Todays Weather Prlre RupertCloudy, calm; barometer 29.78; temperature, 56; cci cmooth. XXIV No. 211 UNIONISTS stives V araii. Mediation Board 'r5cnUtWei of the Cot-' ..:s Workers' Union of, W'-re railed In yesterday: " before the mcdlaUon! iw endeavoring to reach r.: of the general textile t in South and North ra rc -opened 'yesterday ,,N-ai plants in New Eng- rci Green, president of the r - Federation of Labor. t 'c: at the week-end that; la farce of organized labor '' " 3un,rv wnuM hp thrown "1 ' tie general textile workers- tr.,1 ?,hat a meetinir of all iv- - tnd international trades nn I - n .1 . . . .. . . vrt in onier to make the ke nne hundred percent effec- Mr Green denied, however. t tr."- nenernl ctrikn tniTifnt l'-nned leaders have appealed to federal government to muster In Various aran That 6e'.jon would be Ukcn on tho Ir ' appeared doubtful. 0 violence was reported '.he week-end (mm nnv of "!ke areas Away With $6000 ""ONTO. r v" uu i. limn I h,nhnh r i tin ""Won nnnk vM Turonto Central Patrlda, 1.12. Chlbougamau, .12. Lee Oold. .09. Granada .60. Inter. Nickel. 23.25. Macassa, i.78. Noranda, 38.75. Shcrrltt Oordqn, .61. Slsco. 2.62. V Thompson Cadillac, .49. Ventures,' .99. Lake Maron. .06Vfc. Teck HuRhc. 6.15. Sudbury Basin, 1.50. Columarlo, .27. Bmelter Oold. .21. Can. Malartlc, .70. Little Long Lac. 6J20. Astoria Rouj-n, .09. Stndacona, .32. Maple Leaf. .26. Pickle Crow, 1.55. Long Lac Lagoon, .40. Manitoba ti Eastern. .32. Oils A. P. Con., .10. Amalgamated, .07. C. ft E., .71. Dalhousle, .29. Fabyan, .00.1B. Freehold, .0714. Home Oil. .90. Merland. 22. Mar Jon, .08. United, .04 Vi- 1 Today's Stocks (Own.) B O. Johnswju Cto.l Vancouver Alexandria, iilf i; Wvtcw, iMk.- " Big Missouri. .33. braaun, 2rs. Bratorne, 14.70. D. R Con., .12. B. R. X. Ooto, .80. Butte I. X. U, M (ask). Cariboo OoM Quarts, Ul. Dentonia, .51. Den ton la, 20. Ootcortaa, 33. . Hercules Own, .M? Indian, 41. Mlnto. a. I : Meridian, JM. - Morning Star, .15j National Stiver, .0314. Noble Five, .07. rend Oreille. .55. Porter Idaho, .08. Premier. 1.24. Reward. .06. Reno. .83. Stiver Creet, .02. Saffion OoW. .22. Taylor Drld, J3 WaytWe, .09. Whitewater. .05. Waverly Tangier, .01 Vi. United Empire, .31. h Final Detail Of rian Reached At Conference Of Ministers Of Agriculture ' REOINA, September 11: Details of & plan to dispose of a large fnumbc of catUe in prairie drought areas before winter sets In were reached at a conference 'here Yesterday of Hon. Robert jWclr, feceral minister of agriculture, with the ministers of agri-' culture of the three prairie prov-'ince, Some 20,000 or 25.000 anl-' mals will be slaughtered, processed jand sold to buyers in Japan and 'the, United States. Others will be 'removed to molster areas in the north of the prairies! the federal and provincial governments shar-ino enuallv in the cost of trans- 'portatlon for which the railways 'have granted half rates. G.C.F. Protests At Increase In Price of Bread VANCOUVER. Sent 11: -The to tal Co-operative Commonwealth FcdcraUon has passed a resolution protesting at the recent advance In Uie price of bread in Vancouver from 5c to 6c per loaf. ' , BrlliHh Pound and Canadian Dollar on 1 ' New York Exchange MfVJTTiFAli. Rent. 11 : The Bri tish pound sterling dosed at .$45 on the local foreign exchange mar ket yesterday. ' . . . l . frt rifl hotjohk., sept, ii niv fish twiund stcrllnir closed at $5.ouvi nrj 'the Vocal foreign exchange market yesterday and the Canadian dollar at $1.03 1-16. O EN EVA, Sept. 11: By una nimous vote of' the Assembly. Soviet Russia was yesterday admitted to full membership the League of Nations. Argentina and Portugal objected to the Soviet being given a seat on the Council of the League. CANADIAN GOLD PRICE OTTAWA, Sept 11 - Ottawa office yesterday revealed that Prime Minister R B. Bennett had been marked as the victim of a kidnapping plot hatched two weeks ago, only failure of the would-be abductors on details of the plan having prevented the "snatching" of the Premier The police were given their Information by a man who. after being arrested with two others on a housebreaking charge, said that he had been invited to enter the conspiracy Mr. Bennett, who always goes about unguarded In the capital, was to have been abducted from the hotel apartment where he resides. Jiff NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1934 f Prison Rioters Fire Reformatory - " m mmmmmMm.maammf MmmmmmmlUmmamKuwmaBmB3& JmimZR j9 ''imwmmmmmmmmmmSBKmmmmmSlKmMWBm Firemen putting out the flarnee after the printing shop of the Stat Reformatory at Pontiac. Itt.. was set afire when the 2,400 Inmates attempted a mass escape that resulted in the death of one convict and the wounding of twenty-four. DISPOSING OF CATTLE : KL'SSIA ADMITTED TO LEAGUE OF NATIONS Jewish Holiday, New York Stock Market is Weak NEW YORK. Sept. ll:-Owing tq Uie Jewish New Year holiday, grading was light on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday with weaknes in all lines. The Industrial average at closing was 89.26. off 1.57: rails, 34.10, off 1.04: utilities. 19.60, off ; 26. and bonds. 91.95. off .35. A total , of 700.000 shares changedhanda. MONTREAL. Sept. 11: The Ca- Mrs. Chenoskl left on last eve- nadlan gold price yesterday was nlng's train for Edmonton where It $34 per ounce as compared with the Is her lntenUon to take special me- BriUaii price of $3451. dical treatment. Premier Bennett is Marked As Kidnap Victim; Plotters Unable to Agree Upon Plan The amount to be demanded Kt. Hon. It. . Bennett, Trlme for ransom Is believed to have Minister of Canada been one of the points of dls- agrcement .of the potential abductors whose IdenUty is not revealed. Mr. Bennett, now In Geneva, was unaware of the plan. British Columbia Bondholders' Association Thinks Victoria Step Is Foolish and Credit Will be Damaged VICTORIA, Sept. 11: (CP) In, connection with his announcement I yesterday that the city and district municipalities of North Vancouver and the district municipality of Burnaby. which are operating un-i der commisslonerships, had found oadebtedness on the basis of the jresent interest rates and that it had been decided to refund the debentures of these municipalities at 'ower rates of from one to four per- :ent. Hon. A. Wells Gray, minister i municipalities, revealed that the . government had adopted a new nnliv nltinr(T!nff oil rrmnlMnnlltlp cision on matters In dispute, Mr. Gray stated. How Bondholders Feel VANCOUVER, Sept. 11: In an fficlal statement yesterday. 6. Lyall Fraser. president of the Brl- ish Columbia Bond Dealers' Asso-Contlnued on Pace Four GAME HEAD APPOINTED J. G. Cunningham Named Tomorrow's Tides 4 High Low New. Game Commissioner For Britkh Columbia j i VICTORIA, Sept. 11: CP ' James O. Cunningham, for sixteen years in the service of the Oamei Board, who has been appointed one of a three-man board to administer the Game Act. has also been I named to act with the authority of ' game commissioner for BrlUsh Columbia in succession to A. Bryan Williams, who was reUred recenUy. The appointment Is temporary un- til a permanent policy has been decided upon. .. 2:50 am 19.5 ft. 14:55 p.m. 21.0 ft. 8:56 a.m. 5.3 ft. 21:38 pjn. 4.2 ft. PRICE: FIVE CENTS. - - . . . . i am mm k mm im mm -am m ma am ma, am. am am mm w n mm am. am n hi ma m m h m mm m ma am ma mw mx mm m mm mm cm v n h Jrlitinnnl Yphy fiiupn For Delinquent Owners To Get Lots Back rtlier Twelve Months of Grace is Given Before Pur chasers or Property nt Tax bale in This City Can Get Their Deeds If TORIA, Sept 11 : (CP) A further year for the re- in;;' jon of tax sale lands in Prince Rupert City munici- v. as authorized by the provincial government yea-Ths means that an additional twelve months will jk rsons who had lots sold for delinquent taxes jar to redeem the property before deed is given to i . -ale purchasers. I m mm I 1 1 rv I I i i m ELECTION xivr iinrr AAriiK iinu pgyv ilmilf i Of New Orlean Are At Lrat Atrrrd On Objertlve Ml EAN8 September 11 irurv Long, who U raptat) if role of a dictator Id ' Louisiana, muttered, - i Guards to aarare mujii'-ipal primaries here pure and peaceful" mc objective as hat r t. . v Long's areh en--.:iv who ha enhrted po:we officers ALL FOR s Widow of Department Store Founder Passes Away in South Today Came to This Country Seventy-Two Years Ago From England Long Prominent in Social and Philanthropic Work VICTORIA, Sept. 11: (CP) One of the outstanding pioneers of British Columbia, Mrs. David Spencer, died here this morning at the age of ninety-two years. She was the relict of the late David Spencer, founder of the well known British Columbia department store business bearing his name. She was for many years prominent in social Xmd philanthropic work here. POLICY ON INTEREST Provincial Government Makes Move To Relieve Municipalities In Connection With Bonded j Indebtedness Local Plan Favored The late Mrs. Spencer came here at the age of twenty from Bubwith, Yorkshire, England, by sailing ship, the journey occuping 114 days. She was married to David Spensi'r In 1867. Mr. Spencer died In 19'2T' More than fifty years ago J Mrs. Spencer was present at the organization oJ the first Women's Christian Temperance Union In Victoria. i ShewWieJecteA, president At that time and has held the office ever since. PREMIER TO SPEAK HERE Accepts Invitations to Address Chamber of Commerce and Gyro Club Hon. T. D. Pattullo, Premier of British Columbia and Member of the Legislative Assembly for Prince Rupert, who is due here Friday mornhig aboard the steamer Prtace t impossible to meet their bonded Rupert from Victoria to pay a visit to his consUtuency, has accepted an invitation to address a Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce dinner that evening. He has also accepted , an Invitation to speak at a Gyro' Club luncheon the same day, the. regular luncheon of the Gyro Club, scheduled for today, having been postponed to that day to reduce their Interest rates. Some ; $10,000,000 of recuriUes are Involved i in the reduction of the Interest -ates of North Vancouver and Bur- J naby. I In the event of dispute between the municipalities and bondholders n connection with refunding, the Tovernment will make the final de California House To Convene Soonr Wednesday Set as Date For Opening of Special Session on 7 Relief SACRAMENTO, Cal. Sept. ll:-?r Acting Governor Frank Merrlarrtr has set this Wednesday for the opening date of a special session dT the state legislature to deal with the question of unemployment relief. Legislation will be presented calling for the issuance of $24,C00,-000 of relief bonds and to extend mortgage moratoria and other relief measures. RELIEF LIST IN B. C. LOWER TODAY THAN IN TWO YEARS, ANNOUNCED VICTORIA. Sept. 11: It Is announced by the provincial government that there are at present fewer people on relief In British Columbia than for the last two years. Improved conditions in the industries generally Is stated to be the reason for the change for the better. .