Kovfber Q, 1634 WW' THE OAILT NEWS PAQE THREB J3w;y the Best Tea JiliftlJn TEA "Fresh from trie Gardens" BOYS and GIRL Enter ymir name for the til si Drug Store Prize Contest THIS WEEK Voting Commences Monday, Nov. 12 Continues until nichl uf Decemlxr 21th Ormes Ltd. Vi Piontcr Drut&fsts The Rejall Star fhones: II & K OVRIL CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME Why send fuel money away when nature gave the Bulkley Valley Highest Grade Coal mined in the west. If not satisfactory at first try nRnin, it may not he the coal. Your dealer can supply you. Buy Bulkley Valley COAL UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Bteamers leave Prl.tce Rupert for Vancouver's. CAT A LA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 l'-M Arriving Vancouver Thursday T.S.R, CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver, Monday AM. Uln. to Port Slmpwo. Mir Arm, n7' ruvr Frin "P'rt,18u"dJ,'f f.SLf, hv point. ,t p, 1L and tickets at- rther Information regarding all sailings sn:ciAi. itouMLfitip fares to Vancouver 32.00 K'ium limit Mirt 3M flUNC atirmt AO!NCTl Third Ano. MS CANADIAN PACIFIC M. 'IMNCESS NOltAlI" for Kelchlkah, Wrahgcll, Juneau and Bkagwayi.Nov. Uth, 25th, Dec. lOUl, 30th. Wilt VANCOUVER direct, Nov. 2nd, 15th, 29th, Dec. 20th. B ss- "1'IUNCESS ADELAIDE" for Vancouver via Ocean Fans nna Way Ports, every Friday 10 P.M. nttD'S1 Fflrcs to vanc0UTCr 3200 Tlckets'on sale Nov. 1st, 10J4 to Feb. 28th, 1035. Final return limit March 31st. 1933, For tickets and reservations W L. COATI.8, (Ifiiernl Aurnt, rrlnw Itupert, DC It I i nip k i xwiiic itvrHc I EWM t We are back to our good taxi service. Phone 32 day and night, tf. i Euy your bananas at Thrift Cash & Carry, ,9c a pound. (261) ' Cash waltlnr for nlH rnM Wth. folnf, chains, watches, etc. Bolter's. (U) A poppy for Every Citizen. Honour the Dead by helping the Living. Poppy Tag Day November 10. 262 SOURED ON THE WOHLO? THAT'S UVER Wale sp yonr liver Bile No Calomel necessary Mut pwpU U (mI tnut, tluuafc tai fottDy mnuhtd lutU tit tuuk ol uba ). oil luiLtfil .ur, UiaUt. Mjwjy w tt( rra, or rauffci. hlck calj ntort ti bowU .ad inw tit littr, Ut ytm Ufi it u wk vp your Br UU. Mrt rw liawf powUf tU 4mUt tw. liouoda liquid 11 ipto jruur buel. ti four MaaiM-k ut Iohum orkisf tt itsf UmU, UiH aura, Cttirr'i Uttto Lrnr PillJ vffl u fit yo k. rvniy iflM. btl: 8m. Uiitk. A tut u br uu. lufuM (ubMitvlw. IV M all druuKU U Ernest Unwln will sail tonight on the Prince John for a visit at Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands. Canadian Legion B.ES.L. Church,' 6 Parade Sunday 10:15 am. Ceno taph Parade at 2 p.m. Medals ! ', 2G2) CoL 8. D. Johnston sailed last night on the'Prince George for Vancouver where he will pay a business visit. t Oh Kids! Enter your pets for the show by Nov. 12. Leave your name with TojrirMorgan or phone Black 727 Entry fee 10c. C F. Joslin.; tailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver. It Is his hrst holiday south in four teen years. Bananas 9c. a pound at Thrift Cash' & Carry. 2"Glt Paul Johnson is sailing tonight on the Princess" Adelaide for a vacation trip to Vancouver. Daughters of Nof-way bazaar and dance Friday, Nov, t. Moos Hall, Mrs. Black's Orch. Adm. 25c. Refreshments free. (261 Announcements Daughters of Norway Dance No-vember 9. Pioneers' Night. November 9. Eagles' Hall, bridge, whist and crib-j bage. I Elks' Dance, Friday,. Nov. 16. I United Church Ch6ir tea and sale lof home cooking, -November 17. I "The o'lrl Who Forgot," United Church, Nov. 22 and 23. , Anglican Bazaar, Nov 29. United Church Bazaar December Oddfellows' Scotch Hogmanay Dance, December 31. ' r r 1 1 i i i t Members please meet at the' Moose Hall 1:50 pjri. Sunday for 4B.viiSTicE parAde SATURDAY NlOht Scotch Dance. 91 pjn. Sharp A World of Entertainment awaits you" with a : ' G. El. RADIO RECEIVER The Wavetuler Model M-125 $255.00 Model M-51 $05.50 Other Models at Attractive Low Prices there . . . is one at just the price you want td pay You are never alone when you have a G. E. Radio Receiver, It makes the world your neighbor. Your favorite programmes come in clearer and brighter Utan evef before. You tune In new, distant and overseas stations with their endless programme variety. World news and comment, lectures, music td your taste, comedy, market nnd crop reports, weather fore-pasts, church services, all become part of your dally home life. ; Q. E. Radio Receivers feature outstanding cabinet beauty and flawless engineering. And they are priced within easy teach of all. Small down payment. Comfortable terms. Northern British Columbia, Power Company Limited JONES' Family Market Rump Roast of Beef 1 9 1 p per lb. .AI:' Round Steak &Kt 2 lbs Shoulder Steak, 2 lbs. 9p it l bunch Carrots . i0' Hamburger Steak, 3 lbs. 9n Si 2 lbs. Onions Pot Roast Qd 4 lbs. . Boiling Beef, 3 lbs. - a s p k. 1 bunch Carrots t0 Prime Rib Roll, 4 lbs. HKn & 1 Cauliflower Leg of Veal- rjSn 6 lbs Shoulder of Lamb, 5 lbs. 7p & 1 tin Peas Lamb Stew, 3 lbs. 9p & 1 bunch Carrots AOl, Leg of Lamb 20C Lamb Chops QCn 2 lbs Veal Chops Qff0 2 Mjs Phone 957 Phone 957 OUR BARGAINS Still On IXcahrPneld $125-oo 1934 Radio, 8 tubes 00 Northern Electric &' We have the latest designs in Linoleum and Congoleum So here's your opportunity to make a change and get an allowance for the old one TA Furniture DEI . LL1U Exchante Auctioneer Green 421 we Bay Goia UMBRELLAS THAT ARE NEW Our new Umbrellas have just come in, and we think they are very good value. We have paid a little extra, to get the latest artistic borders and new unbreakable handles in loops, crooks, etc. Moderately priced at $2.95. $3.95 & $5.95 Mi 1 (5 v- (Jewellers iTttt STORE WITH THE CLOCI SENSATIONAL VALUES You Cannot ignore End of Year CLEARAWAY for Stock Taking See These Bargains! Realize the Savings! Kitchen Range Large family "fclze. Reg. $125.00 SS.OO Cleara way Price -Ou' And your old range Kitchen Range Small size. Regular $95X)0 $AQ.50 Clearaway Price VVJ And yout old range Used Brick Lined Heater $8-75 This Is your opportunity TO SAVE! Kaien Hardware Constable and Mrs. Alex Livingstone sailed lait night on the Prince George for Vancouver, be-' me in charge of two Insane women ! who wtyl be admitted to Essondale" Hospital, trie two womn are sTs-' :?rs. ! .ENDS a Cold Sdoner PROVED BY 2 GENERATIONS NBRAM Dominion and -Miners Ladies' Rubbers- -selling at tip from per pair Misses' and Children's Rubbers, up from C0RM SYRUP The famous enerfty-producintf sweet an eaiily digested food Invaluable for infants, growing children, and enjoyed by the vfbole family. Canada Starch Sales Co- Llmlttd Smart New Shoes FOR FALL WEAR CMldreh-s Rubber Boots, un from pair . 79c Misses' Rubber Boots QQp up: from, per pair Men's Storm King Boots gr 8375, 4.95 SLIPPERS GALORE AT LOWEST PRICES When thinking of fcuving a pair of Uppers for a birthday or sending a pair abroad for Christmas, pur stock is large and complete Ladies Black dun Calf Strap Slippers with good foles and Cuban heels Q1 AQ Not $2.75 but pr ?Xixi Women's Pretty Patent, rose lined & pom-poms Ci VIZ all Sizes, pr Our new fail shoe models for men and women will give you comfort and wear. They are, of course, of the best material Really you cannot buy smarter looking footwear for any price. We are selling these at a bi? discount. Men's, Ladies' and Children's Best Imported English Slippers in felt, colored plaids and fawn camel's hair, in all styles and sizes. Ladies' selling at up from Men's Selling at per pair, up from . $15 value for Our Prices dri Rubber Footwear are right and we only handle the best Goodrich, 69c 65c & 75c Men's Knee Boots per pair, up from 82.75, 82,95, S3.25 Boys' Storm King Boots per. pair 83.99 Just received a big shipment of Ladies,' Misses' and Children's Thigh height Gum Boots in all sizes. To be sold at lowest prices! We Accept City Scrip 95c Sl-10 Children's & Misses' Slippers from 55c, 65c 85 c LECKIE'S SCHOOL BOOTS AT LOWEr. PRICES We have a 'fine assortment of Boys' School Boots made by Leckie Shoes made to stand Pr. Rupert weather OO QQ aUsta. pair 0&O V Leckie Shoes for CQ Iff Men, up. from tpOi0 Ladles' Colored Dorsay Slippers, pr. S1.29 Ladies' Pretty Dorsay Slippers with smart Cuban heels, in black, red, blue, brown and green kid O-f OQ Cut Rate Shoe Store Saturday Phone 62 V'rcsH Killed Uoasting CHICKENS, each $1.00 Average 4 lbs. Specials Phone 63 Legs of Lanib 22C egS r 20C Pork Sausage 9i Fruit Mincemeat Meat, 2 lbs i0' 2 lbs Spare Ribs 1 lbs 2c 1 lb. LIVER H lb. BACON both 50c COMET BUTTER 3 lb ..... 72c PROCESSED EGGS tloz. ...... 30c BEEF POT ROAST, lb. 10c BRISKET, lb 5c Swift's LAUD lb 75c fa. M VP, -1 Up I: .44 . "'Si S . i