1934 M?" IOW is - - - Kodak Time ,,ffnfe Cameras, No. 020 $3.00 L-nii' Cameras, No. GIG , $3.75 :tP(K 't Kodak $5,00 I Kodak, Doublet Ion ...a $16.00 , jiffv Kodak ,$8.00 I. . I; ,wl.ilr U III! Kod ': G.3 lens .." $17.50 (;KI. 6.3 lens : . . $ZU,UU .del 20 Cine Kodak 8 $39.50 Kodascope for above $45.00 L Kodak 10 m.m. with carrying case :I5 fc SMJU ,M D Kodascope for above $76.00 loptas I'rinlinjr of Kodak work, Daily Service Ormes Ltd. "Jiu Pioneer Druqgiats Tbr Hesall Store rbimei: 81 & M I I ..i?rmtlJslIti"l"","1"" KEEP UP YOUR HOME It ray to Taint ami Repair! for but paint values and for Mund advice consult ORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 MclSride St USE B-H PAINT S Hi BEAUTIFUL TLELL rUhini - Sra llathinc 1.. T.I ... 1 1 1 . t. .. V Uuutin: Tennis admlnton l'icnirs anur inrariir - - - B I llin II 1 1 .11.11 111! 1 1 & 1 1 n n i littn fontcnlcnte Milk frow novernmenl T.B. Tested l-u No niei siotmuiiom nUO Per Week; Children Under 12, Half Kate THE DUNES JAMi: K.UAlfT T'ell, Queen Charlotte Ulanrts Self Denial Campaign May 8th to May 26th TO All) AM, IIKANCUES ORS. A. WOltK When culled hiii plisc Rive liberally Coal Prices Jnehead Egg Coal Fnehcad Lump Coal l'Z Pembina r.nnl $12- Stove Conl ?11-r0 Coal in Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYniT tb ansppRPHONE 580 li i ivnnui uu UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED IJ CATAI.A RVKHY TUKSDAV. 1:30 YM . n-rnoon, Iis. CAIIDKNA P.VKIIV I IlIDAY MIDNIOHT Arriving Vancouver, Monday A M. N " a k IUnii P.a4 , All,. Ann. AnjOl. SUWMt hr luformatlnn rBaVrtlnr all sailings and ticket! - We art still buying old gold, Hulltr!, ttf J C. Richards 'sanX last night on. the Princess Adelaide lor a trip to Vancouyer. Cut flowers, marriage bouquets, pot plant, wreaths and sprays, pLENNIB'S. Tpnlght's train, due from the i East at 10 p.m., was reported this I morning to be on time. Mrs. J. Lome McLaren and qaushter. Mis Lome McLaren, ailee last nlfht on tho Prlncc1 ... J .1 ' A I Adelaide ior a vacation trip Vancouver and Victoria. to Mrs. H. Oakes of Surf Point railed Thursday night on the Prince George for a trtp to Vancouver. Hex husbana. who had accompanied her to the city, turned to Porcher Island yester day. Fred G. Coburn, accountant for . i. ..'(.... Alleluia Honifimnt dumped too close to the house. Little. If any, damage was done. The Consolidated Whajlng Cor- Miyauchi, wha had sustained injuries in a fall. The vessel was met by the ambulance and the mlM taken to Uie hospital, the uiue returning immediately after to the Islands. Hotel Arrivals Jtoral A. Sunde. J. Pale and A. Lund, city; C. E. Baker. Vancouver. Prince Rupert Mr. and Mr. Barton Sewell, Los Angeles: W C. Stevens, vancou-vpr: I Urseth. R. C. Edwaras ana n christensen. Bella Coola; W. O. tfu.v.ti nnri Mr and Mrs. u. a. ji 1 til., Parker, Oceanic. Central Olaf Hennes, Juneau; E. WHson. ismlthers; S. Vegsmlth, Victoria; J. Hadlaud, Jr. and J. Hadlaud, sr Oona River; C. Gould, Vancouver; j Klausen, city. Knox John Barsrth, city; M. L. Clark. Qcorgetowri; D. Wing and George p st-ddon. Vancouver; Mr. Mrs. J. MacDonald, Kamloops; R. Boyd, Seattle: William Anccrson, Alert Bay k SOUTH M SHIPS to VANCOUVER galling from Prince Uupwt very TliMrpUy ft 1Q.1J j.uu NORTH for ANYOX nd STEWART galling 'ru,u Prince Rupert very WeJueeJay at 4 .tu. 37 5 TRIANGLE TOUR hou.M) iuir lyoo mile of Je line trvel by train and boat . VauvMw. Uvt Ntlvul Park, Prluce Kupert. C A IV A ll I A i NATIONAL For Information. Call or Wrjt?: CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 3rd Ave. Trlnte Rupert, B.C. ...jr-iMt 1 THE DAILY NEWB T sr-: LOCAL NEWS NOTES , You can rent a Car at Walker's as low as $1 a day plus 7c. a mile, I tf We pay a premium for gold coins and old scrap gold. We ask out pf town customers to give us a trial. Phone Black 324, B. C, Clothiers Ltd. Box 477. (tf) Isaac Taylor, well known White- horse merchant, and Mrs. Taylor were passengers aboard the Prin cess Vorah yesterday afternoon going through on a trip to Vanr couver. H. C. aeiRMicn, well known field engineer .fox the Consolidated Mining and SnvJUng Co.. arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from Vancouver and proceeded to the interior by train. Bishop Thurber. son of Capt. J. D. Thurber of the local- halibut boat Vera Beatrice, arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide yes terday afternoon from Vancouver where he has been attending the at Vancouver, and Mrs. Coburn University of British Columbia. ot,, nil u th round trin north Co. agent at Petersburg. Alaska. i .and Mrs. Bradford and two cbU dren -were passengers abpaxd the ..m nf wiirMi-Princess Norah yesterday after-1 O'Neill of SmiUiers. arrived Thurs-'noon i going through for trip to ... fmm hP m-:Seattle and elsewhere in tSe 5 tcrlor and sailed the same night south. i. up4ha rianrrp fnr Van-1 Oil UAC i i 4V WV4- w- ... . where hel vr Kogers or vancouv wno couver enroutc ta Hope The fire department had a call at G o'clock last evening to the res idence of John McLean, 1039 llays Cove Avenue, where steps had been singed owing to hot ashes pemg I Iy of Dr. H. C. Wrinch In Victoria arrived in the city on Thursday nl?ht's train from the interior and soiled by the ss. Prince George on his return south. Walter L. Scheeler. manager of the Norgold Mining Co.'s "operations in the Atlin district, and pqratlon .. . s whaler mm. BUe .CaPt. rant Pran Fran-! Scheeler wer passenfers a- f."1.' il f ,m Mfidwi iiaroor. I AW anoon bound for Vancou bringing in a Japanese- employee ua th wliAllnn station there T going south on account Mr. Scheeler being 111. , Announcements Hudson's Bay Centenary Celebration, Port Simpson, May 24. Sports, ball games, track events. canoe race. Trophies. Entries received to May 21 by secretary. Valhalla Bridge and dance June I Presbyterian Picnic June 23. Canadian Legion, B. E. S. L, picnic, June 24, Dlgby Island. Moose Hall WELLE'S 25c Hop Mpnday Night 10 till 1 Graded Milk We da rot depend pou train arrivals but uroUuce oir milk twice dally from our own government tested cows here In town, WE SELL OUR TICKETS: 8 Quarts for ...... ,$1 14 Pints for $1 At the stare on Second Street Per Quart 12c Per Pint 7c CREAM Per J-Pint 20c Per Pint 35c We also carry butter, eggs, buttermilk and strawberries Dominion Dairy Phone 636 I GET YOUR of I II II II II II Mrs. D. L, Knight, wife of the United States immigration officer at Ketchikan, and child were pas sengers aboard the Princess. Norah yesterday afternoon going through to Vancouver whence they will proceed on a visit to Mrs. Knight's native tome In Norway. I I I I II I i We have a big assortment of Women's. Misses' and Children's Sandals up from Tennis Shoes In all styles and t plors; up from Leckies' Fine Footwear Fine Dress Oxfords up from for Men, S2.95 PAQB THRBf NEW SHOES For May 24 Holiday You need sornfthjng snappy fpr the excursion or picnic parties. Conditions may be improving but we aU want to. get the hest possible value for our money. To get best value in shoes see us. Wft invite comparison and inspection. We carrj stock from the best makers and our prices are lower than those of the mail order houses. Ve have a big assortment of Women's jFine Summer Shoes, just the thing for the jjhoiiday, in White, Blonde and Grey. RUNNING SHOES Best Makes Goodrich, Miner's and Fieetfoot, up from Women's White Pumps up from 69c Ties, Straps and $2.95 We have a Bargain Clearing Line of Women's Fine Shoes 0 Qff Reg. $3.95; up from ?g Misses and Children's Patent One-Strap Slippers QQP up from City Scrip and Relief Orders Accepted CUT RATE SHOE STORE 1sIsWsWsWsWMWWisWBMssM 1J -i.- I'U -. JL L J-I f ' ' ' Mrs. C. H. Sawle of New Hazel-j ton Is paying a brief visit 10 icp. city,. She. .arrived on, Thursday night's train from the Interior and will return hom Monday. Rt. Rev. P. T. Rowe D. D., Ep iscopal Church Bishop for Alaska, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon bound from Juneau to Victoria. The Boys' Band, under the- direction of Bandmaster Greenfield, jwlU give a concert tomorrow after-iinoon Sunday! on the Govern- Iment lawn. Second Avenue at 2;M,j i .I ..u.inn i rr.RTirirATKS or improvements TuUiKiiuh juuwnz. TwkiMiuah DOtf, TwNuquall IVlll HI", ina iuiuiuan F.lva InMlloni U4urrl (DaUiit. suiuk In the AUln Minimi OlTldon of CaaeUr DLstrlot. Viher loc!l VHt Bn or tuwu- quh River. TAKE NOTICE ttut n. Men. mm. uiini. unt fnr Taku Mlnfa Com- pans Lkulted, Five Mlner'a Certinratc No. V308 rx J. O. Kirtnam, tit aim-v rvrtjrwu Nn 1:ttrx) D: Carl Carl- soo. Free Mtiwr'a Ortldnw No run n- mn A. Klrkham. FtM Ulnr'l Ox liflrnto No. 73410 D: and Oeorge L. Jnhnvn. Ftm Mlnw'a OerUflcate No. 73412 D; intenda, alrty daya trom the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder tor CertUlcatea ot Improve- menu for the purpose pf obulnlng 1 Crown Qrantt of the above dauna. AND further take notice tnu action. uiKler Section 85 of the "Mineral Act" mutt toe couuneuced before the Uauanc of auch Certificate of improvement. Rated tWa ?0th day of February. 1934. HM ACT Notice of Intention tn apply In j-eafce una Recordlne' In Prince- Rupert Land Dtetr(c of Frlnce Rupert, BJC.. and alt- luate lo Qlav.d2ieet Bay located at the IN.W. end of Stephena Island, Range 5. jCoaat District. Take nqtlce that John CUWo of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation Fun Packer, Intend to apply for a lease ol tie Mlowtng deecrlbe4 foreshore: rwnnL.n.lnff .t nnnt nlaiued at Uie S. W. caroM ol amaU Island about 8 ohaUyi a. E. of Avery Uiina tlience S.W.I, Chain; thence Westerly a ch0n; Unc N.jp. 8 chli more or lens to high water mart on me n.a,. poiu,t of Hit WWMfc tixeaee 8. E. direc.- uou cawaa nior or wsa uuuiu high water mark to point of commence- ment. JOHN Dated AprU IS. I34. COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edaoa. Alberta and Bulkley VUy Coal w guaran teed to glvs tatUfaetlon. Try a ton ol No. 1 BuUUy Valley. We Also ell Timothy Bay, Wheat Oata and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co, rnoBM hi Classified Ads FOR SALE j HELP WANTED FOR SALE Young man's tuedo HOW to get a Government Job. suit. Phone Grewi 812. (tf) Free Booklet. The M.C.C. Ltd, - Winnipeg. GILLNETTING Boat for sale. Cheap t, j - " for cash. Apply Seal Cove Post WANTED OITice. 121 1 : . - WANTED--Small second-hand cook 1926 DODGE sedan In A-l condi tion. Owner leaving town, must sell for $100. Box 20 Dally News. FIVE-HOLE McClary Model Range, complete with vaier-iront, In splendid condition. Phone Black 905. FOR SALE Very late Model T. Ford Truck, excellent condition,! OR SALE, Rent or Lease. Kltsum-I gallum Lake Lodge with Dance Pavilllon, and Annex. Lots ofj Fruit and Berries. The price isl right. E. BIX, Terrace, bsj. h I POWERS No. 6 portable motion picture projector In perfect mechanical condition, with 110 volt mazda lamp equipment. Will sacrifice, no reasonable offer ooid refused. Box 207 Daily News. FOR SALE Cabin Cruiser Boat, round bottom type, length 31 ft-7 ft., 6 In. beam, 12 h.p. Vivian engine (medium duty): boat and engine like new, a Snap at $450. i E. DIX, Terrace, B.C. tf FOR SALE .1, 9 ft? row boat. $30; 1. 9 ft. row boat. $18; 1. 10 ft. row boat, $35; Float 24x40 with house 16x32 one year old; Packer or work boat 38Vi ft. 27 HP. heavy duty Atlas; 36 ft. cruiser "Vera S. Fry. PH driver lead with 2500 lb. hammer; quantity 2-lnch shafting, pulleys and hangers. 5 H.P. Staty gas engtne, Fairbanks-Morse. Bargains for cash M. M. Stenhens. w & s FOR RENT HOUSES to rent. Hart. PAINTERS PAINTINO and Paperhanglng Moller, Phone Red 802. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Birch, Jackflrie, Cedar. tf stove. Phone Black 163. HAIRDRESSER 119 RELIABLE man to take care store route. Distribute and collect. New product. Protected territory! Earn excellent weekly Income Berland Nut Co., St. Paul. Minn: 117 PERSONAL Ignition, $150.00. E. DLX. Ter-j We CanadlanKln: race- pc - dergarten Institute. Winnipeg. ; PERMANENT WAVING! Cluster Curl; Latest Style. NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPE NOTICE OF Arn.ICATlON' FOR CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Cliff No. S fractional Miner) (Malm rf Geld Cilft No. S Mineral Claim. Mar caret Mineral I'laiui. Cliff Fractional Mineral Claim. , Situate ta the Portland Canal Mining Dlvlalon. Where located on the weat side ox Bear River about three mile from Stewart. B.C. Lawful Owner wunam uann. Number of the holder-! free miner' certificate 77720-D. TAKE NOTICE that Wllium Dn&-Free Miner' Certificate No. 7TTW-D In-ti-nd. at the end of lxty day from toe date hereof, to; apply to the Kilning Recorder ior a ceruiicaie 01 unpruve-ment for the purpose of obtaining Crown Orant of the above cUtma. t. ANP rjJBTUxa TAKJE NOTIW tttM, aotlon. under Section 85 of the "Min eral Aot" muet he commenced befr the laauanoe ot auc& certificate of lm-proveinenU. ' DATED thl 33rd day of March. 1S34. Jn WILLIAM DANN. LAND ACf Notice of Uteutlen tn apply to l.eu-e IjihiI In Prlrw Riimrt LaiuI Recording jjtrlct of Prince Rupert, B.C.. and llr mte m Qlawdzee Bay located t ta N.W. end of SteDhen Itdand. Ranc 9, yoaat Dletrlti. Take notice that John oiauten oi Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation run Packer, Intend to apply for a leaa oi the following dencrtbed land: Comnvmclnj at peat planted St tht S. W. corner of ft atnall Ulan4 atuut 8 ehalne 8. C. of Aveey Ialan4 thence ttZ.. thence westerly, aoutherly and 4tftly, fullowuig UL-h wwawfk to point ot conunenoemeni, ana can tftinmg 2 acrea more or wa in cluding the entire area of th 14 it-land. JOHN ctAcicr, Dftteil AprU 18,, 1W4. ' 1 i i