after w.av nav- lurnlnc over on Its log mounted the sidewalk to strike the railing and carry some thirty feet ot It away after which the ve- hide bounced back into the road - way. Miraculously, the truck did not go over the bridge nor was the driver hurt. There seems to be some uncertainty as to the actual cause ot the machine getting out of con trol. SOCIALISTS A 13 V If II I l7ni AKL MLLCiUj Twenty-Five Lives Lost When Bus Goes Over Cliff in Spain After Political Meeting GRANADA, Spain. Nov. 16: (CP) Twenty-five persons were killed when a busload of members ot the Socialist party returning from a political meeting fell over a 360-foot cliff near here today. with the announcement of very important changes In the Treasury Department personnel. Secretary of the Treasury William H. Woodln. whose resignation on account of Ill-health has been rumored for some time, had tendered his resignation, it was announced, but the President had declined to accept It. suggesting. Instead, that Mr. Woodln take an extended leave,. (of absence until such time as he shall be restored to full health. Mr. Woodln has already, relinquished, his duties ana IT at presenfin Arizona where he will remain Indefinitely. With the youthful Dean Atchison, under secretary of the treasury, also having resigned, the appointment of Henry Morgenthau Jr. as under secretary of the treasury In succession to Mr. Atchison and acting secretary in place of Mr. Woodln was announced. Mr. Morgenthau Is now in full charge ot the department Forty-two year old son of the United States ambassador to Turkey under the Wilson administration. Mr. Morgenthau was formerly head of farm credits administration and is no stranger to public service. He Is known to be more in sympathy with the Pretl-1 dent's fiscal policies than were either Mr. Woodln or Mr. Atchison In spite of the close personal friendship of Woodln and the chief execuUve. Morgenthau Is the youngest man who has even head ed the Treasury department Gold Price In London is Up; U.S. Unchanged MONTREAL. Nov. 16: fCP) The price ot gold In London today was $34.29 In terms ' of f p.-.j,,,. Canadian money, . ... , UP lhr( cnte troi 1""' WASHINGTON, D.C, Nov. 16: CP)-For the third day In succesr !lon .the price of gold In United States was today unchanged at $33.56. '" , 4 SMUGGLING LIQUOR TO CANADA CHARGED QUEBEC. Nov. 16: (CP) 4 Charged with defrauding the Department of National Re- venue of $1 ,500,000 by smug- gllng liquor Into Canada, An- lonlo Qravellnc of Quebec and Fernand Dubois ot St. Caslmlr, 4 Quebec, were arraigned before Judge L. Demers yesterday! Ball was set at $23,000 each. Warrants have been Issued for the arrest of thirteen other men in the same connection. s IT 4 - i