i,. i J 18)3 THE DAILY NEWS f&O? T3ER23 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Jasmine LIQUID CLEANSING CREAM The UCTI0NEER ' Wrapplni - r Titture Repair irr toods with me Ft- Mart Its -K0. J DAWES or LIQUID FOUNDATION CREAM With a Magnifying Mirror Both For 55c MENTHOL SHAVING CREAM and Combination Screw Driver 65c MOTHER SHIPMENT OF RILEY'S TOFFEE In Bags at 25c Ormes Ltd. Jit Ptonecr Druggists Tbf Krxsll Star Phones II Ac It I0MBS' RADIO SERVICE' Jifliablt and wfmomical re-airing of all makes of radio "guaranteed" Phone: Blue 901 COAL! COAL! ur Pamoo Edeoo AlberU and ewlktty Valley Coals are guaranteed to t've sstiaiactlon Try a ten of No. I Bulkiay Valley W also sell Tteothy Hay. Wheat Oat and Barky Prince Rupert Feed Co. IS Vhnnr. lit Coal Prices "-tLumn S12.50 :-tEr 11.50 t Stove U-00 1 i ( edar, per kiwi I'f-r conl . I'NION STEAMSIHI'S LIMITED B'.iri It FtUm. RuDrt tor YDo"r' CTAU EVERY TUESDAY, i30 VM r' Tf r Thursday pjn. ? CAttDtNA EVERY FIUDAY MIUNIOHT. viuaj au, "i : . a ... uri Dunpaon, aim Ann. aj. 11.50 5.00 G.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Bwoart Sd 1,141 rlrdln ll attnfta d ticket Pt Ateneyt geeond Avenoe. PhwieSM CANADIAN PACIFIC I""'' Irate Prlnre Rupert for Vancoaver via Ocean Falls and 1 Muc. ...Way Ports: r Vvf "UT,"'e. rnaays luiuu p.m. 'AVOIVEK: direct: HTnn 1 "iilne. Oct 16. SS; Prtneeas Norsh, nov. i KAN, WKANMKLL, JUNEAU and SKAflWAV. ' - Loutae ujuae, rvt uct. 19 12, H' ai; nrinaa I'nwess Norah. wora. Oct. . h, ti Keservstlont and Informstlon "J- l'0ATES. Ocnersl Atent. Prince Rupert. BCt d aaaannnnnnnV rur PPr (Om not arrlye, telcUionu Ui oXfk x BUvprildw Bros, tor Wallpaper, i Glass, Paln and Muresco. MOKE DAYS ONLY: BBteert store-wide Jewellery Sale positively closes Wednesday, Oct. 18, Shop row lor xmsus anc tare. The hospital board, at Its rejru- la. nruMU. 1 I . iiraiuiiT ncn.irm ran mn. suitably acknowledged the recent' gifts of boxes of apples from J. B. ' Miller of this city -and Cant. J. B. . Colthurst of Terrace. ! W VI. Brown, chairman of the Crouod committee, reported to Ute Hospital board at iU meetenc latt nlanl that an offer of Tor OfarU- tlan to dump earth taken from the? exravation for the new Canadian lexlon bulldlif n the Nurses'! H.me ground for ute on garden exvnikm there had been recently accepted A letter of thanks was ordered sert to Mr. Christian. The rommlttee also reported that a rntpment of bulbs was expected to arrtTe toon anil tfcase would be planted immediately they eame. Th? house cormUttee was auth orised by the hospital board last nirm to make arrangement far the improvement of the boatttat of tre lady supertrtendeot'a offls which for years has been one of the chilliest parts of the boUdlnf. ft u proposed to out in an etoctrJe Atove Robert Oordon. " of the house committea. rsoottest thai! repair had been made to the iron fireman of the furnace. It was d-kied Ui defer until next Mar the removal of moss from one section of the roof or the bdMsnc. it being too hue in tne season now to do the work. Halibut Arrivals American Ilene. 4100 Pacific 8e and e. Canadian Cape Besle 28.000 Cold moras, ir and tic BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE BANISHED COLD, BACK AT WORK NEXT DAY Ks wonder Mrs. Wnhtrthaw, Port Arthur, Oct says BUCKLEYS MIXTURE Is the tit cearh mcdi-. cfat the ever Died. 5h wrnes-- i . .ii my hatband ettrkt a very J I. V ' S1H ssvtrt catd. I rtrt him two dofi f BofkUys sad la tbe mTiiri U was to trvstly lpwed thst be was ap aad about bis work a utaaL" It is this qukk, sure refief that makss BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE the larrtst lliir rwih sad cold remsdy in Caaada, If you havs a roaik, sold. flu or brenckitU, Uks BufkWy's. It acts Uks a flubA ilarf slj. prsvss it. Jones' Fataily MEAT MARKET Phone 937 per lb Bhoulder Lamb per ttw .'. Loin Lamb OhOpa a lbs, .. rwp rvoaat 4 lbs. . pot Roast 4 lbs. T-Bone Roast per lb Strtoln Steak 3 tbft .asoooo ItotiBd Steakj- 2 lb. Lews of Pork jier lb Mioulder-Pork 4 lbs. Pork Chop 3 lbs Legs of Veal per lb Phone 957 Hulklcy Valley Lamb Legs of Lamb 1 Op AW 10c 50c 50c 35c 15c 50c 25c 15c 50c 50c 15c Soots Dance, Moose Hall. Saturday 8:30 to 12. Admission 25r and 10c. first 8 persons free. 239 Lutheran Ladies' Aid wish to thank all who donated and helped to any way toward the success of their bazaar. Announcements Prince Rupert Pioneers' Association whist and bridge, October 18. OaihoUe Bazaar October 19 Recreation Club Beotcfc Dance, Jddfeilows Hall, Ooiober 30 Hytfas Bazaar. Ootober 27 Tennis Ctae Hallowe'en danct rottc October 27. HOI 06 Hallowe'en Tea Oct 28. "The Little Oodfeopper" Ucttau 'harch No. 2 and 3. Presbyterian Basmar Nor 9 . Nor. 9-16 Cathedral Dramatic Society presents 4 -Act Comedy. "Ot Susan ' Cathedral Hall Presbyterian Church Play Consequences" Nov 24 Hogmanay Dance. Queen Mary Chapter. December 29 Want Ads FOR SALE rX)R SALS (ad office safe Canj be seest at Dally News. tf ALMOST new foar-noie Dominion! Range. Apply 10 Tth Ave Vet 1 339 FOtt RENT 1 HOBSES-F. W. Hart. i FOR RENT Furnished apart -, menu. Phore Red 444 299 FOR KbWT3 rornssherl steam-haatad howiekoaping rooms. 3rd Avonue. Phone sa. PERSONAL PRIVATE home Krndersartens pay We start ym The Canadian Kta I deraarten Institute. Wlnntpec. I HELP WANTED HOW to get a OovemmeBt Job Free Booklet. The M.COL LtdH Wtnalpes. nAIHDHESSER rERMANENT WAYINC1 ' Clutter Curl: Latest Styles KELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPK PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanstng Moller. Phone Reo. 802 SHOE REPAIRS LOUIS SHIBIQ far finest- repairs 318 6Ui Strert tf Manure For Sale $1.00 a IiOad Delivered DOMINION DAIRY PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Covrtn &'Lat(a Phone Ut. t llll FOR RENT New boncalow 2 bed; rooan. close a. harbor view. Furpaee T. MeCtymont tf TRANSFERS CAMBtON8 TRANSFER Furniture moving, wood. coal, ehatrr lor rent. tf Stock . . . Reducing sale spfflaal Vath r f IMrnlVuM fa apt IXratryM n4 Xatani-cao Ht(M In Rmi Lanz vrtln DHrx f Own cttactou oroup. ac. m lik DoUo. that Car-ilu D ANNETTE'S tnnnnnnnV .nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnV ' " "i i7 to anplT for mw or tnt ISM to amer the wn hK of tbr rcwiac Mjm i j una ewmnnrSam ft paat aouMad In M Bsu-ti Waf eornar erf Motion Tl Tp S UMre NBftH m ctMSna taMtc. ftM at chata Umbo. BouUi SO chain ?Twtcr M SS chain to pUe bp-nmnnsao aaS eantaSMMi SM aam. marr ar taw. lor taa purpaar of ml tna ana aattln thsrooin pKiuir ad lot i ntunt Dalai Uitt SSSfe day at July. lSa rArm D KMMOW9 inmiouanf and natural oas act i Wlr. af latrwllaa I. afpt '- Xrol4Ha MMl Vatrat-S IMfM tn Skarn Lano Rr-rln DUtrtct of WOrati Chariotta Oroup. BC. and alt. uaar ca OMhaai tatand Taft aotlca tui Camlw D atatoas ot PorOataS Ore. enipata Oaolotsst kalands to apatp tor Mm of tha rathl to onasr the Bat half of thr frtQiMvlhS Saapelhad tatat Cocumwin. pnat planted la the North Boat corner of Section 4. Tp t. thenor South SO rhaina: thene. Wmi St chaiaa: thaac North St ohaaaa; thane. Baat SO chatn to plaot of b-btttnntnc aad cr-tarntn t0 . ear. or lew. far the puraaa. o! raav aag and i latin theranut petroleum arl i or! natural aa Hated thai Stth Oaf of Jvdy. 1SOS CAROttTB D KkfMONa last riiwrr MiMKtL rutM OrfHkalr af lntaeemrirta TAKE NOTfCX I. W H. Ml tree manera eeratlaa No. 4TT. UMead 00 days from th date leeeof to atoij ka th. Mtata nvmn lor eeiin. ae of tsaprovrwrsa for th awrpae af obumrac t crown fmnt of th obor. claha. AND further take not, that aoUoa aMler Bectkm SS of th. Mineral Act rum b. aumai eared brfor the lawtaac at uch certUlaaa. of IntproeanaaU. Dt SSrd July. ItM. Pim InaerHon rut v. mr tit adyerMMHnent Aa For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Rayt Mattate All at Reasonable Prices W. a ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 211 Phones Green St). Eichsnre Block SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Full Fashioned Pure Silk Hose at I ! In Semi-Service and Chiffon, reg. values to 10 GOATS. neavUy (ur trtmmed. values to $35 00; Stork reducing Ci C fifl sale special 8 ONLY COATS, un trimmed, rea values to H4a-. atone udsinu' Oft Aft $L50; all colors, all sizes, every pair 7Qp perfect; Stock reducing sale special 7JLVVV Pullover Wool Sweaters, with short sleeves, Stock redtteine ?f AA X.UU sale special Coat Sweaters, 100r-i wool, rcg. mass to $3.0$: aH sizes, all caters CO CA Stock reductof ssde speetel ... V&'OV Monday, October 16 only. Sale starts 9 a.m. sharp. Annette Ladies Wear Co. Limited THE STORE OF THE BETTER DRESSED FOR LESS Mil rantoLSPM akd natural oas act rrmoixcu akd matcral a as act, psttbousom ako natural oas act Natkw af iMMHtmt t. myfti t. Lre! .VaCIrp at lalrathHt l ta Lraw Vrtntmm alMl NalarmJ.Ba. KlchU I lrtrol.am and NalanM-fM Kth In BSwrna Laaa Raoomtaa: Piawiw of I la Sanaa Land nauttUog IHtrtrt of 9taan CSjartaOfcr Oraup. B.C.. nd Bit- Quta COartoia Oroup. B.C.. aaa -uu on Oranaaa Ialrx1 ' tni on Oraaasa 1ImI Take notto. taw Carat tM D Tannnw Tai. aoUn Uiat OaraltK D Bunim af PoMaBiid Of - QBciaTatJon Oaolactat . of PortUnd Or omipattoo OnaSaaJiS. Inuttsa to apply for a hut or aV ft wart i to assay for a hM af Ox iwm to raktr tbr But naif af Om rtcbt to Mar tha Warn naif af tbt Kaiawtski Saa;r is Ian: 1 laUowtaf dnetlbas Ian: CotaniaBictoa at poat plaatad In' orjaMMCWtna at paat plaatMt m th. Bcrta BSnt enrnar of OFoStaa 24. ' Uw North Vm Osnwr of ScoUon l. Tp. t. Umim North SO eharw: Umopf, Tp. S. thenet Sooth 80 enaiM. thea Waat St chain: thane BsuO) St ohahwf I Baat Ot ehataa. taaaer Neath S ohatnat tnearar ate 80 chain to plaor af bt Shaawa TM SO ehaaaa t piaot of be-aaginf ins and oaotainlnf S4t aem. ! bafuinlnc and eoBtaanUkf tM tem. Eur. ur haa. lor the pnssm i of raav mjrr or tna. tar the ptaooat of ral-in and aatttng thmout f i waHaai ; haj saa iWM throut ptful.uB and lori ratoatal fa 'and iori natural fa Htad this atth dT of rtf. isas i Dated aaia aay of jmj. una "anoi.ua o niiifat canoaaia u HtTnOLKUM AND NATURAL OA ACT PBTROLKUU AND NAlTTKAL OAS ACT Natlre af lalrMlea la apni.r ta lea. Itraajra aad Ntaral-ga Rlrht In Bkeena Land Bectrdlnc Dlrtct of Oajean CharasrSi Oroup. BC and lt-i ate on OrahaaB laland Taa notice that Carol uo D naauuu ot Poatland. Or. . occupaUaa Oiataalat laaead to apply for a lass of the right to outer the Weat hair of th ripiiaajaj dnalhd land: fkaaaiimniija at a poat planted la th North WM Corner of Sarnoo ie Tp a theac South so rhilnr, theaar Baat St chain, thane Noma SO chain rbarac Waat SO chains to piaer of b-titstonins and oantaJnlnt 40 aerra aoer or lew. for the purpo. of raei-ae M Soana theroout petrolvum ad (or) rtaturaf e Dated that SSth day af Juo. 10 CAROLCS D SaiMOIta Take nonce that Oarolu D nauBon ( Pa Wand. Or. oocupatMcr oeoaaawt. RtkaMda ta appiy for of tht rwht to nkrVhe Baat half of th. riat ki deaerthed land ' Oararnraalnc at bo the North Bast corner of TO S. theme North 80 ehataa; theac Weat 80 chaaa: theac South 80 ehata: throe Baat SO chain U ptar of be-beaawita and ooiMa-mnd Set acre, aar or lew. far n piuana of ral. lnf and inttiia thereout petrol earn and i or i naauraf Dated tht tSkb day of Juf. LB3I rAnot ua n ifMwr .tPCTROUCVM AXD MATURAL OAS ACT ; Notice of latmtlan ta spply t Lner IVtrolrum and Natural- Ritntf tn Bkeena Udd Reoardaac DUtrtet ef Qtteea Charlotte Oroup. B C . sad alt- uat on Orahaa latand Tak notice that Oarolut D. Bmmon af Portland. Or. occupatlaw Ooalort. Inlead to apply for a lea, of th rlaM to eiatae th Baat half of th li at a poat paaOted ta th. South Baat oomar of Orsttow t. Tp t. Shear North 80 ebaloai these weat Bv cnaini: tneara ciipimu www: thaar Btat 80 ehataa ta phac of b-toeMentic and tantaltamc ttb acre, lavsr r lea, tar th porpoe af taU itraj asal trManc ttkerVoafl rjetretetta aad tart hatttral s- , l Dated Una 3th day of July. 10. OAROlOa D BMUOfiS. Natlre af Inteatlna ta aaplv t lira txrelrawi and Nturl-t KlfM tn akeena Land Reccrduw DHSrlot of Queen CharlotSe Or.nip. B C . aad att aaa on Oraham lland Take notle. that Ctrolu D. of Poniand On.. oorupatioD Oissnai. tntao to apply fur lean or rrrrt 'o enter the Weat half at tk hUoannc daawlaed Unda (Xunxuxana at poat paw ml ta the Ntrja wen rarnrr of haaaran s. Tp t hcoc South so fbaias: thence Baat BO i-iuun. thenor Nnh BO chain, thanoe Weat 80 chain v ;laoe of be-brfaanlna aad rantaoxunc Set aem. atore or hwa. tor the purpoa. of raav Ina and setttas t hereout peuutf iaa and lor) Dated this tMh day of July. 1SSS nanot ua n smmonr KTHOLBUU AND NATURAL OAS ACT MTROLKUM AND NATtHAl. OAS ACT Natlre f IntrMtlea 1 PWJ r leaw IVteMetrm aad Natral-sa Rlthtii In Sheena Land BeeordJsw Btwelot of Queen Cfearieate Oroup, B.. and H- pkaoted ta Sastten St. Natlre af IntrMlea to apply t ! mratrara aad Nutural-ga RlRht In Skt'wa Ud Recrdina Dltartot ot Qweea CQirlatlf Oroup. BC. aad alt-uate. on Cajahaat viTwt Tab notice that OareJiw D Braeton af PnatliaS. Or., aeoupauoa 0alogtat, Infill to apply f"f learn of th rtttat to enter the Bnet half of th 9lnl)awrnBwf f4kn4s8al atsfsClaf Oiwaaainrtr.a at poet abutted ta th North BfH earner of BeaUon II. TP 9 thrm South 80 rhalaa: thaito Weat 80 ehataa: thence North 80 Cham: thence Baat 8t chata to plate of b befannlnt sad eantatnsac S4 aere. aor or lea, tar .Un purpose of rat-th aad reattac thereout petroleum aaa I art natural fa DaUkI thai tath day of July. 18SS. CAJKNiUfl P EHUBTO. PTTROLBCU AND NATURAL OAS ACT Notice of latrntlait t apply I Leaat fatroleam and Natural-t Rlht la Bkeena Land Recordta- Dttrtet of Queea Onarlette Oranp. B.C., aad attune on Orahara lalnat. Taka BOMr. that Carora D Emmons of PorUand, Or . occupation rjeokajtat. tatenda to appty for a leaac r tn riant to enter th Warn half of i tcaatraanf drvttaed and COABNMtna- at a paat plaoted as the North Wat earner of Bilk 31. Tp I throe South 80 chains: thane Bt 80 chain: thene North SO chaUMl taenc Wtat 80 chain to ptac of b brinaint and contiafts ttt aerea, mar ii or lew. tor the purpoM of rU-5 and s4Stns thereout petroteaal Laos iori natarw fa. Dated th! WUi dev T July lass OAnOtOB D. EMMONS. v "4 A,. k . 4 A i I I i I S I t I t i : i a 9i . f Hi t .fJthli - :BSBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafl 'BBBBBBBBni