THE DAILY NEWS — —— Make The Teapot Test Put “SALADA” TEA in a warm teapot---pour on freshly boiled water---let stand for five minutes---and you will have the most delicious cup of tea you ever tasted. | °SATADA" HAS THE FLAVOR! THE FRAGRANCE! THE DELICIOUSNESS os that makes Ceylon Tea the beverage of delight. In sealed lead packages ONLY. BLACK. GREEN or MIXED oomoo} e~: of living high ? Why should I care when I can make more use of my oven? Who ever heard anybody complain that home-made biscuits, muffins and things appeared on thé table too often? Bob ~—he'’s a chemist—says that ten cents’ worth of wheat supplies far more food value and real energy than a round steak. No indeed, I don’t buy much meat, and we're all the better for it. But don’t imagine that ordinary biscuits will do. Look to the flour they are made from. Make it ROYAL STANDARD (your grocer sells it) and your oven will be a veritable tresure chest fur goodies light and feathery, wholesome, di- gestible. STANRARD @e lutely Laer Uniform LOU Tested icmioMoiiol johns hioicitoMotichichtc! The Choice of me) the People A Brewed from B. C. Hops grown yy on our own farms, pale Barley Malt from Alberta, and Capi- lano mountain Water. B. C. materials—B. C. union labor. Every dollar spent for CAS- CADE BEER helps to make British Columbia grow. fj ‘| Bad and Bottled in Vancouver by the Vancouver Breweries, Limited Whether For Yourself orasa Gift to your Friend PERRIN’S GLOVES The well known Perrin trademark as shown in cuts should be on every glove you get, as this assures you perfection of Style, Fit and Finish. Best dealers the world over sell the genuine PERRIN'S GLOVES, e Saris} BUBB OULU ALR AR R ALL ALA apap ap apap High-Grade Work Plumbing, steamtiting and sheet metal work at feir prices Western Plumbing Co., Ld FRIIS I ID I III DAI AIDA AAS ISS SSS SSA ISSSIAIA AG. Read The Daily News : * f . . * This morning the police took into custody a little fox terrier pup which appeared to have lost its home. A man named Martin has heen taken in charge by.the police. He will be examined by mental trouble. British Empire the Islands this leaving for the doctors The steamer returned from morning and is south. The Smithers hockey winners of the Ross cup, tendered a banquet by the zens last Monday evening. were citi- The membership committee of the Board of Trade have been doing some active work this week and added several more new members the roll, as well as a lot of dues to the treasury. Mr. Wm. Lake, who has in charge of Messrs. Welch & Stewart's left the city family to hi Squamish on tract. to been Foley, has moving his quarters at G. E. con- stores, and is new the P. The expected week and will be under pairs for a week. It is expected that she will be back on the run on the 22nd, Prince is the steamer Rupert dock re- to go on dry this Mr. Thos, agency Trotier has accepted for the and Orchards Company for Prince Rupert and surrounding territory. The company aims to supply a con- siderable proportion of this city’s future demands in orna- mental and fruit trees, and to that end will pay careful atten- tion to all orders received, Mr. Trotier is well and favorably known throughout this district. All orders should be forwarded to the Prince Rupert Feed Com- pany, 3rd Ave, and 8sth_ Street, Prince Rupert, B.C, 56-62 an Dominion Nursery of Vancouver for | team, | SABUGIGIOUU UU UU UG UU OUGUIYA. UE Local and Personal » PIII III III IA IAI II III III IIIS SAS SSSSSSSSISSSISISA SII AI ASIASIAI IAN * story of a canal boat and its crew of. quaint characters. “Silent Heroes” is a two reel Broncho feature, and last but not least there an exceptionally inter- lesting Weekly Gazette, making altogether a very strong program that is well worth seeing. is i Do you want a Waterfront Pre-emption | on the north end of Graham Island, | two miles from a town of 200 popu- lation? This is one of our many Island propositions. They are go- Ing quickly and you will do well to call and QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS INFORMATION BUREAU Robt. Entwisle, Hilditch Block Third Avenue see us. gretvervenrenvenennenvenny FIRE ALARM SYSTEM * * * - mat * Bee CIRCUIT NO. 1. x 125th St. and 3rd Ave. t ra 13-—6th St. and 8rd Ave, Box 14——8th St. and 3rd Ave. Box 16-—Junction of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Aves. Box 16—-ist Ave., between 8th and 9th Sts. (Knox Hotel.) i Box 17—-1st Ave. and 7th St. (Cen tral Hotel.) CIRCUIT NO. 2. Box 22—-3rd Ave, and 3rd St, (Post Office.) Box 23-—-3rd Ave. and McBride St, Box 24-——ist Ave. and McBride St, Box 26-——2nd Ave. and 2nd St. Box 26--2nd Ave, and 6th St. Box 27-——G. T. P. : CIRCUIT NO. 3. * Box 31—5th Ave. and Fulton St. x Box 32—-Borden and Taylor Sts, * Box 347th Ave. and Fulton St. + Box 35—-9th Ave. and Comox Ave. Box 37—8th Ave. and Dodge PI. Box 38—6th Ave. and Thompson St. CIRCUIT NO, 4. Box 414th Ave. and Emmerson t Pi, * Box 42—5th Ave. and McBride St, * Box 43-——5th Ave. and Green St. ¥ Box 44—6th Ave and Basti St. 3 Box 45-—7th Ave. and Eberts. Box 141—7th Ave. and Ywng 8t. i * * PAID ADAM IAA AAAAAS hI bh FRA UUU UU AL AUUL y KEKE KKK BOTTLES, RUBB Of All Kintis. Under Occidental \ PRINCE RUPERT JUNK CO. We Buy Highest Prices Paid Ring Up and We WIIli Call Rooms, Cor. 2nd Ave. & Bth Bt. PHONE BLACK 503 IOI obec heh AEA ULE ERS AND METALS Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream. Housecleaning Time. New wall Efe ticeee papers. Wallace's, 58-60 Saturday last day of big dts Serer ae count sale at Wark’s. yee J. M. MacCormick, manager Nee een Oe | for R. Cunningham & Co., Hazel- Strictly fresh eggs, 3 dozeniton, is in the city today. jfor $1.00. Stalker & Wells. 57tf| Bat whee ete ee \ full train load of passengers J. Mason Adams of Smithers; came down from the interior yes. | is in the city for a few days. terday. A great many of them wt oe were working men, Strictly fresh eggs, 3 dozen ea @ for $1.00. Stalker & Wells. 57tf Mr. H. J. C. Macdonald, super- ROR ntendent of mines at Granby! Mr. M. Albert left for Victoria| Ray, is in the city on business on the George this morning. for a few days. Wm. Manson, M. P., is expect The Anglican Church mission- ed home on the Princess Beatrice ary boat, the Northern Cross, today. : os oN undergoing repairs at the insect Ladies’ suits to measure—fit|Marine Iron Works. Rev. Mr guaranteed. Wallace's. 58-60, Rush expects to leave in time for CLES iservices at Porcher Island on Mr. and Mrs. S. P. MeMordie | Sunday. left this morning fora _ trip; PARE: south. Mr. A. L. Stewart, who has iy eee F |been with Messrs Stewart & When you buy a meal get it at | |Mobley for some time past, is the Royal Cafe and you will get léaving Sunday to jtake up the best in the city.” 52tfl farming in Alberta. He has a 2 j farm near Red Deer. [wo drunks appeared in po- o. Bete lice Sour this morning... The} Yesterday Judge ‘Young passed contributed $5 each. sentence on Charles Ryan, the Indian boy who was: found guilty _St. Patrick's concert, March | ome time ago of robbing the In- {7th. Tickets for sale at Orme’s | verness cannery store. He got Drug Store. Reserved seats $1.00,| ,ine months. general admission 50c. 59-62 If you are looking for indus- EXTRA GOOD COMEDY AT trial sites, investigate Port Ed- THE WESTHOLME TONIGHT ward. 54tf rT ea, 9 ee “The Champion” is the title of Have you realized that $250/{onight’s Keystone comedy at the cash will secure a_ lot ot the | \Westholme Theatre, and a better business centre of Port Edward? comedy would be hard to imag- New spring blouses in lawas, ine,, «There 18; @ Feel hares, tape votles:: ato c AMalfaoc's: 58-60,;00 a real track with a grand- SR stand filled with literally thou- Mr. Brewster, of the Granby|sands of real people and a real Bay smelter works, went south /exciting go-as-you-please finish on the eer ee mee morning. with Mabel and the heavy villian and the entire Keystone police St. Patrick’s dance in Sons of|force right on the spot. The re- England Hall, March 17th. Given/sult is not a laught—it’s a roar. by M. M. Cooper, dancing in-|Another fine comedy, entitled structor. ° 59-614 “Peggy of the Polly P.,” is the ILLETTS LYE . EATS See EWGILLETT COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO ONT. - OCEAN FALLS PLANT TO BE AUCTIONED To Go Under ‘the Hammer in Ten Days—Will Be Competition. of receiver, Finance The of the Ocean Falls the The Canadian March 4 Archie Martin, Co. is advertising to be Says: auction of sold by direc Board of this property tion of the Crade rooms on March 23rd next It will be sold cern, The property limits estimated to two billion feet of crown granted timber, logging equipment and saw mill, new pulp mill that has never turned a wheel, on account of financial conditions of the company. It is rumored that the court in the as a going con- includes pulp contain over timber, complete some and a Anglo, London & Paris Bank in terests of San Francisco, who have entered into negotiations for its purchase, will meet com- petition at the auction. Southbound. The Prince George went south with the following passengers: Mr. Brown, Mr. Isbam, H. Wil- son, O. A. Snape, M. B. Hanofin, Rn. Watson, Mr. Moore, Mr. Adam, Mr. Vittie, Mr. Wallbridge, C. C., Purdy, Mrs. Burrett, J. R. Daw- kins, Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. MeMor- die, W. J. Stirton, Mr. and Mrs. Wiles, W. S. Breckon, Mr. Wood- thorpe, R. O. Boult, Mr. and Mrs. r. H. Jonasson, H. C. Garitz and wife, R. G. Baker, J. W. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hanson, P. D. Gill, O. C. Williams, Mrs. Gal- land, M. Albert, J. 8S. Collins, Mrs J. McLeod, Mrs. Barnwell, G. Sileox, D. C. McRae, Mr. Camp- bell, R. O. Parker, T. R. White, J. E. MeLeod, Mr. Clark. “The Daily News” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT DESK ROOM in ground floor ofmice. Apply P.O. Drawer 1663 city. ee Ne EEE EGE FOR SALE BABY carriage for sale; English style; al most new Apply 108 8th Ave, W. 50-61 MOTOR BOAT—Hull 30 ft, by 8 1-2 ft, beam. Apply T. M. Orwig, boat builder, Port Essington, B, C 63 NINE HUNDRED DOLLAR player plano for equity in Prince Rupert realty. West- enhaver Bros. 52-54 BABY CHICKS, hatching eggs, laying hens and breeding pens, Rocks, Reds, Leg- horns, etc, Quick shipping connec- tions. Columbia Poultry Ranch, Steves- ton, B. C. at SCHOONER. 45 ft. over all; keel 35 tf 7 in., beam 412 ft. 5 in., depth 4 ft. 8 in.; built 1903; registered tonnage 16; sails, anchor and chains Price $1,200. Apply to Thos. Nutcome, Masset, B, C 50-64 WANTED No ob- 279. CHAMBERMAID wants jections to country, P. UO. 59-65 position Box YOUNG woman wishes situation A good cook; capable of taking full charge Box 104, Daily News, 59-66 WANTED—Rowboat, 16 or 18 feet, in good condition; cheap. Apply Box 103 Dally News. sou WANTED—Cook for. dining car, Apply W. J. McLean, G. T, P. Wharf, 40-51 YOUNG WOMAN with Ite girl would like position in private family, Box 101 Daily News. 10tf LARGE CANADIAN mall order house wants one man in each locality to mall cata- logues. Wil pay §15 weekly, National Supply Co., Windsor, Ont. "MISCELLANEOUS EARN $15 WEEKLY at mailing catalogues for mail order house. wanted in all cities, National Supply Co., home evenings large Canadian Representatives towns and country. Windosr, Ont, it JINGLE POT COAL delivered by Lindsay Transfer H. B. ROCHESTER Phone 115 231 2nd Ave. TERRACE NOTES (Special Correspondence coast al wellknown In Joe” intend the Sey from were town, “French are hack, and their ranch the arrivals Wednesday Among on and his wife to go out on shortly. ily bu or des mie the the Licultural lecture W ( hi who te ta his told the with two were is one that the treat this, you know, had pull lost, he 1o-operative really rian Hazelton ‘ . . good deal of and vicinity, Several There is a activ in town ildin have being planned been and 1s are il of by being for preparation local men trade business of ide expected increase summer . * * the give a Mr. A. H. Tomlinson, hor expert, to demonstration in the hall above Store. He was summer 18 next the here and were and ednesday last veral times and = advice appreciated by attended, the is visiting few s lectures everyone Win. student, for a Mr Scott, Presby in New days. Cleveland's Fish Story. 7 Ex-Presidenf. Cleveland lking to a friend about cne many angling expeditions, had trip following story: ‘'l me o nthat particular countrymen, who evidently with my an angler. Before of them made the first to eateh the crowd, I assented to and we started. Now, don't those two fellows both a bile and were them up.” “I then?" remarked the friend. replied the president have any bait familiar reputation Startivg suygestlion a fish must too mean to suppose you Pa, 200," didn’t 0k.” on my will Call UNITED TAILORS PRESSING AND CLEANING Phone 545 6th St., Next C P. R. Woodworth City Clerk up to 5 ft March, clearing Hydro be of 2t CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Hydro - Electric Scheme— Clearing for Pole Line, Etc. will be the m received by on Monday, from Sstation-gangs for the of the pole line, ete., on the Electric Scheme, Applications must in writing and signed by each member the gang with their place of residence W. McGEORGE MASON, City Engineer Applications 1914, SIXTH AVENUE BARBER SHOP We have opened up a new shop, opposite the schv ! First class work; ev ry thing clean and fresh Vancouver Prices. Give us a Call Latest SPRING Styles Suits & Coats at DEMERS Third Avenue FOR : SALE 369 acres on the east shore of Prescott Island, $4.26 per acre; terms $2.26 per acre cash and the balance arranged at 6 per cent In- terest. Section 8, $376 each; $16 per month. Two lots, Section 8, $326 each; $50 cash, balance $10 per month. Lots 3 and 4, Block 19, Section 1, $45,000; terms quarter cash, 1, 2 and 3 years at 7 per cent. Four of the best lots in Section 2, Graham Ave., per fect view; $400 each handles them, balance at 6 per cent Interest. Two beautiful lote on Sher- brooke Street, $1,000 for the two. Fine large double corner near Beal Cove, $1,200; terms one-third cash, 6, 12 and 18 months at 7 per cent. Houses for rent. N. M. STEPHENS & 60, LTD. Real Estate Notariew Insurance while | > . P to Daily News) | | | | commenced | a good) | SERRE REE H 16th} rf TAO iH Peter rrrccccoocs eeereeeoooooorien PPPOLOLIL LOLOL LEEOPOOEOE groerooorrrrrrrrrr eons Woorrrorrrerrrrt weeerrnet a8 tap Possible go ih Yow e armen tan finished ee ™ @ quired time SWEDER BRos MERC HANT Phone as TAILORS 4 H street Cle FOR A Tay} <== 75~PHONE-7 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 0 ee FOROS OOOO rity 7. ee For ror Rey Two First-class Houses $40.00 AND $35.09 Office with fixtures which can be purchased very reasonably PATTULLO & RADFOR) PHONE 83 SECOND AYE y 3200 Acres Ure ON SKEENA RIVER adjoining railroad $10.00 per acre 1 very and Harrison, Gamble 8 Ge JOHN CURRIE Contractor & Builder Estimat S Phone Black 294 STATIONERY Victor Gramaphones Books Magazines Photo Supplies Developing and Printing Enlarging and Picture Framing Best Selection View Cards W.W. WRATHALL 606 THIRD AVENUE Phone 551 of Interior seen an ee WHO'S NEXT? nd 3 ) au Lots 30 { : 8 Ik casi PI » afl nce % " gd50, hal a { I : a $750, 4 y r cent and ; G. PRINCESS a, = B.C. Coast Steamship ot p Se FAMOUS LINE sournpeundr ' m., Sunday Princess Beatrice Pp. J.G. McNAB, one Heal Estate second Avenue: