paoi roux What a treat! SERVE Kellogg's Corn Flakes and watch how eagerly appetites respond I Kellogg's are far more than refreshing too. These delicious flakes are rich in energy and so easy to digest they help you feel keener, fitter. Made hy Kellogg in London, Ontario. Phone 657 CS.K- TICALNS I or the Last-. Mondays' Wednesdays and Fridays 9:30 pjn From the East Tuesdays. Thursdays and SaUir ' days 10:16 pm RENT A Radio. Sewing Machine, Typewriter McRAE BKOS., LTD. in CORN FLAKES tggl j Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Shoe Repairing Dring your shoes to the Shu-Craft We rebuild them Satisfaction Guaranteed M. MacARTHUR Third Ave. Next Federal Blk. O. Man son. rancher of toe Eu- city over the Victoria Day holiday. tnontOB district, who served oversees with the French Army durlnc, the Great War. was a visitor to the He arrived on Tuesday night's .:.iin and returned to Edmonton Wednesday r.ight. Ii Ml HI J'i'f i 1 ' M ai il'ilsl Today's Weather (Canadian Government Telegraph) Prince Rupert Cloudy, southeast wind, 12 miles per hour; barometer, 30.10; temperature, SO; sea smooth. Dead Tree Point Cloudy, fresh southeast wind; barometer, 29.92: temperature, 52; sea choppy. Triple Island Cloudy, strong southerly wind; sea choppy. Langara Island Overcast, calm; sea smooth. Terrace Cloudy, calm, 50. Anyox Raining, calm, 5. Stewart-rHeavy mist to rain, calm, 47. Haeltcon Cloudy, calm, heavy rain in night, 49. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, heavy rain in night, 52. Bums Lake Showery, calm, 52. CROPS IN GOOD WAY (Continued from Page 1 have retarded sowing of coarse grains and warm weather is now needed. In Peace River Rapid progress has been made with seeding operations In the Peace River territory and some districts report from 50 to 100 of wheat sown. The Peace River has ) tut experienced a week of favorable weather and growing conditions are ideal. A slackening of receipts on central stock yards has seen, a week of active trading in all classes of handy weight butcher cattle. The same strength was apparent In fed year lings and even heavy entile fotapd a ready demand at steady prices. Tfce hog market' continues to show unsettled prospects but thete is every indication that the undertone will remain strong. Another enjoyable dance was held mat night by the Canadian Labor Defence League In the Eft-c binge Block Hal, a good sited crowd being in attendance at the affair. Music was by a. native orchestra and A. Rush wood acted as master of ceremonies. Refreshments were furnished by the ladies Results of a Special Purchase of British Made Tennis and Running Shoes With real ciepe rubber Mile. Special treated waterproof uppers. This kind of footwear is new for Pine Rupert. The Cut Rate Shoe Store are sole asents. Here are a few lines and prices mentioned. You are invited to inspect these new lines. Give us a calL Women's and Children's One-Strap Running Men's Special built White Canvas Oxfords, cu- Shoes, waterproof uppers; colors, blue and shkm insoles and heels, heavy crepe rubber ' pink; genuine crepe rubber soles which will non-slip soles. The shoe that will stand rough outwear any other rubber on the market wear and give comfort Q-f Q 8ises CQf Sixes Qp 8tees 75r All sixes QlrtU 5tol0DJC ,lto20C 3to7 lOt Men's Black and Tan Dress Shoes, medium and , " wide toes, solid leather, all sizes Special prices Women's White Canvas Oxfords and Straps, CO Iff dq qc CO OC heavy non-slip crepe rubber soles, specially OaWalO $4,00 QOfo built to fit Inttep to Insure comfort. Prices QQp to C4 Off Men s Work Boots, flexible leather uppers. Panco OUU Ol.AO MIes and heels, all sixes QO Off To clear Q4&Q ANOTHER WEEK-END SELLING EVENT M.n., chrome Upper Work Boots, solid Of Ladies' Fine Dress Shoes, Pumps. Etc. all leather throughout, sewn and standard screw styles and colors grouped together. Rood range soles, rubber or leather heels CO ff of sizes; regular $3.05 Oft our price OOaUD 8I,'ci, Leckie name sumped on soles CUT RATE SHOE STORE TILLIE THE TOILER" lua vn. i i & i ' Him Cfr-ica V&2 y - a - . 'j n j MBCT MO OUncsorty . MAOB HIM 1 hi dailt miri "Roil Your Own" It's Cheaper with ZIG-ZAG CIGARETTE PAPERS 5cBookof 120 Leaves The original automatic book giving one leaf at a time. No wit: Demand ZIG-ZAG and get 120 Leaves , i LOCAL NEWS Q. A. Edgcumbe. who has been on a bncf business trip to Vancouver, rcturneo. to the city from the somh on the Princess Adelaide today W. H. R Lows, rancher of the TeDcwa district, arrived In the city from the interior on Tuesday night's train, brinairg in a ear load of Bulkley baby beef for delivery to the local aMsatolr. Hi returned u Telttwa Wednseday night Mr. snd Mrs. T. M. Johnson af CNJt. steamer Prince Rupert,; uapt. Neil McLean, arrived In port on ttasW at 10:30 this morning from Vancouver. Powell River and! Ocean Falls and will sail at 10 o from the University of British Columbia as a Bachelor of Arts He was aecomDanled home bv hia mother who went south U attend! the convocation. ' C V Orme. assistant manager of a large sugar plantation on the Hawaiian Islands, and brother of Ex-Mayor C. H. Orme of this city, and Mrs Orme. who have been visiting here for a couple of days, will leave on tonight's train for Ontario where they will revisit their native homes. Tt.ey also Intend t. take in the World's Pair at Chicago and will return to Hawaii via California S prin i,' Sailings for th SOUTH CirrXTTIVK MAY lllk Sttamera leave Prlnra Kuprrt for Vanromrr, rail Ins at Off an falla and l'rll lll.rr Tliurtdaya and Salurdajt 10 JO p.m. For Stewart Fridays at 10 p.m. Fur Anyot tTrdnradaya at 10 p.m, Fortnlctilly arrlc0 to Qur? n Charlotte Island Hum ar writ laral anl r ii. Mr.srjv. n.r. a r.A. CANAWIAX NATIONAL TWO FILMS AT CAPITOL Hat Check Girl" and "Humanity" Are Offered This Week-End "Hat Check Girl," a comedy drama with Sally Ellers. Ginger Rogers and Ben Lyon in the featured, roles, and "Humanity." a new drama of sacrifice and devotion, in which. Boots Mallory. Alexander Klrkland. Ralph Morgan and Irene Ware are starred, are the two features of a double picture bill belnx presented this week-end at the Japliol Theatre here. The night life of Broadway, the loves and sorrows of the girls who work on the Great White Way. the litter and noise of the smart night jlubs and the dreary emptiness of Tunes Square at dawn form the jolorful background of "Hat Check 3lrl Lyon has the part of a Park Avenue playboy, Miss Kllers thai of a working girl. "Humanity" Is the story of a young doctor who. blind to the Ideals of a physician father, sells his honor for easy money and a life of luxury with a sophisticated and rich divorcee who lures him from bis sweetheart. The picture has a dramatic ending that combines sadness and happiness. Hotel Arrivals this city, who are visiting in Sng- land, recently attended a Rotary rrlncc Kuprrt (Ha Convention In Scarborough, J' N Browning. N ArmatfotMi. BntttM. at which some 1000 per- 3uk Warke 994 B C- Jolastton. Oas were present. Princi'Oeorge VanroUW: 3 8 Hieta. Telegraph' was among those in attendance at Creek; c ' 8ur' "Wport. UW slathering. I Savor Mrs. C. r. A..Oteen. Terrace L. 8. Royal Lewis, Anyo. Central C. H. Smith. Vancouver; L. C.N.R.: S. Krlstlaiuen and clack tonight for Stewart whence ' unnw Lag Curiosity Without Limit I'vsi ituu CrtAjH.7 INTO Hide. -J0t MR. I I iBZ'. 1 wsrow? i i 7av fx mvww f x city. she wfll return here tomorrow ev- " " eninc and saU at 10 p.m on her ; LONDON. May 36 The Watt In-rtturn to Vancouver via Ocean jdles defeated Marlybone Crirket flls apd Powell Siver. Club by 25 runs, .-scoring 309 and 2fl . : i to 14J and 146 for Marlybone Arthur James Stewart, son of -.- U and Mrs. D. O. 8tewart of thlx city, returred home on the Prin-j cess Adelaide today from Vancou-1 ver where be graduated last week j Vegetable & Fruit Specials I Just Arrived Good and Freah , PR4WH SPINACH 25C 3 for PRAR-Oood for eauas 5Qc mtw potatois- ONRXN ONIONS Cn 2 bunches RADISH RS f- 2 bunches CUCUMBRS-0od slM 1ln each CARROTS- afin I bunches CKLERY-Oood ae LBMON8 OQn per doc Adl ORAP8 FRUPT-Oood she Q WHITE TURNIPS S bunches AOL MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store JI7-19 Third Avenue West P.O. Box 575 rhone IS Out of town orders rrreive prompt .Mention. Send us a trial ordrr. 1-ntiNt Mu. CH.Am Hikiwri . Limit lOTHllli TtiA THAT II T III "A tV i a . sk . i FRIDAY & SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 7 Si 8 23 Admission 15c & 50c imUAY Mir,..- "-Ml Admission i. . TWO IIIO I'ICTURKS IN A ORAM) Iim itt, ... U Shown two weeks ago In th. Ll Humanity v. iffj wuria. li'nn ...... ""J li'in. niivir flk,.r&, ........... - - - lh tun ina.m .nuiiiiiw, HUUIS MALLORY .i "U-l II 1- r With SAIlYnfL "1... vi iiui-u lain - Rrv i- 1IUI WllVVIl Villi n. . . ... ... "LIU it lures Two Pictures Which the Whole Family Will 1 tn,, Fn.. MKTKO NEWS "Humanity" Starts at 710 and 9:10 "Rat Check f.iri . MONDAY & Tt'ESDAY "ItOCKAHVr." and VAMP ' nr IV c BETTER tr- lou can Prove It ' You will make lighter pastry, tastier desserts with ST. CHARLES! Don't uVt our word for it, prove it yowntll O'dei i of Borden's St Crurlet from your grocer snd use it v,hv ever the recipe cIU for milk. You will ftnd tkji St Ch:,ti will give s oUnd ciesmincu. a fresh, rich flavor H j j cooking that your family will immedisttly spptcc stc St. Oisrlei It rkh, cresmy milk, wnolewme i t mit ft with notKinj sdded snd 60 of the nitursl water urr ci It it slerilitcd after being scaled in the tin to ssv : pc :i tweet flavor snd sbtotutc punly. That is why Borden's St. Charles MiHc Usles so fresh snd sweet-why it improves the flavor of all recipes where you would usually use mi Ik St Charles IS better -sskforlr -use it and PROVE it. DIAMOND T SPECIALS! For Saturday No. 1 tfo. 2 FKKSII KILLHI) KUKSII KM 1 1 1 LOCAL CHICKKN LOCAL F0W 1 25c 23c p,,,. No. 3 LKG KOAST VKAL . . 99n LOIN KOAST I U J5 20c v " Ih 10. ISo. i) -LOCAL FKKSII KfJCS No. finer 20C POT KOAST HF Fl do, t 10c 15c CA.MKKIDdK No. 8- SAUSAOK KIK KOAST HFFF perlb 12iC mm.. 20C III ni A u sT M . iiiiiir i ii iyft w mmmr' ss ai mm m i 91 That BT lJW np ma ' Oifir rjBss??- ritmccr inn nvis w ' Scrvirc V.i iniO uuuut Onrk.i tia. afti.w VAUL. TBLL C U. Akin fl'EQOft?) HpVi f 1 O' ltU Mro voue fouoo6l If you lose anything, try a classified ad, 1 OU't-l- DO W Of "Mia NtsAvy vbluqw .jri,i Mi I ILsi -By Westover. vi ri m i '111 "i a i r j w s" i sjspt -