millennium l continued to sbtue the Liberal Partv i -1 useless. The other aggregations are not worth the : rth'y are Jwinted on and are obviously deleterious to iiintry. ii are reconditioning a ship you don't put back the nd crew that have recently wrecked it I might t k' " Mi far as to say that you do not put a bunch of : as in charge. On the other hand you do not turn it 4 a bunch of people with an ignorant and very mixed i-tion of navigation and who have sever feeon to sea Mrefore it arrives that in the meantime, while we -nil waiting for prosperity to l enaaume its functions. an do no better than appoint men of experience to '' ship. !' I have made this clear. I will make a resume of ' k'ard the Liberal party a. the best bet The Indent groups are only Tolmie hulls in sheeps clothing. ' '. F. is not worth the consideration of thinking been said that party government robs the people. it h the C. C. F. in office the people would very . have nothing to be robtwd of. Which would be atmg and against all reason. With the consolidated ndcnUt in office under some such fellow as B rutin e woukl only have a repetition of the ghastly ' ii of the last five years, akf no apology for this apparent change of direc-l iiui proud to have the strength of mind to announce CONTINUING S OPERATIONS, r,iJ Khfpard Takes Over Addi-tionai Placer Gold Ground on ViUI Creek I M Rhepsrd. wU known "D Thursoajr night's train' COMMUNISTS DISPERSED PemenoiraMen at V It A. Head-Quarters in New York Itreken I'p KIW YORK. Oct 14: CP- . m kliA am-ins In a Ilk last fit. "iming engineer, arrived In "u" .jT' 7IL persea saw ariuouw bmww t MaUonal Recovery Act neao- mmi to ptneer ground on quartrr h re yesterday, nasinc M " k m the Omtnsea mininc arrests uffirtsU blamed the dis-viurh he la oparmttttc. In turbance on Communist. ' " the property ot D. tar-1 - "(x utes of this cttjr which -ruling nndtr tons. Mr. lux just takon ovor ad-Krouud which Chin as i mln- w bfen working for ynara. ' 'fi' to continue work nnUl "i s it imnoasMe to onrry Mvu to return birmatf to "id within the naxt fow , ' "Parri aaitai Vast F)isH on ' ' Adelaide for Seattk v ;lh4, back in about two weeka ' ViUI Creek. ci'-mrnu. assistant genstml "f the Union Steamship ''"urao of a northern in-u'"r arrivtd in the city on ''"' laat evening from Van-' aaU tomorrow ' Cstals to make the "i' to Anyox and Stewart bark to Vanoouvor. He ' iiu.'d by Mra. CletneuU PASSES AT KAMLOOPS Word Heaved Here of Death Yesterday f Mn. lulu Itustrll (Nee Croettl Mrs Lulu RuaaaU ne CreasetM at Kam-ioens yestarday patwd away foltowtng a aaajor oporatlon. wording to telegraphic word retorted in the city today. She was bout thirty-eight years of age and umA iivi.rt thr most of nor life In Prince Rupert She csms hare in the firl and at-, aorlv (lavs as a young tondsd thr local sehooia, ievu,g south soma or six here for thr Min nun .She Is survivoB uj nn kHnii urorte Russell Burial will take loops. Vol. XXIV.. No. 239. CHANGES IN Total of 220 Candidates in NominationBlind Mining Engineer Dikqaallfied In LiHeoet VICTORIA. Oct. 14: (CP) A cheek-up shows that the total no-mtnaUoM (or the provincial election on November 2 stand at 2M instead of 219 as announced yeeter-tajr. The totals of candidates per gmip stand at the same at yeeter-day with the exception of Labor which baa four Instead of three eandtda Us. The name of R. C. Ofeson, Independent, has been removed from the nomination list lor Victoria while thai of J. II. Owen. Labor, has been Major John C. Hartley, blind engineer of Bridge Hirer, has been disqualified from standing as aa Independent in LiUooei because Literal pout) headed by Mr. Pattullo. Still hoping for of an alleged error in his nomina- Uon papers. He has appealed to the government to place him on thr Nat After the frml apptteatten has been received, the matter wttl proboWy be considered. A. deB. MePnflUns and Daryt H Kent are the strattht Conservative nomtoees in Vancouver Centre rMtng. The nomina Uonc per group art UbmU ... , 4? indepenfenl Non-ParUean JS lPOJfcj United mat - Toteale ttafonttu Independent C. C F. ConservaUree Ubor Socialists Independent Labor 3 19 IS 8 4 4 4 2 Old Country Socco SCOTTISH LCtOt'E rirat Uiviian Atrdrttoniana S. Qoeeo of Sowth i Ayr 3. St Johnstone I. Celtic-Clyde tmptayed. Oowdenbeath 4. Hamilton a. Dondee s. Kilmarnock : Hlbemisns 1. Falkirk S. MotherweU 1 Hearts 1. ParUek S. Queen's Park S. St. Mlrren X Aberdeen 3. Third Lanark-Rnnnm anpsayest CNOLISH untc Hnt DivUion Arsenal 3. Newcastle 9. Bimingham 1. West nromwich 1. Chelsea 2. Mlddleaeroogh 3. Bverton 7, Blackburn 1. Huddearfield S. Letosattr 1. Manchester I. Leeds 1. .Portsmouth 6. Tottssibam 1. Sheffield Wednesday 1. Derby I. Stoke 1. Aston Villa 1. flwndortand 4. Liverpool 1. Wolverhampton 1. Sheffield United 2. INTEREST St TERCENT LONDON. Oct. 14: The Sooth African eonverston loan of flSjOOO.- 000 which was snapped up In five minutes here Thursday bore Inter est at 3H. Mlaa Helen MeAuley R.N., who re cently eompleted her nurses' train- Ins studies at the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital, sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide to Join the hospital staff at Alert Day. e CONVERSION LOAN IS CLOSED TODAY; OVERSUBSCRIPTION being substantially oversub- e 0 . OTTAWA. Oct. 14: (CP) The Canadian conversion loan 4 for $2J6.00a.OO0 closed today. CHANCELLOR HITLER WELL KNOWN COUPLE WED Mis Kay Lelrhford Becomes Bride Of Donald Burnett A very pretty wedding was sol emnised quietly in the chapel of the parish house of the Church of the AMonclatsM at 10 30 this nwrninf when Rev. Pother J. Byrne Orant OJ&I. united in mar-rtaoe Mho Kathleen Mary Letch-ford, sides daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Letchfonl of Telfcwa. to Donald Burnett, only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Burnett of Terrace The brine looked very lovely In a yeflew crepe dress fashioned in long Unas with white mohair hat trimmed with lace, weartog white shoes and white gloves and carrying a bouquet of pose yellow carnations and maidenhair fern. The bridesmaid was Mho Mary Comadina. looking charming in a ale green crepe dress fashioned on long lines with iaee jacket to match She had a while mohair hat and white shoes and gloves and carried bouquet of pink carnations and maidenhair fern. The groomsman was O. P. Lyons. Following the eeremony. the bridal party enjoyed a luncheon in the Comodore Cafe. The happy couple who. will reside on Fifth Avenue Went, will have the best wishes of their numerous friends. The groom is a member of the staff ot the Rupert Motors. The bride has bern identified with the Valentin Dairy office. COMMITTEE ROOMS OPEN Liberals to Have Headquarters in Store Formerly Occupied By Mrs. Johnsen in Federal Block The local Liberal party is getting down to work in connection with the campaign for Use re-election of T. D. Pattullo. The vacant store In the Federal Block formerly occupied by Mrs. Johnson has been secured for committee rooms and will scribed. Oiopen Monday. This will be head- place in Kam-1 . 4 quarters for the party .during the eeeoeoeoo campaign. MANY QUITS ARMS CONFERENCE - - ;. Butterfield Re V J 77 - TAXI - 77 Many people are changing their minds in t,. political campaign and are lining up with Pattulk ,ta efforts to bring order out of chaos. One of these is J. But-tcrfidd, columnist for the Vancouver Province, whose recantation will le of special interest in that it indicates a general trend throughout the province. Here is what he-says: With election day sneaking nearer and nearer it is filling that we should take careful tock of the situation. This may be something of a surprise to you but I an-r uiuc after careful thought and du prayer that the only rock of defense for British Columbia in the present ! is that it shall elect and return to power the Liberal jiarty. Jy.ok over what has "happened. Last April or thereabouts I went into the non-party-and-purity idea with all tht enthusiasm of a boy with his first sweetheart We ex-pifed the millennium to occur and to bring with it a flock of supermen who ahoukl lend us out of the wakler-nN oi evil government in which we have been wander-in u for years. As the months wore on this hope vanished. The thing became merely a amsplrsey between the members of the rii -credited Tolmie government directed toward getting la h to power with the old gang but without the Good )o, 'i.r. There then dawned upon the startled horizon the co-? fi of the visionary Woodsworth with his mixture of Marx. Hlatchford, Fabianism, Henry George and Young M' Tnni. Jn all the mesa there appeared only one consistent fr ; wun a nonnue suitenient lor Uie public That was NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ENTRY LIST PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1933 Chancellor Also Announces i PRESIDENT VON HINDENBURG GERMANY WARNED Urest Britain and Other Countries Insist That Assaults on Cilixens Cease BERLIN. Oct 14: Great Britain. United States. Spain and IleBand ioee served notice on the German jovernment that aasauKs on their Uaens must cease or the most ser ious consequences concerning rela tions of their countries wtth the tetch might result Vancouver Stocks (OourVt? 8. O. JteatR, (X) Vancouver Big Missouri. .19 (asked). Bteeetnt M. B. R, X.. M. B. R. Con- J. Cariboo. 3.N. Cork, .01. Oeorgla River. Joto. Lucky Jim. JH. Meridian. M. Morning Star, lev Native Son. jotK. J National Stiver. ML ,1 Nome Five. .961. Fend Oreille-. .8. Porter Idaho, jtrr. f Premier. 1 14. . jieeves. .is. Reward, J& Reno, .99. Stiver Crest U. Wayside, .44 Whiteside. .W. Waverty. .03. Ooloonda. JO. Pioneer. 11.50 Oils Fabyan, M. Home. IJtt. C. & E .9. Freehold, Ml. A. P Oon.. 1 Cahnont JO. Sterling Pacific. J, mihousle, U. Toronto Ooiumario. 18. Central Patricia. V,t. KlrkUnd Uke. .33 Vi. Noranda, 34.13. Int. Nickel. 19.00 Sherritt Oordon. .94. Granada. .74. Macaasa. .96. Sisoo, 1.4 a. Montreal BraalUan. .134 (TOMMY'S) Stand, Capitol Theatre Block Day and Night Service 7-Passenger Chrysler Car PRICE: FIVE CENTS Withdrawal of Nation From League Two Years From Now Figures in German Crisis PRESIDENT VON HINDENBURG ORDERS DIS SOLUTION OF REICHSTAG AND ALL STATE PARLIAMENTS AND SETS GENERAL ELECTION FOR NOVEMBER 12. Developments Follow Refusal Of Geneva To Allow Re-arming GREAT BRITAIN, UNITED STATES AND FRANCE ADAMANT NEWS IS HAILED AS "GRAVEST IN TWENTY YEARS" BY SPOKESMEN IN PARIS. BERLIN, Oct 14: (CP) Chancellor Adolph Hitler today notified the League of Nations that Germany will withdraw from it two years hence and announced that Germany was quitting the disarmament conference at once. President Paul von Hindenbur? ordered the dissolution of the Reichstag and all state parliaments and set the Reichstag elwlfon fbrTS'oWmber 12. These sensational developments followed a conference yesterday of Germany's chief delegate to the disarmament conference, who flew from Geneva, with Chancel lor Adolph Hitler in regard to a resolution officially embodying the view of Great Britain, United States and France that Germany must get along with the armament and military limitations as set down in the Treaty of Versailles during the transition period. Chancellor Hitler has definite other views in regard to the matter. Chancellor Hitler, in an address tonight, bitterly as- sailed the Treaty of Versailles and reiterated the con? viction of the German people that they were guiltless of blame for the Great War. The disarmament conference adjourned Thursday but" it reconvened yesterday. "GRAVE NEWS," SAYS FRANCE PARIS. Oct. 14: (CP) French spokesmen today ", characterized Germany's action in quitting the disarms- mcnt conference immediately and announcing its inten- tion to withdraw from the League of Nations in two years as the "gravest news in twenty years." '. B.C. TEAM MARRIED WINSAGAIN LAST EVE I - tJtlnc Last Quarter Lait Mht Mbs Margaret Damn Becomes Gave Hoc Lnerowe Verdict to I Bride ot James McGlashan at New WestmhHter Quiet Ceremony NBW WlSTliUNSTHt. Oct. 14: A eutet wedding was solemnized" CF New Westminster Salmon at Ahm Oottaae. Overlook Street, Bellies came from behind in the last evenin. Rev. Canon W. F, sMtoaarter. retarded aatbe treat- Rnshbrook oificiattnt. when Mist eat quarter ever played in Mann dtp Margaret Brown Dwran btcaroe the history, to defeat Hamilton Titers bride of James MoOloshan. Mrs. II to 10 last night and even up the David Scott was matron of honor Canadian amateur box lacrosse and David Scott, a life-song friend, aeries at .two wins each The final was groomsman. will be played Monday night ; tiowto u , rn.- in Vancouver. SILVER AND COPPER ON NEW YORK MART NEW YORK. Oct. 14 iCP-Bar silver closed at 37ic per ounre on the local metal market yesterday. Copper closed at 8c to IWc. There wore further drops today, sliver to Mc and cooper to 8c. The condition of Paul Zygmunt. proprietor of Rooms, who is tion was held at the home of the bride on Seventh Avenue East where many Moons gathered to extend hearty good wishes to the couple canon Rnshbrook proposed a toast to the bride to whteh the groom responded. J. W. MeKlnJej proposed a toast to the bridesmaid, the groomsman responding Mr. and Mra. McOlaahaB will leave towards the end of the month for Terrace to take up reside nee on land which has been purchased by tho groom. Mr. McGlashan was the Westholmej formerly a member of the dry dock a patient In the, staff here. The bride served at a iPrmee Rupert Oeneral Hospital. 1 'nurse In the Oreat War. Doth are Ireporteo to be critical. I very well known and popular.