n&3 rtra Footwear for Summer FOR COMFORT, COOLNESS AND STYLE New Lines Just Received See These Shown in the Following Numbers All White Ruff ie with fancy shawl fljO Qff tongues. This is the hit of the season Others Shown in Dress Ties and Pumps The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue. DAILY EDITION LIMITED THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA The Intermittent rains of the pa.t week or so have given seedlings a good chance to get a start. Some people haye not yet planted theirs and they may be right. Anytime on or about the end of May or beginning of June is looked upon as safe but, if the weather is warm and conditions seem right, the early start is probably an advantage. Tom Priest has three little beds of begonias planted out. They are up something like six Inches above ground and should bloom early. If there should be cold nights, Tom will cover the plants to Drotect them from possible frost. Most people have dahlias up and growing well. Nasturtiums and sweet peas are above ground in a great many gardens, Gladiolas are also through the ground and coming alone. Away back in February I was reading Burpee's catalogue and noticed that they were offering seeds, of new varl-coiored nastur-ttninV similar the Golden Olsam. They were selling at ten cents a reed, ten for a dollar, so, In a moment of seeming affluence, I sent for a packet. The seeds were originally grown n California and were taken to Pennsylvania by airplane where they were sown In the large greenhouses at Ford- FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone C57 When Coming to Terrace or Lakelse Hot Springs Make Arrangement with Swains Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, IJ.C. To Greet You We meet all train. Freight Easscnger service anywhere, akelse Lake and Lodge, new boat (Jl. A. S.) now In service on the lake. Fare anywhere on the Jake, one adult, $3.00; JL54 per head additlonaL No. crowd too blr, No job too small, PICNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY Phone 357 Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince. Rupert Pally News, Limited. Third Avenue B. P. PULLtN - - - Managing-Editor Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation Saturday. May 19, 1934 farderunq hook. There the plants were raised and seed from them ls being shipped out. This morning I received a postcard saying my packet will not be here until June 15. I am looking forward to trying out this seed. The shippers in acknowledging the order say: "We know you are going to be pleased with this phenomenal flower. It ls certainly the greatest sensation lo flowers for 1934." Reports have come to hand that the purple lilacs have been falling to bloom. As soon a the flower bud commenced to open It withered. White lilacs are not so affected, It seems. Possibly someone may be able to explain the trouble. H. F. P. A. E. Parlow, district forester, i who returned to. the city on yes- Jterday morning's train from a trip ; to the interior on official business, ! sailed last night on the Princess ! Adelaide for a trip to Ocean Falls, ' accompanied by J. Pedley. another I of the Forest Branch officials. HOLIDAYS, For Adults or Children on the Famous Graham Island North Reach Fishing, Bathing, Badminton, Picnics, Scenic Drives, Shooting in the Season, Rent a fully furnished cottage at Sangan River. For full particulars apply MRS, DUNN Massett, B.C. sary of, the Declaration of Norwegian Independence was fittingly celebrated at the Moose Hall oh Thursday night with some, three THt:pAIL? Saturday, May iy, igjj NORSEMEN MOVE TO of Paraguay and Bolivia in South America, six nations immediately responding. United States support is now soughU'Great Britain Insists hundred members of the local Nor-) immediately on a cessation of weglan colony taking part in the proceedings. The fjrst part of the evening was devoted to an entertainment pro gram arranged by Peter Lien who also acted as accompanist. "O Canada" and the Norwegian national anthem were sung and there was a plane; duet by Leonard Cripps and Peter Lien. A vocal solo by Mrs. Anton Dybhavn was followed by a colorful dance by fourteen little girls in national costume. An appropriate address was delivered by bombing of towns of no military Importance and more humane treatment of prisoners of war. Rt. Hon. Anthony Eden, Lord Privy Seal, asked the council of the League of Nations to cable seventeen nations at once and ask them drafted an arms embargo plan which has been submitted to Uie . .1 .1 I a im nous lor ineir nnnrovai. i ickson, Oscar Haveroy. John Stor-'posals of Brazil, acting as an lnter- seth arid Peter Lien. AWARD IS . CUT DOWN University of Alberta Will Have to Pay Only S21.8G0 in Powlett Hazing Case V ' EDMONTON, May 19; The, award of $56,800 against the University of Alberta board of gover- nors In the Powlett hazing case has 1 been cut to $21,800 in a Judgment! of the Appellate Division. Thei award was made because the Pow-' , mediary, for peace In the Paraguay-Bolivia hostilities. Columbia I pre- ' pared to accept the term Baseball Scores National League Cincinnati J" New York I. Chicago 9, Philadelphia 5. St. Louis 2, Boston 6. Pittsburg 8, Brooklyn 3. American League Philadelphia 4, Chicago 5. Washington 3, Cleveland I, New York 8, Detroit 10. Boston 2, St. Louis 12. Owing to rain, the City League Softball game, scheduled for Wed- lett youth lost his sanity ostensibly nesday evening between Grotto and as a result of the experiences, he Roval Canadian Nnv.il Vnii,nr went through on being hazed. . Reserve, wa postponed. CHURCH NOTICES "TILLIE THE TOILER" F!RST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. W. I). Grant Ilollintworth, Uj. Organist: Mrs. E. J. Smith 11 A.M., Sermon Subject: "GREAT EXPECTATIONS" 12:15, Sunday School 13:30. WestvWw 8chool 7:30 P.M., Sermon Subject: THE BIBLE AND MIRACLES" Can the miraculous and the supernatural in the life story - of Jesus be Justified and If M whaiHefXH'. '. All visitors Avekomie ;"' FJRST UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. II. Clarke, Pastor 11 AAI4 The Women's Missionary Society will conduct the terylee 7:30 P.M.,Servlce of Song Quartette: "God ls a Spirit," Mrs. Large, Mrs. Squire,' Mr. J. S. Wilson, Mr. Bert Cameron .Solo: Aria "It ls Erftugh" from "Elijah." Dr. R. O. Large Cantata Selection: "Peace" (Maunder) with Dr. and Mrs. Large as soloists it a;; CELEBRATE' END WAR'S Anniversary of Declaration of Nor-'Great Ilritaln Takes Lead in Forc ivegjau Independence Observed At Large Gathering Here ing Cessation of Bolivia-Paraguay Conflict Under the Joint auspices of the! GENEVA, Switzerland, May 19: Sons of Norway and Nordkap na- Great Britain has called on the tlonal organizations, the annlver- world to stop .the Grand Chapo war jrc rasps ; I : m tnnv ?i3 bi mxua u uk,. mm wuuu. u9n$Bi , M SPORT TROPHY IS Bulletin of Man Ontario 13, Manitoba 1. Saskatche wan 2. Alberta 4 and British Columbia 1 This year the team trophy went music by Mrs. J. S. Black's Orche- 'arms to warring nations and is ex-!to lne 0shawa Rlf,e & Revolver tra. Refreshment were served at nected to send an lmnortant m.iclub wUh u,e rcord oial ct lM latlons. Bill, fjrpm C. N. R. A- Won treal for winning another Dominion championship for toe railroad. This Is. the second lime luce the inception of this series of matches Moons and hut one that the C. H. H. ha carried ff the Elks. honors. WATKINSIS MOOSE HEAD STEWART, May 19:Al the laU regular mellng of Uie Portland Canal Lodge, Loyal Order ot Moose, officer tor the ensuing year were Installed as follow: Dictator. Louis Wat kins illyderi Vice-Dictator. John F. O'KeWe (Stewart), Prelate, James Morrlce IStew-aiti. Treasurer. William L.. NwU (Stewart). Trustees William D, ftmlth and Fred E. Rlsch (Stewart) and F. Fisher (Hyder). Secretary, P. S. Jack (Stewart). Past Dictator, Duncan J. Mac-Lean (Stewart). Sergeant-at-Arms, Michael P. Murphy (Stewart). Inner Guard. O. Erlckson (Hyder). Outer Guard, Alex WJildden (Hy den. The Installing officer was e. D. Haddon of Hyder, a past dictator 'of the lodge. The annual hanque t 0 the lodg was held following Hie Installation. Unexpected Results NEWS LEVINSKY IPREPARING RECEIVED1 IS FOUND Handsome .Marksmanship Shield lU-4Unl U William ltrass Her Cliioto Uoxer, Who Disappeared j Keforr Lasky Kljht, Ha Nervous llreakdoun William yrss of this city ha re- " ... ... . n. LOS ANGELES, May 19 King- individual high aggregate cfcau- W """"J ..i.hi.. rv,iin m,nj,r- w5trlOilyatlherJrtof tlwf w-ek " . - . tn thi v nf hfr1n1fH faint. h t gave thrve hit, wa credited with six itrtke-ouU and allowed thres walks Thero were nine errors by the by the Junior The line-ups were m follow: 1 Junior Elks Santetbane t, Na-kamoto if.. Moxley jb. SUfrurud 3b.. Smjth.2b.. Campbell cf.. Mortal) C. Llndtay p.. Camfibell cf ., Morgan Moose Hlckey. c. Frank Morrison p,. Slater p.. Postpjo &., Veltch 3b.. Burnett If.. Bob Armstrong cf-Jxk Armstrong lb., Roy Morrison lb. Umpires Comadlna and Dougherty. : Tomorrow afternoon there will be a game between the Navy and Me Sport Programme ' f ' ' ft ft FOR VISIT Vlllare of Port Simpwn T,kni Step to Celebrate Centenary On May 24 Port. Simeon, people ure doing Mienwive pnmd In Uie way of nr- luratlont for the celebrate U ihi rlfl marksmanship of Canada ' . " . .. . ... one hundredth anniv. ... . . .. .. ... .. yvnii An LaAKV. wus louna in a local ' wrucn ne recenuy . a very - establishment In the villas of the handsome trophy " which Mr. Brass ' .. , . I IIU.UW. to cease aiipplne arms to tohtm , JZ VX i i year T w "" m b" my o.ny on Ma, Canadian National Recreation As The ParatunV-'unlivi;i conflict soclatlon New has already cast 30.000 lives and lrettl the toUowtit to ay: Vice-Consul" John Dybhavn and the sapped the resource of the two, na-1 ITie Imai UI 01 ine uomui-Varden Singers rendered selections. ! tions. : 10,1 championship matches are now There was a violin solo by Richard Roosevelt Iu Favor J00 nand- A total r 49 ,eams enter- Donald and a reading by Mrs. Gun. J ( WASHINGTON, D C . May 19: ed rrom a11 Canada this year-nar Selvlg after which community President Franklin D. Roosevelt ex- Newfoundland 8 teams, Nova, Sco-slnaint was. enioved. J. Jorsensen nresses himself ns heln; heartllv ln.Ua Nw Brunswick 2, Quebec 9. was chairman. j accord with the British move to end At the conclusion of the program, the Paraguay-Bolivia conflict. He the floor was cleared for dancing , urges further revision of lntorna- which continued until 3 a.m. with tlonal restriction of shipping of . I. 11. ... . V -1 .... w u ii-II was IU Ijive iKfcn siuuru cOmpewlIQJQ Tuesday lught A sell-out had been expUul. MOOSE ARE DEFEATED Junior i:lk Win Seven to One Victory Iu f4ly Softball Ueu With all the scoring taking place . r- , i i i out of a DOAslbls 1500 for the three in tin, rimt four luiiMi tinht xhut tfci ' ivomhai. ttiu. liulllvriinn matlvr Ilk ImtiI lulti. A I.- . , . the matchm the 1 w,.., niuuiuw iiih. Conunentlng on rV. . It' who had bought UckeU for tf Uout challenge treplile will be un fr la football, baseball and Softball. Cuie of the ouUtand-InK feature, ut a gvod program of sports will be the war canoe rare port Slmpaon Is Mpectally desirous or having n local football team visit Uie villa ite but the Prince Rupert Foolball Anoelatlon will not be able to finance the trip allhouih willing to awlst in organltlng a team of tuieh pUj er a may be going. The CjmadJan National Rallvay Is tunning an exctiratan turn The committee In charge of th- the subject of disarmament matcbes-thls give them an aver- uut ball being played by boUt team leu. "??.n .1 Droceedines consisted of Mrs. John nraiillan I'ronosaU age oi over W per nian. Included in for the remainder ot the u1l in Murvold, ,Mrs. O!of Skog, Mrs. A.1 RIO DE JANEIRO, May 19:-Wlck, Mrs. R. Jensen. Mrs. II. Er-iperu has formally endorsed pro- many will vUlt the rUUte In 'the first 10 team are C. N. R. Van-jnUig. Junior Elk defeated Mpu u",r own tMur miior win t couver placed third with a total of 7 to 1 In Iat night City Sollball ","u, r,TO"c 1483, Montreal RifU Club, filth with ! League fixture. 1 1 " 1481, C. N. R. Prince Rupert, sev-j Frank Morrison, who started on enth with 1478. and C. N. R. Mon-! the mound for the Moose, wa bat- treal Na 1. ninth, with a total ot 1473 and an average of 982. "The feature of the whole corn- led out U the box iu Uie flm two Inning after which the burden wa taken up by Slater, a member of the petition wa the wonderful shoot-: crew of the steamer Princw dt ing of Bill Brass at Prince Rupert. ; laldx who yielded Utile. He turned yn three perfect card forj The Moose were handicapped the three maUhe to tie wlUi N. K. throat absence ot wme of their Martin of the Ottawa pistol and ! regular player. Nakamoto wo the Revolver Club for first place and lending hitler ot the game, con- the Individual championship. Not necting twice. being satisfied with that lie pat on j Morrison yielded six hit in ihe two mqre possibles on the cards ' two inning and gave two bo wj sent out for the shoot-off while; ball. Slater allowed thwe bit. Martin turned in 90 and 100. drop-, gtruc out (lye batter and walked Ring one poUU-Heartiest congxatur two. Lindsay, Junior Elk' hurW. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZafeJH, Proprietor ' HOIIK AWAY FKOIt 1IOMK" Kate D M a 5a Ibinm. Hot f Cold Water PlWf'ltupert, 1JO. Plume 281 PO. Box 14 SHORT WAVE Where and when to look 15 metre band from 8:00 am. till noon. (IS to IS Megacycles) 20 metre band from noon till 4:00 p.m. IIS to 9 Megacycles) 50 metre band trom 4:00 pm. on. (9 to 4 Megacycles) SUPERIOR RAMO-ELECTRIC I'HONK: MI.l'K 320 Second Avenue k Third Street CENTENNIAL C E L K Hit A T I 0 N EXCURSION $150 to ruKi sirareuN l"v"" MAY 24 S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Leave Prince Rupert 9 AM, Iave Pptl KlmMou IP J'.M. Children Malt i'a,t CANADIAN NATIONAL r7 -By Westover