- p. t 4' i ' v. -. TB3iKias mMxnswmasaBMBKamimwsm mMtmmx warns miasm su i ma n uvwiKausi . . n SPORT !K Total scores made for the evening oy me various teams were as loi lows: "A" League ' 'f Rkeerf.T . 11 No. 1 Rupert -.. 8 C. N. R. A.. , : 5 - No. 2 Rupert . . .v :. 3 " , "B- League : ' Skecna 9 C. N. R. A, . 8 Rupert 3 Van s Bakery Quality Breads Made with Milk, White Whole Wheat and Wrapped 2 foe 13c Unwrapped I for 25c Health bread, per loaf 10c RYYKAK Syrup).l.b.,lf.iO Rye Pumperjiycjcel, j .toris' A't'AH Grocers' - Our bread is nil lahpllpH nn fcWtora as a guarantee cf Its quality. Phone 190 RAHEO U fore a crowd of 25,000 fans. Canadian Legion 1 1 JlLs Billiard Tourney Number of Games Already flayed And Issue Is Much in Doubt In the first game of the billiard I tournament in the Canadian Legion j ws I "A-Hunting We Will Go, A-Hunting We Will Go." Here is a pretty scene from Ireland ( usually thought of as a land of more turbulent happenings. W. Beck, the huntsman, Is arriving with hounds and the whip at Can js Hnuse. Cumber Northern Ir-land, for the North Down Harriers' first meet, of the season. BADMINTON Scotland Defeats ic QT A DITTY Wales in Soccer City league Gets Under Way-Skeena Teams Leading- The city badminton league nlav 1nfc pvprilnir finri manv In. I '.MaUh At Aberdeen Yesterday Re- Suited In Score Of Three To Two For Home Team ABERDEEN, Scotland. November It CPk Scotland defeated Wales teresung and exciting, games wereUhree to two in an Interna wiinessea TUonal soccer match vesterdav SCHEDULE OFWHIST November 23 Grotto vs: I. O. O. F.; St. Andrews vs. Sons of Norway November 30 Sons of Norway vs. I. O. O. P.; Canadian Legion vs. O rot to. December 71. 0. 0. F. vs, St. An- i drew's; Canadian Legion vs. Sons of Norway. I Deeember- 14 Canadian Legion vs. I. O. O. F.; St. Andrew's vs. Grotto. I December 21 Grotto vs. Son of Norway; Canadian Legion vs. 8t. Ondrews. SCHEDULE OF BRIDGE three- points from J. S. WUsnj ""V :"Tt . . .scratch, f. skeUum (plus 501 was I". " "a " v" in unusually good form to win from ' Tru ' S. b. MacdonaW U10) by 41 wtfnte. i " S1,tei -m Mus iCl L. Younsman (-20) iusi beat ' . MmD1,nw MalcotaUmbMO)byfourrmts.! W:...Sw fU C .N ? A : Jark Preece .plus 20. ran awav. vi . from A. Beale -5 to win by ".J point, and T. SiWdes could not D"fmJ , get going, a&ost AMlarvev .)) .i-?. v. !?' S,!,fU: c Iwhp won by 76 points. Game are 1"' U' vs' Canadian Legion. ir.i ...t. .u. vvuuuui nii uic wiiuier a very open question BASKETBAI L schedule: Hockey Standings International DlvWon W. D. L. F. A. Toronto 8 0 0 20 7 if.... M - : . . inaiwjiia 4 o 2 Oanadienc 0 0 5 1 s November 22 Moose vs. C. N. R. American 0 .0 2 (t A.:. Legion ys. High School: Hli-h. American Division Be tool vs. Annettes: Scouts vs. Hlh Boston a School. Detroit 2 LadieV games will be played third i Chicago 2 on Monday nights and second on Rangers I Thursday nights. st. Louis 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 7, 2 13 7 1 7 9 2 9 12 & 18 S$- . . . . ... . I'raiwiinced Vrqiunuxceil hv by CK. AW mm III Thii Connoitseur$ to. be a liqueur of the finest a u all t V:"' 'X; r!itti dvertii4mtnt it not pUbHihtd or diipliyed by the Liquor 0.Yr.nmefit of Bntiih Columbia. fc, ' m oa n. I Control Board or by thf BADMINTON ! REORGANIZE SCHEDULE Following Is schedule of games in j the Prince Rupert Badminton League: "A" League Nov. 21 C. N. R. A. vs. Ne. 1 Ru pert; Skeena vs.. No. 2 Rnpect; Noj .Rupert vs. C. N. R. A.; No. 2 Rupert vs. Skeena. Nov. 23t-C. N. R. A. m. No. 2 Ru-pert? Skeena vs. No. 1 Rupert; No. 1 Rupert vs. Skeeoa; Na 2 Rupert vs. Q. N. R. A. i Dec. 5 C. N. R. A. vs.' Skuena; Skeena vs. C. N R A,; No. 1 Rupert vs No. 2. Rupert; Na 2 Rupert vs. No. 1 Rupert Dec. 12 C. N. R. A. vs. No. 1 Ru. pert: Skeena vs. No. 2 Rupert; No. 1 Rupert vs. C. N. R. A.; No. 2 Rupert vs. Skeena. Dec. 19 C. N. R. A. vs. No. 2 Rupert; Skeena vs. No. 1 Rupert; No. t Rupert vs. Ska; No. 2 Rupert vs. C. N. R. A. Dec. 2-C. N. R. A. v. Skeena; Skeena vs. C. NjR. A.; No. 1 Rupert vs. No 2 Rupert; No. 2 Rupert vs No. 1 Rupert. "B" Leaue Nov. 21 C. N. R, Skeena vs. Rupert; R. A. Nov. 28-C. N. R. Skeena vs. C. N. R. . Skeena Dec. 5-C. N. R. Skeena vs. Rupert: N.R . A. Dec. 12 C. N. R Skeena vs. C N. R Skeena. A. vs. Skeena; Rupert vs. C. N. A. vs. Rupert: A.; Rupert vs. A. vs. Skeena: Rupert v c A. vs. Rupert: A : Rupert vs. BILLIARDS League to .'Make a New Start Next Week With Three Teams In May Reorganisation of the Prince Rupert BUllard League wjth three team In competition O rot to. Don Brown, captain; Empress. Neil Cam eron, captain, and Elks. C P Ba-Uigno. captain was decided upon at a meeting lust night. Oames will be played Tuesday and Thursday evenings of each week under a new schedule starting next week. Play wW contfoue right through the winter without having two halves and a play-off between the winners of each as has been the custom in the past. John Bulger presided over last night's meeting. CRIBBAGE Nov. 2 Orotto vs I O. O. F.; Canadian Legion vs. Elevator; Moose vs. Empress: Meat Packers vs. C. N. R A. Dec. 3 Moose vs. Grotto; Meat Packer) vs. Canadian Legion; I. O. O. F. vs. Kmpteac. c. N. R. A. vs. Elevator. IIKIDGC STANDING The Bridge Legu to dale Is as follows: Swift's Musketeers Ramblets Grotto C. N R. A Canadian Legion A Baby Riding Star Skiing Without the Snow standing ' For AK'sti 2T419 19969! 22008 ' 33936 21131 ! 32348 21003 33079 25536 msfl 26413 Jean. Graham, 4-year old cowgirl oi 8ainas Ka. .as thrills th children of B ievue ho.Tpltai. Ni w York: as e 'almly walks her. horse on two v- .Ralph.WhllmmjoLiheouthe;rri .QfUUorna 8to dub. lecomcar.a. i little Impatient and substitutes strw f r ;.iow far his skiing He Is seen her taking off from the straw -covered jump. Christmas Cm oc, 10c, 15c up; Special 10 for rc annft Christmas Calenda F.n tfAfV 2"c to $1.00 ; Tag?, 'Seals and Wrapplmr. " YD r) 'n n i " A. L' I V, S . ft. IS.. I ' ' PRINTERS AND STATIONERS Dosncr IJIock, Thinl Strcc Steamships Sailings for VsnfouTfi Tuesday Catala ...... .1:30 pm. Thurs. s. P. Oeorce 10:30 pm Friday as. Prin. Adelaide 10 pm. Ss. Cardena. midnight Nov. 2. 15. 29 as. P. Norah J pm. from Vaneoaver 8unday ss. Catala 4 pm. Wed. ss. Pr. Oeorge 10 am. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 4 pm. 8s. Cardena pm. Nov 11, 25 s. Prin. Norah am For Anyex and Stewart Sunday ss. Catala 8' p.m. i Wednesday ss. p. George 4 pm. From Anyojt and Stewart i Tuesday s. Catala 11:30 am. Thursday a. Pr. Oeorge pm for Naat Klver ana fort Simpion- Bunday . Catala 8 p m. f ram Naas Klver Jc Tort Slrapen Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 am. For Queen Charlotte Islands Nov. 9 and 23 as. P. John 10 pm. froB Qoeea CbarUtte Island Nov ? and 21 ss. p. John 4 p.m. for Ocean Falls I Thurs. ss. p( George 10:30 p.m. Friday--. Prin. Adelaide 10 pm. rnm Ocean FaQV Wed. s. Pr. Georae. 10 am. Friday- -ss. Prin. Adelaide 4 pm. 8. Cardena pm. For Alaka Nov 11, 25 s. Prin. Norah a.m. From Alaska Nov 2, 15. 25- ss. P Norah 4 pm. From Skeena River-Friday -as. Cardena pm. 'TREATMENTS uilh MUSTAII1I CoiifSliM, CoIUn, IthcuRinllcN, Csrippu Risbt in your o-wa borne wiib ibe Culciua'i MuMard la Tour kiichrn npbxMLrd, ytMt bt. REALLY fc life litaiog for moi winter illil A rauutd piiutt (half Colrata'i, b!f Sour) on vour rit, back of acbiog esrt. AnotbacbwilhJubUipoooaful u( Culmaa'i 1 6in fur cxtldt or a fooa bath in ptil. IVo'i overlook tbeu oid'tim tentdiea. " t I Majwurt nwtraaa COLMANS n.s.r. Mustard "I I'm ALL fr, MrnUU" ,m will uct what you want. r Pcrsifnal Christmas Cards 'printed in j-jri pl.nt on Phort notico. Electric STAN! I AMP AxtUtw Br.:; L: good cjua..." . . and 60 w g C4 r - 8mart Tabif L Q1 W Attrartivf Tk i Standar'' I p Ql pnceo irf as n r 1 c r v w ilu tr ii 1 m w r n wm v n s : lVUICll naiun Phone 3 fiOI.DBLO Has Larue Order All Varieties ol FUR Don't sell ui J reliable who r tlun ar, bo ? t- ChkCK YU w w m w w m w wm I'l I ! I Ml I ' III ( ll i uiiinu v Stations hf.inl c night's reception, ni' correct dial setting' indicate that your r-needs adjusting v-i m..i for particulars. SUPKKJ0K RADIO-ELW Dfi Luxe M 1 M si I v - , r . s. nuiiitW" m in,A tm rrPAii' ..n '"" . ..... tale " ,.,-ithful nd """l , . i: L I ATI i i iiiiiiiiuuvi