ENNETT - PATTULLO UNDERSTANDING KNOX HOTEL IMH II M:V MtNAi ',Nf CI riiin all "till Hut an y. tValrr, Mhottt-r IUII , eQn i;H.I.i:nt iumn lO uu Mill HVr IheKmn. luu 'CV American or Eurum 1-. "7 MM. .IKMOCK I'ruprlrlo. V : XXIV . No, 117. MrVMTtlfll .. in- TVi till. . - 8b SUCCESSFUL CULMINATION OF NEGOTIATIONS ANNOUNCED BY PREMIER OF BRITISH COLUMBIA BEFORE LEAVING FOR HOME LAST NIGHT. British Columbia Should Go Full Speed Ahead Now MONEY WILL BE ADVANCED FROM TIME TO TIME BY OTTAWA AS REQUIRED ULTIMATE AMOUNT OF LOAN NOT MADE KNOWN AS YET. OTTAWA, May 19: (CP) An understand-ing has been reached between Premier R. B. Bennett and Premier T. D. Pattullo of British Columbia with respect to negotiations for a federal loan to the province, Premier Pattullo announced yesterday just prior to leaving for home. The federal government will advance money in the form of a loan from time to time to assist the province in meeting its obligations and carrying on recovery efforts with respect to work and wages. The ultimate amount of the loan was not made known. Premier Pattullo seemed satisfied with the outcome of the negotiations and said there was no reason why British Columbia should not go ahead full speed toward recovery. Anyox Miner Had !PLANES ARE 120-Foot Fall In . RULED OUT Losing His Lite Domenlco Morrone. 42-ycar old J'allan miner, was killed by falling the Granby No Freak or Illth-Speed Machines To Be Allowed in England-Australia Race LONDON. May 19-Owlng to the r,n,B . a.. Mnnrfav of thlsmline of the race committee wck at midnight, according to whereby freak and high speed which wiu w rmeu u u. plane. Particulars of the- fatality is expected that a num-quartm it contest, Have been received at district head- ber of United State. P"n may police the provincial ....- ,l' o l.u, in,.t withdraw from the Englana to Au- which established that clrcum anr.es of the tragedy were, of accidental nature. Morrone fractured lil' skull and death Is believed to have been Instantaneous. i Morrone Is survived by a widow nd family In Anyox. He had a nephew at Field. 1 The funeral took place at Anyox 5c yesterday. MONTKEAli-NKW YORK EXCHANGE NEW YORK, May 19: The British pound sterling closed at $5,11 . on the local foreign exchange market and tho Canadian dollar -at N.00',. straila air race this fall.- Halibut Arrivals Summary Canadlan-26,000 pounds, Cc and American None soia. American Tahoma. 20.000, holding over. Canadian Kdwtird LlDsett. 9,500, Booth, 6c and 5o. pair of Jacks. 16m Cold Stor age, 6c and 5c. TilllEK FLYERS ABE KILLED AS RESULT OF Allt COLLISION Mi at' SHREVEPORT. La.. May 19:-M.10i pound sterling was quoted on the local foreign ex- Three United States Army flyers change market and the Canadian were killed when two p anes col- dollar at 99 27-32c. ) Uded In mia-air near ui wy. WHARF IS WheatPrices Winnipeg May. 70V4. July, 71. October, 72. Chicago May, 91. July. 8i. September. 90i. REACH AGREEMENT PREMIER BENNETT Today's Weather Prince Rupert Part cloudy. fresh southeast wind: barometer. 30.02; temperature. 52: sea choppy. Dead Tree Point Cloudy, fresh pjn, Monday Cathedral. from the Anglican 1 ! ! southeast wind; barometer, 29.92; i temperature. 50: heavy chop. j Triple Island Overcast. light southeast wind: sea smooth. 1 Langara Island Part cloudy, PREMIER PATTl'LLO UI lAPIfPn "Army Ruling Armed Men Seiie 26 Cases of Liquor From Bonded Warehouse on Vancouver Pier Vancouver. Mav 19: (CD- Three armed men, one carrying a ,shot gun. raided Ballantyne Pier; Thursday night, held up lwo; i watchmen, broke into the bonded ! warehouse" and escaDed with 26! In Bulgaria; Coup d'Etat 1 cases of liquor, using a stolen trucks and King Boris, approv- to carry the loot. SOFIA, Bulgaria, May 19: (CP) The Armvof Bulgaria today over- tVirmr tVio (mvoftimont b , , . I kUtv.lllllVMb incr tVip vnfl5rnl nhnnrrp dissolved Parliament. Whether Boris, one of the last rugged individualist sovereigns, was engineering a military rnnn ilVtnt. V.is nnt im- " - ....w - .... 1 mediately apparent but the Army was in complete control, soldiers occupying all government buildings shortly after dawn. No rioting was reported. B. C. Lumber . Board Freight Cut fresh easterly wind; sea smooth. 1 OTTAWA, May 19: CP The Terrace Cloudy, calm. 48. Board of Raiiway commissioners Alyansh Rain, south wind. 47. ;announces a decrease of twenty to Stewart-Showery, south wind, twenty-five cents ner hundred 48. ' !riounds on railway lumber tariffs Anyox-Heavy rain, south wind, for car loU from British Columbia Hazelt on Cloudy, cast wind, 48, Smlthers Cloudy, calm, mild. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm, 51. Funeral Notice of Railway Commissioners Rrdure Bate to East ! to Montreal and Interior points, ef- fectlve at once. It Is understood that j the reduction has been made in or-jder to meet the competition of the Panama Canal. Margaret Robinson. Ruth Rud tland and Elnar Hopcn were each The funeral of the late Miss May, fined, $25. with option of ten days' Donaldson will take p:ace at ::30 Imprisonment, toy Magistrate Mc- NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.,, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1934 TOKYO. Japan, May 19: In view of the recent disaster to the new mcnL it is intimated, has settled upon a policy of reducing both speed and armament in future naval construction generally. Today's Stocks (Courted S. D Joluion Ot-I Vancouver Alexandria. .044. Bayv.c. .01 M:. " B.C. Nkkle. Ul. tii ALssourirJl. JiaW.as. 1325.' B. It. CoosSi. BJt, Oold. 1.06. Butte ai. ' r -J Car -ou Quartz, 150 Dunwea.( 39. DcnixuiiaJ Ool onrfaj .39. Indian, .?3 asked. Meridian. .16. Morning, Star, .27 Nat'-rtr Son's; lOJil'i'V NaUonal Silver. .0?. . Noble Five. .12. Pend Oreille, 50. Porter Idaho, .lHi- Premier. 13. Reeves .12V. Reward. .08 Reno, .93. Silver Crcrt. .04. Salmon, 20. Taylor Bridge, .87. United Empire, .16. . Wayside. .37. Wayerly Tangier. .01. Whitewater .07. , Toronto . Chlbougamar .11. Central Patricia, .63. Granada, .65. Int. Nickel, 27.45. - - Lake Maron. .09. : Lee Oold, .12V4. Macassa. 2.60. Noranda. 4125. Sherrltt Oordon. 1.06. ' . Slscoe Oold, 2.15. v Sudbury Basin. 1.80. Teck Hughes. 6.05. Thompson Cadillac, .43. Ventures, .88. ' Columarlo. 23. , Smelters .Gold. 28tj. LitUe Long Lac. 4.30. Canadian Malartlc. .02. South Tiblemont. .10. Maple Leaf. 40. Pickle Crow. .76. Manitoba & Ea4ern. 2Hi- Longlac Lagoon. 24. Bagamac: .18. Dome. 37.75. Eldorado, 2.77. Mclntyre, 4425.' Bell, U64. Brazilian. 10. H. Walkers. 35. C. P. R.. 16ti. Ford A., 2Pi. - Can. Industrial Alcohol, ' 12ft. Montreal Power. 3754- ' New York U. S. 'Steel. 43. General Motors. 34. American Can. 95 . Allied Qhemlcals.,134. U. S. Smelting, 119.. American Telephone. 115. Tomorrow's Tides High Low . . 5:15 ajn. 163 ft. 18:56 p.m. 16.2 ft. 12:07 pjn. 6.3 ft. PRICE: FIVE CENTS STEPS TAKEN TOWARDS LONGSHORE STRIKE SETTLEMENT Accord Reached On Loan Under Which Province Can Pay Debts and Carry On Recovery Scheme NAVAL PLAN Mediation Proceedings Wit -IT T 4 1 T "I T"t TV i J lb tHAnbtu: Japanese Department Decide to j Reduce Both Speed and Arma-I ment Henceforth I Instituted With View To Ending Port Tie-up ; torpedo boat Tomozuru which cap-, Union Stevedores Give Executive Committee Authority i . , u , 7 t . To Negotiate Agreement Both Sides Firm But Outlook IS More Hopeful ment. the Jaoanese naval denari- SAN FRANCISCO, May 19: (CP) For the first time since Pacific Coast snipping was crippled by the longshoremen's strike on May 9, union representatives are sitting in mediation to confer here today with authority to negotiate a settlement. Last night twelve thousand strikers in a series of meetings at various ports voted to empower the executive committee 1 to consider peace terms with the nninnm wn assistance of Assistant Secretary of Labor Edward S. McCready who arrived on Thursday by airplane -from Washington and who Is hopeful of an agreement being reached to ter minate the strike, f J The strikers, remain flnn In their Union while the employers are re- Salvation Army Is Holding Its Annual Tag Day Taggers for the Salvation Army. ley. are on the streets today In connection with the annual Sell D?nlal campaign. Assisting in tagging are Miss Mildred Hunt, Mrs.' Jack Mowatt, Miss Mary Pierce. I Frank Pierce and Edward Harmon. CANADIAN" GOLD TKICE MONTREAL, May 19: CP The Canadian price of gold was two cents lower today at $34.72 per ounce. Edward Hauge. who had been in- Jured.ln a fall while engaged in mill BEREAVED Mrs. Marie Allard of Quebec Gave Six Children to Service of v Church mands but remain firm for "open Norah yesterd &fteTnooa trom shop conditions. intending . to proceed to Meantime there is little change home WIQaetec. vlng In the shippmg situation Seventy- tnere oI six vessels are tied up inside the tfae mness of his mother. Golden Gate, twenty-five at Port- Qn arriTa, here, .however. he re-land and twenty-six at Seattle. sad totellteence tnat sne Teamsters here decided on Thurs- had on day to join the strike and seamen, nlght Falher m who has $er. have also been considering doing vpH fnr thlrtv.nnA VMS ,n thp so. TIMBER IS DESTROYED priesthood in the Yukon and Northern British Columbia, will havl. the deep sympathy of his host of friends not only in Prince Rupert but throughout the district in his bereavement. Father Allard's mother, Mg. Marie Genereux Allard. widow of One Million Feet Burned at Great the Charles Allard. was eighty Central Lake by Fire Which "ve 'ears r a8e- "er passing oc-Started Wednesday i purred at Upton. Bagot County. j Province of Quebec, She had eight- children of whom she raised VICTORIA, May 19: (CP.-One OMttn. seven boys and six girls. million feet of standing timber at to nhood and womanhood. Six Camp Three of the Great Central Sawmills Limited adjoining Great emDrs faml cT'rat Central Lake In the Albernl dUtrlct H!eirDllVeS t0.,?,"0t k1 j . .. . . . ... the Roman Catholic Church, three ted Wednesday night. sons being Oblate of Mary culate priests, one in Saskatchewan and two in British Columbia and the Yukon, and three daughters being nuns, sisters of the Presentation of Mary. Father Joseph Allard is the oldest priest of the fam.- ily. Father E. Allard O. M, I., also stationed In this diocese, is another of the sons. Three sons and tw daughters married and they have thirty-six children. One dauehter under the leadership of Cap:. Ag- ls single and ilved wltu ner mother nes Coxscn and Lieut. Hazel Mil- QUOTA FOR ARGENTINA Great Wheat-Produring Countries Aeree to Increase Providing Production is Restricted LONDON. May 19: Delegates of the four great wheat producing countries Canada, Australia, United States and Argentina have agreed to Argentina's Increased ex- construction at the Columarlo port quota covering the 1934-35 mine at Usk, was brought to the crop year and ending July 31. 1935, city on yesterday morning's train providing Argentina begins re-and Is now receiving treatment in strlcted production, the Prince Rupert General Hospi- . ., BAH SILVER 1 tal' where he ls reported to be doing Merely routine business was ta- nicely. Mrs. Stanley Mills of Ter- ken up Wednesday night at a NEW YORK. May 19: vtCP)Bar!race accompanied him to the city, regular meeting of the Moose Clymont in city police court this 1 silver closed at 45c per ounce on the ittumlng 'to the interior veiterdav Lodge. Dictator Gllils Uoyer was morning for Intcoxlcatlon. local metal marktt today. afternoon, u the chair em