NO HAM HUT SATURDAY No boats being In with catches, were was no 8nie 0f halibut on the toi Fi U Exchange on Saturday. KOOSKVKI.T FAVORS ; NATIONALIZING OF silver, relieved WASHINGTON, D.C.. May 7: Cr silver bloc leaders of Senate, after a conference . ... .iiaiutin, rillUKUIl Ui uooscvclt on Saturday, cxpics confidence that he was 8Vmpatietic to a legislative Pfouratn providing for na. wonalliatlon of sliver and a Pcrmisslvi purchase plan look- ng towards the creation of a 70-30 ratio with gold as prl- 7 mary money. T KNOX HOTEL Tomorrow's Tides She Cl riHiiiin all hHIi ami Colil Mmrr, Ok High 9:19 ajn. 17.7 It. Vou Vll llhf'iiieKnii. Kulr: I.V. A ll. 21:59 p.m. 19 3 ft. Amn-u-an or Kurojn Plan Low 3:06 ajn. 7.4 ft. IMI I, AIIMOI'K I'roj.tlrtur 15:25 pjn. 5.9 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ; 3 Vol XXIV No. 100. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, MAY 7, 1934 PIUCE: FIVE CENTS -4 CONSERVATIVE MEET IS POSTPONED STRIKING COAST LOGGERS NOW DECIDE TO RESUME WORK Grievance Committees To Be Set Up; Believed Employers Agreeable Six Hundred Men, at .Meeting in Vancouver Called By Lumber Workers' Industrial Union, Voted in Favor Of Abandoning Tie-Up VANCOUVER, May 7: (CP) A meeting of striking b 7iYi called by the Lumber Workers' Industrial Union, af.Unded by six hundred men, voted last night to return totV'jrk at the established minimum wage scale. The, deci-f.:m called for grievance committees which it is believed be acceptable to employers in place of the controver-nal ' camp committees." Funeral Saturday j Today's Stocks rn H Woodln former U 3. 6c cart of Treasury Governor Rolph Is In Hospital California Chief Executive Stricken Again Hut Condition Is Not Serious BAN FRANCISCO. MaV 7- Fol another collapse late last Governor James Rolph Jr. U D a a patient In St. Francis ,i( p!'u here. His condition was i u' he cnti of the week to be tot Jenous. Supplied by S. D. Johnston Co. LM Vancouver Alexandria. .05, ." Bayvlew, ? B. C Nickel. 158. Big Missouri. 32. Bratorne. 13.30. Bridge River Con, .37. B. R X . 1.12. Butte I. X. L.. .21. Cariboo Quartz. 2.07. Dunwell. .30. Dentonla. 1.06. Georgia River. .02. Golconda. .36. Indian. 03 task). Mlnto. .62. Meridian. .18. Morning Star, J2Vj. Native Son. .05 ask. National Silver. .03Vi. Noble Five. .10. Pend Oreille, .90. Porter Idaho. .09 1. Premier. 156. Rcev'e McDonald, .12. Reward. .08 H.. Reno, .90. Silver Crest. .03. Salmon Gold. .26. Taylor Bridge, .86. Wayside. 58. Whitewater. .05Vi. Waverly Tangier. .01V United Empire. .16. Toronto Central Patricia. .65Vi. Chlbougamau, .11?. Lee Oold. .13Vj. Granada, .73 V4-Inter. Nickel. 27.50. Macassa, 2.50. Noranda, 38.45. Shcrrltt Gordon, 1.10. Slsco. 2.12. Thompson Cadillac, .44. Ventures. .90. Lake Maron. .08 tt. Teck Hughes. 5.05. v Sudbury Basin, 1.78. Columarlo. 58. Smelter Gold, 59. Can. Malartlc. .65. Little Long Lac. 4.40. Bagamac. 51. South Tiblcmont. .10i. Maple Leaf. .60. Pickle Crow. .68. Long Lac Lagoon, .18. Manitoba & Eastern, .21. S. A. Bud Corley, well known pioneer hotel operator of this city and for the past several yiu ideated at Pacific where he has a farm in addition to mining Interests. Is In town on a brief business visit and Is being welcomed by many friends. He arrived from the Interior on yesterday morning' train and will be returning to Pacific this, afternoon. Meet Ae-Ma-Na, "Great Chief" of a Fighting Tribe ...The visit ot the Ooverjior-General and Lady Biraustr to "Southern -Alberta brougfct "a: number ' or Interesting experiences. First they wets thown trough tie grc milhon-dollar Mormon temple, a rare privilege granted only to no: jmui. x.t by u? ur 1 - ae i:hur ; President J. Grant of Salt Lake City and se.:ond. His Ex ap.-y vixs mde a ,inef f ths Blood tribe of Indians, the famous fighting tribe of the onnc-powerful Blurkfect Coiifedera.y Thf picture shows His Excellency and Lady Bessborough w;tr. High Chier Shot-Both-Sides stanUng between them. The photo was taken following the traditional and colorful ceremonies at St Paul's Indian residential school (Anglican' the principal of which. Rev Canon Middleton. stands Just behind Chief Shot-Both-Sides. His Excellency' tribal name ts Ae-Ma-Na. meaning "The Great Chief." The head-dress is a 4 i gorgeous creation made by the best artists of the tribe. Terrace Stirred By Arrival Of Family of Hikers From Aiyansh; i Seven Children With Parents There was a sudden increase in the population of Ter race' last week with the arrival overland of the Fraser family of father, mother and seven children who had been forced to leave their ranch home near Aiyansh owing to lack of a market for their products and .start life afresh in a new community. There were thirteen in the party when they left Aiyansn ana, wnen noting this unlucky number, fear was expressed that one member would fall to reach the destination. very bad and they relayed the WAR FORM PROTESTED Provincial Tories Not : To Hold Convention as Planned for This Year Swift-Movinjr. Events in British Columbia and Uncertainty As to Date of Federal Election Actuate Executive to Make Recommendation to Membership VICTORIA, May 7; (CP) The executive of the British Columbia Conservative Association decided on Saturday to recommend to the membership that the convention of the party scheduled for not later than this fall be postf poned. This action has been decided upon in the light of swiftly moving events in the provincial field and unccri tainty concerning the date of the federal election. ; When the convention is called it will be for the purpose" of selecting a leader and drawing up a provincial policy. MEETING Private Companies OF BOARD Get Back ContracU Library Directors in Session Con- Change of Policy In- Connection -stteroTins-reBuyinf - ; WltKiVrtlal! Cirryinf Invfh" New Books United States The local library board, at Its WASHINGTON D.C.. May 7-Afi last regular monthly meeting, dis-!ter ;l?nln? flfteen a,r maU C3rry. cussed plans for moving the library la? ..ontracts with private aviaUon from its present quarters at the companies. Postmaster General corner of Third Avenue and Fifth James Far'ey at the end of the Street to the building in the middle week expressed himself as bcln? 'of the old Court House square onin favor of contracts being given Second Avenue which was formerly private companies again on a one-occupied by the government agent's ' year basis office. It was decided to make for-1 .. ;mal application to the government, agent for the use of the building which, before it could house the. library, would have to be re-roofed j and renovated generally In addition ' to having the furnace repaired. Paraguay Objects At Tactics ne- i Fllowin8 the meeting, members of and 5c ins Adopted by Bolivia in South American Strife i ASUNCION. Paraguay, May In addition to the man and wife i kindly telegraph operators unUl.lhls is claimed following an air $625 or $650 would be available for and family there were two goats, a I they returned. Nine days was occu- bombardment by Bolivian planes the purchase of new books this dog. and a horse. The horse sue-1 pled In the trek and. when they fin- of a Paraguayan frontier town as year as a result of the recent cam-cumbed on the route but all the rest ally arrived at Cobb's Ranch, they a result of which civilians were i palgn. On the strength of this made the seventy mile hike with' were out of food. The kindly farmer compelled to evacuate their homes. 'fund, the purchase of a number of safety, the goats providing milk, took them in his wagon rour miles for the younger members of the to the mining camp at Rosswood family, the youngest of which was, where the miners chipped In from! K rOll N 14 months old and the oldest nine : ihclr pokes of gold and provided the. years. I wherewithal! for them to carry on. On "the rough trail over the one of the Incidents of the trip mountains the man carried a packwas the finding of a dugout canoe weighing one hundred pounds and ; at Lava Lake, which they utilized the woman forty pounds and the to carry them across that sheet of baby, except when the going waSWater. Along the shore of Sand T Uiey hiked and they crossed CONTROL OF MART Slock Regulation Measure l'asscil fly nif Vote hy U. S. House of Representatives WASHINGTON D.C.. May 7-De- .Republicans to impose amend ments upon the administration i Cedar River on a log Jam. Once I they reached Rosswood they were' taken down KItsumkalum Lake In a launch and picked up in a car at Uie southern end and taken to Terrace where they are all comfortably housed. Some of the nights were passed In the open when lying close to gether they slept soundly undaun Giant ARRIVES mox For Coal F.nroute From Arrhanerl to Bering Sea VICTORIA, May 7: CP The Russian Ice breaker. Krassln, al ready having covered ten thousand miles from Archangel enroute U- uiuiiK owhiws umu im.- i "'".CHiet of the Mavor of New ena or tne wceK ana procecaea to- Acaliut Uwlps, Klfllcnt Comox to load 2400 tons of bunker Metropolis Has Little coal. She will likely leave for the! Effect north today and pla,ns to pick up ted by tne icar or wolves or other somc or the survivors of the creatures oi me who. in me caDins steamer Chelluskln and u was curious to sec eight out of them to Russia via the northeast new books has already been auth orlzed. Those present at the meeting, the business of which was otherwise largely of a routine nature, were Frank Dibb. president of the board. Thomas B. Black, secretary jMrs. O. H. Arnold, R. E. Moore and Russian Ice Breaker at Co- R. L. McLennan, directors, and IMIss Alice Crulkshank. librarian. DISREGARD ULTIMATUM: York ot NEW YORK. May 7-Followlng convey ,noher ultimatum by Mayor Flo- the nine stretched out on the floor, the norm of Atta nnssaae across .m.,,f n, ritv th aW. lnnntrtrf! mruunrA. the stock "' ' The surv vors Of the CheltUSKUl nf thn wrk Whtl.- ..Hi!ivniirinfT Halibut Arrivals American Franklin. 22.000. Cold Storage. 7c Arrow, 23.000, Booth. 7.3c and 5c. j ror tne renovation or which esti-: Augusta, 20,000, Atlln. 8.1c and 5c. mates are now being secured. If he , California, 10,000, Cold Storage; cost of this work is not excessive, o ac an(j 5C .-ne government of Paraguay will 11 15 prooaoie me norary mm De; Tahoma, 20,000, Pacific. 8.1c and aitcr a protest to the League 'of moved. The move to the larger 5c- s NaUons at the new form which ' building would permit of accom-j Canadian wariare Between Paraguay and, Bo- nwaauon ior a reierence uorar7: Teeny Mllly. 7,800, Edmunds k lvla is taking, it being claimed as well as for a reading room :hat Bolivian military fnrrp jro ' S. J. Jabour reDorted to the packs, leaving the children with ' l0 ionger respecting civilian rights. ; board that it was expected some Walker, 5.5c and 4.5c P. Dorreen, 11.0W, Atlln, 6.1c anct 4.6c. Melville. 19.000. Cold Storage 5.4c and 4.5c. ta Bay view. 5,000. Cod Storage," 5.6d7? ind 4.5c. Vr BIRTH NOTICE r Born May 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. II. B. M. Valentin, a son. James Newton, Decker Lake far- . mer.has been fined $10, with op tion of seven days' Imprisonment, for theft of a saw. according to a I report received at divisional headquarters of the provincial police here. BELGIAN THREATENS COLONEL. HUTCHISON WITH "SOCK ON JAW bert had been murdered be- r a place being found for the baby ,,, p,,roni. -.i,t iVi .- cause of pacifist tendencies In- I stead of having been killed In 4. t-n. .j u.. of the nloneer children wern sn i i i. . 4 ... ...... a fall, to come there and re n i : 1 1 K r'l it u 1 1 1 ( 1 1 Dill w. iuikm-ii ii . nun urrn iiittiuuiiiu ill i ii. c iiuva .u. ti iirpvpn I .1 :i iiiiiriii nil nni p T M 1 1 1 r r I Ute House of Renrescntatlves bv u :51na11 that lhcy hftd to be carried a C0UDie of months following the officer was shot and killed. two! Pcat Ws story. promising Hut- tote of 280 to 84 at the ena ot the Part of,the way- sinking of their ship, having been other were severely Injured and chlson "a sock 00 the Jaw" " LONDON. May 7: (CD An ., enraged official of the Belgian embassy on Saturday Invited Col. Graham Seton Hutchison, who sueuested that Kins Al- . week and now goes to the Senate; Mr. Fraser expects to find work recently rescued by airplanes. which four civilians shot. Including a 10. ne aocs- , Where It. Is expected It will be the at the Columarld mine htvUsk ior landed some of them at Nome and month old baby, a subject of a hot fight. i which place he Is headed. 'borne in Siberia. 'tind a 17-ycar-old r lo-yearoia gir; r boy; MS 441 Ah i : f I'