GIGANTIC SALE CONTINUES Extra Specials AH Day Wednesday & Till Noon Thursday Prices That Will Move Out Shoes and Rubbers With a Vengeance II am iii Read, Ladies' New Rubbers,; Ladies' Black Fasteners Sale Price, Ladies' Kid and Cuban jaic Misses' Kid and Patent Strap Slippers; Sale Price, up from Misses' Sc they last up from Cut Rate Shoe Store COFFEE De Luxe Served at All Time -of Day or Night Always fresh Using the Silex method Doing away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and Invigorating. Commodore Cafe Make the YORK HOTEL Your headquarters while in Prince Rupert Comfortable rooms at moderate rates M. T. LEE THE TAILOR has moved to the store formerly occupied by the Elictrie Bakery, Third Avenue New Samples of Fall Clothes Just In. Prices reasonable Cleaning and Pressing. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Pioprletor "A HOME AWAY FROM nOME" - , Rates 11.90 tip 60 Rooms, Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. . Phone 281 P.O. Box 166 Summer Long-wave Reception IS NOW AT ITS POOREST So why not' give that set its long needed overhaul now? Phone. RIuc 320 and get the most out of your radio for this coming season. SUPERIOR , RADIO-ELECTRIC Second Avenue te Third Street Act and Save! Stylish Feather Weight fQp Sale Price, up from Otl & Brown Zippers with Dome C t n up from Slippers with good soles heels; reg. $2.75, Qf up 14 mil 99c Misses Best Quality Rubbers; Sale up froni 65c 75c Children's City Boots, while Boys' Q4 Off & Qf OC Panco up from We Accept City Scrip Changes Among Officials Of C P. Announced! WINNIPEG. Sept. 11: (CP) Changes In the organization of the Canadian Pacific Railway since the recent death of Grant Hajl, senior vice-president, include the selec tion of D. C. Coleman, vlce-nresi- I dent In charge of western lines, as '.senior vice-president and William' INeal, general manager of western (lines, as vice-president In charge of western lines. Mr. Coleman will move his headquarters from Win nipeg to Montreal. Pioneer Street Car Man Passes James Marshall, Agent For B. C. E. II. at Steveston, Dead at Age of Sixty-Seven VANCOUVER. Sept. ll:James Marshall of Lulu Island, one of the first street car conductors on the Edward Brown, first white child j British Columbia Electric Railway, 10 be born In Nanaimo, passed passed away yesterday at the age awa nere yesterday at the age jof sixty-seven years. Of recent of "venty-nlne years. She lost years he had been agent for the ner lrst nusland when only British Columbia Electric Railway twentv years of age in an ex-,at Steveston. Plosion In No. 1 mine. She Is sur- vlved by her second husband, two - Winter is Coming and It Is necessary to keep the home fire burning. Come and see our Heaters and Ranges (electrical and coal), house furnishings, etc. D. ELIQ Furniture Dealer We Buy & Sell "Still Buyine Old Gold" Phone Oreen 421 Opp. Thrift Advertise in the Dally News' British-Israel Society Makes Winter Plans The local British Israel Society, at a meeting last night, made ar rangements for the coming winter's program of meetings. Bible study ana meetings at wMch speakers will be heard will be Interspersed. The Society will also revert to twice-a-month meetings after having met but once a month during the summer. Robert Gordon, vice-president. was in the chair at last night's meeting in the absence from the city of the president, J. O. Johns. There was a general discussion which was led by Robert Bartlett. First White Child Born in Nanaimo Dies on Monday ' NANAIMO, Sept. 1 1 : Mrs. sons and two daughters. Madame Lupescu Urging Carol To Patch Things Up BUCHAREST. Roumanla, Sept. 11: It is reported in political circles here that Madame Lupescu Is urging King Carol to seek a reconciliation with Queen Helen, from whom he Is estrancprt in vIput Jof the growing criticism of the monarch on account of his private affairs. affairs. XJJ35 DAILY KZWS POLICY ON INTEREST (Continued horn page one) elation, declared that a foolish step was being taken by the government in authorizing the reduction of Interest jutes on exlstlnr bonded ln- ! debtedness of all municipalities. iThe effect will be. he stated, to seriously damage the credit of the municipalities. In expressing the opposition of the British Columbia Bond Dealers' Association to the government's refunding proposals, Mr. Frascr stated that the bondholders were willing to compromise but he plalmrri that n ;be made by direct negotiation be tween themselves and the municipalities and not through government Intervention. The association has formally approved a compromise suggested for the City of Prince Rupert. Mr. Fraser, president, and Hugh Allan, vice-president of the BriUsh Columbia Bond Dealers' Association, have been named a delegation to Interview the minister of finance. Hon. John Hart, on the mat ter. Aid. J. J. Miller, chairman of the I civic finance committee of Van-1 eouver. said that Vancouver would ! hot repudiate Its bonds. He was not jin favor of a drastic reducUon In .Interest rates except by mutual agreement of the bondholders. Labatt Identifies Two of Abductors Photographs In I'ossrviion of Detroit Police Give Clue to Brewer's Abductors TORONTO. Sept 11 John S. Labatt. London brewer and sdoiU- man, who was kidnapped a couple of weeks ago and later released by his abductors, yesterday Identified two of his kidnappers from photographs tn the possession of the Detroit police department Wife of Winnipeg M.L.A. Succumbs Mrs. John queen Dies of Injuries Sustained When She Fell Down 4; Flifht of Stairs WINNIPEG. Sept. 11 Mrs, John QueenVwlfe of a well known Win nipeg Labor MIA, died yesterday frnm ln.,rl .,fn.n . tJl down a flight of stairs. Besides her ; widower, .she Is survived by two sons and three daughters Home Lighting MAZDA LAMPS 25-40-60 Watt Buy a carton of G $1.40 Colored Lamps Now 30c each Carton 6, $1.70 Kaien Hardware A satisfactory place to shop. Try it! Beauty vs. " Jl - ir i 1 r waa "TILLIE THE TOILER" HEY, LOafeC. TVo KB iiUG SSTM VITNt K Twiuer to "THAT . Men's Work Boots with Leather and Panco soles; Sale Price, up from $1.99 S2.89 Men's Goodrich and Miner 7Qp Rubbers; Sale Price, up from " Boys' and Youths' School Shoes. Lcc-kie'smakefot wet & wear on on Sale Price up from ?07 and Youths' School Boots with Soles; Sale Price qq 0 J.OtJ J I UATBP -rii-S old ' X SOCK TO JTM V?' fi &.kzt youjV l , oy j 5H Betvjhem rl I WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Following a fire late last week on the Union Oil Co.'s tank scow at North Island, Mrs. Oeorge Smith, whose husband was in charge of the station there. Is a patient In the Prince Rupert Oencral Hospital suffering from slight burns. A former member of the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital nursing staff. Mrs. Smith, who has spent the summers at North Island for several years, has become known as a min istering angel to the trailers In that field, having given first aid and nursing care to Hie fishermen In time of illness or accident. Her speedy recovery will be generally hoped for The tank scow sustained some damage. Union steamer Catala. Capt. A. E. Dickson, returned to Dorfat 10 o'clock this morning from An vox Stewart and other northern points and sailed on schedule at 1:30 this afternoon for Vancouver and waypolnts After leaving here the vessel was to make a special call at Cassiar Cannery In tte Skeena Slough to pick up R. H. Ourd. accountant, and members of the crew returning south for the winter now that the cannery la elated for the season. James Lamb, manager, left for Vancouver last wrek FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone G5T LOOK FOR MUSSALLEM'S at 317-319 Third Ave. West .... . . " n"e ,ou M our 'od cheaper! "t m iihi ururri I.B.C. FAMILY SODAS 19c per pkg IilC. HONEY O RAH AM 23c WAFERS, "'f' jr per pkg. T C OINOER SNAPS 15c 5 doz. i PEANUT BUTTER Squirrel Brand. Please bring your own container i 1 ner lb. 25-lb. pall $2.50 FltY'S COCOA Save the 20c' wrappers, fe-lb. tin Dr. JACKSON'S ROMAN MEAL COOKIES For your inp health, per doz. XUl FRESH CUCUMBERS 10c 3 for BEEKIST HONEY 69c per 5-lb. tin per 2&-lb. tin 37c LIBBYS PICKLE8-Swect Relish. Mustard and Mixed 23c per 12-oz. Jar PALMOUVE SOAP Real 29c value. 6 cakes PRINCE8S SOAP FLAKES 37c 2 pkgs MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. nox 515 Phone 18 Duty DOM'T TOfc3T 55 OVA, COURT IN Four Civil Cr on Ut For Month Of September Ten Naturalita- tlon Applications llrartf fr.11nu.lncr ih Jlllv and AllBUSt - - - - vacutlon, County Court was again In In nmllnr regular mnnlhlv monthly session KMUlfin here Tt yesterday with Judge W. E. Fisher presiding. Ten naturalisation ap plications were dealt with while the CAMB HE KB TO DISCUSS TtlE 32 r' II I . t.r4M s SB S. T I Have v VERy IMPORTANT CASE TO T.? if following emi actions were on tne.p calendar; A. O. Annan vs. L 11, Ilrawand. $48.53. Williams. ManSbn. Brown & Harvey for plaintiff. R. L. McLcn- nan for defendant, settled Binar C. Hopen vs. Erlck Dall $256.50. R. L. McLennan for StA tiff. Williams. Manson. Brow Harvey for defendant, stands over Ward Electric Co. vt B. A. Peter- son. $84.95. Williams. Manson Brown & Harvey for plaintiff fendant In person. Judgment cn- John Dahlbere vs. Ingvnld I!nu - ten $46 R. U McJ.ennan for plain- Uff. William. Manon Brown Ac Harvey for defendant, stands over Alrti Tn Ur Ikittv Nf ifravy Dutv Motors Track Motor Suitable for fish boats also spwJ bnt motors $35 up Chrhtlr Trurk Car ParH 183d W 1st Ave Vancouver Tuesday, Septembtf n .in ail ljil;r ....... SB 1 I ENMNCi Tnvir -"""II V BORIS KAULorr nuoi'L 8tarU 8 10 El 1 :.f IV I m Oniv. in jg Edna May Oliver Mwirj R lrrett llorlon n rm: POOH lueir At 7:00 p 'g It Renins Tomorrow. But You'd KctUr sun Uujhlnt Now The E llrilMi Comrdy feature Th liver CroMrd the fond! "THOSE WERE VICTOR AlL RADIO i THE DAYS" w from the Pamotu KUie ru ln 'A . h T Will Hay r - pitt - ciiMiumi nnovrrs I IMMORTAL CLASSIC n (Ik IIP riznr 1 VIRGINIA IIItlCE & COLIN CUM: g Showlnt Tomorrow & Thirl w ' p iniz mma tn ctHs and trsa- Cam la rJ t. vwu'll like. arrive, telephone the oWf By Westover tom AT 1 1 SySE mglt dial controlj k sll snd m mesni wtxid-wiJe broadcuu or jou. Uoquestioniiihf the most rcvohtttocury re-trivtr we have ever heard. Don't miss the opportunity of hearing it-this sironithinr eMaAs.Ml o-iunc lupcx-nacrcxirnc regulir programs, police : bf oadcuu. Team vour paoer doex not A. CASE op PIP-ST SIGHT