PAOE sir Wise People Keep their feet dry V) I ttJ Moose Dance is Very Enjoyable One Hundred and Fifty Persons at Affair Last Night A most enjoyable Moose novelty In Order to Do This .the Wisest People Buy Their RUBBERS and WINTER SHOES where they pet the most for the money expended. That means thev deal with us. We sell the highest grade rubbers at the lowest possible prices. We also have shoes that will resist the storm and stress of the winter season at prices unheard of in the past. Here and now we issue an invitation to look at our shoes and try them on and decide for yourselves as to the truth of y'hat we say. CUT RATE SHOE STORE Ij Third Avenue dance was held In the hall last evening, there being about 150 persons present Dancing continued from 9:30 pjn to 2 am.. Mrs. Black's orchestra supplying the music. Confetti, streamers and balloons added much to the merriment of the evening. The committee In charge con 1. Profitable and permanent Employment Is the most Important quesUon facing oar people. There should be co-operation between the national, provincial and municipal authorities and the Canadian banking system to establish the necessary credit to carry out a broad programme of constructive and useful wage-distributing public enterprise, and to further the health, education and well-being of all our people. An Economic Council should be established, the membership of which shall consist of representatives of the various avenues of endeavour, such as. health, education, agriculture, labour and the industries. This council will be appointed by the government on recommendation of the interests Involved, and will act In an advisory capacity to the government. Amongst other things the council will study industrial and social effort in the province and suggest means to correlate these efforts. It will familiarize itself with Intra, Inter-provlnclal and foreifn trade, and will co-operate with the other provinces and the Dominion. It will also study sttch questions as production and consumption, and the marketing of our products, the number of hours of work per day and days of work per week, the standard of wages and commodity P flees. These questions are of national as well as provincial concern, and British Columbia can take the lead In urging co-operation with the other provinces and the Dominion as a whole. National Unemployment Insurance should be established upon a contributory basis. S-Our Financial position must be reviewed. Current expenditure must be kept within current revenue. While maintaining the credit of the province, effort must be made to reduce capital charges. We cannot continue to pay exorbitant rates of interest for money. 3 The Taxation Structure must be revised with a view to reduction wherever possible, Including exemption in the lower mlp of wages and salaries. Prince Rupert t99HHHHHRHHHMHIIHIHVHHHHHilHlllSBIMHHHHlHlHHBl sisted of T O. Morgan chairman. Andy McDonald Sam Haudenschlld. Jim Bacon, Ole Stegavtg. Peter Nelson and Nels Ounderson Joe Slag-gard acted as master of ceremonies. Mrs. Ole Stegavlg and Mrs. Pete Wtnguam were in the kitchen. Pet quick results with a want ad A Brief Synopsis of Liberal Policy HEREWITH is a brief synopsis of policy as laid down by the Liberal Party of British Columbia. In convention held in October, 1932. Many matters of interest, not specifically set out, will require consideration. The principles enunciated are indicative of the Liberal viewpoint, and are broad enough to meet every question within ptovinclal jurisdiction. The Liberal Party exists as an official organization for the purpose of formulating and furthering measures that will make for the well-being of each individual member of society, and the welfare of society as a whole. Innumerable questions, both of public and personal character, can be properly treated only through the agency of government. Government is not ah ordinary business, but carries responsibility to meet every problem arising from our complex social and economic conditions, in order that not merely a tew, but all of our people may live in reasonable comfort. The Liberal Party pledges Immediate action under the best available advice and closest study. T. D. PATTULLO. August, 1933. 4. Hie health of each of us is important to the whole community, and a measure of Bute Health Insurance should be made effective, not only to preserve health, but to reduce costs both to the average citizen and to Industry. A general and effective review must be made of the Educational problem, rejecting any proposed organization that involves a caste system. We must facilitate the Intellectual growth of each Individual member of society in order to equip him for his dally tasks, and for the enjoyment of such cultural pursuits as may be In keeping with our social customs. Triangular disagreements between the school boards, municipal councils and the department of education must be adjusted, and our whole system placed upon a sound financial bask). 6. The financial position of our Municipalities is of increasing concern. An equitable adjustment must be made as between the province and the municipalities, and the municipalities placed in a sound financial position. 7. An effort should be made to settle our Agricultural Lands In order that more of our citizens may be self-supporting. Agriculture as a whole must be put upon a sound and profitable basis, and made capable of sustaining and directing Itself, In line with all other national, basic industries. 8. Continuous effort should be put forth to assist industry in Marketing it products, m timber, agriculture, fishing, mining and. In fact, every operation where it appears that useful service can be rendered. Our highways must be kept in good condition, both for the benefit of settlers and the tourist traffic, and expanded as circumstances warrant. In this connection a Highway Hoard should be established to make for continuity of policy and to inspire confidence in impartial treatment. 10 A Public Utilities Commission should be established. 11. A National Central Bank should be established. 12. Social Services, such as Mothers' Pensions. Old Age Pensions, etc., must be maintained. Abuses of administration should not be allowed, and injustice through mere technicalities should not be permitted'. 13. The Peace River must be given access to the Coast. 14 In order that the utmost Freedom of Ac-Hon by Members of the Legislature may be assured in respect of questions before the House, It is Liberal policy that a government shall be considered to be defeated only upon a straight want-of-confidence motion. 15. The Dominion Oovernment will be asked to place the Province of British Columbia upon a basis of equality with the other provinces, and to this end request will be made for a Royal Commission to ascertain the extent to which the Province of British Columbia has not been given Equality of Treatment with the Other Provinces of the Dominion. 10. There shall be a permanent Voters' List to ensure that all eligible voters are enrolled. 17. The Leader of the Liberal Party Is given a free mandate to choose for his associates In government, men of character, ability and standing, having regard solely to the public interest. TOT DAILY NEWS Saturday UJU.' -M 1 '" WATERFRONT WHIFFS Halibut Fishing Falls Off Pete Mack Figures in Discovery of Nov Substance Casualties In Mosquito Fleet With the halibut fishing season on the Pacific Coast due to close on October 26 when operations in Areas No. 3 and No. 4 will terminate at the order of the International Fisheries Commission, the middle of this month sees only a few of the larger boats of the American and Canadian fleets still at work and these are now all on thoir final trips of the year. The majority of the utiles of both fleets being al- the vicinity of Skldegate. Built in ready tied up. the port of Prince leiQ In . Vancouver and registered n 1 a 1 All lW ..u i Rupert received only 345.000 pounds of fish during the week ending yesterday from an even doaen American boats, there being again no Canadian vessels In during the week with catches Prices during the week remained at a fairly satisfac pounds as compared with 13.341.860 pounds at a similar date last year American landings had reached a have been Isolated. One of these 'Substance Q.' has been administered to aged (ate wtth almost Imme from Prince Rupert, out of which port she had operated for many years both at halHmttar and trailer, the Nuba was M feet in length. 10 feet three Inches beam and four ifeet in depth. tory level with the lop price of the. The power boat Ellen, belonging week .4c and 5c which was re- to Louts Lewis of Stewart, which ceived by the Thor. McKlnley and 1 was wrecked and abandoned at Radio for catches of 44.000. 34,000 ! Halibut Bay in Portland Canal on and SOjOQO pounds respectively. Up 'Sunday of this week after striking to and Including yesterday landings a rock while bound from Stewart at Prince 'Rupert for the IMS season ' to Anyox with W. J. Astelsttne. Lib-had readied a total of ll.4M.aO0 era! candidate for Ail in (. im the provincial election, and nartv on board, was no stranger to Prince Hupert In hut this was the hone total of 7.344.200 pounds as acalnst Inert of th far mh. 0.606.600 pounds last year at a slmi-1 when she was the property of John lar date while Canadian landings and Alex McRae of this city, hav-were sUndln at 5.110.000 in com- tag been named at that tine Lois parlson with last year s ).MUMiM. Some years ago the Mcftae dis-pounds. posed of the boat to Mr. Lewis and she had since been at Stewart She United States newspapers have was 33 feet long and equipped wtth been giving a good deal of nromln-1 a 10-12 h n haam h. n..t. i ence to the discovery by Dr. J. Bert-' gine. ram CoTOp of MeOUl University of a new "master molecule" known only as "Substance Q" that Is claimed to "rejuvenate the aged and control the profound experiences of life, birth and death, love and senility." Dr. Colltp has announced that one form of the substance would lift the shroud of lm potency 'Like the hub of a wheel." he says, the 'master molecule obtained from the pituitary gland at the base Having on board E. T. Kenney. Liberal candidate tar Skeena In the provincial election, and Otof Hanson Mi' the Armour Salvage Co. service boat Salvage Princess with Capt Paul Armour la personal command, left late Thursday night, taking Messrs Kenney and Hanson on a campaign tour to Butedale. Kithnaat. Port Bssington and otner coastal polnu In Skeena riding The 12? lthVtre f I"" I ttnel U bark late tonight .... b.-. ..... .. ,, 0T early UMnomw mnmt. wk diate reiehattoo resulting. We ng out ,mnirdlalely believe the affect on man In larger ! . doses, of course, would be much the same. With the substance rats, twice the ordinary sise. have been produced. Obviously, we have a very powerful tool within our hands wtth which to shape our destiny " Dr. Collip has paid high compliment to the research workers associated with him at McOUl University, these including Dr. Peter Black, son of Mrs Peter Black of this city and wall known as a sum mer worker on the staff of .the Prince Rupert Fisheries Bxnerl men tal Station. E Davidson, foreman for the Canadian Fish it Cold Storage Co. who has been on a two weeks' vaca tion trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on site Gardens last evening. Word was received in part during the week of the recent complete destruction by fire of the well known local gasoline powered hail-but boat Nuba, owned and skippered by Capt Ous 8laney. The vessel was burned to the water s edge In B -r-r-r II What a draught coming through that door! A few cents spent now on weather strip will save you a lot of money on the coal bill this winter. Get the new Ozite Strip for windows and automobile doors too at Kaien Hardware PHONE: 3 m w a aa the party Mr Kenney arrived from Terrace by train Thursday night ann wr was awaiting him. DURING THESE COLD DAYS - Stop at Mussallem's Confectionery And Try a Cup of FRY'S CHOC-O-CHEAM Served HOT at Only 6e a Cup MOIR-S CHOCOLATES- HtZn In boxes, up from DC PRK8H 8ALTSD PKAHUT8 ftC- per lb &DL All Fresh Fruit in Season at Reasonable Price MUSSALLEM'S 1 CONFECTIONERY I Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,010 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairer for Steel snd Wood Vessels Iron and Rrass Casting Klestrio and Acetylene Welding ton Derrick for Heavy Llftt Sawmill and MlnlngMachlnerv Repaired and Overhauled FRIDAY and SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 7 Si 9 Admission 15c St 30c SATURDAY MATINIX at 2:30 Feature 3:10 15c Si 33c Till: GRi:AT STARS OF "DADDY LOVr JANET GAYN0R& WARNER BAXTf A,t "DJJ.. The nest bt if,,. in rauuy 7:ioo0 With IIARVI'Y STITIIINS, MAROARKT iikiic. . . The romance of a say little rof ue who captlrales 1 tiir U,c ...- " Comedy "FISH I llATIIIIRS" uac ( -iin ivr.i k k,!. I'ltKMlt itf ""BUSli BE PREPARED FOR WINTER DRIVING No one wants to linker around with a tull- . morning Quick starUiiK. easy riding and Iim m -little troubled are desired mon- than ever a i . have some good news for you. Ask for our m- i., ; Nov. 16th i on the following group oi 1 (Srind valve. 5 Clean forboiv 3 Clean fuel lines and clean and adjuit earburctor. 4 Clean and adjust spark plus. 6 Foeus headlights, Ford Dealer Hn and adjuM nJ -hwk and adjust j:WuJ a djil brakr Adjut generator 10 Drain rank, ste soil hJ fair cnatnte II Cheek and fill battrrv S. E. Parker Ltd. COAL OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the Fisherman, Logger, Miner ROO.MS-J10 per month. $3 per week, 80c per night SHOWI'R MATHS Third Avenue Phone 946 JIMMIE CICCONE Phone JO MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE 600 Bquare Yard Linoleum Oood quality To clear, per square yard Tile InlaW Linoleum Rc pin Sjs,i3 White our stock imau. put ti. ard MjCoHgoleiun KuaaOold aal According to sise up from 327 Third Avenue su r 1 SAVOY Developing an! HOTEL Printing "rH Hot it Cold Water in all Rooms ' WRVTIIALL A. J rut diiommi:. Prop. PHOTO FINISHING SPKCIAI WINTER RATE.H , 12 P.-: M. .,.! V ItapM Service Tst We Give Heat Away TtlllHov Vnllou r.ot any other col on this murtoot and yet muts u n,n Specify Bulkley Valley NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. znr. II' n-TTltU "A HOMf AtVAVfR HOME1 a at Rates " .... r,w ou iioomx - Prim-.! P V Phone 281 r