pArji rou YOU CAN'T BUY NEW EYES But you can get satisfactory glasses from C.I'.O. F. DAVEY, IIcrIs-tered Optometrist, who, for the past six years, has been giving a real personal service In the Optical Department of Max Heilbroner The Pioneer Jeweler Phone 264 mmr. uxmx mi arm asasaxasuzuvvs KunBiifizaiaJEi B3B'ib SHINGLE STAIN I Preserve and beautify your shingles with Linseed Oil Shingle Stain, guaranteed to last. Mixed In any shade desired. Greens and Greys, gallon $1.00 Black, Browns and Reds, gallon $1.75 For best paint values and sound advice consult GORDONS HARDWARE Phone 311 McRride St vmausam rm tn tMtaxmtm an ta i;b tana tm tt tn imu m m vu ia tn MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Meat Safes, from $2.50 Ice Boxes $6.50 Grass Rugs, 3 feet by 6 feet, each $1.25 PLEASE NOTE SIZE AND ntlCE Phone 75 327 Third Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. It i ROSE, COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers 'Typewriter Paper Typewriters" Typewriter Ribbons Typing Pads Wax Paper Writing Pads Account Books Account Paper Account Fasteners Adding Machine Rolls Letter and Paper Clips Shannon Cases Blotting Pads Blotting Paper Shannon Files Bill Books ' Carbon Paper ' Cash Register Rolls Letter Baskets Waste Baskets Bull Dog Clips Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 When in Need of Lumber and Shingles Phone 618 PHILP0TT, EV1TT & CO. LTD. We Carry a Stock of Spruce and Cedar The AUCTIONEER , acting Crating Wrapping & General Furniture 'lepalrs List your goods with m Pbone Black 121 GEO. J. DAWES SHORT WAVE Time is Here You can listen to these stations on your present set W8XK Pittsburc W3XAL Roundsbrook, N.J. VE9DR Winnipeg. W2XAF Schenectady, N.Y. Enquire at the t SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC for this information Second Aveque Si Third Street For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet FUyi Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Oreen 211 Phones Green 14) Kxchante Block "TILLIE THE TOILER" WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront With a good sized list of passengers on board, Union steamer Ca-tala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived In port at 8:45 last evening from flie south and sailed at 8 p.m. for An-yox, Stewart and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow morning and sail at 1:30 p.m. on hec return to Vancouver and waypolnts. Returning south after a special Longshoremen at Victoria and Vancouver having declined to touch It, quite a considerable quantity of cannery freight from Seattle for Alaska was handled through the port of Nanalmo during the recent longshoremen's strike at Pugct Sound ports, according to word received tn the city. American boats called at Nanalmo to pick the freight' up, longshoremen at the Island port having Buy Your WHIPPING CREAM Here 20c for I'int 35c for 1 Pint Nice Strawberries 3 boxes 2oc per crate $2.00 Tomatoes, per lb. 10c Lettuce, 4 for 25c Dominion Dairy Phone 636 an THE DAILY NZv7& Monday. Jua Juneau Oolfl Mining Co. of Juneau, piloted by Charles Oropstls, called here yesterday morning for fuel while on its way from the Alaska Capital to Seattle. The machine had hopped here from Junenu and the intention was to make the next Jump from here to Alert Day with the expectation of getting Into Seattle last night. Reporting having found no trace of Uie Seattle halibut schooner Ka-talla, which has been missing for over three weeks between the south end of the Queen Charlotte Islands and the north end of Vancouver voyage to Ketchikan and Juneau, day afternoon C. P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived in port at 2:30 this morning from Alaska, sailing an hour or so later for Vancouver via Ocean Falls and other coastal points. The vessel had on board a number of Alaska passengers for Seattle. Island, the provincial police cruiser The local Canadian Legion held Empire Day. Mrs. Olncy J. Held has jxtn visiting at Engen with Miss Dorothy Baxter. Mrs. Oordon of Spokane Is paying a visit to her farm property In the Clear Creek district. j Mrs. C. S. Foot of Fort Fraser has been spending a few dayr visiting in Prince George with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ren-wick. Mr. Foot, who has been government agent at Fort Fraser for the past two or three yean. Is be ing transferred to Victoria. the work. It Is reported that at . Sasketrhewan. least .thirty-five carloads pf Alas- lrarf w.4nnV, I II I COFFEE IS A DELIGHT If made by the Silex method recently Installed at the Commodore Cafe No metal taste, no stale flavor Fresh Coffee all thn time insured. Good at- any tme of day or night Perfectly harmless. Always refreshing and When Coming to Terrace or Lakelse Ho.t Springs Make Arrangements With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, H.C. To (Jrect You We meet all trains. Freight & service anywhere, Eassenger akelse Lake and Lodge, new boat UI. A. S.) now In service on the lake. Fare anywhere on the lake, one adult. $3.00; $IJ0 per head additional. No. crowd too hie. No Job too small. PICNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY PROVED By "Blood Tests" Thousands of people In 72 different countries have declared that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been of definite benefit to them In the treatment of nervous, rundown conditions. That Is evidencenow comes PROOF. It la furnished in the recorded result of "blood tests" made by a reputable physician on patknU who were in a run-down, tired-out condition, due to Impoverished blood. The one sure proof of the etfl- P. M. L. 8 returned to port yester- J citncy of a blood-builder Is its after having been away for over a week conducting a search for the missing vessel. VANDERH00F Donald Cameron, eighty-seven t year old father of Mrs. E. C. Mc-i Geachy of Vanderhoof. Is expected I Inaugurating the company's i here shortly from Bgypt, Ontario.1 summer tourist service to Alaska, C. to take up permanent residence in P. R. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. William Palmer, arrived in port at 9 o'clock this morning from. Vancouver with a capacity list of passengers on board, sailing a couple of hours later for Skagway and other northern points. She Is scheduled to call here southbound on Saturday afternoon. The vessel had 154 passengers on board, three disembarking here and eight going north from this port. this community. power to improve uie nacmo-Rlobin content of Uie blood. Haemoglobin, as the physician explained to his "blood test" patients, is the oxygen-carrying clement of the blood. It builds body cells and clears the system of poisons. Normal health and energy are possible only when the haemoglobin content of the blood is normal. The physician "blood tested" a typical group of under-par. anaemic people. They were put on a treatment of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for a month, and were then proven remedy? It will revitalize your run-down system and brighten your life. It will do as mueh for "teen age" girls and weak children. Your druggist has Dr, Williams' Pink Pills 50 cents a package Dick Ooldthwait and Russell M. Dow, the former of Hanover. New, Hampshire, and the latter of Wood-ville. New Hampshire, advance guard of a mountaineering party Mrs. John Yates, afer spending of American college studenUJvho two months vlsiUng here with hef again attempt an aseerlt of no hesitation parents. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lee,! Mount Fab-weather Alaska, Utt, but,, apparently, being glad to get "a returned to her farm home 1 rf summer, arrived in the city on as. turilay night's train from the Kal and sailed this morning on '.the Mrs RusseU.:86-yr . , v. old resident! Prtn6s Norah for Juheauwlwr , , nan VO.II1I1.1, OUJIJIlV3 was iiaimivu h in this yay through Nanalmo, With P MP diatrict. sustained a yicumuutn -j ranuements for the ascents' , aska Is' concerned and , American.. buMed W a ram 'f " thrown jto JjT boats mbving out of ScaUlc again. iine 5rouna- I i :r "K T "'ito, for. several yiars. has gohc the the Canadian Canadian h uY', nrvlnrr .tbinpinlcs. rrimn&n ic : i . : .f . t . . . shipping , now wsreyening urns normal course. u I . , 2 ! t The Ketchikan schooner Eskimo arrived In port at 8 o'clock this morning, from the north with one I carload of fresh halibut for transshipment to the United States ovtr Canadian National Railways. After discharging, the vessel sailed on '' ' ' ' return 'north.' jits ! With party of passengers on board, a seaplane of the Alaska- .torjejge oji .rui tann in inc urac rfcldfc. district. itoc.R; rlliinpf lie Is rfolng in for Strawberries For Preserving! llerc I your elunrc lo wlret ynun ttcunrMUy 9 boat STRAWIJFJIRIES per crate . 3 boxes UINO CHERRIES 5 or 10 lb, lots, per lb CERTO 2 bottle M EM B A For preserving 2 pkg. PAROWAX 2 pkgs RUBBER RINOS- 2 doz. Mac Accepts a Challenge S1.85 25c 17c 63c 29c 29c 15c (iUANUUTE!) SlIOAK pcLr,b: . S6.25 per 50-Ib. QQ OA 1 sack OO.OU PERFECT SEAL JARS OA Pints, per doz 9XM Out of town orders receive prompt and rarrful attention MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store 'Where !ollr Have More Cents' 317-319 Third Avenue West P. O. Itox 575 Phone 18 STORY IS DRAMATIC Elissa I-anill Co-Starred With Francis Lcdcrcr In "Man of Two Worlds" at Capitol With Francis Ledercr. sensational European actor, and Elissa Landl, well known and popular with Prince Rupert audiences, in the leading rolos, "Man of Two Worlds." feature offering on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here at the first of this week, Is said to be one of the season's most Impressive emotional dramatic achievements. Filmed from a powerful novel by Alnsworth Morgan, "Man of Two Worlds" is the story of a man from the earth's far places who brouitht to society's drawing rooms his primitive law and philosophy of life Ledcrer plays the part of this nun. Miss Landl. In the role of an En llsh girl who Inspired hopeless love In the heart of a young Arctic big I game hunter, does not appear in the I earlier sequences of the production. given a second blood test. In the (coming In for the London high-life Dhi'slc'lan's own words, the haem oelobln Increase was "nothlmr entertainment and 6anc on1 short of remarkable." The pat ients naa oeiier coior. more pep and vigor, more desire to work. They were no longer anaemic. The physician's records of thee cases are authentic, and copies will be given to any person who desires them. Why not try this "blood-tested." portion which provides the great romantic climax of the story ii i OPITOLI TONIGHT & tuJ London's State Idol FKANCIS LEDERER Drought to thn producers wh :'-a by a f "i'TB r Kathertne Hrpb;;-, ,n "Man of Two Worlds" - With - Elissa Landi Mchtly at 7 k - AIM)M) -Comedy "NEXT WEEK END "SCREEN SOt VEMRs- Coming Ksjr Iraotli In JUmhly' CRUISE WORLD for only I i i cwv VlrM MUJ UI . Buy. a round-trip lset li Kuf-pV (&mdi6'li1 anJ know tfcit ynuican Hirn to the. fsvinjttng enlf ( tainnierit'r.PTrrti and North Ammrti short-wave lmfldcals fry rf; g!.'. limn without number. Tlii new Vii t r w: h its ihorl and hng-tmre on dil U an amsiin receiver and t'Jf' outstanditnj value, tajy terna The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famom "Rupert Brand" SMOKED -BLACK COD- Prepared Dally 7 Canadian Fish & Cold Sloragc Co., Lid. PRINCK RUPERT. H.C. -By Westover k! fk&t I Yves .UPl) Cbv t Vou y-J MuaT HncT MiM ifcZZ jJw'to-jw WLih' (TlSck. : on 2t piBLo VCXJ":,