—— — MONDAY —_-—-—___——_———— JUNE 30, 1913, ‘ ‘ _ VOL. TV, NO, 162. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., ‘S$. DOLPHIN STRUCK A REEF OFF NO LIVES WERE LOST AND THE VESSEL WAS FLOATED. 2 OFF TH wcKs CLERGY SHOULD NOT LOCAL MEN SECURE CONTROL OF CONTINENTAL TRUST C0. weece ee rs of the After Desperate F ighti Line of Conduct for To- Earl Grey Rifles ¥ ae ae" esterday Macedonia the Bulgars Fieg, ——— THE DAILY NE\"'S NEXT MAILS Tuesday, 8 aan. Per Sou Wednesday, 2 pum. Chelohain Chelohsin PRICE FIVE CENTS SL ‘HMURSE ISLAND : LEAKING BADLY I on HS Ba VP EDTEL 1S COMPLETED; HFROSPITAL IS BEING ERECTED “UNCLE JERRY” KUGLER DISPOSES OF HIS INTEREST TO AL- ronto Pastors. on Ranges Leaving Many Dead. ae DERMEN G. R. NADEN AND M. P. McCAFFERY > ae © PS CENTRE OF GREAT ACTIVITY—STEEL WORK Poron 8.—That ind There we irnout at Belgrade, Sune 26.—The hy eee ThE Bia aL ven 1S UNDER way. incial deal of more than, have 1 complaints regard cuais ha no right to pass|the ranges sterda although |garians have been defeated , stimnen Uilding is all completed and two of Prince Rupert's lobin the my has 4 st|}moral was the ade by } with a total RO Phe secores|of Bulgarians began to CLOSS thy sat progress in the will be ready for opening as soon wo real estate men, pnr-|©@Pable manager who has handled ral Dean Cayley he « rsq follow Iriver Seat os A as the furnishings are installed. from “Unele Jerry” Kug-| its affair n a sane, businesslike|°’ ® Striking sermon at St. 8i | After desperate fighting th ail Oe ae ee In addition to the hotel, cement ntrolling interest in the ethod, Church Sunday : : vo | Bulgarians broke and fled, leay erried on by the foundations have been construct- ntal Trust Company Mr. Kugler has been forced Felling how speakers in al sergt. ot swt ug bebind many dead iy tdated Smelting,Jed for the new luspital, which il men of such business|relinquish his eontro he|/ Church gathering 1 ly had | Corp. aane ».| Wounded and abandoning all |, ¥ wer Co., Lid. Thejwill be equipped in the most as Mr. Naden and Mr.|/company as a rest f his ace irged their clerg; denounce | Pte, Matheson #1} positions they had seized in S the dam some|modern style. A large number ¥ y rather than an out-|dent of a few months ag N, embers their congregation 8 | pt a sei vian territory. of course, a de-|of cozy collages have been con- ving no Other interests|having entire recovered from| "0 attended the theatre and the Eno ae ~ nee wemed the continued] structed for the use of employees Prince Rupert should|its effects, he is ‘ attend | Paces he asked what right they|sen1 Jack ) > London, June 26. Accortity - made it impos- and their families. if the institution isjto business and f his Asut j hae — ard ni |r tien ‘ : Servian reports, a serivy ommodation for | pleted. ‘ of the institution and w be elected | . forth the =. seta, peesiet ro . a en TO TYEE PARK — —_ — |! ‘ f at i b ear hy ass. D. ©, Bt iy cmmemmnngy SENTIMENT OF PROVINCE patarioca meee. Span | ee al ——-- ' WORK STARTED ON uns | achat Sedearonn, ete i SHOOTS UP THE COURT iA. Sm ,, early yesterday morning on th IS INSTINCTIVELY LIBERAL | new PREMIER HOTEL, “=: oul ous Shs oe es lie eae se *t)Park. The excursion was map were sce HIDES BEHIND HIS DESK AND OTHER . 2 Building Is to Be Five Storeys in 2 a : e?)aged by Messrs. Crew and Milly “ ao PRES THROUGH seo.anes Same commmnst qnecmnen, waren w. | Atre 0 rin cnne et | at fof" tye rnc Raper Au Sows wirn baer OF TwANtY FEET MERE AND THROUGH DISTRICT George Williams. A h Roberta : : ; whee eo ee . @eane 28—Judge,|fused to release Stewart on pro- “a » | Werk started this morning on charge of the sale of the properly), —ee™m and specta-|bation after conviction for at- ' are many thousands of/vinee are be iz j d a ie ¢ the aati BRIDGE AND FERRY at Tvee Park earrying to cover|tempted highway robbery. : rails in this province.) more favorable, Mr. Ba |Premier | building at the Until it had passed the mouth ee@urt here laie| The boy whipped out a .32 cal- , | only f@ be Brought to-j ied the News reporter rihwes er of Second ave OUT OF COMMISSION of the Skeena River the par) “emmy M. Stewart,|ibre automatic pistol and fired : cays Sean. bes eee _ ' = ‘> _ % e and Six stree rhe build encountered continual rain. 4" @eree wild shots three shots, two of which nar- f the Liberal party in|! would contend that tt , g will toreys high, Of|megidents Of Lakeige District Tyee Park, however, there wa|™ “shoot up” the |rowly missed Assistant United mbia. Mr. Baer, who| ince is ins yl rete with brick! gre Out Off from r = no rain, and the underbrush wa)" States Attorneys Samuel MeCo- here from Vancouver on/|spite the complexio ee! sides facing Se in — quite dry. The party had an en,’ eis Justice Wen-|mas Hawken, Harvey Given and . iy wil spend a menth injsent government,” said Mr. | ave! Sixih street Terrace, June The Rev, |J0vable time there. One sale wa.” _Bianzoceret be-| Policeman Moffit. He was turn- et He leaves with the; During the past eight ©! There will bé< hundred rooms k nated tie - , effected oem the spot, and to 4 gett out in the|ing towards the judge as if te o-morrow for Hazel-| months [ have covered the | eats! 6 of which will] ™*? , and his bride @r-l peal estate man at that, W. Kis.|" -— was a wild/shoot, when a witness sprang which place he willitory in the south se ' h dias = bathrooms at- rived here n Saturdes from | sick, of Pattullo & Radford.. be} —_ of safety.}upon him and choked him into proceed to Tethwa, When pas-| province from the C1 Nes hed Me w f construc-|Prince Rupert A hearty wel-|ing the purchaser of severa/"" «age under tab-|insensibility. f ugh Eazelton he will) Pass to the Boundar) will be ca in under the jcome was €iVeM them gt the depot}acres. Others expressed them,|™ wewy chairs, oth-| In the confusion that fol ike arrengements for address- jall the lower mainlane 8 pervisiol Vv Charles L.|by the residents Aft having |selves as highly interested an( r windows to the/ed many thought Justice Staf- big public meeting there on|uencies and all the Van Williams luncheon @t the hotel « eouch| attracted by the fertility of th” «en or twenty|ford had been struck by a bullet, : He my oe be back | Island sencilignans i . rh was presented to them behaif|soil and - me, one mente oti? but the judge emerged from his e Kupert in about twelve|organization and rehabilita of the residents of Terre The | sandy beach. e park is con. had j - |} hav ‘ te d anticipates that there | of the Liberal party has | PRINCESS REFUSES T0 presentation W8S made by the sidered an exeellent place fo '