1M TUC: e:ia." September 11. TOT DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE - Introducing 365 Toil etries .Manufactured' Ify Lorie Perfumer; Toronto 3K3 Kaii dc Cologne 365 Huy Rum 3C5 Fresh U!ac Shaving Lotion 3G3 Old Kuiclish Lavandcr 3U5 Uhum and Quinine Hair Tonic 305 Frrixrunt Body Rub 10-oz. Bottles, regular price $1.00 Special, at Ormes Ltd. The Retail Btora Pbeotc: 81 ft IX 75c MacKenzie's Furniture Special ELGIN RAG RUGS 50 18x.TO.inch, each 10c 50 2Jx3G-iich, each 05c 50 21x48-lnch, each 90c Mail Orders rilled at Thti TrUe Phone 775 Prince Rupert 327 Third Avenue MURESCO! MURESCO! FOR WALL AND CElUNG DECORATION Murcscos popularity rtsU on Its lovely soft finish, It economy Lr.i case of application, and on Its grcai practicability. It comes In eighteen beautUul tints. 75c Package 40c 'i-Package rrnrrito 11 a rnlf A DC fhotie ill mi wm m m tv a mjm arm r- . k TheFish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co-, Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Canadian Pacific NUNCF.SS STEAM Kits for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, Sept. 10th, 20Ui, Oct. Ht. For Vancouver direct Sept. 6th, 14th. 24th, .Oct 5th. For Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports, "Princess Adelaide" every Friday 10 pjn. For Reservations W. L. COATK3, Oen. Agent, Prince llipfti B.C. '. L!J !J" UtilON STKAMSIHPS LIMITED 8teamer Ieav Prince RUpext lor Varicmvcr T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1U VM Arriving Vancouver Thursday T-8.S. CAKDENA EVERY FRIDAY HIIDNlOlIT Arriving Vancouver, Monday AMj . . . N StMM "MJ aaiung. Port Blmr-on. Alk Mm. A"J. n'ft Sunday, a PJ . . , lis.Mv PolnU, Uv Prtaic Ruprt rther Information regarding : all alngs and tickets at- "R1NCE RtirtBf anakiftv, tMtA . TQ U you Jose .anything, try, a classified ad. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cah walttn'e f6r old old teeth; colris, chains, waithei", etc. Bul ttt'. itt) Flower Show1 prize money wiM paid tomorrow from i to 3 pin. in the Fair B-md office1 at trrt Ctty Hall. (It) Theo Collart rettimed to the; city on the Calala'today after spending a few days at Stewart and Prt'-mler cn business. ' A meet-ngr of the execntWe of the Canallan Legion was held last tvenin in preparation for the regular monttily general meeting to be held tomorrow night. Re. A, V. Otithrle, missionary at New MetU.katl4? Alaska, and Mrs. Gutfcr.e sxled by the Princess Lou U yesterday for Ketchikan" after a brief Yislr to, the city. 0. W Laldler, local manager of the W. H. 'Malklh Co.. returned to the city on the Catala today from a week-end business trip td Btew irt and Premier. Roy Moore of KltUanea Is nay Ing a brletrtsitto the city" having armed Saturday night from the ! interior. Id the early days Mr. jMcore was In the transfer business 'here and he Is meeting many old i friends. V Steamships Sailings For Vntnvei Tuesday Catala 1:30 p-m. Thurs c p. Oeorge 10:30 pjn. Friday as. Prtn. Adelaide 10 pjn. Ss. Cardena midnight Sotur s. 1. Rupert 10:30 pjn. Sept. 0, 14, 24 P. Louise 5:30 pjn. From Vanteuvei Sunday ss. Catala 4 pjn. Wed. as. Pr. Oeorge 10 am Friday sj Prince Rupert 10 ajn. 8s. Princess Adelaide 4 pjn. Bs. Cardena pja. Sept 10. 20 ss. Prln. Louise ajn. For Anyoi and Alice Arm Scnday a. Catala 8 pm. Wednesday w. P. Oeorge 10 pjn. Itom Anyrtx and Alice Arm Tuesday as. Catala ..11:30 ajn. Thursday as. Pr. Oeorge 8 pjn. For feUwart sad Premier Sunday s. Catala 8 p.m. Friday ss. Prince Rupert 10 pjn. From S'ewart and Premier- Tuesday ss, Catala 11:30 a Jn. Saturday i Pr. Rupert 8 pjn. f r Kaas Rivet Ana Port Simpson Sunday ss. Citala 8 pjn. From Naas River & Port Simpson . Tuesday ss. Catala .. .11:30 sun. for Ocean FalU Thars. ss i'. Oeorge 10:30 pjn. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 p.m. Salur ss. P. Rupert 10:30 pjn. rom Ocean Ffi Wd s. Pr Ueorge 10 ajn. Friday ss. P5nce Rupert 10 a.m. Ss. Princess Adelaide 4 pm. Bs. Carden. P-m. For (een CharUtte Islands-Sept 15, 29 si. P. Charles 10 pjn. From Queen Charlotte Islands Sept. 13. 27 -ss. Pr. Charles ajn. For Alaska- Sept. 10 and IB - a-m. From Alaska- Sept 6, 14. 24 P l- From Rkeena Fiver Friday ss. Q rdena -. pm JONES' Family Market Stewing Veal, 3 bs. Peas, 1. tin Stewing Lamb, 3 lbs. Peas. 1 tin Shoulder Lamb, 5 lbs 1 Caulillowcx Lamb Chops 2 lbs Veal Chop-- 2 Ibi Round Steak. 2 Art. 1 bunch Carrots ... Hambirger, 3 lb. Onions, 2 lbs Pot Roast 4 lbs. Boiling Beet! Its. 1 buAch Cnrrtiti BhouVdef Pdtk ! 4 lbs. Phone 957 25c 25c 75c 35c You can rent a Caf at Walker's as low as $1 a day plus 7c. a mile. tf Mrs. Carl Oustafson left on last evening's train for Edrhontdri. She has1 been 111 for some time and plans on receiving special treat' ntent in the Alberta Capital, 35c $5C 25c 35c 25c Frank Poe of Evanston, Illinois. who has a summer place in the Terrace district, arrived in the city on Saturday's train from the inter ior for a brief visit. He win shortly be poceeding East for the winter. A. R. Brueger, Wrangell fish dealer, who has been making ex tensive shipments of Bilkine River salmon to 6keena River' canneries this season, sailed by the Princess Louise yesterday- on bis return to Wrangell after a week's business visit here. Master Bruce Carter, five year old son of Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Carter. had the misfortune to suffer fracture of the femur just below the hip Joint in a fall at the end of the week from a second-storey window at his home on Fifth Av enue East. As a result, the lad will be confined to. bed at his home for a month. This morning he was re ported to be resting as com for a W7 as could be expected. 13. 50c Phone 957 Dally MeWi Want-Ads satisfy. C. N. It. TRAINS For the Easf Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 5:30 pjn. Froni ihi East Tuesdays. Thursdays and Satur days 10:15 p.m. FOR QUICK SALE Lots 9 and 10, Block 15, Section 7 and Improvements $150.00 whole i or $250 00 each. Norman A. Watt. Announcements Philharmonic Society presents Marie Balagno In Piano Recital, assisted by Dr. Large, United Church, Srpt. 12 at 8:15. Admission 50c., students 25c. Anglican Tea Mrs. EVUt's Sept Children's Masquerade in Legion Rooms September 14. Presbyterian Tea and Church Hall, September 20. United Church supper October 8. MOOSE HALL Sale. Thanksgiving Catholic' Church Baxaar October It and 11. Canadian Legion ' Women's Auxiliary Bazaar October 18. St. Peter's Fall 'Bazaar October 25 Presbyterian rail Bazaar, 8. HALLOWE'EN D&nce and Drawing for Bazaar Tickets on November 2nd FOR FIRST CLASS Shoe Repairing Sec SIMPSON Fifth Avenue and MeUrlde' COAL! COAL! Out Famous Edton, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coal an fcuaran teid to give satisfaction. Try a ton oi No. 1 Bulkley Valley. W also atU Timothy Bay, Whaal Oati and Bails jv n Prince Rupert Feedf Co. If fbM Ml Mail Schedul Fw th El ' Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays . 4:30 pjn. From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturn Cays . 10:15 pjn. Fw Vancouver Mondays train) 4:30 pin. Tuesday - . 12:30 pjn. Wednesdays (train) .... 4:30 pjn. Thursday . .9:30 pm. Friday XI pm. Saturdays 9l3d pjn. Sept. 6, 14 and 24X 4:30 p.m. From Vancouver- Sunday pjn. Wednesday 10 ajn. Thursday (train) 10:15 pjn. Friday 10 ajn. Saturday (train) ... 10215 pjn. Sept. 10 and 20 ajn. For Any ox and Alice Arm- Sunday 7 pjn. Wednesday 9 pjn. From Anyojc and Alice Arm-Tuesday ..11:30 a.m Thursday 8 pjn. For Stewart and Premier-Sunday 1 pjn. Friday 9 pjn. From Stewart and Premier-Tuesday 11:30 ajn. Saturday 8 pjn. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday .7 pjn From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday, - 11:30 ajn For Queen Charlotte' Islands-Sept 15 and 29 9 p.m. From Queen Charlotie Islands Sept. 13 and 27 ajn. For Alaska-Sept. 10 and 20 ajn. From Alaska-Sept. 6, 14 and 24 4 pjn". J10. Want Ads FOR SALE Administrator. Chai. Vess Estate. 1 FOR SALE English baby carriage. WAV. rnone ttea m NEW. Trolllnz Boat reasonable price. Cash or terms. Apply Pete Bruno. FOR SALE Two fine building lots! with three-room shack. SeU or trade for trolling boat. Ap?y Bob Gillespie, Seal Cove. (.210) FOR SALE 154 loot Row Boat. double end. Cost $60 for $25 and 15-foot Gas Boat, fine for hunting. $40. Apply Bob Gillespie, Seal Cove. FOR SALE One 3 -room float house with gang-plank and float furnished with 4-hole coal range, cupboard, bed with fine springs, dresser. Apply Bob Gillespie, Seal Cove. FOUND FOUND Necklace on Fifth Av enue. Owner may nave same. p: Identifying and paying for th advertisement. FOUND Eye-glasses InMcClymont Park, Owner may have same by calling at Dally News and pay ing lot this advertisement. HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! Cluster Curl; Lalest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPK a FOUND Bunch of three keys. owner may have same by applying at Dally News office and paying for this ad. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phcxie ITT. Birch, Jackplne, Cedar. tf PAINTERS .PAlNTfNa ana Paperhanglng MoDer, Phone Red m. xini surnEiiiE court op British iv ntnnVTR IN THS MATTE31 OP TIOE "ADMIN 13 TRATION At; I IN THE MATTER OP THS I3TATE0P JOHN EATON, MORAN. OEttwtu. Tittw NfvriMi thai bv order of Ills Honor. W. E. FUher. ti 30tft aj oi Augu A D. 1J34, I w ppoiBwa eoutor of th! rtt oi Jolm bw Morn, (JCKiAod, and all partlm havln rtVtn agaUwt lh Od tUt at hw- i. vriyi tck iw on or before Uie 3pa day W srovenvpar. a. u. partlea Indebted to the estatt are re- quired to pT U amouht of their tn- deBtearwM 10 me rannwiw. UORLEY B. MOrtAN, Dated tae lt day of September, , AD, 1934. THIS WEEK ONLY NYAL SERVICE DRUG STORE for Thursday-Friday-Saturday Home Remedies, Toiletries Rubber Goods, Stationery Candy and Drug Store Sundries AT HALF PRICE! McCutcheons Drug Store Third Ave. and Sixth Street C.tm In the Stomach die to an excess of acid oftefl cau.es a painful dliUDdine of tbe stomach. . . . There is a aafe. certain and apeedy way of relierinj "acid stomach" conditions take a little Bisurated Macneua (KUmath is Magnesia) alter meala. . . . This protective alkali nentra-lizes the acid condition and enables digestion to proceed in comfort. . . . Druggists ererjwhere sell it in ellective powder form, and in handy tablets. SG What tai ne&ct-is. 1. A (Uuixubui MAGNESIA I'SISMUTHIK MACMES1A lf$ a Protective Heutralizer-HOT a Laxative For the Next Ten Days We Offer the following: S'ouf'T 322.00 XXX No. 1 Cedar Shingles- S3 50 per thousand AH Other Building Materials at a Bargain Also Nanaimo-Wellington and Alberta Sootless Coal Albert & McCaffery Ltd. Phone 116 Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 A. CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME Why send fuel money away when nature gave the Bulkley Valley Highest Grade Coal mined in the wfcst. If not satisfactory at first try again, it may not be the coal. Your dealer can supply you, Buy Bulkley Valley CO AL and get more value for your fuel dollar Early-Ad. Copy is appreciated