Almost Instant Relief From Neuralgia iU have TO GET 1 ! 2Q MINUTES LATER (TA,XI AND GO HOME J "Vt WONPCRFUU HOW I've pcvrtopco y fquiciciy Mr" NfURAiciA J TERRIBLE rn.uV WENT, THAT ASPIRIN J ATTACK OF U VOU TevT CERTAINLY WOBKS J-Ai ) THCY lLCtTRlO OF A ' YeS, 1 .JC. YOUU NEURALGIA ( I SNT IT yf U 1 'W A Ft WMiNUTtt J I YONPERFUiy lJhSygs, for Quick Relief Say ASPIRIN When You Buy Now comes amazingly quid relief from headaches, rheumatiim, neuritis, neuralgia . . . Xhefastrst safe retitf, it is said, yd disrwrrHl. Those results art due to a scientific discovery by which an Aspirin Tablet begins to dissolve, or disintegrate, in the amazing space of two second after touching moisture. And hence to start "taking hold' of paia a few minutes after taking. The illustration of the (data, here. I elk the story. An Aspirin Tablet starts to disintegrate almost instantly you swallow it. And thus is ready t ma to work almost instantly. When you buy. though, be on guard against subMitntev To be sure you get ASMHIVS ifiurk rHirf. be sure the name B.-imt in the form of a cross i on every tablet of Aspirin. EFFICIENT AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone HIue.320 The moat efficient service is the more eeoeaaleaL Our new fffeeriniant U the lai-est in aerrtchig. aa-suring yon the beet work. Why not have a proper aerial. Estimates on antenna lnstaHatlesM cheerfully given. Superior Radio Service 334 Second Avenue Phone Blue 320 P. O. Box 132 A. Q. BARTLETT C.H.1NSUL4NPEK DAILY EDITION Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies mounted by aa expert. Bear ruga mounted in any style. Oame heads a specialty All work guaranteed first class. FURS MADE UP E. I)i, Taxidermist Write For Prices Terrace, B.C. Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 f WORKS SO FAST Drop n Aipirin TbM in a (Ian of trr. Not that BE-POREtttoudwsbot-Nn. k has started to Smialrgratc. WftKeorinM fU H dort m your stomach. Hence iu lost action. mapc in c.oa Does Sot Harm the Heart CEREMONY AT SCHOOL The auditorium of the Booth Memorial School was the scene of a happy ceremony yesterday afternoon when the I.O.D.E. prizes wui by last year's entrance pupils i were presented. The arrangement j 1 :he program was in the hands of Mr.-' John Mansoa. municipal edu- . '.ional secretaxy. Mr D. C. Staart. nsuntdpal re-1 hupported on the ptetfprm by Mrs. S. V. Cox, municipal standard bearer, the regecta and educatloaal ' secretaries of the primary chapters, the principals of the schools and W. J. Alder, city commteaioner. Mrs. Stuart oatifned- the alms . and objects of the order, told of j the educational work done all over ! Canada and explained the meaning-' of the I. O. D. E. pin. Mr. Alder congratulated the prize winners and ahm those chll- j dren who, having grown up In a ! city as young a this, have had all' ' the advantages of education thati , are to be had in older eltjea, 1 1 The fallowing program was given: ; Song. Betty Wood. ; Violin soto. Biuy H&dden. Song, pupils of Grade VIII, Booth Memorial School Humorous reading. Beryl Bifftt, i Solo. Marcel Jaboer. i Song. 'Land of Oar Birth," by ' all the pupils. Mrs. Wilson-Murray, regent of Queen Mary Chapter, and Mrs. H. L. Landry, regent of "Hfll C0 Chapter, then presented the foU I lowing prizes: Prizes awarded by Queen Ma wnvqe lur iu vu pupvij ranking hlgheet in government en I trance examination, Marcel Ja bour, two books, prises for Canadian history, first. Marcel Jabeur; eeeead. Joe Landrey. Prizes awarded by 'Hill 00" Chap-' ter Cheque for $S, awarded to pupil ranking hlgheet in government entrance examination, BNen May , Bell; three book prteea, two for Canadian history, first. Tallar Reptad; second, Henora Silvereldee; one for jEnglleh, Audrey Viereck. The principals of the eehools ex i pressed their appreciation of the J work done by the I. O. D. E. and the i National Anthem was sung. I Accompanists were Mies E. P. lOrassie and Miss Mabel Lawreikee. tomorrow's Tides iHigh 10:47 am. 18.3 ft. 22 : ajn. 18.4 ft. Low 3:33 aja. 7J ft. 16:3 pjn. 7 t. THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITlbU COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. T. PULLEN - - - ManaglngrEdltor Saturday, Del. 14, 1V33 TO ATTEND CONVENTION .Managing: Secretary Birch Going-South To Take Up Various ; Matters j Managing Secretary H. W. Blreh will again represent the Prince Rupert General Hospital at the annual convention of the British Columbia Hospitals Association to be held this year on November 8, 9 and 10 at Victoria, it was decided at the regular monthly meeting of the board of directors of the local Institution last night on motion of W. M. Brown and 0. P. Tinker. The meeting discussed various matters that will eame up at the convention and Instructed Mr. Birth to again support any mow with a view to the institution of a system of. state health insurance He will also urge the restoration of government grant to hospitals on J the former baste. There will be prominent speakers and officials at the convention in cluding Dr. M. T. McBachern. director of the Arneriean College of Burgeons, tyhlle In the south, Mr. Birch will also confer with the In- 31 Department of Finance, Ottawa THEI.DAILY NW3 specter f municipalities. Robttt ! Baird, la regard to local hatpnal 1 Ci.sea in which municipalities from which the patient! came have re-fused to pay their per diem gnmU. Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy, south wind. 43. Aiyansh Raining, east wind, 38. Anyox Raining, calm. 40. Stewart- Raining, south wind, 141. Hazelton Cloudy, calm. 48. Smithers Part cloudy, calm, J. Burns Lake'-Ctottdy windy, 39. FOODLESS FOR DAYS Charles Newman, Aged Bablnej Prospector,-Diss in Burns lake Hospital Divisional headquarters of the proving! pone H have been advised of the death in Burns Lake Hospital on Monday of this week of Opaiiee Newman. Norwegian, aged T9. old time prospector of the Ba-b4at dietrtet. who had bean thrtag for some time on an old age pension. Newman's death occurred two days after he had been brought out to the hospital from nit cabin near the oM nabine Hudson Pay fort by a police party headed by Cent ta Me Andrew Wsirnelrn of aenrtaer fol lowing report being receieed by the 'authorities that he was sick and helpless. He bad been without food ffour days when the rescue party ; reirhed him. On account of bad weather, neighbors had been unable to make rajas at tbg dwelling of the oii jstan who waa know to be ill. The iMfavosabie weather eacafeV it difficult far the df, OctoWr 14, The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK COD - Prepared Dally Dy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, H.C. rescue party consisting of Sergeant The board of direct rv ., ."aiiwaam. Constable C. P. Oiand. Pri ,se Rupert Oeneral H . r ore Ranger Martin atartvU and its aegatar man inly mrvitm, Barliey J Maerea of Tooley te get night, atteptatf a-recommndc Into Babtae. Tlnn-H waa neoeasary from the fuunas commit, to carry the aged man through Use aftpeopriation be made fur rr. buKh ft about five or s mnea m ' etsjajltes which it wffl sur. tr : . i rtchor te the read esmry te parches. AN OPPORTUNITY THAT aaaHlllililalaHiil LONDON WELCOMED C CANADA has come through the depregaion with her national credit unimpaired. Striking proof of this wag recently given in LoiHlon wlieir 15,000,000 Dominion of Canada 25-year BoimIs were oflVml at pr, and the world's most difccriminating money marketre6i)ondel by ever-gnlwcrihing the isue many times. In this" market, where oomjara-tive values are slirewdly appraised, the llonds bavesince been selling at a substantial premium to yield less than 3.70. London investors appreciate the enduring strength which Canada lias demonstrated. They realize that, since last February, reoord of Canadian trade and industry have shown a definite upward trend. They know that a downward movement bf interest rates bus been under way and that a fixed, safe income at present lovels should be Secured while available. Yonr Opportunity Xow The) security which experienced London investors thus welcomed is now offered to Canadians. The 1933 Refunding Loan permits owners of maturing Victory Bonds to continue their satisfactory investment without cash outlay. It gives all investors an opportunity to place their savings in Canada's stiwigeM security with safety-r-reguter iiwrw iimUtaliBI-freedonj from worry. If you own a iiMltmig Victory Bond or if ym Iwve motley to iavwst. yvn itaultl apply it q far I tonds of tlie imw l4n. Thaw it up ttqi can take with iiore dafinitc advantage t ytr-self, Itot h as an in vegtor and as a Canatlmn dt II03IIMOX OF CA2VADA ni:n'M)i.(; loax To holder Victory IJoruh due Xotember l$t, 1933 You nan obtain an eatra uh aHewance for M ; Vfelory IWi by efat tw M)V r tle new ltYeer IW. Yott eaa Ut obiafn an awuetl IfHerrst tKlrvntitfc by m , iHH.plte exrhenee for any metftrfty of U 'Tr l"".. 7W are a rail. able for a limitri! perM otly. To Cath Subscriber! As the Lwn m sirJctly li.i.ilcJ n arnint anUU ' wlworiptiorw are sulert to allot rnmU Vtsu areurKl lfleryourapicatkn wtUiut delay. If'irre lo Apply Application forms ami official prespretus en-taming full details of the Loan may be obtained from auy Bank or v Ynl INVEST in CANADA Her Welfare is Your Own i ft i. 'a t - h 1