Today's Weather Prince Rupertr-nalnlng, strong !Uthenst wind; barometer, 29.92; temperature, 40; eca rough. Tomorrow's Tides ' : " " " V XXIV., No. 201. - i i - - JRlNCE.RUPgRT;Rq: FRIDAY, NOVEMBEK 9, 1834 rm'iai KINGSFORD-SMITH TO EXTEND HIS FLIGHT British Sedition Bill Has Stormy Passage In House of Lords t Obstructionist Methods Employed by Labor Pccru Dunne Twelve Hour Sitting, Longest in Fifty Years' History , Of Chamber Some Amendments Not Considered LONDON, Nov. 9: (CP)-The House of Lords ad-1 I'nirocd at 4 o'clock this morning after a twelve hour session, the lonKest in fifty years' history of the Upper Cham tcr. Labor peers staged an obstructionist f ight against the' Incitement to Disaffection Bill sponsored by the govern-' ment to curb sedition or treason in the armed forces. So dogged was the opposition that only thirteen out of hventy-four amendments were considered. GOOD DAY IN MARKET Tikr : Alirad Steadily Willi 1-argrst Turnotrr In Weeks I NEW YOHK. Nor 9 A wave of fc made Wednesday the most! irr and buoyant day on the New ! k Block Exchange In many ks There were gene ml gains all; ti irf some iMues advancing as! : it as four point. Trading vuj with n turnover for the day' f 100.000 share. The Industrial! Mce lit elating was 97.55. up rails. 35.qt. up .92, and uUll-19.79. up .36. Canadian Legion And Empress Lead In Billiard Play Only two games were played In night's DUllard League fixture between droUo and Emprcs. the "rr winning both to take an ag-fr ate lead of 500 to 330. Individual wes were as follows: Ejtl Dntt, Orotto. 157. A. Donald, Empress, 250. Wert Morgan, 17ft; T. Kerrigan, IjO. Itt the fixture from Tuesday night br'wtcn Canadian Legion and Elks, "arry Menzles won in Uie second 'Ho for the Legion over Len Itaabc j: a score of 250 to 245. giving the lnlon a lead to date of 5CO to 448. BADMINTON ASS'N MEET ,; O, !vri Uc-clcctcd President 'rrry Mcintosh Is New Secrc-tary-Trcasurcr At the annual meeting last night ' Hie Prince Rupert Dadmlnton A; sociatlon, officers were elected as follows: Honorary President, W. II. Tobcy. , Honorary Vice-President, W. M. walls. President, E. O. Avcs. Vice-President, H. T. Cross. Brctafy.Trcasurcr, Percy Mc- hilosh, Plans" for the ensuing season were "bussed rind will be taken up at ""other meeting next Monday "kih when delegates from the var 10 city clubs will be present. Today's Stocks (CourUij 8 O Jotm.OD Oo.) Vancouver' Alexandria 11?. -Bayview, 'Sl. B. C. Nickel. .48. Big Missouri. 34. Bradlan. 2.15. Bralornc. 13.10. D. R. Com, .09. B. R. X. Gold. .26. Cariboo Quartz. 115. Dentonla, .44. Dunwell. .17. Oolconda. 29. Hercules. .02 V. Indian. .01. Mlnto, .18. Meridian. .10. Morning Star, .13. NaUonal Silver. .02Vfc. , Noble Five. .07. Pend Oreille, .47. Porter Idaho. .07 4. Premier. 156. V Reward. .05. Reno. 1.12. Silver Crest. .01. Salmon Oold. .10 -j. Taylor Bridge, .25. ' Whitewater. .08. Whitewater. .04 Vi. Waverly Tangier. .01. United Empire. .12' . Glacier Creek, .06?4-Grange, .24. Toronto ' Central Patricia, 1.00. Chlbougamau. .07 V. Lee Gold. .08tf. .; Granada. .29. " Inter. Nickel. 22.75. Macassa, 2.70. Noranda, 33.75. Shcrrltt Gordon, .48. Slsco, 2.63. t Thompson" Cadillac, .2S& Ventures. .91. Lake Maron, .04 (s. Tcck Hughes, 4.10. Sudbury Basin. 1.12 Columarlo. .27. Smelter Gold, .22. Can. Malartlc, .58. Little Long Lac. 525. Astoria Rouyn, .03'fs. Stadacona, .28. Maple Leaf, .10 V. Pickle Crow. 1.87. Long Lac Lagoon, .10. Manitoba & Eastern. .22 Hockey Scores National Hockey League Chicago 3, St. Louis 1. Boston 3, Toronto 5. mim sue Boddle sails this eve ning on the Princess Adelaide for a holiday trip to Vancouver. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER CLEMENTS HAS FIRE Three Mr; Buildings Owned by W. K Hastle, Are Destroyed PORT CLEMENTS. Nov. 9: At 8:30 Tuesday night a fire broke out In Hastle' Hall here, the fire spreading and completely destroying two other residences. Tn nnp hour three large buildings were razed to the ground. All the citizens of Port Clements turned out to try and save the buildings but. owing to wind that was blowing at the time, the fire got beyond control. All the buildings were owned by W. F. Hastle. There was no insurance on any of them. It. Is a very heavy loss to both Mr. and Mm. Hastle who were among the first settlers to come to the Islands. Just now Mrs. Hastle Is a guest df Mrs. Ed. Crawford.of Port Clements. WAR HERGES 4 STILL FIGHT Editor. t)aily News: Borne day In Canada, away in the future, the last veteran of the Great War. the war that was fought to save civilization and make our country fit for heroes to live in. will be 'trundled to his grave. And, one supposes, the newspapers of the future will make a terrific hulla- b.ljloo oyer It. They will tell of great feats of arms, the tremendous sac rifices, the heroism, endurance and privations of the Canadian soldiers. Will they also tell of the heart breaking struggle that followed the war; when men who had given their blood and limbs, had to fight a" battle almost as hard, and certain-lymore ricartrendlng, for the recognition which their country ordered should be given them, but jrhlch was withheld from them? i, The newspapers won't say anything about that. It Is not a pleasant hlng to recall. I THE LEGIONARY. SWIFT'S STILL LEAD BRIDGE Defeated Musketeers While C. N. It. A. Won Over Legion Prince Rupert Bridge League re suits last night were as follows: Swift's. 7277; Musketeers, 5408. Canadian Legion, 3959; C. N. R. Al. 7275. ( Qrotto-Ramblcrs postponed until November 12. ' League standing to date: 0. F. A. Swift's 3 20.950 15.404 Musketeers 3 17.863 16.557 C.N. R.A 3 16,580 19,310 Can. Legion 3 13.121 19,944 Ramblers 2 11.969 9.964 Grotto 2 10,653 11,975 ' Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Slmonds of Lockeport, who have been spending thai past couple of weeks In the city, will sail by the Prince John tonight on their return to the Queen Charlotte Islands. The regular monthly meeting of ;the Prince Rupert Shrine Club was I held last night at the Masonic ;Temple business being of n routine nature. President Arthur Brooks- hank was In the chair and there t was a good attendance of members. jMOOSE IN OVER FIFTY PERCENT OF BOND HOLDERS ACCEPT REFUNDING City Commissioner W. J. Al- r der announced today that over V fifty percent'pf the holders of Prince Rupert city debentures had accepted the city's plan for a refundlng.of the city's bon- ded Indebtedness for twenty years at four percent Interest rate. . BAZAAR WAS SUCCESSFUL Large Crouds Yesterday Afternoon And Last Evening at Presbyterian Church .Function The annual bazaar of the Women's Auxiliary of FJrst Pre? Church yesterday had an adcitu and successful . innovation in the orm- of a caniival1fwhkh conUnuea nto last evenine when the men' ol .he church were on hand to assist .he ladies. The church parlors, wen castefully decorated and both at-ernoon and evening large crowd. were In attendance, the whole af fair being a complete success. There was a bean, supper as well which tttracted many. The bazaar was opened, at 3 pan. by the pastor. Rev. w. D. Grant Hollingworth. The many guests were received by Mrs. C. G. Ham, president of the Auxiliary, who was assisted by Mrs. Holllngworth. The tea room was In charge of .Irs. Robert Cameron. Mrs. J. G. Steen, Mrs. T. McClymont,. Mrs. Vllllam Millar and Mrs. J. p. Fra-er poured. Serviteurs were Mrs. W. M. Blackstock, Mrs. J. H. Carson, Mr& G. W. Abbott. Miss F. Watt, Mrs. E. J. Smith and Mrs. Simon-en. Acting as cashier was Mrs. J. . Fraser. In charge of the various booths vere the following: Fancy Work Mrs. W. L. Sandl-xm and Mrs. J. L. Lee. Plain Sewing Mrs. D. McLeod xnd Mrs. D. O. Stewart. Handkerchiefs Mrs. C. G. Ham md members of the Girls' Club. Candy Mrs. H. M. Foote and Mrs. James Hadden. Home Cooking Mrs. W. W. C. O'Neill, Mrs. J. A. Teng and Mrs. J. M. Walker. Baby Booth Mrs. J. Sutherland. Miss Betty Camon and Miss Marcel Jabour. Men't. Bcoth C. 6. Ham and Aubrey Ivarson. During the afternoon there were piano selections by Miss Ruth Nel son and Mrs. E. J. Smith and vocal solos by Miss Betty Cameron, accompanied by Mrs, J. s. Black. Mrs. Robert Cameron' was in charee of the supper, belne assisted by Miss Irene Mitchell. Miss Ellen May Bell. Miss Laura Johansson and i Miss Winnie Cameron. The carnival featured nuesslne contests, auctions, etc. W. M. Black-;stok and G. II. Munro were in I charge. Robert Cameron, Jimmy I Bremner. W. .L. Sandlson and S. J. Jabour being among those who gave valuable assistance. A. R. Phillips acted as auctioneer. . Among the passengers arriving In New York on the new, steamer nrltannlc recently were Mr. nna Mrs. James McNulty of Prince Rupert, after a six months' visit to Europe. They Intend to spend 1 the winter in California. HOOP LEAD Scored Victory Over Grotto to. Top Basketball League. Standing' .', . The Moose put themselves' Into llrst place In the Senior Basketball League race last night by winning over the Grotto 36-32. At six min utes to go In the first half the Score itood 19-5 in favor of the Lodge-.nen. Then the Grotto came to life to run In three baskets. At half une the score stood 19-H'. After the Interval both teams worked hard to get a commanding lead with the Moose having the' jest part of the points. When the ong went the Moose were on the long end of a 36-32 lead, , , It was quite evident that Scott ind Ourvich were enjoying a night If as neither one of them could sink any. Dido only got two and two oul shots and Scott scorcd nothing. The Grottettes Tart jronih. shod ver the Rich BcKfcoll tofwln the ?iuuenj5i wre. ofiiy orjf . pomi oe-hlnd at half time butafter the rest eriod. the Grotto girls started for town and, when the final whistle vent, had an ll-polnt lead. The Canadian Legion, minus Nakamoto, who has shifted up to he Moose, lost to the Warriors 21-18 In the Intermediate League. The Vets were on a short end of 10-7 half time scora and, when play resumed, the Warriors held on to their three-point lead until the end. Scythians continued their win ning streak by defeating the Boy Scouts 24-17 in one of the best Junior games so far this year. The Scouts had a four-point lead at half time but lost it soon after the econd half started. They staged a belated rally but the gun went be fore they could catch up. R. Irvine refereed. Senior League Grotto 32) Ratchford 6), Ourvich (6), Scott. Antonelll I, Stalker. Bury. Morgan kld). Moose 36 Mitchell 12, Wing-ham 4, Nakamoto t4, R. Morrison (3). Menzie, Pierce 7), F. Morrison, Kelsey 6. - Junior League Scythians 23) Dominate (10. GllIIs (81, Montesano Hi, Currie. Letourneau, Astoria U), Murray! Boy Scouts il7 Cromp (13), Llndseth 2). Eby U. Brown, Sakamoto, Dybhavn H. " Ladles' League High School (4) Mnsallem. Tur gcon. T. Davis, M. McLeod (1), E. iDavls fli. Ellison (2). L. Johnson. M. Johnson. Orottettes H5 Bcale 6 Smith 7). McMeekln, Gullck. Dickens (2. Croxford. Interrnediate League Warriors 21) J. Comadlna (6). Nelson 10, Fltzpatrlck U, Naylor. Miller. Glllis (4). F. Comadlna. Canadian Legion ( lSi-Arm- strong (10). McPhee 2), Blake. Chrlstlnson 2i. Greer. Sucmro (1). Ritchie. Palmer (2). David Drown, for vagrancy, was fined $5. with option of three days' imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont In city, police court , this morning. '" ' Leo II. Shearer, accountant of the Massett Canners cannery at Massett, who has been spending the iPasU couple of weeks .In tho city following his arrival from 'tho 'Queen Charlotte Islands, wllCsall 1 tonight on the Princess Adelalde'for Vancouver He will spend the win ' ter In the south. High Low AROUND WORLD Australian Ace Plans t Hops From Los Angeles to Gotham and London Aviator Who Successfully Spanned Pacific Ocean This Wxck Expects to Hop Off on Globe-Girdling Trip Within Coming Month LOS ANGELES. Nov. 9: fPPiS Smith, Australian flying ace cu-iudiu uans-racnic iugni, toaay announced plans for i flight from Los Angeles to London, a distance of seven housand miles. He would first hop to New York, then o London and thence to Melbourne, thus completing a ound the world flight He expects to start within a month. USK MINE ROUNDING IS ACTIVE UP RING ' " c One Hundred Ton- oryaluable.Counterleit-rOperatorv Beinr Run Concentrates Shipped From I , Down by Authorities In Columario .Mill j Detroit Since the mill at the Columario mine on Gold Creek near Usk went .nto operation six weeks a so three carloads or about 100 tons of con- been virtually flooding the city with centrates have been shipped to Trail bogus money, have arrested six sus-smelter. it is stated by John Will- man, manager of the mine, who is. navlnp n hHpf visit tn tho nr. , c - - - v.. j business. Smelter returns havel shown 5.4 ounces of gold and 15,08 ounces of silver to the ton of con- :entrates. The mill has run as much , is 75 tons of ore per day. Plans are to conUnue operation of he mine and mill, both of which are now employing some mty men,: nroughout the winter. The concen- I trates are now being ferried across. he Skeena River for shipment from' sk. When the Ice comes on the 1ver and mil tliHa ties (Uh - - iU. the ferry ud. the con :entrates will ce trucked to Ter race for shipment from there It. 1 1ft 11 i- i .a ... mr. vviuiiwu nere 10 auena ine,nmprp. fmm o ntn i annual meeting this afternoon of ciicsus ana james warr acting as TImbermen's Association which has t master of ceremonies. Refresh-leen revived through the prospect ments were served at midnight. I of shipments of hemlock logs from' Miss Tina Bussanlch was winner: this district for export beina: made. George Little and C. L. M. Glggey.( wen Known Terrace sa,wmill opera - ; tors, are here for the same meeting, being accompanied by theif wives. All arrived from the interior on last I night's train and will return home! this evening. Today's Weather Dead Tree Point Raining, southeast gale; barometer, 29.72; temperature.' 47; sea rough. Trjple Island Raining, easterly gale; sea roush. Langara Island Raining, light: southerly wind; light chop. Terrace -Rain. alm. 36. . Anyox Cloudy, calm, 48. Stewart Cloudy, calm. 38. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 32. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, frosty. Joe Dunn, formerly of this clty'i and now making his home at Mas-1 sett, arrived In the city on thei Prince John last night from the ! Islands and will return to Massett! 'on the tame vessel tonight. t Georce Chastenav of Rkldecntn Is paying a brief visit to the city He arrived from the Islands on the : Prince John last night and will return home tonight. 3:14 am. 19.1 ft. 14:48 pjn. 22.0 ft. 8:56 ajn. 8.2 ft. 21:45 pjn. 2Z 7t. who this week completed au r Detroit vn o pnn n - a Vitww Ui Vf trolt, making a drive on a supposed h The base of operations of the coun- , . ,.n j 4 itjicucn w snia io nave Dcen nere r . Kin I miAH Af 5 wvnM Labor Dance Another Enjoyable Affair by Wo m ,t n t n t n-n - U MB - SO 1 Si l ' ' There were about 150 persons , i.r a v.,j 1. ' ' last night by the Women's Labor League In the Canadian Labor De fence League Hall. Dancing was In with music by Carl Smith's Or- The committee In charge consist ted of Mrs. White. Mrs. Field and Mrs. Gomez. F. Ward presided al -the door. Luther League Ke-Urganizecr Miss Karina Peterson is Named. President of St. Paul's Church Young People The Luther League was reorganized at a meeting last nleht in Kt Paul's Lutheran Church. Officers." were elected as follows: President, Miss Karina Peterson. Vice-President, Mrs. Hans Under-"-dahl. " Secretary. Mrs. Bertha Peterson. Treasurer. Peter Husoy. Refreshments were served. Rev. Father P. Monahan O. M. I., who has been conducting a mission In connection with the local Romtffl Catholic Church, sailed last night by the Prince George on his return to New Westminster. Miss Viola Carr arrived In the city on the Prince John last night from the Queen Charlotte Islands. Her mother resides here.