Tbt Ktsali Store Quaker Corn Flakes Ordinary "SNAPS" make BEAUTIFUL or r four lairtbot col GO U:u -9, I'itkfmtafewof U jtMt. Then Mni m (U t. ' of Ktic for tiv UfSi. You'd lit4wrurcul. proapt Knicr. Cane in aa Kf sample of lh work thai t lute doM Cur others. Developing and Printing Daily Service ; before noon finished the same day If you are not t ur V' "tk we reprint It for you free of charge. Ormes Ltd. yfi Pioneer Druggists rbones: ii it n TheFish which'made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand,? SMOKED - BLACK COD - I Prepared PHj By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Canadian Pacific PRINCESS STEAM Eits for Ketchikan. Wrangell, Juneau and Bkasway, Aug, 6th, th. ?3rd and 8rpt. l 'or VancQuver direct Aug. 414), JHh, 18Ui, 28th and 9pt. 6th. Tor Vancouyer via Ocean Falls and Way Ports, -Princess Adelaide every Friday 10 p in. For Reservations . V- L. COATES, qen. Agent, l'rlnre llupcrt, ll-C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED i Burners leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver- Ariffl11 EVKRY TUKSDAY, li3P PJ ' Vancouver Thursday TUB 8J. CAUDENA EVEIIY PltlUAY MIPNIOIIT r. 10 Hort n. AM. Ami, AnyM, "d Further Lmn rtnc nnpr Sunday, a pm. jner Information regarding all sailings and tickets at- - ITI8T AOLNCVi Third Atrnnc. "on. 8. J. Jftiour, who has baen on a business tlto to Anyox, returned ! to the city from the north on the Catala yesterday afternoon. The Print Rupert Oeneral Hos pltaJ invite tenders for Coal for Jkxipitol and Nurses Home. Spec-tftaatlons obtainable at Qpereiary'f office. 191 1 Mr ami Mrs. Robert C. Oosse. . alter g brW visit to Oceanic cannery, sailed by the Catala yester- Bdsy afternoon on their return to A R Nichols and Robert Wilson left at the first of the week for Stewart where they will embark by plane for a two weeks' prospecting trip into the Unuk River Daniel McLaBan, George Vltkand Roy Aleiicb, on charge of drunk' wine, were each Jlned $25, wttfc1 option of eight days' imprison ment by O H, Monro, J.P.. In city police court. O. E Qulkk, local manage of the Swift Canadian Co returned) to the city on the OaUVa yeeter-! 'day afternoon after making the round trip to Anyox and Stewart on company business. Father J. Byrne Grant O. M. 1. 1 of Stewart U oaylng a vMt to the city. He arrived from the north v SOUTH SHIPS to VANCOUVER From Prinet RPrt, ",,in3 Ocesn Fslli nd Powtll River. MONDAY 3 P-n- SATURDAY - - - 6 p - For ANYOxTU STEWART, Js.vlns Prince Rupel vtry Friday 3 p.m. TRIANGLE TOUR s37" Print. R.ptrt, iiP ontV NATIONAL THE PATLT MTO - PAQE THREE AIM ,il L UHV tMW-WWfH- LOCAL NEWS NOTES Ladiest Dresses i We are still buylne old cold, You can rent a Car at Walker's 1 Buyer's. Ufi as low as $1 a day plus 7c. a wile. it Ambrose Held arrived In the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from Port etopjon for a "brief visit to town. Great assortment of trunks, bags. valises and suitcases at very reduced prices. Rupert Trading Cp. Second Avenue and Fifth SV 191 Jlarry R. Beatd of the scientific staff of the New Enand Fish Co., who arrived in the crty on Monday ! from Ketchikan In the course of a 'northern tour, sailed from here on (the Catala yesterday afternoon tor iButedale INPANT'S Corrected ! Frequent KjnnMnti sre nnHf iL v due to as irnts titm in U intestine set up bjr fermratvc food tlrh bat Dt dif'tted. Baly 0n TstaVts -Ur sad proaipti' ftkj bajurc in fettn.j rid of tilt irrilAlka. At tl fir iu of rjervUbv or dinbo," ril Sir. Alton A Psrcber, GJtnslu'&d. Qutbrr. ' I girt BU i On TaUtt u4 is s very rfiortUmt Uljy iwU bests! Mid rmilu.f bis Omsk Tixy are a 4 rrm'-o y ior ail simple tut y ail-meat. 6c at ail drag atom. ji Or W,llimr A charge against Doug Frlzzell of driving to the common danger on the Catala yesterday afternoon I was dismissed In etty poHce court and will return to Stewart on thei Prince Oeorge on Friday. O. W. Laidler. local manager of the W. IL Maikln Co. Ltd. returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from Stewart terday afternoon. :and Preinter where he spent the end of the week on business. E M. lUynes of Victoria. Pott I Office Inspector, returned to the icltv on the Catala yesterday after. .noon after a visit to Stewart and l Premier on official duties and will i i-njiTi i t t?.- r; iniim 1-j.E'j 11 tmi outer wn uia.-ra i uw Special Values in Crockery ixr Leaf Cups and Saucers, 3 for 25c ri:far fcT-ifr plates, "Gold Band," G for 95c 5cjp r uiles, "Gold Band," C for 9" D hes, "Gold Band," 6 for 50c a.bn Crock, Special $1.75 GORDONS HARDWARE JSK",1, district before returning souto. ii Thomas Reid, M. P for New ' Westminster, was the speaker at the weekly luncheon of the Oyro Club In the Boston Cafe today, ! Past -President T.W.Brown was In i thf chair and there was a good at- ; tendance of members and few jigutsts. lt ooert Nelson, inaian, jor oruns 2 enne.ss. was fined $15 and costs. jwitji option of fourteen das' lm. j prlponment, by W. E. CpHison. In dian Agent In city police court. Similarly charged. Paul Wright. alsp an Indian was fined $10 and costs. wUh opon of fourteen days' Imprisonment Helen ValenUne. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Valentine of this city and a pupH of Booth Memo rial School, who won the Oorer noi Oenesal" medal n the recent Entrance examinations, ranked third In the entire province. Alma Dynavn. daughter of Mr. and Mr. John pytrfmn and pupil of Borden Street School was fourth In the province by O. II. Munro, J,P. Ted Keraln, son of Mr. -and Mrs H. F. Kergto of Alice Arm. Js a visitor ta the city, having arrived from the north on the Catala yes- J. A. McGwyj. shfc;BZ jnaster for the port of Vancouver, was among passengers returning south aboard the Catala yesterday after boring made the round trip aorin on ine vessel. - Mr and Mrs. P. H. Lln2ey. who have been vbtttng at Pou-ell Blver with Mr. Unity's brother and sis- ter-ln-Uw, Mr, and Mrs. R. B. Lin- rry. formerly of this city, returned to the city from the paper town on the Prince Rupert tills morning. Rev. Robert C. SooU, new prln- cipl of Coqualeetza Institute and moderator of the United Church In British Columbia, arrived in the city on the steamer Catala yester day afternoon on his way sputh after a brie trip to the Naas River. C. W. Pidcock pf Moultrie. Oeor- gia, president of the Georgia Nor thern Railway, and party Incudins Mrs. Pidcock. Mrs. C. W. Pidcock Jr. and Judge E. H. Lewis, geseral freight and passenger agent of the line arrived Jn the city from the East on last night's train and palled this afternoon on the Prince Rupert to make the. round trip to Skagway and thence to Vancouver next week. Announcements Catholic Church Bazaar October 10 and 11. Canadian Legion Women's Aux iliary Bazaar October 18. Moose Hail DANCE Friday Night STROLLERS' ORCHESTRA Kalum Lake Lodge Now under new management lutes $20 per day Special prices by the week Ideal Spot For a Restful Holiday For particulars, write to It. W. HlLEV, TEIUIACE. B.C. i a i a mm II I I L I FOR RENT -i tl FOR RENT 6-nm flat With range $17 a month, water included. Apply Suite 4 Levin Apartments. Box 98. MUSIC t: VIOLIN Tuition, theory and har mony. Miss N. Lawrence. PtoneJ 177. Classes start Sept. 1. 209 HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING 1 Cluster Curl; Latest Styles HELSON'8 BEAUTY SIIOPPS IN THE SUPREME COURT P.F BRITISH IX FROUWE III THE MATTER OF TUB "ADMIMS- TSATIOM AC 1 and IK THE MATTER OF" THE ESTATE OT NtnK vraAUS. otnerwtse un VJDALLIS. V ID ALES and VJJJAlO. tict xnnra thai be order ot Hl Honor W. E. Flahec. tne 3rd day ot AuguM AD. 134. I a appwaia AdmlnUtrator ot tn. estate I Kltk Vi- dalto. otoerrlw Knovn aa viaaiua. )m aivd Yklalaa. oeeeaaea. ana au l.. l.lmB mmtnat tt aald etlate ii. i - i . are required to lurnUh aame. properlT rerlfled, to on or before 3rd day r October. AC. 1934, and all partlM tndetned to in. eLa are pay the amount of their lndebledneea to in ;ortatn. &.nn.,.T . WITT Otnclal Administrator. Mnna RlinM-C 43.0, Dated the 3rd day at Augmrt. AD, 1934. JN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH IN fKOIIATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMJN1S- TRAiiun IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WALLACE T. WALTEKa. utvxutw. tki tcrmrR tht br order of HU Honor W. shc, the 3;d day of AlMPlat. AD, 1B34. I was appranvra Admlnistraipr of th sstte 01 t u'.lti JmmmI mnA aU Danies havlag iama ta4nst the said estate are required V iurnin same. jwuviJ verified, to me on or befow the 3rd day of Octobt-r, A D. 1934, and all parties Indebted to the eUt are rrqwfrap. w pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. HERBERT r lftK.x. Official Administrator. AUln- BC Datxl the 3rd day of August, AD, JW4. Motors Heavy Duty Truck Motor ei.ltnhU tnr fHh boats alo speed boat motors $35 up .ChrlsUe Truck , & Car f arta, 1630 1st '"Ate., Vancouver and Fur-Lined Coats We have just received a new shipment of Ladies' Presses and Fur- Lined Coat. All latest Ftyle. and of eood material and workmanahta. Also Children's Sample Dresses wWch wc are clearing put at leas than W wholesale nrires as we Durchascd these eoods at a great discount on wcount oC beinB samples. Men's, Women's and Children's Leckies Shoes at very reduced prices, ako Runner and Outing Footwear. Ladies' Black arid White Canvas One- j Men's Black & White Sports CO QCJ Strap Slippers, leather soles Q4 JQ Oxfords. Re& $o,00 ; to clear RefnilarS2.5Q;Toclear... Men's Fawn & Brtnvn Dress QO Off Pllt,- CLnac Oxfords, Reg. $5,00; to clear V fS Ladies' FrenchF.lt Sport Hats Offc r Misseg, 11 to 2 89a Child's sizes, R 7,. cnec:al OOC Boys,' 1 to 5 . 95c 4 to 10 . . . .$9c nef' iOC' apeciai Ladi' 3 to 8 . 79c Youth's, 11 Ladies' Summer & Fall Dresses $Q .95 m Men's, 6 to 11 99c to 13 J 85c Reg. $10 and up; Special " FOR SALE FOR SALE English collapsible go-cart. Price $2.50. Dally News, We Accept City Scrip Rupert Trading Co. JUST ACROSS FROM LITTLE'S STEWS STAXD ON SECOND AVENUE Classified Ads PAINTERS TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 1T7. - Birch. Jackpine, Cedar. U IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IX FKOD.VTK IN THE MAl-XUt OF THE "ADMINIS TRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF verified, to m on or beloar tlie 3rd day' WABJ3 KILTATPICK, DFCT.ASTD, TAKE NOTICE that by Older of Hit Honvr W. E. Flaher. ih 3rd day 9( I Aiudt. A.D. 1B34. I vaa apixxtnted AdmlnlMaUar of Xt eeute of Ward , KUpatrtck. dereaaed. and all parties hartng datma aealnat the said astate are required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 3rd day of . October. A D. 1934, and all putlea Indebted to the estale are required to pay the amount of their tndebtodnev to me forthwith. HERBERT F OLASSET. Official Administrator, Atlln. B O. Dated the 3rd day of Aumut. AS. 1934. notice lASlD REOISTRT ACT Re: Certificate of Title He. IS743-I. to Lot 1P04, aojd to contain JJl acre, more or lem, Lot 43J. a&ld fo eonr tain 113 acrea, more or ices, and Lot 1434. ald to oocUln 73 acrea. more or lea. All In Range S, Coast District. Certincaite of TtU issued In the naae f Ernest Hellfaeh and Alonao icDoa-aid baa been filed in thia office notice U iMreby riven that I ahall, at the ep ptratlon of one moalfe rom the date of the first publication hereof. Issue t BtorUlonal OcUXlceOe of Title la lle Of said )pat oeruncate. unM Jn tke Bteantiine ralld objection be made to me in UTltlng. DATED at the Land Reclstrr Otfloe Prince Rupert. BC. thU 23rd day of July, AD. 1934,. Depiitf RcsUtraX of Titles IN THE SVPRBUE COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN rttOHATE !? THE MATTER OF THE ADMINIS-TUATJ05I ACT" and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF OTTO H. PARTRIDGE, DECEASED. TAKE NOTICE tkat by order of His Honor W. 8. Fisher, the 3rd day of Awruat. AX. 1034. I was appointed Administrator of the estate 01 Otto H ParUldec deceaaed, and all parties having thoina against the said etate are rsqulord to furnsh aame, properly verified, to me on or before the 3rd day of October. AD. 1914. and all parties indebted to the estate are requirea w pay the amount of their Indebtedness to m forthwith. HKKBEST r. U LAS 3t I. QlUclal Administrator, Atlin. sc Dt1 the r4 diT nf.Aurust. AD- 1934 KX1VHX K 0 for the East-Mondays, Tuesdays, WedneS' days and Fridays 0 pan from the East Mondays, and Saturdays 2:13 pm. 1 pfctSta icl jThursdays. 10:20 IN THE SUPREME COURT OT BRITISH , COLUMBIA IX PROBATE DJ THE MATTER Of THE "APMEOfr I TBATION ACT" and 1 IN THE MATTER Or THE ESTATE Of PIERRE BRUNET. DECEASED, IK' TESTATE. I TAKE NOTICE that toy order of HJ W, E. FWx?-. the 3rd day ft irigcer August. AJ. 1BS4. I vaa appoint f w b j harisg claaoa against tne aala mm Moller, Phone Red 802. are rwulreri to furolah Bam, property U October, AD. 183V and aU parUca Indebted to the estate are required . pay the amount of their indetxtytoe. to me ferthrith. HERBERT T OLASSET. OfflcUJ Admlnlatntor. AWln, B.Q. Dated the 3rd day of August. AX).. 1B34. COAL! COAL! Our famoos Edapn. Albert and Bulkle7 -Valley Coals are guaranteed to Rl" satUtactlon. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkier Valley. Wl alao aeU Timothy Hay, Wheal OaU and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. t II rhone Ul Summer Long-wave Reception IS NOW AT ITS POOREST So yhy not give that set its long needed overhaul now? Phone Blue 320 and get the most out of your radio for this coming season. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Second Avenue b Third Street When Coming to Tenace or Lakeke Hot Springs Make Arrancementa With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, B.C. To Greet Too We meet all trains. Freight U passenger service anywhere, Lakelse Lake and Lodge, new boat (H. A. S.) now In service on the lake, Fare anywhere on the lake, one adult, $3.00; -JUO per bead additional. No. crowd too blc. No Job too small. PICNIC PARTIES EVER? SUNDAY Dally News Want-Ads satisfy.