pasb rots ; YOU CAN'T BUY NEW EYES . But you can get satisfactory glasses from GEO. F. DAVEY, Registered Optometrist, who, for the past six years, has been giving a real personal service in the Optical Department of Max Heilbroner The .AUCTIONEER Packing-Crating Wrapping 8 Gkneral Furniture Repairs List jour toodi with m rbone Black 121 GEO. J. DAWES The Pioneer Jeweler Phone 261 BARGAIN FARES to EASTERN CANADA Ticktts on Sale Daily, June 8 to Juns 30 inclusive. Kttum Limit 4S Day Return Fare from Prince Rupert to Toronto $60.00 Ottawa 61.25 Montreal 63.23 Quebec 66.50 Halifax 76.50 Cormpomiinfly low rate, to other Eastern point.. Ticket good m CfteciiM. Smell MMi ckarf lot Toenet SI pert Children 5 yeart and under 12, naif far. hull particular from any A tent CANADIAN NATIONAL Every Battery Guaranteed The Wilson Electrical .Manufacturing Co., sole makers of SUI'KOX Batteries, guarantees EVERY Suprox Battery to maintain its full rated ability throughout the entire guarantee period AT NO EXTRA COST TO THE PURCHASER. Only accident or neglect .will render this guarantee void. Massett, B.C. JAMES MARTIN II . fl ROSE, COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers Typewriter Paper Typpwrites Typewriter Ribbons Typing Pads Wax Paper Writing Pads Account Books Account Paper Account Fasteners Adding Machine Rolls Letter and Paper Clips P.O. Box "7, Prince Rupert, B.C. Shannon Cases JJfotting Pads Brdtting Paper Shannon Files Bill Books Carbon Paper Cash Register. Rolls Letter Baskets Waste Baskets Bull Dog Clips Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 TheFish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepred Daily By Canadian Fish &,CoId Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rati Intra Red Rays Masna k All at Reasonable Price W. C. ASPINAIX n.c. (Chiropractor) Oreen 241 Phones Green 111 Exchante Block If your papfcr does uot arrive, telephone the office 15.000 pounds and the low 7c and 5c received by the Nordby and Lansing for catches of 36,000 and 15,000 pounds respectively. Yesterday a total of 103,000 pounds was sold at the Exchange, two American boats receiving 7c and 5c for 51,000 pounds while 52.-000 pounds of Canadian fish changed hands at 5c and 4.5c to 7c and 5c. Armour Salvage Co.'s power tug Salvage Princess returned to port at midnight Tuesday night after Pass to the McAfee and Sunbury box, factory at Big Bay and went on dry dock Thursday night to undergo; repairs td damage sustained in he stranding late last week In dreriville Channel. A new false keel ll to be Installed, the heel repaired and the stem iron straightened. As reported before, the vessel's "hull was not holed or damaged. Repairs will be finished by Monday. Thirty members of the crew of the steamer Prince Rupert, which is to be rccommlssloncd In service next week after having undergone annual overhaul at the local dry doqk, arrived in the city on the Prince Ocorgc yesterday momlng from Vancouver to re-Join their ship. The Prince Rupert will make special excursion sailing to Port Simpson on Thursday of next week and will sail the next morning for Vancouver from which port she Is to start early In June on a ten-day coastal cruise with a Vancouver Board of Trade party following which she will take up regular service for the summer. In the course of a trip to various ports along the coast for the pur pose of Inspecting vessels which have applied for fisheries patrol charters this season, John W. Allen, superintendent engineer for the Dominion Fisheries, arrived here on Tuesday afternoon of this week by department cruiser from down the coast. As usual, quite a number of boats are endeavoring to get into this work and Mr. Allen had the usual quota of craft to examine as to suitability. He sailed last night by the Princess Adelaide on his return to Vancouver. The nig Convention An Important event of the week PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilder and Engineer.. Iran and Rra.a Catting. Hretrie and Aertylona Wrlding. SprialUu en Sawmill and MlnJng Machinery. AH Tyxa of Gaa Engine Repaired and Orerhatiled. THE DAILY NZS WATERFRONT WHIFFS Nearly Five Million Pounds of Halibut Landed Here So Far This Season Salvage Princess on Dry Dock Fishery Patrol Boats Inspected With landings for this week almost reaching half n million pounds, Prince Rupert's halibut handling volume for the 11)31 season is nearly up to an aggregate of five million pounds which is a substantial increase over last year at a similar date. Up to and including yesterday landings for the present season had reached a total of 4,1)08,005 pounds as compared with 4,621,400 pounds last year at a similar date for the local waterfront is the con-and 4,030.550 pounds In 1932. The ' vention of the hand loggers' assd-effect of this increased production, elation not nearly as official an If it continues, as has been pointed out before, will be to shorten the length of the season by reaching the quota limit as set by the International Fisheries Commission that much sooner. Of the total landings at Prince Rupert so far" this season, 2,488,565 pounds has been from Canadian vessels as compared with 2,015,100 pounds last year and 2,419,500 pounds from American bottoms as against 2,603.300 pounds last year. Landings for the week ending yesterday amounted to 492,300 pounds of which 257,300 pounds was from Canadian boats and 235,000 pounds from American. Prices for the week showed some Improvement. The high price of the week for Canadian fish was 6.5c and 5c which the Gony received for 13,000 pounds and the low was 5c and 4.5c which the Fanny F. and J. It. received for catches of 5,000 and 1,800 pounds respectively. For American organization as the name might Imply . We aic not sure as yet whether such prominent Orenvlllc Channel operators as Harry Scott, who comes from the inlet whose name no one can spell and few can pronounce, and Harvey Dumas, the unsuspecting president of the as soclatlon, are in town because the convention is being held or whether the convention is bc"lng held be cause they are in town. Develop ments over the coming week-end may solve this problem. One of the important questions on the agenda for the convention will be whether or not an oxophone new scientific device which Is designed to extract the "bull" from hand-loggers' conversations. The association already boasts a large membership and It Is now-hoped that Henry Hanson and Capt. Oscar Haveroy, the well known during the course of the present ceremonial. Harvey Dumas arrived In port at the end of last week with his boat Leander which has the distinction of being the only hand-logging craft on the coast to be equipped with a' washing machine. Harvey uses the machine to wash not only his own clothes but those of his neighbors. He will soon be such a proficient laundryman that he will be able to put both the electric washing machine and the Oriental delivering a tow vt logs from Union , menace out of business. lenge Harry's admission unless, of! course, he might wish to do so from the floor of the. convention. The convention will continue as long as Harry and Harvey stay in town the oxophone notwithstanding. The mine layer Oglala, 4500 ton flagship of the squadron of seven United States naval vessels and six aircraft which is bound north for the Aleutian Islands to spend the summer, left Ketchikan Wednesday afternoon of this week In continuation of her northward voyage after having been there since the evening previous. There were seventeen officers and 295 men aboard the Oglala and they were given a hearty welcome during their brief stay at the "First City." It was thought the squadron might have visited here but only one of the vessels, the mine sweeper Gannett, put in at this port. Alaska seine fishermen have re quested the Bureau of Fisheries to defer the, opening of the seining season In Alaska waters this season until ten days after the trap sea son opens and to permit the seines to be operated for ten days after the trap season closes. To Pack Saliniui Capt. Bert Tlngley has been In Prince Rupert this week with his fish packer Argent after having spent the winter In Vancouver and left yesterday afternoon for the Queen Charlotte Islands. He Is to be engaged this season In packing salmon from North Island trollcrs to Claxton on the Bkeena River for Edmunds 6t Walker. Two C.CvJt; coastal liners called at the government dock In quick succession yesterday afternoon. The Princess Norah, Capt. William Palmer, arrived in port at 3:45 from Alaska and sailed at 5 o'clock for Vancouver. She had thirty-seven passengers on board, two disem barking here. The Princess Adelaide. Capt. S. K. Gray, was In the harbor waiting to get alongside before the Norah got away. She sailed at 10 p.m. on her return south. Making better time this voyage, having been relieved of the Rivers Inlet and Smith's Inlet calls as a result of the Venture having' boen placed on the run out of Vancouver. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. Ernest aeorgeson, arrived in port at 9:30 last night from the south and sailed at midnight on her return ' to Vancouver and waypolnU She was the fourth passenger steamer to sail from here within twenty-four hours for Vancouver. After having been away si net December 29 receiving naval training at Esquimau barracks and also making a training cruise to Central America aboard the Canadian destroyer 11 M. C. S. 8keena, Leading Stoker Matt Harris. Leading Seaman Jack Macfle and Able Seaman First yacht of the season to visit Prince Rupert, the handsome and palatial Bon Homme of Los Angeles, having on board It owner. Mr. Harry Scott, who arrived In tvirt'and Mrs. Barton Sewell of Brverlev wlth'the Llla on Wednesday, an-j "Ills, and party, arrived In port nounces that he has at last been yesterday afternoon from Vancou-forccd Into buying himself n'ver in the course of a leisumlv manufactured fishing rod. In the past he has always used a Canadian Orcenhcart, otherwise known as an alder stick. Harry, as Is w ell known is not given to bragging but he ad-! mlttcd under pressure that he was the best known and most successful 1 angler this far north, his only dlf- flculty being that the trout he: catches arc too big. If Oeorce; Johnstone should happen to read these lines, we might tell him that there Is no room for letters to the editor these hard times so he might as well save himself the trouble and the effort of trvlntr tn rtioi. cruise to Alaska and continued Its ECONOMY SPECIALS CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS per lb. vegetable, green pcsii per tin UANANA8 2 lbs. v EMPRESS JELLY POWDERS, per doz NEW CABBAOE 0 lbs LOCAL RHUBARB 8 lbs. SPINACH per lb. 25c' PEANUT BUTTER -Squirrel Brand In Novelty Mugs Q! each wOC AROOOD SWEET PICKLES 1 Hr Fancy Jar ' HONEY ORAIIAM WAFERS A4n I.B.C.. 2 pkgs XXy CRISCO- 1-Ib. tin PALMOLIVE SOAP each 6 for SLICED PINEAPPLE--2'S per tin . HOTHOUSE TOMATO ES- No. 1. per lb. CALIFORNIA CARROTS- 2 bunches . LETTUCE Large each 4 for ECONOMY BUTTEuV-A-1 3 lbs PILCHARDS-Plaln or Tomato Sauce, 2 tins AYLMER SOUPS-Tomato, 23c 5c 29c 10c 20c 15c 7c 25c 73c 15c 9c 25c 59c 25c 25c 5c Strawberries, Canlelouprs, Pears, drapes, Cherries MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents' I7-1 Third Avenue west P.O. Box 578 rhone II Friday k vovane northward by leavlna this visited here In previous years Real Value Tennis players everywhere are quick to recognize the superiority of thexe rackets. We recommend them to you with confidence and assurance of the hlghett degree. . having TEAKS - Saturday Two Shows 7 & 9 Admi..i . SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:315?! 15 LOVE LAUGHS "BOTTOMS UP 'and Thelma TbcM j three merry rog ; movie ambition -i j. "Bottoms Up," a romantic comedy.-Irent and crash ; nntPPr nirvi ri.ii.mpH hnmi. nn ' "e nere mm wecit-ena. ii is a no- Tomcmng corner., the Princess Adelaide yesterday f-,,8h"u' romance with songs wover0ong finds f logically into the story, the fe&v-a ar she hart ,c - f will be installed. In case any one temoon. Ordinary Seaman Maurice i might not know, an oxophone is alMaguirc. who had been away for-ture "' Mn -Waiting at thWembarrawing M'u .v fish the high price was 8.3c and 5c Header of the waterfront lariina' mrt which the Hazel II. was paid forjmay be Induced to ride the goat nesday while Ordinary Seaman Doug Chrlstlscn Is due back on the Catala tomorrow afternoon. 1 n xt n t SONGS w:iu a:iuj a i o Picture With John Boles, Pat Patterson Spencer Tracy Rules Sines Again In This Delightful, Romantle r Tills Picture Has Not Yet Played VANCOUvn? a dj tumruj vi minn' u-rnn . Itllltl Vnl'l' IMava "Till! I'AKAIIP fll Tin- ..... J:!5',u0 Ml " ""iintv sm in,,,; - " " III! .MONDAY k TUESDAY H.MY WEAKNESS" COMEDY IS ROMANTIC llottorm Up," With .Music and (iood Cast, at Capitol Here This Wcrk-Knd Moon." "Little D I Drr i "l m Thrown My v- 1 The film, in , son. lovely E. i makes her Am. l; ia ( 'with other pron.,i:r: IV.. . nc latst mciu .spencer Trar Hf;fcc P' b. i. j d, William Bremner of the local unit!11" muste bascd on Mywxl life, " the movlr r.iui r-1 ! i t a a 1 1 -1 rt iuut.aa a a L , of the Royal Canadian Naval Vol-1 u Dem nown ai l"c "-. w ,un r h morning for Ketchikan. Mr. and ! V. 1 nWlJ 'Mrs. Sewell and their friends expecti' . . The Oranby Co.'s service bcit to spcnd tw0 or tnrce monUu In 'or Ihe Ornnby arrived In port Thursday notthern waters. The Bon Homme.' Mondays. Wrdn-sdatn im evening from Anyox and sailed late whlcn moorcd overnight at the days ' yesterday afternoon on her return float. of the Pacific Sjlvase Co.. to Mom ih. to the smelter town. The vesel no itranger to this port vtiv a v a v aaa.vv iih aw , president and general manager of the company, who arrived lrom' ' Vancouver on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon on one of his periodical northern Inspection trips. Mr. Docking was accompanied by his secretary. AI White. They will spend about a Veek at Anyox. IS4. Y-t. I . . . , . . - J B Q, r a I'm lib Best ittmutntnmtrx fcm m ttmttfcirffl rv 1 . KmimmnmnniM ih jiii wtttmnrmimLaW '"--i amCTTTTrrriTTTTlfW - a rre j fine Tei ... r - Vi All new ;-vt i TC'-rue eastern pj ):- r.t lUtldtf: pric- .if free sl)"n.i? i.iiVJ ball.1 .ii.ii t.-i.iii v (iolde n Arrow, M-00 SLAZENGERS Slazrngcr Tennis Balls "Victory" regulation le snd each 10c; Special price, 3 for $1.09; "Clumpiymhip'' selected balls 30c verv wells spell! MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE 10TII, ANNIVERSARY SALE 3 CHESTERFIELD SUITES ! 2 In Mohair. 1 In Tapestry; regular price up to Sll500 $140.00; Sale price, your choice Will take your used furniture as part pavm' m a n f1 Phone 775 327 Third Ave. Prlnre Itupfn, WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS ch&rActer wo aifll Uisure to nle&se VOUl REPLENISHING PH0NEJJS We have coab buJ for all your rwPj'J to ments aiul at price suit all purees. PHILPO'IX EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 618