.-.'.CHS iXU Silent Pianos Is your piano one that is seftfom heard these days? Why not enjoy the best music in the world in your leisure hours, with RADIO? "There Is nothing finer than a Stromberg-Carjson" We will take your piano and make you a liberal allowance in trade, on a radio. WALKER'S MUSIC STORE. This y 3 Whisky EVERY HOME'NEEDS THE HANDY REMEDY FOR amBuk advertisement not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the tty.-'i,;, .. . ooverameni ooverameni oi oicrmsn unusn woitunrjla woitunbla. WffWfeU 1j" r i' - 1 . Cuts, Bruises, Bums, Pimples, Eczema, Rashes, Boils, Abscesses, Ulcers, Bad Legs, Poisoned A 'i Wounds, Piles, Scatp Disedses, etc. BLflCHFORD You'll "forget your feet" in these ideal modern shoes Footnolr Ualile'nunjr io-cllfJ '"corTfc-tie" hoi, "ArchjripJ" trc Ktf Lilly proportioned tod built tpon tutuxil lymruftricil ling. Price, $9.00 Family Shoe Store Phone 357 Aged, blended and bottled'in Scotland. . . . Popular the world over, because it is ALWAYS reliable. If you are suffering from iny foot trouble through ill-fitting shoes or shoes of faulty construction, "Arch-grips" will give you quick and certain relief. Ask tis about the special features of these scientifically-built shoes, moderately, priced from JO., Third Avenue This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Boatd or by ih Government o( British Cclumbu fieclaimtd throughout H I H I V B 'fr-0M?n . VjSSjSSgSP-X Canada (or In quality and I I W J W W .Mm RVE UIHISKY ' WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront C. N. R. stwimer Prince John. ; Cat. tdward Mabbs, atrived in port fat midnight last night from Van-f jeoarer via the Queen Charlotte Islands on a regularly scheduled,' voyage and will sail tonight at 10 o'clock on her. return south- oven is the last of the local halibut boais to report following the closing of the fishing seasorfilmost two weeks ago and something should be heard from her soon. It is evident that ! Having come north with the fish-defies patrol boat Bonllla, which has .been tied up at Dlgby Island for the winter. I. Urseth aria O. ChrUtensen of Bella Coola sailed by the Prince George last night on their return down the qoast. C. P. R. steamer Princess Ade-'"Tllalde. Capt. S. K. Gray, is due in jpojt at 4 o'clock this afternoon . -from the south and wttl sail at 10 . pjn. on her return to Vancouver land waypoints. The Indian - Department's power cruiser Naskeena. with Dominion (Constable A. J. WatkJnson and fProvinolal Constable Victor Bond Ion board, returned to port lasti night after spending another two) idas on unsuscessful search fori Joseph Rush, Greenville Indian, j ,who is btlieved to have lost his life recently by falling overboard j from the gasboat Mocking Blraj during a storm near, Quinemass. i i , uientholdxum &Jar Tor ! 5PRAINS.BBUIJES.TIDEDFEET A. R. Mallory of port Clement is paying a brief buslneiw visit to- the city. He arrived from the Islands on the Prince John last night and will return home on the same vessel tonight. I Indian Agent Jamea Oillelt of the Queen Charlotte Islands is paying a brief vfeit to the city on official duties. Accompanied by Mrs. Olllett he arrived last night from the Islands on the Prince John aboard which they will return to MassMt tonight E. . Richardson and Ot-orge Leary of Tlell, wlio have been pacing a brief visit' to the city, are sailing by the Prince John tonight on their return to the Queen Charlotte Islands. Want Ads the same rotite. The vessel brought fDOtRS, wirutovrt.mmber etc. from in a full list Qf passengers. j wTcked hous. Hart tf. The Signal, Capt. Paddy Ivarson, FOR 8ALE A few old newspapers 'at 10c. News. FOR SALE ana' 15c. FOR TIE NT she has encountered some delay. It HOUSES for rent. Hart is thought she may now be fishing ' ' black cod to bring in in addition to what- halibut she may have. There were no halibut boats in today and ' few, if any, more are expected. a bundle. Dally tf WANTED CHECK YOUR TUNING DIAL Stations heard on tonight's reception, not on correct dial setting, will indicate that your radio needs adjusting. Phone Blue 320 for particulars. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli. Proprietor -A HOME A WAT FROM BOMB" Rates ll.M ay io Rooms, Hot it Cold Wafer Prlcce Rupert, BJCt Phone 281 PjO. Be lie WANTED 100 Permanent Wave at $3.00 Nelson's K6auty Shop Phone 855 rrr'MBt s7 - .ai-i-aMBBBMl tf. WANTED Few cords of yellow cedar delivered. Quote lowest price Box 225. Dally Newt tf TRANSFKKS CAMERON Transfer. Phone 177 for dry wood. PAINTERS PAINTING ana Paperfcanglng Mollef, Phone Red 601 r ami aktiW fs.5o rFFR fhm,M i . " th iifum of emptio. Vj i B ' J 1 Tbi Prompi tti Frld Insist on "GRANT'S BCST PROCURABLC-Th. . . Iix .U ( V.Miutt M Ult from t,U Unit, Iw., . 0rlt n ITS AGED Mellowness and rich highland malt confirm its good name 8t$T PROr i RARIl 5, ma This advertisement is not published or displayed by I - )P Control Board or the Government of firikih C. .un:l.x" SATURDAY'S DIAMOND T SPECIALS! No. 1 Steer Beef Kib Uoast Deef, lb. . J3c (Rolled flump rioast Ileef, lb. l.'c Pot Rcist Ilcef.lb. . .10c 1 Sirloin Steak. 2 11.,. I.V Brisket IJeef, lh. 7,c Pickled Beef Tom -lb 13c Local Lamb Shl.d. Roast Lamb, lb. 15c I ISroast L-imb, lb. 7 c Loin Roast Limb, lb. 20c Ijok Roat Ijunb. IK 22c Extra Specials Roasting Chicken, lb. tie Fowl. lb. 2jt Butter, lb ..,25c Boston Butt Roast Pork! lb. Kc Spare Rib. 3 lb. Ayrshire Rolls It Pork Tenderloin u Sutar Cured Cr:i B" Phone P$h on& 10 stiZM 2 Quality Service 1910 Pioneer Hutrlicrs KITCHEN SPECIALS! Yellow Mixing Howls, 8 and 9 inch, each 2"c English Pudding Bowls .15c to 30c Oval Ovenproof Raking Dishes ..10c to COc See us for your baking day needs GORDON'S HARDWARE 552ft? Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLE The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE ! TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD - Prepared Dallj Dj Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, Ii.C.