THE DAILY NEW3 Sdturdaj, June 9. 1934 PAGE Two 'HARJT SHOES Have Already Pound Their Mark Quality ONE OF THE OUTSTANDING FEATURES OF HARTT SHOES To consistently maintain their reputation as one of Canada's best selling lines of men's footwear, Hartt Shoes must offer the utmost in style, "quality and value. Be sure to see a Hartt Shoe before buying your next pair, at The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue. LIMITED Exclusive Agents for Northern BjC. THE DAILY NEWS. rRLNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA WHY NOT NAVY BOATS HERE? Phone 35? Published Kvery Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. T. PULL2M Managing-Editor SCBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period paid to advance . 15.00 For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per .year By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Local readers, per Insertion, per line Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations His Majesty's Canadian Navy has been overhauled in the south. The Skeena was overhauled by Yarrows at Esouimalt and the Vancouver on the slip of the Victoria Machinery Depot. That is all quite proper and in the natural order of things. Now we suggest that the next time these vessels need an overhaul they should both be sent to Prince Rupert where they could be hauled out side by side in the Canadian National dock and the work would be done just as economically and well as in the south. It is up j to the naval department at Ottawa to give rrince Rupert a turn in this overhaul business. ' Incidentally, it might also at the same time be well for the naval officers to get well acquainted with this port which is the key to the west from a military and naval point of view. Should war come in which this country might be involved it is probable that we should be fighting on the same side as the United States and the fleet at Puget Sound would pretty well take care of the southern entrance to the country. So far there is absolutely no de-fense of the northern entrance through Prince Rupert. CHURCH NOTICES FIRST UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. I). Clarke, Pastor Organist Miss S. Olafson 11 A.M., "CHURCH CONFERENCES" 7:30 P.M., "IS JESUS TO BE WORSHIPPED OR FOLLOWED?" Duet, "Come, Holy Spirit," Dr. and Mrs. Large Rev. C. D. Clarke will preach at both services FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Itev. W. D. Grant Holllngworth, B.A. Organist: Mrs. E. J. Smith Morning Service at 11 Speaker: Mrs. James Herd, Provincial President of the Women's Missionary Society Bololsts: Miss Betty Wood and Miss Marcelle Jabour Selections by the Junior Choir Evening Service, 7:30 Preacher, P. II. Llnzey; Subject: "COMMUNITY FACTS" Soloist, John Davey Everyone cordially Invited to attend THE SALVATION ARMY Captain A. Coxnon and Lieut. II. MUley Tonight, 8 p.m Subject: "LESSONS FROM THE LIFE OF KING SOLOMON," By Captain Coxson Sunday, 11 ajn. Subject: "CHRISTIAN SEPARATION," By Lieut. Milley Sunday, 7:30 p.m.. Special Service of Music and Song by the young people and visiting comrades .10 3.00 S.OG Si JU2 Saturday, June 9, 1934 LUIAL IiLno Miss Mary Comadlna sailed last night on the Prince John for Mas-sett where she will spend a vacation visiting with friends. Mr and Mrs. Copley Bennett sailed this morning on the Car-dena for a -vacation trip to Vancouver and Vancouver Island. Mr. Bennett is in the Railway Mall Service here. Capt. O. H. Barry, inspector of tndlan Schools, who has been a visitor in the city and district for the past couple of weeks on offl clal duties, sailed by the Cardena Parent-Teachers' Enjoyable and Successful Affair Yesterday Afternoon at Home Of Sirs. S. V. Cox A very successful tea and sale of , Mrs. W. C. Aspinall, Mrs. John Bremner and Mrs. J. E. Boddle. Mrs. H. B. Eastman was cashier. Mrs. F. Barber and Mrs. Arthur Sllversides were In charge of the home cooking table. direction of Mrs. Ole Stegavlg. Wil liam Gray presided at the door. Hotel Arrivals Knox Robert Rae, Massett; Capt. A. Swanson, City. V. Nelson and C. Berg, city. Royal G. Westover. Sunnyslde; Allen Carolan. Stewart. Guy A. "Wesley, Sunnyslde. Prince Rupert Mrs. Lanmb, Casslar Cannery; Mrs. Matheson, Carlisle; M. A. Riley and daughter. Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hueston. Anyox A. M. Morgan, Dr. E. Sheffield, Dr. O. A. Mlnorgan, O. A. Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Sim, Vancouver; C. E. 8alter. Haysport; A. D. Matheson, Carlisle Cannery. Savoy J. Marton, city; D. O. A. Charter, Queen Charlotte; G. Lee, Vancou ver; D. W. Taylor, Prince George Mr. and Mrs. H. Wanamaker.CN.R. Central M. Varzenoff, E. Dahl and J Johnsen, city; J. Hadland, Oona River. COFFEE IS A DELIMIT If made by the Sllex method recently Installed at the Commodore Cafe No metal taste, no stale flavor. Fresh Coffee all the time insured. Good at any time of day or night. Perfectly harmless. Always refreshing and News and Views of S ODDITIES IN SWEEP Two Hour Old Baby Drew Starter In Derby Bookmaker Lost Heavily BOXING AT home cooking was held yesterday afternoon bv the Prince RuDert s,w Bright of Parent-Teachers' Association, of; Out Jack Johnson In Fifth which Mrs. D. C. Stuart is president. Hound at the home of Mrs. S. V. Cox. Mrs. Cox was general convener KTNCOLITH. June 9:-Steve and was assisted in the tea room by'Brl8ht ot Aiyanah was the winner over Jack Johnson of Kincollth by the knock-out route in the fifth round of a recent boxing bout here. Both boxers weighed 160 pounds. A gold medal went to the winner. In the first round Johnson cor- A donation of flour and suearinerea Bngni ana nil mm nam on, made by Watts' Grocery was won ine Iace- Bright returning tne com- by Mrs. Whlffln. jpnmcjn. in tne secona roui;a During the alternoon there waSBri8ht again cornered Jack twice a delightful program which lnclu-ibut the ,atter stood tne PW-h-ded vocal solos by Misses Cathie Iment. Near the end of the third Eastman and Lois Judge, accom-' round- Bright dropped Johnson for panled by Miss Cathie Watson and ine count 01 Mven- Aitnough Jonn Miss L. Halliwell, and piano solos by Miss Maureen Kirkpatrlck. Moose Dance Is Enjoyable Event An enjoyable dance was held last night in the Moose Hall with about Ilf ty-flve couples present. Dancing was In progress from 9:30 pjn. until 1:30 ajn. Music was by Mrs. James Black's Orchestra and James Taylor was master of cere monies. At midnight delicious re freshments were served under the son made a brave stand. It was only a matter of time and he went down for the count of ten In the fifth. Alyansh football and basketball teams won games played here on Victoria Day. There was a silver cup for the winner of the basket ball. Unemployed Whist Drive and Dance Enjoyable Affair Held Thursday Nicht in Canadian Labor Defence League Hall An enjoyable wmst drive and dance was held in the Canadian Labor Defence League Hall Thurs day night. There were nine tables of cards and prize winners were: ladies' first. Mrs. O. Anderson; consolation, Mr. Johnson; men's first, J. O. Carlson; consolation, W. A. Hogg. After cards refreshments. fumithed by the Women's Labor League, were served, and dancing followed with musical arrange ments by the Superior Radio Ser vice. O. White was master of cere monies for the evening. WINS BACK HISCR0WN Jack I'elerhori Is A tain Heavy weight Botlng Champion of Knjland LONDON, June 9-Jack Peterson regained the British heavyweight boxing title this week by scoring a technical knock-out in the second round over Lcn Harvey to whom he had lost the crown not long ago. A message received In the city this morning announced that Miss Peggy Anderson, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Ernest Anderson, Graham Avenue. Westvlew. had bpen suc cessful in graduating from the Provincial Normal School which she attended during the past year. SOFTBALL June 11 Elks vs. Navy. June 13- Grotto vs. Junior Elks. June 15-C.N.R.A, yt. Moos. Postponing Title Bout Not Favored Madison Square harden Not lh-posed to Chance Camera-Uarx Date NEW YORK, June 9: The man DUBLIN, June 9:-A baby only aemwit ot Madison SquarcOarden this morning on his return to Vlc-'0 hours oW hen J1'1?" ,wa' (does not look with favor upon a toria l4 " a wricr m wr u i gugpftion of me manager or Max puais eweepsiane on uit wciuy. Baer tnat tne tjUe bout wltn prun0 A. TJ. "Matheson, manager of Car-1 PASADENA, Cal.. June J.--11. f camera, world s heavyweight box- n.i r. nv,na -hrtP 1 Oiinnan of Pasadena nem h,i:inp -visit tn -town over the ! sweepstake ticket which won $150. week-end. having arrived on the .'000 on the Derby this week but will fact that Baer is not rounding into Cardena this morning from the my receive hair tne money, nav- condlUon a4 rapidly as expected Skeena RIer. Airs. Matheson has ing sold a half interest in the tic- , been here for the past couple 0! ket at a profit of 10c over the pur- days, chase price. Hold Tea and Sale raee ! LONDON. June 8: Owing to the' I surprise victory of Windsor Lad In the Derby tills week, bookmakers claim to have lost $5,000,000 on the ' Inn titmrlnn Kp nt rvn-H fnr nno (llj l.MUUICIWii waa awa v. - week from June 14 win to the BALL RACE VERY TIGHT 1 New York Giant and Detroit Titer I Still Leading league. With I Full Game Margins NEW YORK. June 9: CIM De TrflkT rixj trpf f volt Tigers defeated Chicago White vllMl IMjf I il Sox handily yesterday to retain the supremacy of the American League. thelr of still Aiyansh Knocks mar-n leadership s landing ai one iuu game over inc New York Yankees who won over the Philadelphia Athletics at the Yankee Stadium here. Cleveland: Indians, by losing to the St. Louis Browns at Cleveland, dropped into fourth place below the fast-moving Browns. The New York Giants dropped a close verdict to the Phillies at Philadelphia but remained on -top of the NaUonal League with a full game margin over the St. Louis Cardinals who advanced from fourth to second place by defeating the Pittsburg Pirates at Sportsmen's Field, the Pirates now finding themselves in fourth place. Yesterday's Big league scores: National League New York 2, Philadelphia 3. Boston 1. Brooklyn 10. Cincinnati 4. Chicago 3. Pittsburg 2. St. Louis 8. American Lca(ue Philadelphia 4. New York 11. Washington 2, Boston Z. St Louis 8. Cleveland 6. Chicago 5, Detroit 13. Baseball Standings National League New York 30 IB St. Louis 28 18 Chicago 29 IS Pittsburg 20 18 Boston 22 21 Brooklyn .19 27 Philadelphia 18 27 ClncinnaU 10 32 American League 581 212 .413 J72 223 Detroit 28 19 .817 New .York 26 19 .578 St. Louis 24 20 M Cleveland 22 20 A2t Washington 24 23 .511 Boston 22 23 .489 Philadelphia 18 27 .400 Chicago 16 20 454 Rimner-Up In British Golf Gets Pro Job LONDON, June 9 - James Wal lace, unemployed Scotsman, who was runner-up In the tecent British open amateur golf championship, has accepted a position as a pro with a London club. Simple Rules Prevent HEADACHES f -to sruw litilii M to Ujf Iin BualwtU kU. kl IMdarttely, HU-y SbiwiUy. 0 lull a Inmk ir, wm tml racnaUMl. Atvidwerrr, And, utt or tmto gUm of Anirwm Unt IHM. T1iii lr-1 m'- '1 Ytupnlnl t9a Ut titiymnX bUu yt mmj lUB Mhf (m 14 aricrU U mnl iMwtiw li imij Mutaa. Tbouaanda of pmpb ouflar trum Ua rauaa witfcMit aaaportuic it. OiKaaiuiial uaa t Andrawa Im4 year akaiaaUn inaoa la famrtum aaaf4aalyi Wn Aadiaoa kJ -yaw lanaar "rtr k row U aul crrarU Uia anadltinna atllro. rauaa kaaHarkaa. Imli-ai Iara4 body waanaaaa, mti ba "kUU Uia " Wf In lallinrlac Iriraa aliapla ni far baalUl. Taia A odraaa oara ar tava raHi oaak. 1aa ywi will aai apa tbaaa kNuWU ahah buikar you ) oan now -and you will an)uy tia plaaaaa in vifuaoua ttrnd aaaltk. AU druaiUU Mil AikIoi Uar Ul. a a at tie tad 6Ua. Naw. laraa tuiia. Too. Una Itula AfauUt TaaaaM. Mm A. li is? ENGLAND ON DI'J'ENCIJ NOTTINGHAM, Int., June 9: C1') Australia had England on thr drfentive when the Mroiid day's play in the cricket tent mtrtrh roncludfd this afternoon. With six wickets left, the Eng lishmen were SIC run short of the AussW first innings latal of 374 due to a brilliant Innings by young Chipprrfleld, who M-ored 99 and then ltt the wicket. -Going to tat in mid -afternoon, England made a good start, Sut-rliffe railing up 62 runs, but, at thr rUr of feiir wicket, was flown for 128 runs. TRENT BRIDGE. Nottingham-1 .hire. June 8: CP Interrupted. by rain and forced to tin early step- j nage by bad JlglU. the first day's! jlay In the first tet cricket match I port KICKET KAYE DON TEST ON IS BLAMED lUln and ItadUghtlnterfrred With Knglhh Baring Driver May be IMd First Day I'lay Yesterday Itrnwntibre for Death of Hi, .Mechanic in Accident RAMSAY. Isle of Man iw.r 0 . jKaye Don. famons English racing driver, has been eommlttrrf fur trial .following the coroner 1 inquest ' Into the death of his merluje via was killed last week when 1 ming motor which Dan wm drrvmc set, A witness assorted that tkm waj : driving at an "inferno r ,? 0f peed." DAY HERE Prince Rupert Football AorlatiM DechlH to Celebrate Canada's Birthday on July 1 between Australia and England 1 ended yesterday with the Aiutra-j At a meeting Wednesday niph llans scoring 207 rum for a Jos of' the Prince "Rupert Football Ascxu. five wickets. Itlon deelded to go ahead with uiitr. The Aussie 1 were none loo eotn-jfor the holding of a Dm.'.ini a fortable against a combtntrttan of celebration here, the net proceeds English bowling that offered daze-1 to be shared evenly with the Piinet ling speed from Kennetii Fames. Rupert Boys' Band and slow spins from TIedley Verity. There will be a parole .1 only Ponsford. with 53, and Mc- from the Armory u tiir An i u cabe. with 50, not nut. making any Hill grounds where a fi: spcrti sort of a utand. Don Bradmxn was j program wtfl open with u ..-' J dismissed for 29 and Capt. V.'ood- children's noes followed by ,1 C: ful for 26. ! minion Day soltball champ;' 1 ? p More than thirty thousand spec- final for which a cwp.hi.v be n pl tators witnessed the "play. up by the Football Assorutior, and - 'for whteh preUnunary Kam' TENNIS IS CONCLUDED Remaining I lnaU in Prince Ituprrt Club's Handicap Tournament Played Off Lait Nicht The Prince Ttupert Tennl Club's handicap tournament was concluded last evening when the remaining finals resulted as follows: Men's doubles Percy Mcintosh and Will Lamble beat J H Morton and R. D. Oreggor 6-4. 3-6, 9-7 Men's singles Ajex Mitchell beat . J. Norrlrrgton, 6-4, 0-6. 8-6. Ladles' doubles Miss Joyce Edg- .C25cumbet and Miss Molly Delaney 409 1 beat Mrs Earl Walker and Mis .604 jLaura Frlzzell. Telephone Bridge Party by Rotary Twenty-Eicht Table at Affair last Night in Aid of Boy lUnd Fund In aid of the Boys' Band funds. a telephone bridge party was held last night under the auspices of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club. Twenty-eight tables were in play at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. T. II. John-son. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Oullck, Mr. and Mr. G. H. Munro, R. L. McLennan, Mr. and Mrs. Max Hell-broner. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Little. Mr. and Mrs. J. o. Steen and Mr and Mrs. O. A. Woodland. The winner of the contract prize was A. E Parlow while Mrs G. W. Johnstone was high in auction. Y.M.C.A.AT KITKATLA New Organization Formed At lk Irkt Village With SoUtmun 3, Brawn As President KITKATLA, June 9- A Young Men's Christian Association has been organized here, dedication of the new organization having been conducted In St. Peter's Church on Sunday by Rev. D. Shearman, Th officers are as follows: Honorary President, Henry Col illson, President, 8olomon J. Brown. Vice-President, Stephen Ridley. Treasurer, Arthur Hill. Secretary.George Douglas, Capt, Herbert V Roberts. Executive, David Douglas, Ben Wfljon and Joe Shaw, be played meantime the Do:; :i Day Cup football football game and final Jur;JT dance !n ht evening. Committee chairmen have been named as follows: Sports, H. A. Breen Softball. Bert Morgan Finance. J. H. Preece Junior Football. J 8 Wi! -v. Boys' Band. F. Derry Refreshment. O W T ' r ott Dance. O. J Dawr The Children's Guest Home Sixth & Murine Drive West Vancouver, B.C When Coming lo Terrace or Lakelse Hot Springs Make Arrangements With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, B.C. To Greet Yen We meet all trains. Freight b -vjwnger service any""! Lakelse Lake and Lod" uoai tM. a. H. now In scttu on the lake. on the U Fare anywhere one adult. SJ.00i WPf'b:tf addltlonal.No. crowd too on-No Job too smill. riCNIC PARTIES F.VFflY II n 1 1 in mi SHORT WAVE Time is Here You can listen lo lhJ stations on your present set W8XK-rittsburt-. W3XAL Bounddirook, I1'-'- vi:mm winning. W2XAI' SchenecUdy. Enquire at the SUI'KUIOIJ RAIMO-KLKCTgC for this inform . a a .anita SL 1 1'""