UT HON. W. I,. MALKKN7.li; KINO W W YuIlK, Nov 22 CP' 11 H'.n William Lyon Mackenzie K I. .uler of the Opposition ' C ludlan House of Com-i arrived here yesterday N tples after a European lookn ctecptlonally well. 1) i ' fuM-d to make my comment, ;: ih.it he had (taUiered Im- 'i while away upon which ' ....hi itnve something to say if. n Canada Riley is Elected Commissioner For City of Calgary ALGAltY. November 22:Rlley; ! ted commissioner of Cal- ' i yesterday's civic elections ! ft' i'lns un in lain lut nloht cave! NEW t Strong Note Sent to Cencva Today by Belgrade (lovern-ment as Outcome of Recent Killings of King Alexander and Louis Barthou GENEVA, Nov. 22: (CP) Hungary was blamed for the assassinations of King Alexander of Jugo-Slavia and Foreign Minister Louis Barthou of France at Marseilles m October 9 by the Jugo-Slavian government in a strong note today to the League of Nations. The note asks the League to conduct an exhaustive investigation into the 1 .ytrajlc events. Jugo-Slavia has ex United States Is Extending Aerial , Mail Service Now WASHINGTON. D.C.. No. Tie extension of air mall services! in various parts of the country wast announced yesterday by Postmas-' '.er Oenerai James Parley There will be additional dally trips be-. tween Fargo. NX)., and SeatUe and , between Fort Worth. Texas, and Los Angeles. Milk Licensing Board Invalid Important DrcWon Made by Chl ra'o Court Yesterday Government Has No Authority CH1CAOO. Nov. 22: The milk j licensing board of the A. A. A. was j ruled Invalid by a local court yes-iterday. The Department of Agriculture had no authority to regu- late the producUon of milk, the .court decided. il'otmd Sterling and Canadian Dollar New York Kxchangi- YORK, Nov. 22: The Brl- Mey 8JJ3 votes to CMS for Barnes tlsh pound sterling closed at 4.99ft " ' :tU7 for Day. Two other on the local foreign exchange yes-' - l acs were trailing far In terday. up T8c. Tlie Canadian dollar , lar closed at $1.028. up l-16c. Regi istration of Voters For Forthcoming Federal Contest Difficult Owing to Distances Owinir tn Hip vnst extent of the district and the remote- "css of some of the isolated stations, the task of preparing 'he federal election voters' list for Skee.na riding is prov-iK an arduous one for G. M. Hunt, the registrar of voters, and it will be some time yet before it will be possible to announce the total number of voters in the riding. While the -it.rorr: as far as the city is concerned u nrcttv well lined up, returns have var wood Home From Overseas rmm American Speedboat Driver Itctiirns to United States On Italian Mncr NEW YORK, Nov.22:-Gar Wood, 'ajnous American speedboat racer, "wncd to the United States yes-Jfi'y aboard the Italian liner cnmte dc Savole following a trip to Europe not yet been received on me pre- pressed the opinion on a number of occasions that Hungarian terrorists were behind the assassinations but this Is the first ocasion that Hungary as a nation has been i blamed. i I Fishermen Have j Narrow Escape Four Men Are, However, Safe After Their Boat Takes Fire From , Gas F.xploion CHEMAINUS. Vancouver Island. Nov. 22: Four fishermen had a narrow escape off Chemalnus yesterday when their boat caught fire from a gasoline explosion. One. Arnold Crocker, with his clothing ablaze. Jumped Into the water and was not picked up until forty minutes later. Vanderbilt Case Judgment Given Official Decision is Alonj Lines Anticipated Earlier In Week NEW YORK, Nov. 22: Justice John Carcw gave his Judgment yesterday In the bitter court fight over the custody of ten-year old Gloria Vanderbilt along the lines as unofficially anticipated earlier In the week. The child shall spend five davs a week with her aunt, Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney, who will superintend her education. Two days a week the child shall be with her mother. Mrs. Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt. Mrs. Whitney, being a Protestant, the Judgment requires that a Catholic governess shall be provided for Gloria whose mother Is n Catholic. It Is expected the Judgment will be appealed by the mother who de mands full custody. Meantime the order docs not become effective for a month. Richard Lange, Charged With Murder, Freed limlnary registration, from some'' NEW WESXMiNSTER. Nov. i22: points to say nothing of the revl- (CP, nichard E. Lange of Bur- slon last week. It nas aircany ocm)naby wn$ ncqulttcd by nn Assize announced that there arc well oVer ;Court jury on Wednesday night on 3000 qualified to vote In the city of Prince Rupert. IHKTH NOTICK a rrivWipk nernard. wa to Mr. and a charge of slaying Hans Ambrosch, on last. i 1 his neighbor,, September 111 of the creature was thirty feet but it might have been more. The largest vertebra Is nearly eight Inches In diameter and lour i to five Inches In length. This one Is several feet back from the head. Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides rnni Rupert Overcast, light High 2:36 a.m. 19.3 ft. j rUiPily wind; barometrr, 29.C0: 14:11 p.m. 21.7 ft. mpcraturc, 48; ta smooth. Low 8:21 ajn. 85 ft 21:03 pjn. 2.7 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER - ffi XXIV No. 172, -L-'-J II.. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURS DAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1934 PRICE: FIVE CENTS HUNGARY IS BLAMED BY JUGOSLAVIA REMAINS OF STRANGE MARINE CREATURE NOW IN CITY Exhaustive Investigation Into j Assassinations At Marseilles Last Month Asked of League Returns Home Ancient Crown And Throne Restored To Ceylon bbbHbsbbbbbbbbHbbbbEibbbSb 'SsssHsSb 4 A festival torchlig&t proiession the restoration of the the famous famous Ka f decorated elephants and dancer in Kandy. Sea Monster Found Near Here May Have Been tf Caddie" Which Once Haunted Victoria Waters It seems now that the skeleton of a sea monster picked up on the beach at Henry Island near Prince Rupert may be Cadborosaurus seen in life by many people at Cad-boro Bay, Victoria. While the vertebrae are not yet all in place since being landed here and some also are permanently missing, those on view now make it pretty clear that It was once a "sea serpent," round s like a snake but with Jointed (tappers on either de and a head something like a horse. When inspected this morning there were fifty vertebrae on the dock and some in a box In a boat alongside possibly seventy In all. The small tail bones were missing and it Is not sure how far they tapered otf. Dr. Neal Carter, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, still Is strongly Milk Marketing Board Formed Hush Davidson Chairman of New Body Which Also Has'Two Other Members VICTORIA, Nov. 22: After weeks of delicate negotiation, the British Columbia milk marketing of opinion that the extreme length board was set up yesterday. Hugh Davidson is chairman and there are two other members. 'ioneer Chinaman Huried Here Today All the flesh has disappeared but i Many members of the local Orlen- cartllage Is clinging to most of the , tal colony were In attendance this bones and the flappers are a mass afternoon at the chapel of the B of cartilage although, at the point c. Undertakers for the funeral ser- j ' where the elbow or the knee should vice of Mah Bing Doon, better be. the cartilage Is very hard, ap- known as Jim Mar. pioneer cook,i proachlng in texture that of a bone, whose dehth occurred earlier in the and there Is undoubtedly a Joint, week. The service was conducted by both in the small and the large Mah Wing Him and M. T. Lee and flappers. They are thick and have Miss Ruby Lee presided at the or ' .1. n r ...xrw ft f 111 rflnnnj toll. The vertebrae are perfectly ! round and hard like those of a snake and there is no semblance of ribs. The head is badly Injured but! It seems to be somewhat flat. The j length of the head cannot yet be j determined as only the hard car-i Wage Is left. However, to stand' back and look at the skeleton as it now lies on the dock It has a very striking resemblance to, the pictures I published of the Carboro By Nils Nelson is leaving the city on I One of the splne-llke hairs taken j ttic 'steamer Trlncc Qeorgc tonight from the flesh measured 'four and wrn nt hp Prince Rupert Oenerai j tor Vancouver whence he will pro- a half Inches long with a hook at Uk Wit ' . . UUUI . . ,! ,... i. ..l.l.. ..j .,,1,1.1, t,.IJ II l.'.l i a - Hospital on Monday, Mrs. A, Hardy. cccd to'Rochestcr, Minn., to receive treatment at Mayo Clinic. nut; iriiu mi.iti uviu ai, an linvc u vtlc creature's soft flesh. gan. Interment followed in the Chinese plot in Fairview Cemetery. Pallbearers were Mah Wy, Mah Wing, Mah Kec and Mah Jack. Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy, north wind, 30. Anyox Clear, calm. 32. Stewart Part cloudy, calm, 29. Hazelton Cloudy, calm. 25. Smlthers Light snow, calm, cool, Burns Lake Snowing, calm. 24. Dr. Neal Carter, director of tho Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimen tal Station, was the Rotary Club speaker today. Ceylon, following Kandy thrcndcwn-3y,ovei:3ment of Ceylon by j " Gloucester on, behalf oi'KinVC&Tgc ' the Duke of Today's Stocks Court, j- 8 O Johnston Oo.", Vancouver Alexandria, .01 Vi. Bayvlew, .01. B.C. Nickel, .40V2. Big Missouri, .32. Bradian, 2.15. Bralorne, 12.25. Bit. Cons., .07 Vz. BRX.. Gold, 23. Caribou Quartz 125. Dentonla, .47 12. Dunwell, .16. Georgia River, .01. Hercules Cons., .02. Indian, .01. Mlnto. 15t2. Meridian. .16: Mbrnlny Star, .09 V2. National Silver, .03 ft. Noble Five. .07ft. Pend Oreille, .40. Porter I&aho, .08V1. Premier. 1.22. Reno. 1.05. Sl'ver Crest ,01ft. Salmon Gold. .09ft. Taylor Bridge, .24. Wayside. ..09 ft. Whitewater. .04 ft. Waverley Tangier, .01. United Empire, .09. Glacier Cre:k, .05 ft. Grange, .25. Toronto Central Patricia. .95. Chlbougamau, .08. Lee Gold. .05. Granada. 25. Tnt. Nickel. 22.25. Macasfa. ' 2.40. SherrlU Gordon. .45. Slscoj. .2.48. Ventures. .84. Lake Maron. .04 it.. Teck Hughes. 4.00. P'lHburv Bairfn. 1.08. Cohimarlo. 21. Smelters Go'd. .13. ' Can. Malartlc. '.4BU. Little Long Lac. 4.70. Astoria Rouyn, .03 Stadacona. .24. Made Leaf .07ft. 1 Pickle Crow. 1.70. Longlac laroon, .10. Man. St Eastern .16. McMillan, .37 U. T. N. LePane, manager of northern division of the Home Distributors Ltd.. is making round trip today to Anyox Stewart on company business. STOWAWAYS ARE FOUND No Less Than Five Are Arrested Aboard British Freighter -Two Believed Drowned VANCOUVER, Nov. 22: (CP Five stowaways who apparently had boarded the vessel In Algeria were arrested here yesterday follow ing a search of the British freighter Landeetarn. Two others are believed to have been drowned In an attempt to escape. One man, giving the name of Janko Spolgorlc, a 23-year old Jugo-Slav. told the police that he smuggled himself away aboard the ship while it was loading cargo in Algiers. WOODWARD PROPOSED Nominated by Meeting in Vancouver As British'Oolumbia-Dirrctor VANCOUVER, Nov. 22: (CP)- W C- Woodward, Vancouver depart mental store head, has been named Vancouver's nominee for British Columbia's candidate on the new Central Bank of Canada directorate. He was chosen at a meeting sponsored by the Vancouver Board of Trade. Tulsequah Plane Here Last Night Capt. William Stronfs Machine Calls Enroute to Vancouver; Local Men Fly South A big flying boat, which is being operated by Capt. William Strong of Tulsequah In commercial aviation to Northern British Columbia mining areas, landed here at 5:30 last evening from Juneau, having made a stop at Ketchikan enroute, and hopped off at 10:30 this morn ing In continuation of a flight to Vancouver. On board the plane were Pilot H. A. MacDonald and his wife. Mr. Strong. W. H. Stevens of Juneau, Lynch Colllson of McDames and Norman L. Freeman, local representative of the International Fisheries Commission who has been on a trip to Juneau on official duties. Mr. Freeman continued through to Seattle with the party today and also going south from here was Capt. W. P. Armour who will visit Vancouver on business. G. A. Yardley. Inspector of customs, and his assistant, O. E. Nor-rls, will sail by the Prince George tonight on their return to Victoria after havlnir sDent the oast counle iof weeks here and In the district on official duties. 11 OVAL WEDDING DAY IS SCHOOL HOLIDAY ! VICTORIA, Nov. 22: (CP) At the request of Ills Majesty 1 King George, a public, school , holiday has been proclaimed in 1 British Columbia on November 1 29 In honor of the marriage of the " tho Dukf ' Kent, fourth son OH of the King, and Princess Mar- tho lna of Greece. . and t