1 aturdtr Auput lflaj PAOS THRXB LOCAL NEWS NOTES Scandinavian dance, Oddfellows'! We are iUII baying M gotd, make JUtt. pin, tonight. Adm. 25c. Bulger's, (tf j BEAUTIFUL oer your iuphoi collective GO I'itkowt itw of our foriti. TbP tit prints t nasil for The Itexall Store go'; Urging. Youl! like our csreaL prompt smkr. Own In tni M templet of b work ibM r tuc duo fur otlwu. Developing and Printing Daily Service F x.i lelt In before noon finished the same day. If you are not utlsf led with your work we will reprint U for you free of charge, Ormes Lid. "Jim Ptontar Druggists Phones: II ft W City Gas Convenience Anywhere at Your Doorstep Rockgas The Economical Cooking Fuel UOCKGAS h lewer In emt than elee trlflty, atUln full brat Instantly, Top burner rooking h accomplished In tc thin one half the time required by electricity. UOCKGAS It absolutely non-polsonom and runniest. KOCKGAS IUn(r lure nothlnr to wear or born out In service. Re-pain and replacements of UOCKGAS equipment It borne by ut without extra charge to our users. UOCKGAS Ranees are considerably less In cost than comparable clectalc raraea. UanRCS, Radiant Heaters, Water Heaters, Hot Dates Carried In stock, the nUARIHAV full automatic diesel oil furnace burner (made in B.C.), the most satisfactory and reasonably priced burner on the market. Let us demonstrate to yon at Cow Hay Ward Electric & Marine Supply Co. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED -BLACK COD- Prepared Dally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Canadian Pacific NUN-CESS STEAMERS for Ktchlkan. Wrangell, Juneau and Bkagway, Aug. 6th, 13th, 23rd and Sept. 1st. For Vancouver direct Aug. 4th, 11th. 18th, 28th and Sept. 6th. for Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports, "Princess Adelaide" every Friday 10 pjn. For Jtescrvatlons W, L. COATES, Gen. Agent, rrlnce Rupert. B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prlnco Rupert for Vancouver T-8, CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 TM Arriving Vancouver Hiursday T 8 8. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver, Monday AM. . M NkM Uln. to Port BUnr-oo. AWc Arm. Anjot. BUwsrt rxt.NSM rther Information regarding all sailings and ticket raiNr . . rboi rbon. It- M You eon rent a Car at Walker as low as II a day- plus 7c. a mile. tf Mrs. Joseph Slaggard returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday from a two weeks' trip to Vancouver. Louis Arrol, who has been on a holiday trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the outh an the Prince Rupert yesterday. Miss Daisy Sharp and her little niece, Miss Irene Foote, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday from a two weeks' trip to Vancouver. Mrs. William Barton, who ha been on a two weeto' trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Rupert yesteroay; I Mrs. John E. Davey and sons, 'who nave been on a two weeks', t trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Rupert yesterday, Mrs, H. A. Duhamel and Mrs. M. ' Sullivan, who have been on a two weeks trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Rupert yesterday. Dr and Mrs, W. S. Kergln, who have been spending a two weeks' vacation visiting here with Dr. Kereln's parents. Dr. and Mrs. W. T Kergln. sailed yesterday after, noon by the Prince Rupert on their return to Premier. A. H. HlU-Tout of the Court House staff returned to the ctty on the Prince Ropert yesterday from a two weeks' trip to Van couver. accompanied by Mra. HUl- Mr and Mrs. P. S, Jack, and fa- ! mlly were passengers aboard the them. Cathollo Church Baraar October 10 and 11. Canadian Legion Women's Aux- niary Bazaar October 18, MOOSE HALL RENTAL RATES Concerts - TTliS .. .$25.00 20.60 Pualta Meetings - 1800 A room aultabU for smaller meetings ts now available on the ground floor, rental raU, $3.00. For engagements phone the Club 8teward, 640 or Red 412. LOW ROUND TRIP UB0R DAY FARES Fare-and-a-Quarter AUG. 31 to SEPT. 1 V-S60-34 CANADlXll N AT I ON AL C. Xi. Youngman will all this evening on the Prince Rupert foi a vacation trip to Vancouver, Mrs. A. Dlngwell end Mrs. W dimming returned to the city on the Prince Ropert yesterday from a iwo week' trip to Vancouver. Miss -Alice Cruiokahank. librarian of the Prince Rupert Public library, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday from a two weeks' trip to Vancouver. Be at y-You mnJ Baby Too Chief and Mrs. XL G. McKay of ICltaelas are paying a brief visit to town, having arrived Thursday night from the Skeena River where they have been located Tout and the children who have . Miman packtn season. They will been visiting tor several weeks In, be returning to their home In the the couth. Its fragrant tsther soothw cleanses Provincial Constable L. Of. 01-sen of Anyox was a passenger oc board the Prince Rupert yesterday returning to the smelter town from a trip to Vancouver. R. W. Wood, well known Vancouver mmlng man, was a pas senger aboard he Princess Louise Thursoay going through to Atlln1 on business. lie was accompanied by bis son, J. E. R. Wood. interior this week-end. TIMIUK KALE X 1.271 north following a trip to Vancou-'the District reenter, prince Rupert, b. ver Mrs. Jack -and tartnty have'c- oot ",rr tin n th lata been In- pie south tor several cbAKr or Lmn x 17271 rr &r month.. trt Jack having pone to -c k Vancouver mree weets ago to mn ui tw iioii tor mod. rsl of ttmbrr FlmM- pMTicuUn oT Um ChZ Jur-cstff. VloUrU. B.C Th DUUMct Far- u t cirrrtier of the Vancouver ' tr. rtlno Runfrt BC Rsti2r L B. Consul' general's staff wUl sail by cn c f . the Prince Rupert this evening on his return south after having spent the past couple of weeks here In charge of the local consulate curing the absence of Consul G. C. Woodward on a two weeks' trip to Vancouver. FOR QUICK SALE Lots 9 and 10, Block 15, Section 7 and improvements $450.00 whole or $250.00 each. Norman A. Watt, Administrator, Chas. Vess Estate. Annoimcements NOTICE! Follow the crowds to the week-end specials at the ECONOMY STORE. MUSSALLEM'S Invites everyone to share the bargains. BAGDAD COFFEE 5-lb. tin B.C. GRANULATED SUGAR, 100-lb. sack PURITY FLOUR 49-lb. sack EARLY ROSE FLOUR No. 1 49-lb. sack CORN 1 FLAKES I JAP RICE pet lb . 81.69 $5.85 S1.75 S1.67 WHOLE WHEAT HOUR fiC 49-lb. sack Vl .03 BUTTER 14-lb. box 83.35 Kellogg's Corn Flakes per pkt. 9c PbAKL WHITE SOAP 15 for KLONDYKE SOAP Large 4 for -.. SPICES All varieties 2 for WHITE BEANS . 6 lor v.- 50 lbs. LARD 10 lbs TERRACE APPLES New. per box PLUMS per basket CORN ON COB Fresh per doz. 53c 97c 25c 5c 82.25 81.70 81.35 45c 27c Mussallem's Economy Store 'Where TtotUrs Have More Cents" r. O. Box SIS Phono It MUSIC U MONARCH Range, heater, electric washing machine and Ironer, electric fixtures. Phone Mrs. Glas-sey Blue 447. 197 FOR SALE Chesterfield, large Walnut living-room Table, dining-room Rug. Phone Blue 631. tf HELP WANTED HOW to get a Government Job. Free Booklet, The M.C.CLtd. Winnipeg. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS wanted to take order for The Most .Beautiful Line of Personal Greeting Cards published in Canada." Priced as low as 18 for $1.00. $10 Sales Kit Free. Art-Point Card Company Victoria, B.C. PERSONAL PRIVATE Home Kindergartens pay. We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten InsUtute, Dpt. 14, VIOLIN Tuition, theory and har many. Miss N. Lawrence. Phone 177 mass start SeDt. 1. 209 HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVLNO! CUster Curl; Utest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPK TRANSFERS CArERON'S Transfer, Phone 177, Birch, Jackplne, Cedar. tf PAINTERS PAINT1NO and PapeTfcanging, Moller, Phone Red 802. NOTICE LAND RBOISTRT ACT lie: C.rtmt ot T!U No, JJ-. o Lot 10O. M to oonuun in Kimi morn or km, tot "33. sld 0 con-, tln S18 sew, mor. w Jws. sd UA ls, aM to conum 73 sen, aoor. or Ws. All In Runfte 5. Oost District. WHEREAS proot ot k ot the sbore n.rtifirn.1 bf TLU. taswd In tb nam. of Snwwt HrilfscA sM .Monro UeDoa- Jd )iu htm nied in oincw, iwuw U hereby Riven thftt t hU, the x- Ion ot on. month from the date of Sirs,! n first pubHrttan bof. Usu. s provlslonsi OTUct. of Tttlt In Heu f mm rL iwrtinrsU. unww In the m&ntmne VSJia oojcuun o. tomum wj DATED t th ln4 Reglrtry Offlc. rrlnoe Rupert. B.C. taw wra cij oi JU1T, AU, IVJt. ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy BegUtrsr of Title During the Carnival Week we depleted our stock of shoes but a big new shipment arrived yesterday from Leckie's so we are all stocked up again to supply our customers with new goods. This shipment wasr purchased at prices that enable us to give Prince Rupert Very Fine Grade Ladies' Oxfords Reg, $4.50; cut to , Ladles' Patent Leather Straps Reg. $2.50: cut to ... Children's Patent Slippers Sizes 8 to 10.'2 Want Ads for SALE at one of the canneries curing the J go-cart. Price $250. Dally News. people REAL BARGAINS We still have a large number of shoe samples that are of the highest quality and are being sold at real low prices. They are the best values we ever had. $2.49 81.95 95c Motors Ileavy Duty Truck Motors i Suitable for fish boats also speed boat motors $35 up Christie Truck & Car Parts 1630 W. 1st. Ave, Vancouver COFFEE Deluxe Served at All Times of Bay or Night Always fresh Using the Sflex method Doing away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and Invigorating. Commodore Cafe FOR SALE The $2850.00 house at $200.00 down. Furniture Including stoves, beds, dressers, couches, dining room sets, vacuum cleaner etc. Plumbers,' fishermen's, carpenters,' blacksmiths' and upholsterers' tools. Nails all sizes. These goods must be sold by the piece or as a whole at lower than the lowest price. F. W. HART ,216 6th Ave, W Ph: Green 69S Massett, B.C. Leckie's "Skooknm" Work Boots Reg. $550 at Large assortment of Goodrich and Miner's Gum Boots. Men's Rubbers, Goodrich and Miners, at - WE ACCEPT CITY SCRIPT 79c $3.95 Leckie's Boys' School Boots 05 Reg. $3.95 and $4.25. cut to Children's Runners up from t 59c Cut Rate Shoe Store Kalum Lake Lodge Now under new management Rates $240 per day Special prices by the week Ideal Spot For Restful Holiday For particulars write to R. W. RILEY, TERRACE, B.C. NOW OPEN Palm Coffee Shop Pleasant surroundings and Serrlee with a Smile Call and see us Across from the Power Co., Third Avenue Van's Bakery Opposite Boston Cafe Quality Breads 4 for 25c At All Grocers Labelled on Bottom For Your Protection Phone 190 Panic Prevention Is as necessary and as vital to every Car Owner, as It is to anyone who depends upon a storage battery to provide an unfailing and constant source of electricity. SUPROX AUTOMOBILE BATTERIES will positively prevent panic with their amazing .storage capabilities, Let us give you a demonstration. JAMES MARTIN P.O. Box 77, Prince Rupert, B.C. Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the cast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor product, It does pay to buy those advertised.