Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides he Mm print , rt - Clear, light High 4:28 am. 172 ft. r. . w'iyo. '; barometer. 30.22; 10:42p.m. 19.2 ft. tempcratu. . ea smooth. Low 10:35 aa 6.6 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 23:23 pm. 65 ft. V XXIV No 190 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1934 PRICE: FIVE CENTS ISLANDER GOLD CANADIAN BREWER KIDNAPPED-$150.000 RANSOM Bow of Treasure Ship To Be Raised; Believed It May Contain Vaults Returns From Salvage Operations Near Juneau So Far Have Been Disappointing-To Work For . Another Thirty Days U NFAt'. Aur. 15: (CPi : raving so far yielded ' itted gold to the salvor?, hnng up the bow of rj 1W feet of water. It x- ju, containing me goici Dunion oeneveu to ... ';c r aboard the ship, were in the bow. PRESIDENT IS COMING Iwtult running Alaska Visit Stii Summer Has It to Do With FortJfkaUonr - WASHINGTON. DCAur,. 13: It its Intimated at the White Host? mtrrday that President IubUIit I), ltooevelt it already tannine a Journey to Alaska ft summer If he oc. he lll a the second thief eicculive In the hbUrr f the nation to ilt the territory during hi term of flif President W. O. Harding kitlnt made a trip to Alaska in the summer of 1913 Jut before he died. In some quarters significance l alUthed to the President's pro-Hted trip to Alaska In connection ith mooted plan of the t nlted Stales to establish fortifications and a naval bae In Al-ka in the event of failure of the disarmament conference. OPPOSED TO COMMUNISM Anrlcn Legion in California. Endorses AdmlnUtratlon'a Deportation Move EAJI FRANCISCO. Aug. 15: Unl- 1 determination to quell t.. sni the California drtart-1 r '.lie American Legion dej lcrday to take a slap at: of Labor Perkins. W ''000 delegate on the floor1 ' , C ivti Auditorium arose and iiu m .lv cheered a vigorous, at". Mnn.ii Commander Hayes, two! maulers were battling fiercely c 1 resolution demanding dc-j 'o:t of communlsU. The row-1 u ( r had been unanimously ap-proved bv the Americanism com- "uu,u 'MVC ll&Q UK uan- 1,1 apartment censure secrc-r,vl( tlf Lab Perkins for her ac-Reporting communists ar-in recent labor disturbance. J lh would have been a direct slap at administration. Vancouver Wheat "ncal ,, ..... , P red llh mc on Monday. The wrecked Alaskan ship! a disappointing amount of j another thirty days will be the steamer which dropped, is thought possible that the Today's Stocks (Oourutj 8. D, Johucoo Otx) Vancouver Alexandria. i4 Bayytew. MVt-D. 0. NfekL, M. Dig Missouri, 34. Uratern. ,15.50. Bridg River Oen, .11. O. R. X., . Butte I. X. L,. .13. Cariboo Quarts, 1.30. Dunwell. JO. DentonU. MX. Oeorfta Rtm. Jl. Ooiconda, .40. Herculea. MVt. Indian. M ak). KUnto. . Meridian. JVi. Morning SUr. .16. NaUve Son. M. National 8tlvr, JN. KoWe Hve, TVfc. Pead Orettto. .n. Iortr Idaho, .09. Premier. 121. Koo. M. SUver Crest, AtVt. Taylor Uridg. .41. Waystde. eH. Waverly Tantkr, 1W. United Empire, JO. Toronto Chtbouaamau. .09 Vi- Central Iatfcta, 3. Lee OoM. .10. Oranada. .04. Inter. Nickel, 38.00. Macaaaa. 30. Noranda. 43.00. Sherrltt Gordon, .70. Slsco, 3.48. Tluapoo OadUtec. .47M Venture. .93. Lake Maron, .08 . Tcek Hughe. 6.76. Sudbury Uaatn. 155. Celumario. 26. Smelter Oold. .35. Can. Malartk. .00. little Long Lac 0.7. Astoria Rouyn, .10. Stadacon. J6. Maple Leaf, .314. Pickle Crow. 1.50. Imb Lac Laeoon, .40. Manitoba & Eastern, .31. Oil A. P. Con.. .10. Amalgamated, .07. C. & E.. .72. Calmont, .07. Dalhousle. JO. Fabyan, .00 Hi-Freehold. .07. Home OH. 1.03. Mcrland, .32. Mar Jon. .00. United Oil, .05. new YORK. Aug. 15: (CP)-Bar silver closed at 4Wc per ounce on ( unchanged from the day previous, Treasure Ship Hitched between two rx. as- tc-jsc. u ckcle' ri .reasurs sLj s L.nder a.'r she was lifted bodily from the ocex. noor E.fgarni- PiSay Alaska, where she na; lain tn 365 feet of water since 1901 Tfce Isander was reported to be carryiiig a ran rortune when she sank after strlk- i &... - M-a,i r m . e ss. ikkiM ftaifHr Ciitrt nnrVer Viav frtitrt4 crr5H nn tVta vivg1 N f te'r deartng. away torvs of mud much the rich cargo can be the form of paper securities Sa vage operators occupied RELIEVING OF DROUGHT Shower Preditted lor Today in Mid-West Stales WASHINGTON. D.C.. Aug. 15: Relief of the drought was yesterday predicted for at least part of the United State grain belt within 2t hours. Showers were forecast for a number of the mid-west state today following preclpltaUon In Oklahoma, Missouri and Texas. Four Year-Old Boy Dies Here Mr. and Mrs. Leonard urewcnon llereaved Today in Passing Of Their Young Son The. death occurred at the fam ily residence. 428 Eigntn Avenue,- this morning of Leonard syaney John.Brcwcrton, four year ora son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard S- Brew-1 erton,. following a lengthy illness.; The surviving relaUvcs will have the sincere sympathy of many friends in their bereavement. Mr.: and Mrs. C. Brewerton and Mr. and Mrs. John Dye of this city are the grandparents. The child was born In Prince Rupert. Funeral arrangements are in me hands of the U. C. unaeriaKers and Interment will take place Fri day. Prussian Premier Is Hurt in Crash General Ooerlng Undergoes Two-Hour Operation Following Accident Yesterday Mtmicn. Auo. 15: General Her man Wllhclm Ooerlng. Prussian Premier and chief aide to president ;son or a went known investor here Adolph. Hitler, sustained lnjurle ln,ln the early days. a visitor hi the an automobile accident yesieroay eratlon. HUNT IS CONTINUING Taken From Alaskan Waters ahd.sea barnacles, and the-bones of - recovered as gold dust or nuggets, or two FULLERT0N IS COMING Accompanied by Trustee Labclle And President llungrrford, IU1I Chief to Visit West MONTREAL. Aug. 15: Hon. C. 1 P. Fullerton K.C., chairman of the trustees, Canadian National Railways, and J. Edouard Labelle K.C., trustees, left Montreal Tuesday ' on an inspection tour pf the company's properties which will j take them as far as the Pacific I Coast. They are accompanied by President S. J. Hunierford and C. B, Brown, chief engineer of the system. While travelling in the west, the party will be joined by A. E. Warren, vice-president In charge of western lines. After visiting the principal western points as far as Prince Rupetr and Vancouver, Messrs. Fullerton and Labelle will return i to Montreal, reaching here in i early September. They will be in i Prince Rupert on August 27, arriving - there by rail and leaving for Vancouver on the steamer Prince fieorge. Longshore Board Is Coming North Arbitration Body to Sit in Portland And Seattle During Coming Week SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 15: The 'board of arbitration on the Pacific Coast longshore dispute plans to sit in San Pedro, Portland and Seattle durjng the comlhg week. The board has already been in session here and at other California ports. Marc Roby of Omaha. Nebraska, cuy. Having arnvea on uie iTince uuperr urn morning irom tne victims -but -It Is unceTt'Wwtwrot'ttr Toronto where-henxXcrbefrfl now mucn has rotted away in year and cost $200400. DETROIT IS SERIES MAD Titers Score Double-Header Win Over Yankees For Fourteen Straight Victories DETROIT. Aug. 15: (CP World Series fever attacked Detroit base-1 ball fans yesterday arternoon when news reached here that the Tigers, who have not had a pennant since 1909, had scored a double-header victory over the once invulnerable New York Yankees before seventy thousand howling fans at the Yan-jkee Stadium in New York. It was the fourteenth straight victory for ,the Tigers who, under the leader- jfchip of their new manager. Mickey Cochrane, who took over the pilotage of the club this year, have now built up a margin of six and a half game. Three more games are scheduled for the crucial series. The Yankees are now considered vir- tually eliminated from the pennant race. In the National League, there was no change in the situation, the first place New York Olants and second place Chicago Cubs losing to the Pittsburg Pirates and Boston Braves respectively while the third place St. Louis Cardinals defeated the Phillies. Yesterday's Big League scores: National League' New York 2. Pittsburg 3. Brooklyn 0, Cincinnati 5. Boston 15, Chicago 2. Philadelphia 1. St. Louis 5. American League Cleveland 5, Washington 1. Detroit 9-7. New York 5-3. St. Louis 3, Boston 7. Chicago-Philadelphia, postponed. Today's Weather Terrace Clear, calm. 58. Alyansh Clear, calm. 54. Anyox Clear, calm. 56. StewartClear, calm. 55. Hazelton Clear, calm. 64. Smlthers Clear, calm. warm. Burns Lake lear calm, 50. John Lahatt Abducted While Driving Tuesday From Sarnia to London Is First Affair of Its Kind in Canada Intensive Search is Initiated by Police For Capitalist and His Captors i 1 LONDON, Ont, Aug. 15: (CP) John S. Labatt, president of the Carling Brewery Limited, was kidnapped yesterday afternoon while motoring between London and Sarnia on his way from his summer home near the latter point. His car was found here with a note pinned inside demanding ransom of $150,000. It is the first kidnapping of its type in Canada and police have already instituted a great manhunt. Labatt is internationally known - - - '. as a brewer, sportsman and busi- nrnriTTIMTn mr Jness leader RFTllRNS Tfl The ulUmatum found in the ab- AY1 x wiVllU J. J andoned auto was signed Three- Fingered Abe." It demanded $150,-iOOO within twenty-four hours un-, (der threat of death and warned the 'family not to notify the police. i A tew hours after Labatt disap - i Ipeared his brother. Hugh. Labatt, ; instructed to leave the ransom (money. Police declare it the first case of its kind on Canadian criminal records. The criminal is a new type of lawbreaker in this country. Every available resource of the Ontario provincial police will be thrown into the task of apprehending the kidnappers of Labatt. according to an announcement made! by Attorney Oeneral Roebuck. ETHICS ARE i ADVOCATED Hon. H. H. Stevens Makes Appeal to Industrial Leaders in Van- couver Speech VANCOUVER, Aug. 15:-Hon. H. ; H. Stevens, minister of trade and commerce, in addressing a lunch- J eon under the auspices of the Cana dian Club Board of Trade and Ca nadian Manufacturers Association, appealed to industrial leaders to set up a code of ethics and fair dealing so that restrictive laws may not be made necessary. Political Crisis In Roumania Near Speech of Former Premier Maniu is Canadian Taken as Prelude to Develop- Cape Spencer, 11,000. Cold Stor-ment of Some Kind age. 5c and 4c. . BUCHAREST. Roumania. Aug. 15; Former Premier Julius Maniu made a speech here last night which is interpreted as a prelude to ' a crisis of some kind in the nation's : lino ennnrdccari rAHHal cHliatlnn t Mellon Pays Huge Price For Famous IVInnnnnn Kiinfintf Mr- Dbcle Woolfolk Riley, mother luauuiiiia i aiming of Mrs i-ay whose dealh j. I red at the smelter town last Batur-PARIS. Aug. 15: Andrew W. Mel-1 day morning and whose funeral Ion, former Secretary of the Treas-' will be held in Vancouver. Th late ury of the United States, has pur- Mrs. Riley, who resided In Anyox chased Raphael's painting, "Alb ,wlth her daughter, was 73 years of Madonna" for $1,500,000. according jto a dispatch from Riga. SOUGHT HOLLYWOOD jMary Pickford Returns to Movie Capital and Doug Fairbanks Lands in New York HOLLYWOOD, Aug. 15: Mary Pickford returned to "Pickfair" yesterday from a business trip to Chicago. Douglas Fairbanks returned to New York today after an absence of a year abroad. Miss Pickford let it be known that she and Fairbanks planned to meet. probably in Hollywood, but she did not indicate that any reconciliation between them might be possible. Possibly the less said about that. the better," commented "America's Sweetheart" to inquiring reporters. Apart from a disclosure that she .would soon confer with her estranged husband. Miss Pickford ' revealed no details of the nature of the conference and the possibl- Uties of a reconciliation with Fair- ' Unks were "paratcd more tnan a ear a- Mlss Pickford would only say: I predict I snail have even less to say following the conf erence wlth Mr Fairbanks 1 have now " Halibut Arrivals Summary American 45,500 pounds, 6.3c ind 4c uanadlan 11,00 Opounds, 5c ana 4c American Sherman, 16,500, Cold Storage, 6.3c and 4c. Hazel II.. 17,000. Atlln. 6.3c and 4c. Olacier. 13,000, Royal, 6.3c and 4c. Body of Aged Anyox Woman Taken South Mr and Mrs. Ross Taylor of Anyox were passengers Rotng south aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon accompanying the remains of age. She succumbed to heart lall- ure. n- .