WORLD'S STANDARD OF QUALITY SPECIAL To Introduce For This Week WRETEST BREWERS YEAST 75c Size For 50c A highly concentrated form of Brewers Yeast, the richest natural source of Vitamins B2(F) and H 2(G) Debitterized and Exceptionally Palatable Wiil not ferment, nor cause flatulence, nor deteriorate with aj?e. A great digestive, acting on starch and sugar Ormes Ltd. yi Pioneer Druqj? tats The itezall Store ROSE Exercise Books Expanding Files Examination Cap Evcrsharp Leads King Folders Fir. per Cones Fasteners, Paper Foolscap Paper Fountain Pens Fhones: 81 It SZ , COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers Files, Shannon Files, Clip Glue Graph Paper Gummed Isabels Gummed Reinforcements Gummed Stars Gummed Tape, Kraft Harp Files Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 "NEWS FLASHES Pr iurUon a Oeneral Motors of Canada during March set n mark for Uie year to date and shattered all monthly .i.n record fnr tho nnst thlrtv-four months. The output V:: month was 70 ahead of 1933. D: mesttc and export production for the period January 1st ' Al;.i liitii ion .n. in pvrpss nf the same period during Rr'-tll sales of Oeneral Motors products in Canada during the ";a Junuary 1st to April 10th, 1934 were 31.0 ahead of the j-2pc jod in 1933. . OrdTj on file greatly exceed those of any similar period Bu. i;icsa Is excellent, and our management are doing cyery-; t t is humanly possible to meet the unprecedented dc- 4 f ,j- General Motors products. Yours very truly. V. N. IIKKRV, , Sales Promotion Manager. Thn above Is a letter Just received and we assure our custom-;s '--ai we are doing everything patslble to procure cars to fill our tiders KAIEN MOTOKS LTD. Phone 52 Chevrolet and General Motors Dfaiers Coal Prices Minchead Egg Coal $12-r0 Jinehead Lump Coal $12-r, pembina Egg Coal $12'00 Stvo Coal . T $ll.r0 Coal in Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 ,,y M.V 7. 1834 THE DAILY NEWS PAQE THREJ INbXTLEs STERILIZED EVAPORATED MILK LOCAL NEWS NOTES U cleanup week. Do your; bit. tt Canadian Legion B.RS.L. month-: Cleanup this week. Keep In touch . ly meeting Wednesday. I with the spirit of the times. tt William Schrlabcrg returned to the -city on Saturday from a business trip to Vancouver. ,' C. R. Cocks returned to Port Ea-slngton on the Cardena on Saturday from a trip to Vancouver. Alex Flnnle, who has been on a vacation trip as for south as San Francisco, returned to the city on the Catala last evening. Mrs. Fin nic who accompanied him, will be I returning later. former MIA. for that city, came north as far as Butedale on the present trip of the Catala. He Is In the district on personal business , Capt. J. B. Colthurst arrived In ;ihf city on the Cardena Saturday I after having spent the winter at Sooke. Vancouver Island, and will 1 Mwut.4 ILL , . . . htnuwcu mi iiiu aiwrnoons train to Terrace. i ! Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Manoy returned to the city at the end of having made a trip Into the Kit sumkalum Lake section in his capacity as resident mining engineer. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Holmes of Atari U. Oeorgia, were early season Alaska tourists aboard the steamer Princess Norah which was In port wuiraay Douna none Tney are I making the round trip to Skagway. ' Herbert Wheeler Jr. of Victoria. son of Herbert Wheeler, president of the Yukon it White Pass Route, was a passenger aboard the ss. Princess Norah Saturday going through to Skagway where he will spend the summer. I Rt. Rev. O. A. Rlx DD, Bishop of Caledonia, returned to the city ort the Catala last evening from Vancouver where he attended Or ; iental mission meetings as well as the convocation of the Anglican Theological College of British Co lumbia. Mrs. William Gilchrist returned to the city on the Catala last evening from a trip to Vancouver, accompanied by her daughter. Miss Anne Gilchrist, who Is home for a (holiday from her nurses' training studles at Royal Columbian Hospital !ln New Westminster. Miss OUchrist j Is making good' recovery following la recent serious Illness. Announcements Dr. Johns Recital May 7. 1 "Chinese Knowledge" I United Church. tea May 10 Anglican Tea May 15 at Mrs rme's. Catholic Spring Sale May IS. May 17th, celebration, dance social, refreshments. Moose Hall. Presbyterian Tea May 17, home of Mrs. D. McLeod, 410-Slxth Ave. West. Hudson's Bay Centenary Celebration, Port Simpson, May 24. Sports, ball games, track events, canoe race. Trophies. Entries received to May 21 by secretary. Moose Hall GINGHAM NOVELTY DANCE Friday, 11th Welle Orchestra. Adm., 25c First 12 ladles admitted free Dancing from 10 till 2 FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 A. W. P. Lefieur, Hotel Arrivals Savoy Alex Wilson, city; M. Allard, Terrace; W. H. Cavanagh, city; C, H. Cross, Smlthers. Royal C. Westover and D. Ello, city; Robert McOrivy, Skeena; Roy La-bo and A. Bourgeois, C.N.R.; S. Vandt, Vancouver. Prince Rupert James A. Pedley, Francois Lake: A. E. Vemer. San' Franciscd!' T. Kaye and T. 0. Garrett, Vancouver; J. P. McMillan. Claxton; W. O. Mitchell, Oceanic. Central J. Pedersen, city; F. Shelly, Van couver. Knox F. Hardisty, H. Wanamaker. H. Hausen, A. E. Strange, M. Gerhart and H. Toroy, city; W. J. Loveck, Endako; Antony Taft, Savory; A. Iverson, Anyox. Today's Weather Terrace Rain, calm. 46. Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 44. Anyox Raining, calm, 42. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 39. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 50. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, mild. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm, 42. HOLIDAYS For Adults or Children on the Famous Graham Island North Beach Fishing, Bathing, Badminton, Picnics, Scenic Drives, Shooting in the Season. Rent a fully furnished cottage at Sangan River. For full particulars apply MRS. DUNN Massett, B.C. The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping & General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me Phone Black 121 GEO. J. DAWES For Your Health Chlropractle Ultra Violet Kays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.a (Chiropractor) Green Z41 Phones Greea 149 Kiehangt Block Moving Picture Entertainment We are still buying -eld gold, j Bulger's. tfl Show Put on at West C C. F. Club Friday Night by Rev. C. D. Clarke ' I There was a large gathering at Johnny Oarofani, who has L beenjthe West C. C. F. clubroom on Fri-on a two-weeks' trip to Vancouver.. evenl wncn a movm t returned to the city from the south entertainment was put on by Rer. on the Catala last evening. e D c,arke pMtor nited , . . 'Church, there being an interesting T. N. LePage. D of manager the(Tarlet of fflma Mf .j northern clvUton of the Home Oil Whine had Z1" was icined for the occa . .irr'Twl """Msion by T. a Johnson, ' manager U1 of from a trip to the Interior on com- TZr X'li V. . . T7 . pany business. " Z.'..uZr TONIGHT, 8:15 ' Dr. T. Harry JOHNS in Recital UNITED CHURCH 50c Competition Is an excellent) lUlnn Caa VUn lw. ..41 ;film depicting the manufacture of I silk, a native study on ants, a geographical subject showing a trek of 150,000 Arabian desert tribesmen owing to lack of grass' and a Charlie Chaplin comedy. SELF-DENIAL CAMPAIGN ON ' Salvationists Appeal For Support to Aid Suffering Mankind tiiuig. nitu wui ct: t i.iic uui" . j t t est place this week. ; The SalvaUon Army Is this month makine its annual annual well known i throughout Its membership and the week from Terrace. Dr. Mandy mining man. was a passenger oniamong lu Wends for pp of Doara u.e wiaia lasi evening go- the worlc at home anrf ahrnri Thi, lng north from Vancouver toju known ge.rnlal month with t,?ra ,n,businesf Tff,"011 Portland! SalvaUon Army soldier his Interests In the Canal district. Is urged to adopt some means of saving money for the cause. The appeal Is also made to the friends of the Army. Adjutant Halvorsen of the Salvation Army at Hazelton is expected to arrive In the city tomorrow night to aid the local oMcals in their self-denial campaign. While here he will have charee of ths se prices In the Citadel. -Build B.C. Payrolls- Vacuum Packing Keeps Flavor Just by testing Pacific Milk anyone can quickly detect the extra richness. It is the richness of pure, fresh milk and cream with Its natural flavor kept through vacuum packing. 1 There Is no other milk like Pacific In Canada. Pacific Milk -100 B.C. Owned and Controlled" PLANT AT ABBOTS FORD Mrs. J. Thomasson Dressmaker, has arranged a Cutting & Fitting Service Prices reasonable. All branches Including children's work. Phone: Blue 837 INSURED TAXI When you ride In Slaggard's Taxi You are fully Insured. BB SAFE, Ride in an insured taxi. Phone 653 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Ed son, Alberta and UulUey Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley, We alio teU Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. II Phones' III Running Shoes For Men, Women and Children Guaranteed all new stock bought of all leading makers in Canada. We sell 35 less than anywhere in the city. We carry the largest stock and give you the lowest prices. COME IN AND INSPECT OUR STOCK Women's Tennis Shoes up from 75c Misses' and Children's Tennis Shoes Gs up from Men's Runners Qp up from ... Boys' and Youths' Runners up from WVx We accept city scrip and relief orders Women's Spring Shoes We have just received a great assortment of Women's Shoes in the very latest spring styles, all colors, arid priced extra low for these ,hard times. CUT RATE SHOE STORE atiaumramn ! MURESCO m For Wall and Ceiling Decoration m Muresco's popularity rests on Its lovely soft finish, Its economy and ease of application, and on its great practicability. It comes . in eignteen beautuui tints. voc racKage 4uc nan racnage GORDON'S HARDWARE JKSS" iataTC!axa.2Ki:a ramrwmrvi'B niniiwra'a suramin kb jtr jaj i UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 8tunrt 1ut Prlnee Rupert tor V&noourer: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PaM , Via Ocn FaUa and WajpolnU. arriving VaocouTer Thundaj afternoon. T.S.S. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver, Monday A-M. Weklr aaUlngs to Port Simpson . Alice Arm, Anyox, Stewart and Naa Riwr points. LrT Prince Rupert Sunday, 8 pa. Further Information regarding all sailings and tickets at PRINCI BCPERT AGINCT! Third ATtnne. Phone SCS WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS -ijai - co'oj-'; I 1 fifiO chATActer 1 rn It's sure to I ac Paw ill REPLENISHING PHONE US We have coals suitable for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 648 4 1 f'jil i i m 15 i si I m a 3 t ..-a t .4. ii .in .! A Trn.'! 1 i itii :' "! ' !.- si f 3 "! m U4 "U 1 i i iff