i e- I i be two year before i ,- what to do and the i . i nunue to avffer dur- - :::IHU future When It that action should be ;r. mven the majority : Ti imir enjoyed tn the urf and I am confident 4 majority la going to be November 2. do yon imitate in putting our 1! effect'" km in addiasslug at n.t here one of the n. meetings tm hM h' Most Important Problem ' n ixrunt problem fnc- today, declared I'' that of umb- FALCONER t p-. IN FIELD tier van H W M. Iloleton. tnde- that there were better things In tore for the immediate future. He referred to the great potentialities Television Test Abruptly Ends tnttnwn riperlmenilng at Danc-"t Rfhursal Find IUji luteal ii Than Expected - s.-ju 20: CP--n un-iina rehearsal oaird 'v m being made by two 11 ' "i the Drlttoh Hroad-S ' - 'ration to end sud-T " ere engtneew experl-1 i infra-red ray tele-t v?re looking In" at a " "x R'rls who were being t!'"'io their attonWi-' 1 ""'red that only one of 1 1- ired to be elolhed. v ' '11.111 finished abruptly ' who were clad In cot "Mm x iimirs. were told that t.,',. ' II, lr -"n unUlthey dreaeed u i: Mlk. "'"Hon pmved In be "I'IXmi,.,) T dark dye In the did not riflroi. th Theee penetrated ,,,'" of the fable, o "vision proieeter "mw" . ' Vrr ""g. me one girl l be elethed was era! and other provincial govern- regardless of their pollUeftI Altee Arm mar- th rknumlhf color with a view to developing AUtn tn the test pro- markeU and In other matters. i has decided to enter Local Matter nti con teat as an In- in opening his address, Mr. Pat-dictate. He make the tulk expressed hla pleasure at being In the field tn At- tn Prince Rupert to address being W. J. Aasel- tUrh a lane audience. This com-T J. Shea ton, Oo- munlty. he said, had had many dts-innonwealth Fedora-' appointment but he was confident Of the north tne aevesopment wt whkh must some day be ot im-menae value to Prtnoe Rupert The world today, saw Mr. rat-tuUo. was facing more and greater problems In the social ana economical field than ever before, these being due largely to the progress of civilisation Turning to matters pomscai. wi. Pattullo declared that all the multiplicity of parties In the provincial field todav had received their Inspiration from the Liberal parly-even the Co-operaUve Common-wealth Federation had designed much of it platform from that of the Liberal Despite the ptwfwtlnr which mUbt be done to dhgulse It, Mr. Pattullo declared that the C. t. F. stood for a traltht Mlallllc slste and no soctalhtlc Ue could be maintained without force. I'nder a C C. F. govern-ment there rould be no uch per- .i f,,l.,m of expression and Initiative a a the raplUlMir " "" aetually set up C C. T. would would be a oelt" tcracy. look the coune The Liberal part between. It for the gre.le.t benefit for the greatest number expressed the view Mr. Pattullo Continued " P 3 and b "ar opponents call it a machine if they will, but I a : you that the Liberal party has a better organiza-V iay than ever in its history and we are ready to take , . affairs of this province tomorrow and enact with-r , i. ,a . measure for the benefit of the people as a whole - u "laiu-e with Liberal ideals. On the other hand, if1 ciiiire snepeneeeq' ployment. lie expressed unquaii fted and complete oppodtion to Uie present method of the dole and declared that, for It, ahouid be aubth-tuted the Liberal policy of work and wages" on a national program of public works. For ouch work. Mr PsttwMe phoph sated, the federal government would aoon be tending money to the province without Internet. Whtre..prtteden ha.bH found le be good." Mr. rattatle deeUrrd, "we will maintain It Where It ha been found t be bad. we will wrap It and. where ncrrary. we will make If Mr PaUullo reviewed the Liberal platform tn regard to financing. 1 prom taint the abolition of "nuisance i laiea" and ef forts to reduce Inter act charges Provincial and municipal finances would be overhauled o as to make it possible for thai munlcloellUes to look after their people and mrvlve. The Liberal . . tm k. MIMUlMMMMll I party mwu m - of market expansion and the leeoer that tt would be his en- Wen Known Alice Arm Merchant to promised Ksn in Athn Inrfnrfrnt ideavov to co-operaie wiuihk. r 77 - TAXI (TOMMY'S) - 77 tn Ik Tomorrow's Tides Stand, Capitol Theatre Mock V High 1:57 am. 213 ft. Day and Night Service 14:05 p.m. 22.2 ft. , Passenger Chrysler Car Low 8:05 a.m. 32 ft. 20:30 2 A ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER pm. y, XX rV N" 219. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS NO MORE CHANGES IN HIS CABINET LIBERALS READY TO GIVE PROVINCE GOOD GOVERNMENT n ,. T-ll- f rauuuo i tiiis Large Audience How Party ' Would Meet Problems Unemployment is Most Pressing Matter Work Wages' Instead of Dole Reviews Platform Russia Now Hopes l) Conquer Stratosphere AmUmj"iTtfie worbiri alBtode TftconJ ?T DrorAugtisfe Plccard of Belgium, Soviet airmen hope to conquer the stratosphere with Uu liig baU; r. slmwn being in lUto u: M. jw tusc'- pictures the gondwU The balloon m iKf : ''u" that used by Prof Pin jrd Besner is Doing Well; Will Leave Hospital Soon According to word reaching the etty today from Vancouver. Oiler Deaner. who austained serious in juries tn an airplane crash about a month ago in the Bridge River mining district, la continuing to make rapM progress toward recovery. It la expected that he will be able to leave hospital within the course of the next ten days or two weeks. Mr. Benera Injuries were later found to be not quite so serieu as was at first believed. Sundal is Named New Magistrate Succeeds E. T. Kenney. Resljped Jurisdiction Also in Small Debts Court VICTORIA. Sept. 90: (CPl-Otof T. Sundal ef Terrace has been appointed a stipendiary magtotrate far the county of Prutee nupert wtUt Jurisdiction also In the Small Deb la Court. He succeeds Bdward t: Kenney of Terrace who resigned recently aa stipendiary magistrate In order to enter the election Halibut Arrivals Summary American 118.000 pounds. 8.8c and 4.5c to 9.8c and 45c Canadian 15.000 poundt, ttc and 4c. American Tatooah. 36.000. AUtn, 9c and 45c. Constitution, 30400, Cold Storage. 8.9c and 45c. Etfeetra, 41,000, Pacific, 8.8c and 45c. Mlddleton, aojOOO. Royal. 9.9c and 450. Canadian OapeJIa, ISjbOO. Cold Storage, 6.5c and 4c. I I ARE WEDDED GOVERNOR OF THE HUDSON'S BAY CO. HERE NEXT WEEK Sir Ashley Oooper. aevemor of the Hudson's Bay Company, and a number of other offl- clals of the company are ex- pected to arrive In the city Thursday of next week for a brief visit e e Vancouver Stock? (Oowrtoaf 8 D. ifmma Ot ) Vancouver tog Missouri Jtf4, Bluehtrd, B. R. X. .4. B. R. Con.. J7Va. Carmoo Gold. 431. Cork. M. Oeorgta River, .64. Indian. .01. Lucky Jim. .01ts Morning mar. JIH. Native Son. 09tt. National SUver. JH. Noble Ftve. 13. Pead Oreille. 1JM. Porter Idaho. .12. Premier, IM. Reeve. .If. Reward. .11. Reno, 130. Silver Crest. Mf,. WMyslde. .49. U-httewater. .09, Waverly. .03'. Oils. Fabymn. JWt. Home. IM. C. & B.. 1 46. Freehold. .13. A. P. Con- . Cftlfiaont, .15. SMrilng Paclfie, .40. Toronto Alexandria. OS Vt Columario 18. Central Patrmfcu q. Klrkland Lakt Gold, 3-5. Noranda. 38.00. Int. Nickel. 31.00. Sherritt. 1 41. Qranada, .89. Mjtcaasa. 1.03.f Sisco. 1.53. HERE TODAY Miss Molly Cross Becomes Bride of Frank Wilson at Morning; Cere, mony in Cathedral . Before a large gathering of friends an Interesting marriage took place at 9 o'clock this morning In St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral. Very Rev. James B. Gibson, the dean, officiating, when MUs Mary R. (Molly) Cross, efdett daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Cross of this city, became the bride of Frank R- WUaon, storekeeper at Sunny side cannery and son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. Wtteon of WhlteKwse. y T. The Cathedral was prettily decorated for the occasion with fall flowers. The bride, who was given In marriage by her father, was attended aa tHtdesmatd by her staler. Mts Joan Cross. Oeorge F. Tough of Inverness was groomsman. Mrs. EL J. Smith presided at the organ and played the Wedding March. Following the church ceremony, a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parents where Invited guests gathered to offer their congratulations, and best j wishes to the popular Mtipk. The) rooms were tastefully deee-rated Richard W. PUlabury proposed the toast to the bride which wag responded to by the groom. Later in the morning. Mr. and Mrs. WUeon sailed on the steamer Princess Louise for a honeymoon trip to Whttehorae. Y.T. Later they will return to Inverness where they I wMl take up residence. t The bride has resided In Prince Rupert with her family since early girlhood and is well known ami very popular. An active worker for St. Andrew's Cathedral, she hat been for some time IdenUlled with the service of the provincial govern ment here. The groom Is a well' known canneryman and has been! "for several years located at Inver ness cannery. Shell money is still current In the Solomon Islands. Tolmie Ministry To Make Its Appeal To Voters As It Stands Government Expects to be Represented in Most Ridings But May Not Enter Contest in Seats Where Friendly Independents Arc Running VICTORIA, Sept 20: (CP) Premier S. F. Tolmie stated last night that he did not expect to make any further changes in his cabinet before the forthcoming election. His government, the Premier said, expected to be represented in the most of the ridings of the province but may not enter the contest where independents friendly to the ministry are running. CANDIDATES i ARE NAMED Socialist Party Enter Field la Barrard and Bnrnaby Bewier-he QnrU hrthflttwaelr VANCOUVER. Sept. 30: (CP) The Socialist Party of Canada announces that it will contest Bur- rard and Burnaby seats in the forthcoming ejection. William Black has been chosen candidate for the the former seat and James King In the latter. a Bowser Candidate Withdraws CHILLTWACK, Sept. 20: CP)-J. A. Madeod has withdrawn at a Bowser candidate in ChnVwack and a new convention will be held following the new alignment. GOLD BAR BID HIGH Price Resehes S3tS6 Per Ounce in Montreal Today After Hitting 133 Shllllnrs In London MONTREAL. Sept 20: CP The price of gold bar reached a new peak at 53&9S per ounce following London quotations of 133 shllllnrs. nine pence, the highest price ever known. SILVER MOVES UP NEW YORK. Sept 30: (CP) The price of silver bounded up to tOHc here today, being a gain of almost one cent from yesterday. Copper was firm at 9c Is Thinking of Quitting Bench Mr. Justice W. A. Macdonald Intimates That He May Retire From Supreme Court VERNON. Sept. 30: CP Mr. Justice W. A. MaocVyiald of the Supreme Court besteh. who has reached the age of 75 years, staled on Tuesday that he was considering retiring. He is one of British Columbia's best known and most highly esteemed Judges, Archie Thompson sailed by the Catan yesterday afternoon to resume his studies at the University of British Columbia after having BOAT SANK NEAR HERE Troller Nygaard Goes Down After' Striking Rock in Dense Fog at Lawyer' Island After striking on Lawyer Island in a dense fog test. Friday, the traOmg boat Nyggard. owned and skippered by John Hanson, sank in deep water, a total loss, according to word received in Prince Rupert. Salvage of the vessel was Impossible. Two years old and registered at Prince Rupert, the Nygaard was a comparatively new vessel, having been both only two years ago. The vessel was thirty-eight feet long and was equipped with a 20 : hp. BoHnder dlesel engine. The Nygaard was insured to the value of $2500. Smithers Man is Fined For Theft Of Auto Parts Oeorge William Pike of Smithers-has been fined $30 with $17.70 costs and expenses incurred by complainant through loss of time. etc. on a charge of stealing automobile accessaries belonging to Richard OUara of Bums Lake, according to report received at (ft visional headquarters of the provincial pol tee-be re. The case was tried at Burns Lake by Stipendiary Magistrate R. W. MacOowan of Barns Lake. Jane and Annie Service Honored Surprise Tarty Held Last Night By Group of Girls A group of girls last evening gave, a surprise party for Misses Jane and Annie Service, daughters of Sergeant and Mrs. Service, who are leaving the city soon for KamJoeps. The event took place at the home of Miss HaseJ M&sttn, one of their girl friends. A presentation wss made to each of the girls on behalf of the group by Mats Muriel Boy. Oames were played, refreshments were served and aU enjoyed tha party. Those present were Maureen Kirkpatrkk. Dorothy Davis Fnoni spent the summer vacation here O lake. Hasel Lear. Joyce Klelback. with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Muriel Eby. Annie Petersen. Norma James II. Thompson a r ham Ave-1 Walters. Hasel Maetin and Jane and nue, West view. Annie Service.