rT N ( E R U P E R T GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: ‘ sontanl nope eere send a m ro THE eonees — wee. Manson, M. PP. in - . ~ pont oF P en on of his services at Vic x ‘:— — : ———_—_———_—— ; = = —————_—_— = =— : — PRINCE RUPERT, B.G., FRIDAY, MARGH 13, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS LL BE GREATEST FISHING PORT ON THE COAST _ = —— = ——————————— a = - — ILLIE RITCHIE GETS DECISION OVER AD. WOLGAST---WRONG KIND OF IMMIGRANTS COMING RETARY FISHERMEN’S UNION — PORTLAND WATERFRONT ||""""e“orow-r xwow. } SUFFRAGETIES AFTER IMMIGRATION METHODS MADE SWEPT BY BIG FIRE WESTMINSTER ABBEY GIVES PRINCE RUPERT BOOSIE |oscs ase sniping oascsoyos toll at stems. OS acc te ats mn an ot SUBJECT ACTIVE CRITICISM a Extent of Million Dollars. a city mail order house was Beautiful Windows. Ht Sa eves THIS WILL BE GREATEST PORT ON COAST—MANY sisital 4h Wa. Delis i weenie Be a ee mer- wetness “the Di 8 : GOVERNMENT ACCUSED oF BRINGING IN WRONG CLASS— HALIBUT FISHING COMPANIES TO MOVE HERE ‘ I ‘ ap A ally ews enant, 1) aidan t you specia “0 Ve ally News | FEWER HOMESTEADS TAKEN. FROM SOUTHERN CITIES. Portland, March . 12---Fire}g buy. dat Bali! goods. from London, March 12.—“Our next| ce * : early this morning swept all that me? I could have saved you ‘ Pe er aan j Ottawa, March 13 After twotals re | ving . y ; guint teins REEL d's a taxtear ita neweak ad hosides ton move will probably be to make awa, Ma 1 3. r twoja were bringing more money > Y) ’ ks orth of here and off the wateriront I . , ‘ , . i ; ; ? . 7 : hat Prine Rupert banks n rt : : k on the East Side from Upper to would have) been patroniz- mince meat out of the beautiful|minor bills were advanced ajthan those who came earlier and be the aceen eee ea ‘s rbkaie oie v: reas Lower Albina ferries, completely ing a home store which help windows of Westminster Abbey.” |stage and a number of questions|were buying lands rather than Fenieeerey oe a ee saa i: Det i destroying the Columbia Dock pay the taxes and build up This is the threat uttered rather|were asked the House bg into|taking homesteads. The reduc- Lary of Ge Baits are ae pie a a No. 2 and Montgomery Dock No this locality.” With char- sadly by Miss Emerson, com-/a committee on supply. The es-|tion of the numbers of American she I nion, to poszeven Hecate ae are nol as 1. The steamships Cricket ‘nn anteriatte @ankness the mander of Sylvia Pankhurst’s|timates for the Department of|arrivals was due in part to rep- ee el aie. a re rb will not inj Glen Roy and much other prop- farmer asked: “Why don't East End People’s Army while}the Interior were taken up andj/resentation of Western Canada p with 6 ea F eiv ANG ‘ta ea be s erty were destroyed, the whole you patronize your home Miss Pankhurst is in jail. Frank Oliver was disposed to|made in the newspapers of the ; hoes ME pe Meg pg eho ratio ‘ i ci entailing a loss of $1,000,000. ‘paper and advertise? I read “It is a shame we are forced|(hink the department ,was en-|United States. Steps were taken vs that many of the Se-jJure the eee mba ry a oe The cause of the fire is un- it and didn’t know you had fo such extremes, but since other|deayoring to make an immigra-|to remove these false impres- E panies will Io-|tages of the’ Grand een bee known The steamship Cricket the goods I have here, nor and more peaceable meaures|tion record. They got quantity|sions and the number of home- st of the boats} this port 1s ine are is ya a which was loaded with asphalt, did I ever see your name in have failed, why, no other course|rather than quality and not|stead entries were likely to de- oo headquarters | tie DeDsr ges ae a burned ‘fiercely As a prevent- the paper inviting one to is left. We consider the de-|enough of the new arrivals were|crease until they see arrears g American ships|the boats go the farther me vo Mmessure ‘sha wae’ ott looaele: Coiie.t0 yourmstore:! , struction of Venus one of the|going on the land. Mr. Roche|opened by construction of addi- i ship their fab | tee) will be from Seattle and fre tH is Se if ‘a tiie most effective blows ever struck} said that many of the new arriy-|tional railways. e Gra lrunk Pacific. | Vancouver, making it necessary]?"’? purpose ¢ permitting for our cause in England.” ¢ | he ios ) he i P t time most of|to have headquarters as near to her to float down the river, but aplanebipieincanhiteasiti ae ota caer ee ee g is done on the!the banks as possible ihe slewats atte Abeled Glee (ee ———) EXPECT INQUIRY INTO HALIBUT FISHERMEN . [ROBBERY SUSPECTS ARE ' ery 47 eee eee ae pagan | _ NEWINGTON’S MISHAP} MAKE NEW AGREEMENT, TAKEN TO ABBOTSFORD IE RITCHIE GETS VICTORY ee dvoive Dias Rie dul tetas “bell Osis kaka og SAID HE WAS SON OF peer Saettiae ar Will Divide Catch Equally— —Brought Back to New | BEATS WOLGAST IN TEN ROUNDS) ~~ emperor wituam seasons One to Act ‘eo Mate rae —_—-- Charl Col . Di c | a. Yesterday afternoon the mem- (Special to The Daily News) arles er es at Chicago— rs of > He 7jshérmen’s New Wes ster, Mar GAST WAS OUTFOUGHT AND OUTGENERALED ALL WAY Was Man Without Work - EKA ORI no ineinaeitdne nave ber of the Halibut Fishermen's a New We tin ter, March THROUGH—RITCHIE IN GREAT FORM. s n ou ork an | Union and the manager of the|The auto suspects captured at ib Sepdie sie With Income. poeRe received from Ottawa as yet/Canadian Fish & Cold Storage} White Rock in connection with The Daily News J}suming Ritchie made desperate : ae ee : | CEU SERS Capt. J. Maecpherson,|Company came to an agreement|the bank robbery were taken to March 13. Alattempts to knock him out. Wol- Chicago, March 12.—Charles wreck commissioner, to hold am|on the division of the’ fish caught} Abbotsford for identification. fouled in the seventh round,]Coler, who said William I of on trawlers. Where dory fishing} The officials were unable to iden- he seventh round |] gast inquiry into the Prince John- glove work gaye|when the champion delivered @)Germany was his father, died twit eton coltaion ibis expect-|38 done each dory takes its own| tify them and they were brought i victory over|hard blow to the Michigan boy's terds I . ‘ ; fish, the same arrangement that!back to Westminster for the yesterday in the county hospital ed that the officers of both ves- Vv SA oy : Volz the former light-] groin According to a_ state- Hl had | ' , has been in force for some time.|Vaneouver boarding house rob- at Gis: ant Atl ment: sees by Dr. C. A. Morter is claim had been the cause o jsels will be asked to explain the Where the tong lines are used | bery. fichting. The Gali-|a member of the State Commis- much oMeial correspondence, but reason for the mishap. The ac-/there are to be twelve fishermen | Shrine etna” st x tfoucht and out-}sion of Boxing, after Wolgast the replies he received, while po- cident is stated to have been un-]on a boat and the catch is to be | Capt. Richardson Exonerated. Wolgast He fanded |went to the dressing room he lite and ingratiating, were un- } avoidable. divided equally among the twelve | t th left hooks. solid}/underwent an examination. mistakeably in purport. The repairs to the steamer{at 1%c¢ per pound. The captain} Victoria, March 13.—The find- Newington are expected to prove|does not share in the catch, but ing of the court held in Vancou- Imore costly than was originally|one of the twelve fishermen acts|ver to investigate the Hudson disaster exonerates Capt. Rich- hak in thane Oniv in the sixth round did the Right or wrong, the German of| Empire would have none of him tuentiv warned/former champion show any Notwithstanding this fact, he re- { stop his ap-|tis old time cleverness, when | anticipated. Before leaving as: mate. n ties After | with right hook to the jaw it was ceived a liberal pension from Swanson Bay for Victoria the The representative of the/ardson and First Mate Thompson tested Wolgast ed by a lefthand uppereut}Some source, He never worked jengineers and officers of thejunion was Mr. P. D. Gill, the/of all blame. Their certificates i shing battle | vhich made Ritehie wobble Phe | He resembled members. of Ger- Newington effected temporary re-|secretary-treasurer of the Hali- | have been returned to then. Ritchie floored vd cheered both contestants;™any s” reigning family closely | pairs to the vessel and by watch- | but Fishermen’s Union, with! en — nd with a id Wolgast seemed to be nd hundreds of Germans here line the weather the fishery cruis-|headquarters at Seattle Mr. | British Football. the stomach|the fa te with the house and] believed his claim was \ ler successfully accomplished the|Gill says a local branch of the ———— that he was/the crowd frequently rose en He contended he was born in ltrip south, arriving in port yes-|union wil! be formed here and an| London, Mafch 13.—Queen’s peed Wolgast|masse and cheered him wildly Berlin September 20, 1848, and terday afternoon Several plates|agent will be appointed about | Park Rangers beat Swindon in f four before re- after a brilliant rally. that by right the throne was his. are buckled and the dints extend|May ist. This appointment is|the Southern League by four to to below the waterline. The bul-|made by election. The loeal|two, while London Hospital beat | To the public he never explained jworks on the starboard side are|branch will have control of the St. Bartholomew at rugby. Fhe | | why he was an exile. It is said JOHNSON, PUGILIST, LONDON NEWSPAPER |!" sate oar he 4 split and the entire damage will]/affairs of the union for Prince | Hospital finals were sixteen te not be known until the ship is|Rupert, Haysport and Ketchikan, naught, ficial documents, ED T0 LEAVE SWEDEN | CRITICIZES CNR. AID Dn andan. JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER. [hauled out, ‘ The union has some 1,500 mem-| a ont errr \ late sketch of the great finan-| [Tf it had not been for a num- bers and promises to be one of | Strikers May Be Released. Dstile Demonstration Made | London Telegraph Asks Why WED AT GRETNA GREEN cier, who has moved his resi- | ber of piles giving way the New- the strong trades unions of the} ( i nis ‘ nst Him—Could Not Carry | Canada Does Not Make Frank IN THE ‘OLD-TIME WAY dence from Cleveland to New| ington might have been more ex-|Cast. It is expected to have a} piawa, Maroh 13.— Following Out Engagement Statement. ~~ Jersey because his taxes under }tensively damaged. When the]?apid. increase in membership | "wo speeches ut the House WEE * 7 ; London, Mareh 12 Gretna the income law would be 8$9,-|Newington was struck by the|bere with the development of the|!ng that imprisoned miners wot Decial to The Daily News.) London, March 412.—The Daily Green, the famous Scottish bor 000,000. By the change he|prince Jobn she was lying at a fishing trade. | Suilty of serious offence be re- ce ‘el I liscussing Ganada'’s|der village, revived some of Its saves $3,000,000. The sketch/dock at Swanson Bay. She was ae ; me ‘leased, Frank Shepherd of Na- March 13.—Jack| felegraph, a g Cs ‘ rk et See was made as Mr, Rockefeller|jammed up against the fender Wedding Bell$ naimo and Mr. Doherty strongly . es ) i een glioryes estlerdeé e ‘ | nor £ , rr ir ! igilist, who was | £5,000,000 loan, the result of ‘ ; “iy ‘ was leaving the church. |piles and the tremendous pres- "I urged that they be granted their ! tling mateh by} whieh was declared yesterday, | Wedding after the old fashion o ———————— lsure caused six of them to snap. A very pretty marriage cere- freedom, It is likely that some and others, was | asks why the Canadian govern-{the runaway matches of last cen Saint Patrick’s Concert. lHad they not parted the cruiser|mony took place this morning|®*4#on will be taken shortly, Sweden owing tol ment does not make a full and]tury, was celebrated between a — |might have been badly jammed.Jat 8 o'clock in the Methodist fee Hi - Of a demonstratior ‘ , ‘ man living in Perth and_ his An Irish concert with a splen- The Newington is to be hauled], roke s Promise. frank statement of the various 5 ' Chfirch when Miss Julia Redden George Mas se ; “i nim : bride, a native of Bevan, did programme will be given by/out on one of the slips for re- R ieorge Mason was in police impending liabilities that have They chose the place because|the Ladies’ Aid in the Baptist pairs in a few days. The work of this city was married to Mr.jcourt Wednesday for begginj;. { Frizzell returned | ' be provided for, since it is AN]o¢ its romantic association and|Chureh on Monday evening, }will take a couple of weeks to Denis Horatio Wiles, a civil en-|He made some good promises tu m the interior, ,2Pen secret that the Dominientl without consulting their parents|Mareh 416th, at 8 o'clock, in}earry out. gineer of Vancouver. Miss Red- the police magistrate and was !et ‘levovernment is not borrowing for|jymped into an automobile and|honor of Ireland's patron saint. "ee ao ’ as rece . off on suspended sentence. Yes- 1 him a photo of | : I den was recently employed with : : hampions, winners |/t8 OWn necessities as much 8S} journeyed to the border, Accord-|Refreshments will be served, Ad- EVANTUREL IS EXPECTED .|Mrs. Frizzell and was very popu- terday he was hack..at... bis..oi@ cup, |for those of other people. Che]ing to the old time custom, one| mission 25e. 50-60 TO TENDER RESIGNATION |/ar with a large circle of friends. tricks and the police gathered iwriter expresses the convictlloldof the villagers acted as priest on - oereeT mae we In the ceremony she was attend him into the fold. This morning that the latest £5,000,000 issue,}ihe spot where, in the old days, BASEBALL. Toronto, March 12.—Gustav:|ed by her mother, Mrs. Gyr. Mr. he was awarded ten days im jail: SAHOO OOO aug | though coldly received, Is due lO}the blacksmith united many loy ee Evanturel says now that he will|Herbert Ling was best man. The areca ere x {get in strong hands shortly, and}ers who jumped out of post R, H. E, attend the convention called at|}happy couple took the Prince AREReAAOEnennenes ~ KTR | | x that there are larger and Mevrelepaise in which they had ridden]Oakland ........... 1 6 Ol van Kleek Hill to explain his po-|George for Vancouver this morn- z serious questions ee (i across England to be married Chicago ere feo ee we ” % ’l sition. There is no likelihood|!ng, where they will reside. They x Mal atic Theatre a ee quick-fire PARAS man Mn 'lonly a minute before irate par- +s vr . weer that any action will be taken|will make a trip first to Portland * ; ONE COMEDY eeu: * ( ms 7" ee IRS _jents arrived in hot pursuit. ia antorium Pioneer Cleaners. | githor by Mr. Evanturel or the}and San Francisco, The cere- i= eee T | “Evidently ie Whole ftinanei eoiieileesiemiaiainan ione 4, sels » : . ‘ . ” ' legislature until the end of next}mony was performed by the Rey./¥% HE CHAMPION |: situation in ( anada, ners +4 New Business Firm “lweek, when the incident will|Mr. Dimmick t TONIGHT Pwing a Real Horse Race and a | felegraph, “is strained, rH | "e . ' probably be finally closed by the * t ‘ro rr s neede ) , e f . Tr 7 Bunch of Funny stunte | rapid borr« wits 7m er te Mr, J. W. H rman, . aoe r Smart Dressmaking and millinery member for Prescott placing his THE WEATHER ms Ancien ps and’ pleasing javer mee me me oni 4 of Mr. Max Herman, 0 : ae GOOD TASTE STYLE FINISH resignation in the hands of the renin x POR AEIE WEEKLY GAZETTE of the trouble can be guesses Olfactory, has just come o town speaker, Furnished by F. W. Dowli * “THE BLIND COMPOSER” some extent and two untinished/and will locate here. Mr. Her- —Interview— ets aT ee x PE tre ‘ont tal ‘ailroad are . interests — Observer * es a QGY oF THE POLLY P ranscontinenta ra ag i ‘ man has had business In e ests Fishing Schooner Arrives. J aE x “THE PATCHED ADONIS” Fine Reliance Comedy doubtless responsible for much]iy Vancouver and Winnipeg, but oe For the 24 hours ending 5 a.m of.it,”’ the call of Prince Rupert has Miss F. The halibut fishing sehooner : ots oo ¥ GAZETT SILENT una 7. - prevailed Being accompanied Roo at which ug recently | Barometer redu 1 to ea * PATHE'’S ANIMATED Ll ROES ‘ se ‘ as ‘ece aro eter reé cec oO 8e@t b Nig akland,|by Mrs. Herman, he has already — coe chase ; { . ‘ * 2-Reel B Mw Tif) Mish, of Oa ’ purchased by the Skeena River March 43th, 1944 “ reneho Peaturg Cal.. is in the city as a result of}secured a home and is about to Syndicate .for their Haysport level 29.478 ¥ bbe Mhuichiaey 5% tl t tl Publicity}launch — int busine He is re your Spring and Summer Qut- , Ot Byaho BYPE 4.40 seas nee mveS tO — , energies o che iblicity aunch ilo siness. ‘ ‘rive 8 . ster. ehes » ert ‘e i6 me CRT er ” , ; lenratl tarting the Prince Rupert Junk fits. Special low rates on wash | plant, ari ived" in. this port yeate Highest temperatut roa a8.0 % concluding with athletic Arabian F ESTHOLM Commissioner, Pr. F, Gode Are " 1. s' a ing it eee and AGREE and house dresses. Hat shapes j lay The Roosevelt is a two|Lowest temperature ...,. 42.0 ¥ sports, and Mr. Fish is looking over t 10} Co,, at the corner of ~ #y ! ' anuled ob altered. |sticker with a spoon bottom and/Rain ........+0eee sees 1.57 - “THE HAND BAG’ country with the possibility offand 8th Street, DAYAR bigs a equipped for dory fishing. She a es a * ei Basie 9 tion of that building, The ae laarring: acne on ee gD, ; “yh 7 * r locating here. por Beyer ie arries a 50 hp, Standard gs Word has been received from SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE ? a R A H O US USE Se Herman Cigar Store has also KEEP THE ADDRESS ei Last evening she leti|Mr. A. 8. B, Lueas, who is spend- ORCHESTRA ei St. Patrick’s Concert promises}|moved into the same building: Sone Anse ys fe | for Haysport and will be immedi-|ing a holiday with his family at "N88lon 106 and 16. lo | { i ‘ces Splendid m ) is is é C hy . ») be a great success. Splendic lately put in commission. She is|Santa Rosa, Cal, Mr. Lucas says ’ OW ona r 217 Ninth Ave. E. ; . eee fretted programme arranged, Don't Port Edward's power plant ma. Phone Blue 330 one of two boats purchased in jhe is feeling much better and en- * Admiesion 100 & 38 Oto | forget the 17th 57-tf]chinery has arrived. 5Atf Seattle, joying the holiday thoroughly. eee gicgioioioioinioiatinter